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2012 Vol.1 Issue.16,Published 2012-08-15

1 Association Analysis for Quantitative Traits and Its Application in Vegetable Crops
CHEN Xiu-chen1,YANG Xu1,2*,CHENG Yu-fu1,XUE Lin-bao1,CHEN Xue-hao1
Recently,association analysis has been widely employed to investigate quantitative traits in plant genetics and breeding.It is an approach to identify the relationship of molecular markers or candidate genes with traits in a given population based on linkage disequilibrium(LD).This approach is also a new idea for the study of quantitative traits in vegetable crops.In this paper,the basic statistic principles,strategies,and current successful applications of association analysis in vegetable crops were reviewed.The potential application of association analysis in vegetable crops molecular breeding were also discussed.
2012 Vol. 1 (16): 1-9 [Abstract] ( 1425 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 878KB] ( 2373 )
10 Research Progress on Tomato(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)Tissue Culture
CAO Hui-ying,ZHANG Li-jun,XIA Run-xi,GAO Song,WANG Si,ZHANG Shao-bin*
Tomato(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)tissue culture is the foundation for genetic transformation and functional genomics study.The paper focuses on the factors which include genotype,explant,plant growth regulators,physical factors,rooting conditions etc.influencing tomato in vitro regeneration,and research progress made in studying tissue morphology and somatocyte variation during regeneration.The paper also prospects the research on tomato tissue culture in the near future.
2012 Vol. 1 (16): 10-14 [Abstract] ( 2730 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 261KB] ( 3392 )
15 Genome-wide Analysis of Cucumber RAV Gene Family
JIANG Lun-wei1,HU Li-fang2,YUAN Yong-cheng3,LIU Shi-qiang1*
The RAV gene family belonging to AP2/EREBP transcription factor plays an important role in plant growth and development.Based on the published database of cucumber(Cucumis sativus L.)genome CuGI,found 4 RAV genes in cucumber genome.These 4 RAV proteins sequence have a complete AP2 and B3 domain.All RAV proteins coming from cucumber,arabidopsis,rice and grapevine were multi-sequence aligned.The results indicated that this gene family were highly conservative. Phylogenesis tree combined with motif analysis,and discovered that the motif of each RAV family within phylogenesis tree subtribe demonstrate structural similarities.The result of semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis revealed that 4 cucumber RAV genes were expressed in multiple plant tissues.
2012 Vol. 1 (16): 15-21 [Abstract] ( 1335 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1223KB] ( 1200 )
22 Genetic Analysis of Subgynoecious in Bitter Melon
ZHAO Zhi-wei1,2,LIU Jun3,LIU Wen-bo1,2,SHEN Huo-lin1*
Subgynoecious bitter melon(Momoridca charantia L.)line 09C-51,09C-54 and normal sexual line 09C-57 were crossed in this study.Female flower proportion within 50 nodes for each plant was counted.Through investigation and χ2 test of P1,P2,F1,F2,BC1P1 types in segregating population, found that the subgynoecious trait was controlled by one pair of incomplete dominant gene.Further more,by quantitative genetics analysis of the 09C-51,09C-57 and their P1,P2,Fl,F2 population,the subgynoecious inheritance was proved to correspond with major gene and polygene mixed inheritance model.The heritability of the major gene was 63.06% and that of polygenes was 26.96%.
2012 Vol. 1 (16): 22-26 [Abstract] ( 1322 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 266KB] ( 904 )
27 Studies on Pumpkin Genetic Transformation Mediated by Ovary Injection
ZHANG Yan-chao,GE Yu,YU Yang,XU Wen-long,BAI Yu-jiao,CUI Chong-shi,QU Shu-ping*
Taking pumpkin(Cucurbita moschata Duch.?ex Poir.)variety‘Yinhui No.?1’as receptor,aiiA gene was transferred into 148 pumpkin ovaries by injection.115 fruits were obtained with 77.7% seed setting percentage.Then 56 fruits were randomly selected,screened by 0.2% Basta aqueous solution and PCR identification.Finally,7 positive plants were all from one single fruit and all of them showed the hybridization signals by PCR-Southern Blot identification.The result indicated that the aiiA gene had been integrated into the genomic DNA of pumpkin‘Yinhui No.?1’with a converting rate of 0.25% and the converting rate per fruit was 6.36%.
2012 Vol. 1 (16): 27-31 [Abstract] ( 1182 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 487KB] ( 850 )
32 Determination of Silencing Suppressor of Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus by Agroinfiltration
ZHANG Yu-yang1,YEDIDYA Gafni2,LI Han-xia1*
We described the utilization of agroinfiltration to screen and verify the silencing suppressor,V2,of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus(TYLCV).The target gene together with the GFP gene was transiently co-expressed in leaves of Nicotiana benthamiana by agroinfiltrations.In all tests of agroinfiltrations,the GFP showed high expression at 2 days post inoculation(dpi),showing the infiltration and expression was successful.On the leaves co-infected with the BV1 gene of Watermelon chlorotic stunt virus or the empty vector pBIN,the GFP fluorescence almost disappeared at 7 dpi due to silencing mechanism of the host plant.The leaves co-infected with V2,showed continuously high expression of GFP,indicating that V2 is the silencing suppressor of TYLCV.Agroinfiltration can be utilized as potent tool for screening the silencing suppressor of plant virus.
2012 Vol. 1 (16): 32-35 [Abstract] ( 1485 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 477KB] ( 1113 )
36 Cloning and Sequence Analysis of CP Gene of Shallot Yellow Stripe Virus Isolated from Welsh Onion in Beijing Area
TIAN Bao-hua1,2,WANG Yong-qin1*,WANG Chan1,2
Welsh onions infected by Shallot yellow stripe virus(SYSV)were taken as experiment materials.All contained SYSV-CP coding sequence,partial sequence of NIb protein gene 5′end and 2 gene fragments of 3′UTR were obtained by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction(RT- PCR).They were named as SYSV-CP1 and SYSV-CP2,respectively.The base numbers of their coding region were both 774 bp,encoding 258 amino acids.In this coding region,2 alkali bases were different. In encoding protein,only one amino acid was different.Phylogenetic analysis showed that SYSV isolates can be divided into 2 major groups.SYSV-CP1 and SYSV-CP2 were in the second group.They had the closest relation with the isolates of SYSV from Zhejiang,representing certain geographical distribution correlation.
2012 Vol. 1 (16): 36-41 [Abstract] ( 1248 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 698KB] ( 832 )
42 Chromosomal Ploidy Identification of Taro(Colocasia)Germplasm Resources
HUANG Xin-fang,KE Wei-dong*,LIU Yi-man,YE Yuan-ying,LI Shuang-mei,PENG Jing,LIU Yu-ping,LI Feng
Chromosome ploidy of taro(Colocasia)germplasm resources,such as C.?antiquorum Schott and C.?esculenta(L.)Schott,whose genotypes were the richest,were studied by flow cytometry analysis.The results showed that chromosome ploidy level of C.?antiquorum Schott was diploid(2n= 2x=28).In C.?esculenta(L.)Schott,taro with large corm was diploid(2n=2x=28).The taro with multi-head and taro used for corm and cormels were triploid(2n=3x=42).Generally,taro with numerous cormels was triploid(2n=3x=42),while taro with numerous cormels,whose potile was purple-green and bud was white,was diploid(2n=2x=28).Meanwhile,there exists diploid(2n=2x=28)in taro with numerous cormels,whose petiole was green and it was introduced from India.
2012 Vol. 1 (16): 42-46 [Abstract] ( 1325 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 348KB] ( 928 )
47 Correlative Analysis of Chlorophyll Content between Xylem and Phloem in Weixian Radish Fleshy Roots
LIU Chun-xiang,KAN Shi-hong,YANG Jun,WU Dan-liang
Experiments were carried out to detect the contents of chlorophyll and soluble solids in Weixian radish(Raphanus sativus L.)fleshy roots from 42 ascensions of different resources,and correlations between various factors were analyzed.The results showed that the contents of chlorophyll a in xylem of fleshy roots displayed distinct positive correlations with chlorophyll b,r=0.873,while no correlations was found in phloem of radish fleshy root.The contents of chlorophyll a and total chlorophyll in phloem displayed distinct positive correlations with contents of chlorophyll a,chlorophyll b and total chlorophyll in xylem.So we can roughly estimate the color depth and limit by detecting pigment information in phloem.The contents of total chlorophyll and chlorophyll b in phloem show significant positive correlations with the contents of soluble solids in xylem.That means radish with dark green color peel usually has higher saccharinity.
2012 Vol. 1 (16): 47-50 [Abstract] ( 1140 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 384KB] ( 722 )
51 Effects of Phosphorus and Potassium Nutrient on Bunching Onion Growth and Quality
ZHENG Xiao-yu1,2,LIU Hou-cheng1*,SONG Shi-wei1,SUN Guang-wen1,CHEN Ri-yuan1
Effects of phosphorus and potassium on the growth and qualities in bunching onion (Allium fistulosum L.?var.?caespitosum Makino)were studied with hydroponics,in which the solution is 1/2 Hoagland’s,and treatments were P0.125K0.75,P0.125K1.5,P0.125K3,P0.25K0.75,P0.25K1.5(CK),P0.25K3,and the potassium levels were K1 0.75 mmol·L-1,K2 1.5 mmol·L-1,K3 3 mmol·L-1,P1 0.125 mmol·L-1,P2 0.25 mmol·L-1.The results showed that at the same phosphorus level,with the potassium concentration increased,the yield and leaf number of bunching onion gradually increased and the tiller numbers,plant height,length and diameter of cauloid were in increasing trend.The contents of soluble sugar in edible part also gradually increased,while the contents of allicin and pyruvic acid in leaf decreased.At 0.25 mmol·L-1 phosphorus level,with the concentration of potassium increased,the contents of VC in edible part of bunching onion gradually increased,but the contents of nitrate and soluble protein increased first then decreased.The contents of total phenolics and flavone in leaf and stem were the highest when treated with P0.125K1.5.
2012 Vol. 1 (16): 51-56 [Abstract] ( 1189 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 270KB] ( 689 )
57 Effects of Peat Added on Physiological Characteristics,Yield and Quality of Tomato Cultivated in Substrate Culture
BAI Long-qiang1,LI Yan-su2,HE Chao-xing2,ZHANG Zhi-bin2,YU Xian-chang2*
The effects of peat added by 20%(ratio by volume)on physicochemical characters,physiological properties,yield and quality of tomato(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)growing in different culture substrates were studied.The results showed that the pH of the substrate was decreased and the EC,available nutrient and organic contents were raised by adding peat.The porosity was adjusted to vegetable growing.And the mineral elements absorption,especially trace elements uptake,and photosynthetic capacity of tomato were prompted,the yield and quality of tomato were improved by adding peat.The results indicated that adding peat into the culture substrate could facilitate the growth and development of tomato through improving the physical and chemical condition of the culture substrate.
2012 Vol. 1 (16): 57-62 [Abstract] ( 1231 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 331KB] ( 838 )
63 Exogenous NO and H2O2 Induced Anthocyanin Accumulation of Different Colors Potatos
MA Ting-rui1,2,ZHANG Jin-wen1,2*,LIANG Hui-guang1,2*,LIU Yong-qiang3
Taking different colors potatos(Solanum tuberosum L.)‘Longshu No.?8’,‘Longshu No.?7’,‘LC310-2’and‘Shandongcairou’as materials,this experiment studied on anthocyanin accumulation and related enzyme activities of potato tuber after treatment of water,0.1 mmol·L-1 SNP,0.25 mmol·L-1 H2O2,0.1 mmol·L-1 SNP+0.25 mmol·L-1 H2O2 in the period of starch.The results showed that after exogenous NO and H2O2 treatments,the anthocyanin contents in four geno-types potatos tuber’s skin and flesh were increased,and the activities of PAL,PPO and CHI were strengthened.The inductive effect is 0.1 mmol·L-1 SNP+0.25 mmol·L-1 H2O2>0.25 mmol·L-1 H2O2>0.1 mmol·L-1 SNP>clear water(CK),indicating that NO and H2O2 treatments could accelerate anthocyanin synthesis and had additive effect.
2012 Vol. 1 (16): 63-67 [Abstract] ( 1419 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 485KB] ( 739 )
68 Effects of Alternaria porri(Elliott)Cif.?Crude Toxin on Protective Enzyme Activities and Leaf Anatomical Structure of Garlic Seedlings
LI Xiao-min,CHENG Zhi-hui*,DONG Yin-xin
The effects of Alternaria porri(Elliott)Cif.?crude toxin on the activities of SOD,POD,PAL and contents of MDA and leaf anatomical structure were studied,taking the resistant cultivar G087 and susceptible cultivar G025 of garlic(Allium sativum L.)as experiment materials.The results showed that the SOD activities of both cultivars appeared the same dynamic changing trend in 120 hours after the pathogen crude toxin treatment and reached the peak at 96 hours.But the SOD activities in resistant cultivar were higher than that in susceptible cultivar.The POD and PAL activities in the leaves of susceptible cultivar showed a trend of sustaining increase first then a slight decrease and had a peak value.However,the activities of POD and PAL in the leaves of resistant cultivar had 2 peak values,which presented at 48 hours and 96 hours for POD and 48 hours and 120 hours for PAL,respectively after pathogen crude toxin treatment.The activities of both enzymes in resistant cultivar were higher than that in the susceptible cultivar at the peak.The MDA content in the leaves of resistant cultivar was lower than that in the susceptible cultivar at the most time after pathogen crude toxin treatment.The mesophyll tissue in the leave of resistant cultivar was more compact than that in susceptible cultivar.The leaf palisade tissue and spongy tissue became more compact in both cultivars after pathogen crude toxin treatment,but the mesophyll tissue structure in the resistant cultivar became more compacter than that in susceptible cultivar.
2012 Vol. 1 (16): 68-74 [Abstract] ( 1119 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 896KB] ( 634 )
75 Inhibitory Effect of Prochloraz on Trichoderma viride Contaminated Pleurotus ostreatus(Jacq:ex Fr.)Quèl.
GAO Wei,LI Bao-ju*,SHI Yan-xia,JIN Dan
Prochloraz’s activities on inhibiting the mycelium growth of Trichoderma viride and 5 different varieties of Pleurotus ostreatus(Jacq:ex Fr.)Quèl.?were tested by the mycelium growth rate method and its effect on conidiophore germination of Trichoderma viride was tested by inhibition zone method.The results indicated that prochloraz could remarkably inhibit the growth of Trichoderma viride mycelium and spore germination.The EC50 values were 2.536 mg·L-1 and 5.482 mg·L-1,respectively. Additionally,prochloraz could also inhibit the growth of Pleurotus ostreatus(Jacq:ex Fr.)Quèl. mycelium.There are less significant differences of inhibition to Pleurotus ostreatus(Jacq:ex Fr.)Quèl. when the effective concentration of prochloraz was below 8.333 mg·L-1,its inhibitory effect on the growth of Pleurotus ostreatus(Jacq:ex Fr.)Quèl.?mycelium was not remarkable.
2012 Vol. 1 (16): 75-79 [Abstract] ( 1029 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 532KB] ( 721 )
80 Inhibition Effect of Four Plants Compound Fungicides against Fusarium oxysporum
WANG Lei,LIU Jing-yu,WANG Dong-xu,LI Jiao,FAN Hai-yan*
In this study,the active materials were extracted from Aucklandia lappa Decne,Syzygium aromaticum,Cinnamomum cassia and Rheum palmatum by ultrasound assisted extraction(UAE).Fusarium oxysporium f.?sp.?cucumerinum and Fusarium oxysporum f.?sp.?Niveum were inhibited by 4 plant extracts and their mixtures,and the inhibition rates were measured by the growth rate method.The results showed that mycelial growth was significantly inhibited by all of these extracts,and the antibacterial effect was increased significantly when the extra concentration was increasing.Less minimum inhibitory concentration(MIC)and better inhibitory effect can be acquired by suitable mixing ratio of these extracts.The mixtures of extracts of Aucklandia lappa Decne and Cinnamomum cassia had better antibacterial effect than their single effects,and the optimum ratio was 3∶1.The antibacterial effects of mixture of Cinnamomum cassia and Syzygium aromaticum(optimum ratio is 1∶2)and mixture of Aucklandia lappa Decne and Rheum palmatum(optimum ratio is 2∶1)were also stronger.
2012 Vol. 1 (16): 80-85 [Abstract] ( 1077 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 238KB] ( 655 )
86 Laboratory Toxicity Determination and Control Effect of Chlorantranili- prole on Diamondback Moth 〔Plutella xylostella(L.)〕
XIAO Chun-lei1,LUO Feng1,LIU Yong1,ZHANG You-jun2,WANG Shuang1,KONG Xiang-yi1*
The laboratory toxicity determination and control effects of 4 insecticides on diamondback moth were studied.The result showed that 48 h after spraying the toxicity of 5% chlorantraniliprole SC was the highest.The LC50 values was 0.563 0 mg·L-1.The toxicity of 10% spinosad WG was the second.The LC50 values were 0.856 7 mg·L-1.The toxicities of 1.9% emamectin benzoate EC and 1% avermecti EC were lower.The result of field drug effect experiment indicated that the efficacy of 5% chlorantraniliprole 1 000 times liquid SC was the best,reaching 95.04%,which was significantly higher than the other 3 insecticides.The control effect of 10% spinosad WG 5 000 times liquid was the second with the control efficacy of 82.01%.The 1.9% emamectin benzoate EC 1 500 times liquid and 1% avermecti EC 750 times liquid had the lower control effects,with the control efficacy of 71.67% and 63.95%,respectively.
2012 Vol. 1 (16): 86-89 [Abstract] ( 1205 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 256KB] ( 800 )
90 Effect Test of 20% Iodine Oligosaccharide Acids Agent on Cucumber Gray Mold(Botrytis cinerea)
WANG Shi-kui1,LIU Zhi-heng2,LIU Wei-ping1*,HU Xue-fang1
The effective component of 20% iodine oligosaccharide acids agent(AS)is the complex of chitin oligosaccharide and iodine.The antifungal effect of 20% iodine oligosaccharide acids AS against cucumber gray mold(Botrytis cinerea)was tested by allied toxicity measurement and field efficacy trials.The results showed that the bacteriostat ratios of 20% iodine oligosaccharide acids AS diluted 1 000 times,1 500 times,2 000 times were 97.30%,45.90%,14.00%,respectively,which were all lower than that of the 50% vinclzolin WP diluted 1 000 times(100.00%).The field control effects of 20% iodine oligosaccharide acids AS diluted 1 000 times,1 500 times were 81.66%、74.80%,respectively,which were all higher than that of the 50% vinclzolin WP diluted 1 000 times(73.87%).
2012 Vol. 1 (16): 90-92 [Abstract] ( 1313 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 302KB] ( 711 )
93 Field Control Effect and Yield Increasing Role of Different Types Fungicides on Carrot Black Rot
ZHAO Xiao-jun,ZHOU Jian-bo,FENG Yun-tao,YIN Hui,GUO Gui-ming
The grading standard for carrot black rot was established according to its occurance characteristics and symptom during carrot growing period.Further studies on the field controlling effect of 7 different fungicides to carrot black rot and the yield increasing role were carried out.The results showed that all these different fungicides had certain controlling effects to carrot black rot,and along with the improvement of controlling effect,the effect of yield increasing was remarkably increased.The best one among them was 40% chlorothalonil SC with 76.38% of controlling effect and the yield increasing rate was 84.21%.
2012 Vol. 1 (16): 93-95 [Abstract] ( 1181 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 248KB] ( 518 )
96 A New Fruit Radish F1 Hybrid—‘Tianzhengluobo No.12’
WANG Shu-fen,XU Wen-ling,LIU Xian-xian*
Tianzhengluobo No.?12’is a new hybrid bred by crossing male sterile line 01-11A with inbred line 9230-11.Its takes about 80 days from sowing to maturity.The frondescence are semi-erect with 13-15 dark-green pinnate leaflets.The root is cylindrical with dark green skin and emerald green flesh.It is dense succulent and has good flavor.Its fruit is little spicy,crisp and juicy.It fits for fresh or cooked use.The dry matter content amounts to 7.5%,VC 296.0 mg·kg-1,and soluble sugar 3.7%.Its single root weight is 0.5-0.7 kg.It can stand long storage.Its yield is about 60.0 t·hm-2.It is highly resistant to downy mildew and virus diseases.It is suitable for cultivation in northern China or central and southern China in autumn.
2012 Vol. 1 (16): 96-98 [Abstract] ( 1033 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 210KB] ( 679 )
99 A New Eggplant F1 Hybrid—‘Hanongzaqie No.2’
LI Ye1,FAN Shao-zhu1,XIE LI-bo2,LI Jing-fu3*
Hanongzaqie No.?2’is a F1 hybrid eggplant developed by crossing T142 as female parent and T150 as male.The plant has strong growth vigor.It has green leaves and purple stem.Its fruit is of long stick shape,25-28 cm in length,4.5-5.0 cm diameter.Its peel is shining black.Its pulp is white and tender.The single plant can bear 10-12 fruits and each fruit weight is 130-150 g.Its growing period is about 105-110 d.Its resistances to verticillium wilt and tobacco mosaic virus are stronger than the contrast‘Qizaqie No.2’.It can produce about 67.5 t·hm-2,and can be planted in areas suitable for purple long eggplant cultivation.
2012 Vol. 1 (16): 99-100 [Abstract] ( 874 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 151KB] ( 495 )
101 A New Sponge Gourd F1 Hybrid—‘Zaoyou No.6’
WANG An-le,DENG Wen-qiao,YU Lv
‘Zaoyou No.?6’is a new sponge gourd F1 hybrid developed by crossing S-04-18 as female parent and S-05-6 as male parent.It matures extremely early and grows vigorously.The first female flour sets at 5th-7th node and the fruit setting ability is strong.The fruit is of long rod shape with light green and wrinkled skin.The pulp is tender with sweet taste.Its fruit is well shaped and has good commodity.It has high yield.In field investigation,its resistance to virus disease and bacterial angular leaf spot is equal to that of the contrast‘Changsharousigua’.Its fruit is 40 cm in length and 5 cm in diameter and the average single fruit weight is about 500 g.It yields about 75.0 t·hm-2.It is suitable to be cultivated in different areas of China.
2012 Vol. 1 (16): 101-103 [Abstract] ( 1030 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 192KB] ( 592 )
104 A New Potato Variety—‘Nongtian No.1’
LV Tai1,ZHANG Jun-lian2*,HE Er-liang1,WANG Ting-jie1,GUO Tian-shun1,ZHANG Feng2,WANG Peng1
Nongtian No.?1’was developed by crossing Tian 99-5-4 as female parent with ‘Zhuangshu No.?3’as male parent.It is of late maturity.The total growing period is 122 d.Its tuber is of round shape with light yellow skin and flesh.Its eyes are shallow.The average variety produces 2.7 tubers per plant.The average single tube weight is 111.4 g.Its big and middle tuber percentage is 95%.Its yield is about 19.5 t·hm-2.It is suitable to be grown in Tianshui,Linxia,Dingxi,Pingliang,Longnan and Lanzhou in Gansu Province.
2012 Vol. 1 (16): 104-106 [Abstract] ( 1031 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 317KB] ( 547 )
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