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2012 Vol.1 Issue.14,Published 2012-07-15

1 Research Progress on Gene Related to Lycopene Biosynthesis and Gene Engineering
ZHU Guang-tao,GUO Yan-mei,WANG Xiao-xuan,GAO Jian-chang,HU Hong*,DU Yong-chen*
Lycopene is one of the important natural pigments,which is mainly derived from plant fruits and microorganisms.The metabolic pathway of lycopene has been clarified and many related genes have been cloned.Therefore it is possible to improve the lycopene yield by genetic engineering technology.In this paper,the latest research progress related to genes in lycopene biosynthesis,their application in microorganism gene engineering and plant gene engineering were reviewed.The paper also discussed the research orientation for further improving lycopene production in the future.
2012 Vol. 1 (14): 1-8 [Abstract] ( 1365 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 453KB] ( 2112 )
9 Research Progress on Identifying Physiologic Races of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp.niveum of Watermelon and Its Disease Resistance Breeding
KOU Qing-he,LIANG Zhi-huai*,WANG Zhi-wei,XIAO Guang-hui,LIU Jian-xiong
Different watermelon(Citrullus lanatus)showed different resistance to Fusarium oxyporum f. sp. niveum.At present,there is not a system,which can accurately identify the infect degree of Fusarium oxyporum.This paper compares the present technology for identifying physiologic races of Fusarium oxyporum f. sp. niveum and summarizes the research progress on Fusarium wilt resistance gene and mechanisms|analyzes the problems existing in watermelon Fusarium wilt resistance breeding and prospects the future for disease resistance breeding.
2012 Vol. 1 (14): 9-17 [Abstract] ( 1293 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 938KB] ( 1126 )
18 Expression of EGFP Gene Controlled by Rape Seed-specific Napin Promoter in Transgenic Mustard
ZOU Min,TANG Jia-jia,SONG Hong-yuan*
In order to study the function of rape seed-specific Napin promoter in mustard〔Brassica juncea(L.)Czern. et Coss.〕,Napin promoter was fused to the 5′-upstream of an Enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein(EGFP)reporter gene and introduced into mustard by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation.The expression of EGFP in transgenic mustard seeds and their T1 seedlings showed that EGFP gene was expressed in seed coat,cotyledon and radicle of seeds and that the fluorescent intensity in all there parts were strengthened gradually with transgenic seed maturation.And the fluorescent intensity were weaken gradually in root,cotyledon and hypocotyl with the seed germination.All these results indicated that the rape Napin promoter could initiate downstream gene expression in mustard specifically.
2012 Vol. 1 (14): 18-22 [Abstract] ( 1426 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 433KB] ( 1320 )
23 CAPS Markers of BoCBF1 and BoCBF2 Genes in Cabbage and Their Contribution to Cold-tolerance
JIN Zhe,ZHANG Yang-yong*,FANG Zhi-yuan,LIU Yu-mei,YANG Li-mei,ZHUANG Mu,LIU Ji-sheng,SUN Pei-tian
Two cabbage(Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.)inbred lines differing in cold-tolerance were used to analyze the effect of CBF gene variation on cold-tolerance.Based on Arabidopsis CBF1 gene sequence and the scaffold information of cabbage genome,the full-length coding domain sequence of cabbage BoCBF1 and BoCBF2 genes were obtained.PCR products were sequenced directly to discover 4 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP)between the inbred lines 341 and 21-3 for BoCBF1 gene and 16 SNP and one insertion-deletion (InDel)for BoCBF2 gene.In order to rapidly and reliably detect the sequence variation of BoCBF1 and BoCBF2 genes,2 CAPS markers were successfully converted and named as BoCBF1-TaqαⅠ,BoCBF2-BstUⅠ.The CAPS markers were used to screen inbred lines 341,21-3 and their F1,F2 population.The analysis showed that the variation of 2 genes very significantly correlated with cold-tolerance,so the CAPS markers can be used for marker-assisted selection(MAS)in cabbage cold-tolerance breeding.
2012 Vol. 1 (14): 23-30 [Abstract] ( 1310 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 504KB] ( 716 )
31 Mapping of Clubroot Resistance Gene in Chinese Cabbage
WANG Tong-tong,ZHANG Shu-jiang,ZHANG Shi-fan,LI Fei,ZHANG Hui,SUN Ri-fei*
In order to obtain molecular markers closely linked to the clubroot resistance gene in Chinese cabbage〔Brassica campestris L.ssp. pekinensis(Lour)Olsson〕,a segregating F2 population with 197 individuals was constructed by selfing of a F1 hybrid A00645,which is highly resistant to clubroot.Clubroot resistance tests and genetic analysis indicated that the inheritance of clubroot resistance in this material was controlled by a single dominant gene.Based on bulked segregating analysis(BSA)and InDel technique,a total of 720 pairs of InDel primers were screened between the resistant and susceptible bulks constructed in F2 population.After further tests among F2 individuals and linkage analysis by JoinMap4.0,9 InDel markers linked to clubroot resistance gene were obtained.The flanking markers BrID90269 and BrID11683 closely linked to the resistance gene were located on each side,at genetic distances of 2.0 cM and 2.5 cM,respectively.This clubroot resistance gene was mapped on Scaffold10,which is in linkage group A8 of Chinese cabbage.
2012 Vol. 1 (14): 31-35 [Abstract] ( 1638 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 381KB] ( 1364 )
36 CAPS Marker and Detection of Resistant Gene Ty-1 in Tomato
LI Hai-tao1,2,DU Yu-li2,ZHANG Zi-jun1*,QU Tong1,ZOU Qing-dao1*
In order to obtain molecular marker of resistant gene Ty-1 in tomato(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.),3 resistant homozygous lines(Ty-1/Ty-1)and 3 homozygous susceptible lines(ty-1/ty-1)were amplified by specific primer.Both resistant and susceptible lines produced about 400 bp PCR fragment.After digestion with enzyme Rsa I,susceptible genotypes and heterozygous resistant genotypes could produce fragment about 350,50 bp and 400,350,50 bp,respectively.While the resistant genotypes still presented 400 bp fragment.This marker could distinguish resistant and susceptible lines,was a co-dominant marker tightly linked to Ty-1 gene.33 F1 hybrids were detected using this marker,and the results showed that 20 hybrids contained Ty-1 resistant gene and 13 hybrids did not.This marker was also used to detect 24 important inbred lines and all of them did not contain Ty-1 gene.The repeated verification proved that Ty-1 resistant gene could be identified by this marker.
2012 Vol. 1 (14): 36-40 [Abstract] ( 1435 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 432KB] ( 1080 )
41 Comparison of Genomic DNA Extraction from Helianthus tuberosus L.
ZHAO Meng-liang,HAN Rui,MA Sheng-chao,LI Li*
The genomic DNA was isolated from the leaf of Helianthus tuberosus the improved CTAB method,improved high salt SDS method and 2 genomic DNA kits.The DNA quality was examined by agarose gel electrophoresis and PCR amplification of ISSR.The result showed that the improved CTAB method was obviously better than the others.The DNA sample obtained by the improved CTAB method was pure and had good quality,which could satisfy the need for further ISSR analysis.
2012 Vol. 1 (14): 41-44 [Abstract] ( 1153 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 319KB] ( 837 )
45 Genetic Analysis of β-carotene Content in Melon
LV Li-hua,WANG Huai-song*,FU Qiu-shi,ZHU Hui-qin,ZHANG Yan-guo
Six generations(P1,P2,F1,F2,BC1P1 and BC2P2)derived from a cross of 200932(orange flesh)and 200930(green flesh)were used to study the inheritance of melon(Cucumis melo L.)β-carotene content traits by joint analysis method of multiple generations.The results showed that β-carotene content fitted 2 pairs of additive-dominance-epitasis major genes plus additive-dominant polygene model(E-1).The major gene heritability of F2 population was 92.66%,the polygene heritability was 5.40%,The major gene heritability of BC1P1 population was 86.80%,the polygene heritability was 0.The major gene heritability of BC2P2 population was 59.88%,The polygene heritability was 38.60%.
2012 Vol. 1 (14): 45-50 [Abstract] ( 1299 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 416KB] ( 725 )
51 Effects of Root Exudates of Tillering Onion on Cucumber Soil Nutrients and Enzyme Activities
LIU Shou-wei,YANG Yang,PAN Kai,WU Feng-zhi *
The effects of root exudates of tillering onion on cucumber(Cucumis sativus L.)soil nutrients and enzyme activities were studied,in which tillering onion cultivars with different allelopathic potentials were taken as donor plant and cucumber was used as accepter plant.Results showed that the root exudates of different tillering onion cultivars improved the contents of available nitrogen,organic matter,available phosphorus and available potassium,suggesting that root exudates of tillering onion increased the content of cucumber soil nutrients.At the concentration of 10 mL deionized water per plant,the root exudate from L06 manifested better effects.The root exudate with higher concentration increased the activities of catalase,peroxidase,invertase and urease.
2012 Vol. 1 (14): 51-58 [Abstract] ( 1162 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 730KB] ( 914 )
59 Effect of Organic Soil Substrate Cultivation on Ginger Yield and NPK Utilization Efficiency
SONG Xiao-yi,XU Kun*,WANG Zhong-bin,ZHANG Yong-zheng
In order to improve the fertilizer utilization efficiency of ginger(Zingiber officinale Rosc.)cultivated with organic soil substrate,this paper studied the growth,absorption and utilization of N,P and K of ginger,cultivated under organic soil substrate cultivation without fertilization(T1),under organic soil substrate cultivation with equivalent fertilization to soil(T2)and under organic soil substrate cultivation with fertilization according to the target production(T3),with conventional soil cultivation without fertilization(CK1)and conventional soil cultivation(CK2).The results showed that the biomasses of ginger plant was ranked as T2 and T3 higher,T1 lower,CK2 in the middle.Compared with CK2 the biological yield and economical yield of T1 decreased 27.63% and 23.01%,respectively,while that of T2 and T3 increased 17.46%,15.36% and 11.05%,13.04%.The biological yield of T2 was significantly higher than T3,but their economical yields did not have much difference.The utilization rate of N,P2O5,K2O in T3 were at their highest levels with 35.11%,22.81% and 46.25%,increased 7.31 percentage point,3.65 percentage point,14.98 percentage point than that of CK2,respectively.Meanwhile the utilization rate of N,K2O of T3 were also higher than that of T2.However,their utilization rates of P2O5 did not have much difference.The ginger agronomic efficiency and partial factor productivity of T3 were respectively 14.46 kg?kg-1 and 45.34 kg?kg-1.That of T2 and CK2 were only 10.26 kg?kg-1,30.86 kg?kg-1 and 11.25 kg?kg-1,26.75 kg?kg-1 ,respectively.These results indicated that applying appropriate amount of available fertilizer to organic soil substrate cultivation could improve fertilizer efficiency and productivity of ginger.
2012 Vol. 1 (14): 59-64 [Abstract] ( 1424 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 406KB] ( 877 )
65 Effect of Different Grinding Degrees of Coconut Coir Substrate on Growth and Quality of Cucumber Plug Seedlings
XIANG Zong-guo,ZHAO Rui*,CHEN Jun-qin
Three treatments with different grinding degrees of coconut coir substrate including item 5,10,15,were designed.The ratio between coconut coir and vermiculite was 3 V∶1 V.The physical and chemical properties of unit weight,total porosity,water holding pores,pH,conductivities and different physiological and biochemical indexes were investigated by comparing with the control of peatmoss∶vermiculite = 3 V∶1 V,so as to screen out an optimal formula.The results showed that among 3 different grinding degrees,treatment of item 10 was in favor of cucumber growth.The plant had reached an ideal growth state: cucumber seedling index,root shoot ratio,dry weight,chlorophyll content of seedling,net photosynthetic rate were all better than the other 2 treatments.
2012 Vol. 1 (14): 65-69 [Abstract] ( 1169 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 329KB] ( 731 )
70 Comparative Analysis of Nutritional Components of Seed Pumpkin and Meat Pumpkin during Fruit Growth and Developmental Process
XING Wei,GE Yu,YU Yang,BAI Yu-jiao,XU Wen-long,CUI Chong-shi,QU Shu-ping*
seed pumpkin and meat pumpkin varieties were taken as experimental materials and their major nutriment components and changing regularities during fruit growth and developmental stages were analyzed.The results indicated that the soluble sugar,β-carotene,and dry matter contents of seed pumpkin and meat pumpkin in fruit growth and developmental stages presented similar changes in trend.Various nutrient components were gradually increased along with the process of fruit ripening,but the rising rates of various nutrient components were various in different pumpkin varieties.The starch,VC,and pectin contents of seed pumpkin and meat pumpkin demonstrated different changing regulation.The starch contents of seed pumpkin 98-2-2 and‘Yinhui No.1’showed a gradually increasing trend,but that of seed pumpkin‘Jinhui No.2’,0516-2 and meat pumpkin‘Jinyuan’,‘Hongli’showed an up-and-down trend.The VC contents of different pumpkin varieties had different changing trend.Seed pumpkin 98-2-2,‘Yinhu No.1’and meat pumpkin‘Jinyuan’,‘Hongli’had the same changing trend-decrease first then increase afterwards.The VC contents of seed pumpkin‘Jinhui No.2’and 0516-2 showed a gradually declining trend.The pectin content of‘Jinghui No.2’increased gradually,that of other 5 varieties all went up first then went down.
2012 Vol. 1 (14): 70-75 [Abstract] ( 1319 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 611KB] ( 816 )
76 Present Status of Pesticide Residue in Vegetables and Its Potential Risk Analysis
YE Xue-zhu1,2,ZHAO Yan-shen1,2,WANG Qiang1,2,JIANG Yu-gen3
By detecting the pesticide use and 94 kinds pesticide residues in vegetable production in Zhejiang Province,major pesticide residue types at present and their risks in vegetable were analyzed.The results showed that 78 kinds of pesticides mainly used in vegetable production,including insecticide,fungicide,growth regulator and herbicide were mostly pesticides with high effective and low toxic.The detection of pesticide residues revealed that 28 pesticides got high detectable rate in vegetables,including acetamiprid,carbendazim,dursban,imidacloprid,morpholine,triazophos,propamocarb,pyridaben,etc..The results also indicated that 46.4% of the detected pesticides with residual in vegetables were not found in using.But methamidophos and other highly toxic pesticides were still checked out.One of the main risks is some pesticide products without label and their component is unclear to customer.In addition,a unified standard testing method has not been established for 28 kinds of pesticides frequently used in vegetable production.Pesticide residue is still a security risk for vegetable consumption.
2012 Vol. 1 (14): 76-80 [Abstract] ( 2125 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 330KB] ( 2266 )
81 Studies on Application Effect of Fruit Quality Improver in Greenhouse Tomato
CAI Jun-qing,ZHAI Bing-nian*,LIU Ling-ling,LI Tao-tao,LU Hai-jiao
The experiment was conducted taking the fruit quality improver independently researched and developed as material,so as to test the effect of different improvers concentration on tomato(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)fruit production,fruit expanding rate,fruit color changing rate,lycopene and VC contents,etc.The results indicate that the treated fruits reach the harvest standards 12 days earlier than CK.The yield with improver 1 000 times treatment reaches 91 380 kg?hm-2,which is 15.71% higher than that of CK.The titration acid content is 0.06 percent point lower than CK,and the contents of soluble sugar,VC and lycopene are 2.55 times,2.51 times,and 1.57 times of CK,respectively.All these results show that the improver can promote the color reforming and fruit expansion of tomato,and thus improve the fruit quality.
2012 Vol. 1 (14): 81-85 [Abstract] ( 1115 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 413KB] ( 650 )
86 Effect of Potassium Nutrition on Anthracnose Occurrence and Defense Enzyme Activity in Flowering Chinese Cabbage
GUO Ju-xian1,2,LIU Yu-tao1,YANG Xian1*
The disease index of disease resistant and susceptible breeds in flowering Chinese cabbage(Brassica parachinensis)treated by different levels of potassium nutrition and PAL,PPO,POD activities were tested,respectively by inoculating Colletotrichum higginsianum.The results showed that the morbidity degree of Colletotrichum higginsianum of all breeds treated by different levels of potassium nutrition are lower than that of the control,and the disease indexes were decreasing remarkably,indicating that the disease resistance was strengthened by potassium nutrition treatment.Along with the increase of potassium nutrition treatment level,the PAL,PPO activities of those resistant breeds were increasing,while the POD activities were lower than that of the control.The PAL,PPO,POD activities of those susceptible breeds showed a trend of increasing first,then decreasing.And the enzyme activities reached the highest level in medium potassium nutrition treatment.
2012 Vol. 1 (14): 86-89 [Abstract] ( 1149 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 338KB] ( 629 )
90 Studies on Amiprophos-methyl Induced Polyploid in Garlic
Taking bulb shoot tips of purple garlic(Allium sativum L.)Z-006-10 passed physiological dormancy as experimental material,using in vitro induction method by adding Amiprophos-methyl into solid culture,studied the induction effect of Amiprophos-methyl on chromosome of somatic cell at different concentration and with different treated durations.The ploidy level was identified by morphological trait,chromosome number and flow cytometry techniques.The results indicated that the treatment with 10 μmol?L-1 Amiprophos-methyl for 6 d,the induction rate of tetraploid reached the highest-32.87%.The morphological trait showed that the tetraploid plants showed obviously morphological characteristics and were remarkably differed from diploid plants.The chromosome observation of root tips showed that the choromosome number of tetraploids was 2n=4x=32,while the control was 2n=2x=16.The ploidy analysis by flow cytometry verified that the relative DNA content of tetraploid somatic cell was twice the diploids,which was accorded with that of chromosome analysis.
2012 Vol. 1 (14): 90-94 [Abstract] ( 1419 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 449KB] ( 618 )
95 Effect of Acid Compound on Controlling Tomato Root Knot Nematode and Plant Growth
LIU Dan-dan1,DUAN Yu-xi2,CHEN Li-jie2
By in vitro experiments and greenhouse test,6 acid compounds’effects on controlling tomato(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)root knot nematode and tomato plants growth were determined.The results of in vitro experimental showed that the toxicity of formic acid on root knot nematode virulence was the strongest,followed by propionic acid,and that of malic acid was the weakest.The result of testing greenhouse control effect and influence on plant growth showed that oxalic acid had higher control effect on tomato root knot nematode and less influence on plant growth.
2012 Vol. 1 (14): 95-98 [Abstract] ( 1197 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 238KB] ( 717 )
99 A New Tomato F1 Hybrid with Resistance to TYLCV —‘Sufen No.12’
ZHAO Tong-min,YU Wen-gui,ZHAO Li-ping,YANG Ma-li
‘Sufen No.12’is a new middle early maturity tomato F1 hybrid developed by crossing TY-06-4 as female parent and TY-06-1 as male parent.It is of indeterminate growth type,with strong growth vigor.Its first inflorescence is setting in the 8-9th leaf nods.The fruit is nearly round with smooth surface.It is good for storage and transportation.The matured fruit is pink in color.The average weight of single fruit is about 200 g.The soluble solid content is about 5.0%.It has excellent quality.It is highly resistant to TYLCV.It has higher resistance to leaf mold,ToMV,Fusarium wilt than‘sufen No.8’and‘Jinpeng No. 1’.The average yield is 105 t?hm-2.It is suitable for cultivation in areas suffering seriously from TYLCV.
2012 Vol. 1 (14): 99-101 [Abstract] ( 1460 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 190KB] ( 750 )
102 A New Watermelon F1 Hybrid —‘Nongkeda No.4’
MA Jian-xiang,ZHANG Xian*,ZHANG Yong,YANG Rui-ping
A new early maturity watermelon F1 hybrid‘Nongkeda No.4’was bred by crossing inbred lines M12 as female parent and F14 as male parent. Its fruit development period is 30 days,and the whole growing period is 90 days.The variety is easy to set fruits.The fruit’s index was 1.05.Its fruit is of round shape and the peel is green in colour with deep green stripes.The fruit rind is 1 cm thick. It is good for storage and transportation.The flesh is bright red in color and succulent with high quality and good flavor.The soluble solid content in the flesh core area is 12.5%,with little differentiation from the edge.It also has good resistance to Fusarium wilt.The single fruit weight is about 6.0 kg,and the yield is 46.5 t?hm-2.It is suitable for cultivation in facility watermelon planting regions in Shaanxi Province in early spring.
2012 Vol. 1 (14): 102-104 [Abstract] ( 1010 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 189KB] ( 577 )
105 A New Crisp Flesh Melon F1 Hybrid —‘Yongtian No.5’
WANG Yu-hong,ZANG Quan-yu,DING Wei-hong,HUANGFU Wei-guo,SONG Hui,HUANG Yun-ping
Yongtian No.5’is a F1 hybrid melon variety developed by crossing inbred line YW10-3 as female parent and inbred line MNH04-6 as male parent. It is of early maturity with crisp flesh.The fruit is ellipse in shape with single weight of about 1.6 kg.The rind is white and netted dilutedly.Its flesh is orange in color.It is of high edible quality with crisp and refined taste.The brix in the central part of its fruit is over 15%.The fruit developing period is about 36 days and 33 days in spring and summer,respectively.The whole developing period is about 94 days.It has higher resistance to powdery mildew and gummy stem blight than‘Dongfangmi No.1’.Its average yield is 30 t?hm-2.It is suitable for facilities cultivation in spring and fall.The finger printing of‘Yongtian No.5’is established from 4 RAPD markers,which could be used to identify the purity of this cultivar.
2012 Vol. 1 (14): 105-107 [Abstract] ( 1568 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 279KB] ( 615 )
108 A New Cucumber Rootstock F1 Hybrid —‘Beinongliangzhen’
LI Hong-ling1,LIU Yi-sheng2,ZHAO Bin3,QU Bo4,ZHANG Rui-fen5,WANG Tie-chen1
‘Beinongliangzhen’is a new pumpkin F1 hybrid used specially as cucumber rootstock,which was developed by crossing inbred line H45471 as female parent and inbred line MH67156 as male parent.It has good compatibility and affinity when grafted with cucumber scion and has high survival rate.Grafting can improve its resistance to Fusarium wilt, and increase the yield.Especially after grafting, the cucumber fruit cuticle has strong shedding ability for wax powder,which makes its cuticle green and bright.Thus the cucumber commodity is obviously improved.At the same time, the contents of soluble sugar and VC in cucumber fruit are increased,and the contents of tannin and nitrous acid are decreased.This new pumpkin cultivar is suitable for cultivation in protected fields in spring,autumn and winter grafted with cucumber.
2012 Vol. 1 (14): 108-110 [Abstract] ( 1215 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 192KB] ( 656 )
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