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2013 Vol.1 Issue.6,Published 2013-03-15

1 Molecular Mechanism of Flowering Time Control by Flowering Integration
XIAN Deng-Yu, JIANG Wei, ZHAO Xia-Yun, TANG Qing-Lin, SONG Ming, WANG Zhi-Min
Plants formed a set of complicated and delicate gene regulation network through
long-term development evolution,so as to ensure the plant bloss oming in an optimal time.Flowering
time is determined by a series of specific genes,which expressed and reacted with each other in
a particular time and space.Molecular mechanism of flowering time is one of the hot spots in recent
studies.This paper reviews the funcation of SUPPRESSOR OF OVEREXPRESSION OF CONSTANS1
SOC1) gene and the role of its relationship with other related controlling signals:SOC1
One of the MADS transcription factor can integrate the blossom signals from 4 flowering regulation
pathways(photoperiod pathway,autonomous pathway,vernalization pathway and gibberellin
pathway) to stimulate blossoming,interact with other genes or proteins to regulate the downstream floral organ feature genes, and finally control flowering time. The expression of SOC1 was up-regulated
by its up-stream genes(COFT and SPL)and GAs factors,yet down-regulated by flowering
repressors SVP and FLC.And there is a positive feedback between SOC1 and AGL24.SOC1
and AGL24 can interact with each other to induce the expression of LFY,which can regulate the flower organ genes.
2013 Vol. 1 (6): 1-8 [Abstract] ( 2236 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 885KB] ( 1903 )
9 Research Progress on Molecular Mechanism for Regulating Development of
Plant Fruit
Fruit development and ripening is a complicated process.Fruit weight,shape,
color,quality and flavor will change along with the fruit development and ripening,and be regulated
by a series of fruit developmental genes.Studying the molecular mechanism of fruit development
is of great importance for improving fruit quality in the future.Therefore,this paper focuses on 2
species:Arabidopsis and tomato,and summarizes the gene excavation and gene interaction involved
in fruit development and ripening.Besides,it also overviews the research progress on the molecular
mechanisms for regulating fruit development,and provides certain theoretical guidance for future studies
on fruit development and plant breeding.
2013 Vol. 1 (6): 9-16 [Abstract] ( 1762 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1036KB] ( 2357 )
17 Analysis of Chinese Resident Watermelon Consuming Characteristics and
Influencing Factors
ZHAO Jiang, ZHANG Lin, WANG Zhi-Dan, WU Jing-Xue
China is the largest producer of watermelon〔Citrullus lanatus(Thunb.)Matsum.
et Nakai〕in the world,and watermelon has played more and more important role in residents’ food
consumption. On the basis of analyzing present situation and characteristics of watermelon consumption
in China,this paper carries out empirical studies on the factors affecting watermelon consumption.The
results show that the current watermelon consumption has not formed‘ ratchet effect’,the price and
income level per capita exert great influence on watermelon consumption.Before ending,this paper
puts forward relevant countermeasures for extending watermelon consumption market.
2013 Vol. 1 (6): 17-23 [Abstract] ( 1122 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 902KB] ( 1751 )
24 Present Status and Existing Problems of Studies on Protected Agriculture in
Northwest China
LI Jun, LI Jian-Ming, CAO Kai, ZHAO Zhi-Hua, ZHANG Da-Long, XU Fei, DU Hong-Bin
Based on the development status of protected agriculture industry in Northwest
China,this paper elaborated the general development situation of protected agriculture industry,its
comprehensive development and utilization of new energy,research progress in manufacturing new solar
greenhouses and optimization of heat preservation capability,etc.According to the development and
research status of protected agriculture industry in Northwest China,the paper puts forward a series
of issues and proposal, so as to provide references for the further development of protected agriculture
industry in Northwest China.
2013 Vol. 1 (6): 24-29 [Abstract] ( 1107 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 841KB] ( 1522 )
30 Cloning and Expression Analysis of Transcription Factor CsCBF3 Gene from
NING Yu, MIAO Yong-Mei, LI Ji, LOU Qun-Feng, WENG Yi-Qun, CHEN Jin-Feng
In order to determine its role in cold response in cucumber( Cucumis sativus
L.),CsCBF3 was cloned from Chipper using RT-PCR method and its GenBank accession number
was JQ900769.CsCBF3 had an open reading frame of 615 bp,which was supposed to encode
a protein of 204 amino acids.Phylogenetic tree analyses showed that CsCBF3 belonged to CBF
gene family and had close relationship with CBF3 from Vitis amurensis,while had far relationship
with CBF3 from Lolium perenne and Oryza sativa.Bioinformatics analysis showed that CsCBF3
protein was consisted of AP2 DNA binding domain,which included amino acid residues,nuclear
localization signal region and acidic activation domain,and some phosphorylation sites and protein
secondary structures may play important roles in process of interactions between proteins and
DNA.Quantitative real-time PCR results showed that expression of CsCBF3 could be induced
by low temperature,and the level reached to peak very fast and then decreased.These results
suggested that CsCBF3 was a rapid response gene and played an important role in resistance to low
temperature in cucumber.
2013 Vol. 1 (6): 30-36 [Abstract] ( 1384 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 5616KB] ( 1221 )
37 Studies on Potato Transformation of BDN1 Gene Mediated by Agrobacterium
PAN Ying-Xue, ZHANG Li-Li, SHI Ying, LU Cui-Hua-.Lin-Zhong-Ping
The BDN1 gene in coding area from drought-tolerant Boea crassifolia Hemsl was
transferred into potato(Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars‘ Dongnong 303’ through agro-bacteriummediated
transformation. The factors influencing its genetic transformation were studied. Thirty-five
transgenic plants with kanamycin resistance were obtained. Specific primers were used to amplify the full
length of the BDN1 gene from total genomic DNA of the transgenic plants. Among them, 27 plants were
positive by PCR test and 4 plants were positive by Southern-blot test. The result of semi-quantitative
RT-PCR test showed that BDN1 gene was inserted into the genome of the transgenic plants and can be
transcribed normally. The physiological index showed the transgenic potato plants were significantly
tolerant to drought stress.
2013 Vol. 1 (6): 37-43 [Abstract] ( 1146 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1879KB] ( 731 )
44 Effect of Inorganic Substrate Ratio and Fertilization Levels of Biogas Residue
on Growth of Seedling-edible Chinese Cabbage in Soilless Cultivation
YANG Jing-Hua, WU Zhan-Hui, LIU Ming-Chi, LI Ming
Using biogas residue whose contents of N,P and K nutrient is pre-adjusted as fertilizer
in compound substrate comprising perlite and vermiculite,this experiment studies the effects of 2
substrate ratios and 3 fertilization levels of biogas residue on the growth,yield and quality of seedlingedible
Chinese cabbage〔Brassica campestris L. ssp. pekinensis(Lour)Olsson〕‘Jingyankuaicai’.
The results showed that the effect of substrate ratio had significant influence on its growth, the fertilizer
level of biogas residue took the second place. In the same fertilization level of biogas residue,the
morphological index,VC and soluble sugar contents,fresh and dry weight,and yield of A2(the
substrate ratio of 1 perlite and 2 vermiculite)are better than A1(the substrate ratio of 2 perlite and 1 vermiculite) basically.In the same substrate ratio cultivation,the plant height,leaf length,leaf
width,leaf number,fresh and dry weight,yield and nitrate content were improved with the increasing
of biogas residue content,but the difference between 36.6 g per plant fertilization of biogas residue and
44.0 g is not significant,except leaf width and nitrate content. Collectively,these results indicated
that‘Jingyankuaicai’ grew stronger with higher yield and better quality with the substrate ratio of 1
perlite and 2 vermiculite,and 36.6 g per plant fertilization of biogas residue.
2013 Vol. 1 (6): 44-49 [Abstract] ( 1530 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 865KB] ( 1070 )
50 Effects of Different Concentration Naphthalene Acetic Acid on Morphological
and Physiological Indices of Grafting Cucumber Seedlings
MA Qing, ZHAO Rui, CHEN Jun-Qin, YAN Lian-Bang
Root-cut-grafting seedlings of cucumber(Cucumis sativus L.)were used as material,
the scions were treated with 5 concentrations of NAA solution. Through measuring seedlings indexes,
namely:survival rate,morphological parameter,vigor indexes,root activities etc,the effects of 5
NAA concentrations on the quality of root-cut-grafting seedlings were studied.The results showed that
the survival rate of grafting had been raised by NAA treatment,it could reach up to 94% for 40 mg·L-1
NAA concentration.The quality of seedlings increased at first and then decreased with increasing
concentration of NAA solution during a certain range of 0-50 mg·L-1 concentration.When the
concentration reached 40 mg·L-1,all kinds of morphological and physiological indices had the best
performance.In conclusion,40 mg·L-1 NAA treatment could effectively promote the growth of
cucumber root-cut-grafting seedlings and improve their quality.
2013 Vol. 1 (6): 50-53 [Abstract] ( 1434 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 847KB] ( 799 )
54 Effects of Glycine Concentrations on Nitrogen Metabolism in Plantlet in vitro
of Ginger
LIAO Lin-Zheng, ZHU Fei-Fei, LIU Yi-Qing, TANG Jian-Min, CHEN Ze-Xiong
In order to determine the effects of organic nitrogen glycine concentration on
physiological characteristics of ginger( Zingiber officinale Rosc.) plantlet in vitro,this paper
takes plantlet in vitro under aseptic cultivation as experimental material.Five kinds of glycine
concentration level( 1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5,3.0 mg·L-1) were set up to study the relevant product of
nitrogen metabolism of ginger plantlet in vitro and the activity of nitrogen metabolism key enzyme.
The results showed that the content of chlorophyll and soluble sugars raised with the increase of
glycine concentration,while that of soluble protein was contraire.The activity of GS and GOT were
strengthened with the increase of glycine concentration.
2013 Vol. 1 (6): 54-57 [Abstract] ( 1031 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 883KB] ( 708 )
58 Studies on Protein Content,POD and EST Isozyme of Thermo-sensitive
Genic Male-sterile Tomato T-4
GUO Ya-Hui, YU Fen-Di, GAN Gui-Yun, WEI Guan-Mu, WANG Xian-Yu, DU Yong-Chen, JIE Tian-Zheng-Zhi
The experimental materials were thermo-sensitive genic male-sterile tomato(Lycopersicum
Mill. )T-4 and the control First.The protein content was determined by spectrophotometry,
adopting Coomassiebrilliant blue G250 as dye.Meanwhile,the activity of POD and
EST isozyme was analyzed with the polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of perpendicular plate.Results
showed that the protein content of T-4 anther under fertile condition was significantly higher than that
under sterile condition,but was no significant difference with the control First.The band of POD and
EST isozyme in anther of T-4 under sterile condition was more than that in anther of T-4 under fertile
condition,and the control First.There was no significant difference in band of POD and EST isozyme
between T-4 and the control First,when T-4 was under fertile situation.
2013 Vol. 1 (6): 58-62 [Abstract] ( 1161 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1048KB] ( 652 )
63 Screening of Chinese Chives Cultivars Suited for Nutrient Solution Cultivation
JI Yan-Hai, YU Ping-Bin, WU Zhen, WU Zhan-Hui, LIU Ming-Chi
In order to screen Chinese chives cultivars( Allium tubersum Rottl. ex Spr. )suitable
for nutrient solution cultivation,7 Chinese chives cultivars including‘ 791 kuanyexuejiu’,‘Pingjiu
No.4’ were studied by using a new type of hydroponic system developed by Vegetable Research Center
of Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences.By analyzing their growth index,physiological
characteristics,nutritional quality,individual dry and fresh weight and yields,we found
that‘ 791 kuanyexuejiu’ and‘ Duokangfujiu 11’had the best growth and yield characters,and‘ 791kuanyexuejiu’ nutritional quality had relatively better data.Comprehensive analysis deems that‘ 791
kuanyexuejiu’is more suitable for nutrient solution cultivation .
2013 Vol. 1 (6): 63-67 [Abstract] ( 1395 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 847KB] ( 1138 )
68 Identification and Detection of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato in Gansu
WEN Chao-Hui, WANG Jun-Ping, HE Su-Qin
Bacteria strains isolated from diseased tomato fruits were identified as Pseudomonas
pv. tomato based on pathogenicity,morphological characterizations and 16S ribosomal DNA
sequence analysis( 99% nucleotide identity).About 530 bp specific fragment of hrpZPst were amplified
from these strains and naturally-infected tomato fruits by specific primers MM5F/MM5R.The results
confirm that this PCR protocol is suitable for specific detecti on of P. syringae pv. tomato in field material.
2013 Vol. 1 (6): 68-73 [Abstract] ( 1049 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2824KB] ( 1744 )
74 Studies on Biological Characteristics of Fruit Rot Pathogen — A New
Muskmelon Disease in Liaoning Province
HOU Yue, LIU Zhi-Heng, CAO You-Wen, ZHAO Ting-Chang
The pathogen of muskmelon fruit rot was isolated from the samples of muskmelon from
Liaoning Province.The casual agent was identified as AG-4 HGI of Rhizoctonia solani by the studies
on morphology,pathogenicity,anastomosis groups and rDNA-ITS.The pathogenic biological characteristics
of muskmelon fruit rot were studied in this paper.The result showed that the best medium for
mycelial growth was Muskmelon juice culture medium.The temperature ranged for mycelial growth was
5-40 °C,28 °C was the optimum;the best pH was 7.The effect of light on mycelial growth was not
evident. Mycelial growth was in favor of soluble starch and Peptone.The ideal sclerotia formation was at
25 °C,pH 6-8,Richard culture medium.The suitable carbon source for the formation of sclerotia was
Sorbitol.The beneficial nitrogen source for the formation of sclerotia was KNO3.The sclerotia could
germinate in 10 kinds of nutrition.The proper temperature was 15-40 ℃,and 28 ℃ was the optimum.
Dark condition was conductive to sclerotium germination.The best carbon source and nitrogen source
for sclerotium germination are Malt Sugar and Peptone.Mycelial lethal temperature was 50 ℃,10 min.
The sclerotia lethal temperature was 53℃,10 min.
2013 Vol. 1 (6): 74-80 [Abstract] ( 1155 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1521KB] ( 728 )
81 Perfect Stage Identification of Melon Gummy Stem Blight Pathogen in Hainan
ZHANG Xue-Jun, WANG Deng-Ming, YI Hong-Ping
Gummy stem blight is an important disease of melon(Cucumis melo L.).In
this paper,the pathogen of melon gummy stem blight found in Hainan Province was identified by
morphological characters.The pseudothecia,ascus and ascospore were measured.These fungi were
identified as ascomycete fungus Didymella bryoniae( Auersw.) Rehm. .The detailed description of
these fungi’s morphological characteristics was given.
2013 Vol. 1 (6): 81-83 [Abstract] ( 1053 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1019KB] ( 828 )
84 A New Cucumber F1 Hybrid —‘Zhongnong No. 18’
GU Xing-Fang, ZHANG Sheng-Ping, WANG Ye, MIAO Han, MA Bin-Sheng
‘Zhongnong No. 18’ is a newly bred cucumber F1 hybrid using inbred line 081048 as
maternal parent and 081006 as paternal parent.It is of early maturity.Its fruits are setting on the main
stem.The fruit is 33-38 cm in length with short neck and dark green skin.It has high commercial fruit
rate.It has resistance to powdery mildew,downy mildew,Fusarium wilt,WMV,ZYMV and midresistance
to CMV.It has high yield potential.It can yield over 150 t·hm-2.It is suitable for plastic
tunnel and open field cultivation.
2013 Vol. 1 (6): 84-86 [Abstract] ( 1155 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 864KB] ( 674 )
87 A New Seedling-edible Chinese Cabbage F1 Hybrid —‘Jingyankuaicai No. 4’
YU Yang-Jun, ZHANG Feng-Lan, ZHANG De-Shuang, ZHAO Xiu-Yun, YU Shuan-Cang, WANG Wei-Hong, XU Jia-Bing
‘Jingyankuaicai No.4’ is a new seedling-edible Chinese cabbage F1 hybrid bred by
crossing self-incompatible line 10163 with 10187.It has soft,yellow green leaves and wider,thicker,
white petiole without hair. It has good quality.It is tolerant to wet and bolting and resistant to diseases.
It fits to be cultivated in winter or spring in protected fields in northern China and over winter in southern
China.It grows rapidly.Its seedlings can be harvested 28-30 days after sowing.In Beijing area,it is
sowed on Sep. 15,thirty-five days after sowing its plant height can be about 32.3 cm,the single plant
weight can be 294 g.Its yield is about 67.5-75.0 t·hm-2.It has been extended to Beijing,Yunnan,
Hunan,Guangdong,Guangxi,Fujian and Hainan,etc.
2013 Vol. 1 (6): 87-89 [Abstract] ( 1226 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 803KB] ( 659 )
90 A New Watermelon F1 Hybrid —‘Nongkeda No. 10’
ZHANG Yong, ZHANG Xian, MA Jian-Xiang
A new early maturing watermelon F1 hybrid‘ Nongkeda No.10’ is bred by crossing
inbred line M04-1-2 as female parent and F03 as male parent.Its fruit development period
is 32 days and the whole growing period is 108 days.This variety is easy to set fruit.
Its fruit shape is round and the fruit index is 1.0.The fruit peel is dark green stripes on bright green
background. The fruit rind is 0.9 cm thick. The rind is rather tough and flexible.It is tolerante to storage
and transportation. Its flesh is red and crisp with excellent taste and flavor.The soluble solid content in
flesh core area is 10.5%-12.5%.The single fruit weight is 4.7-6.8 kg,and the yield is 52.5 t·hm-2
It is medium resistant to Fusarium wilt and has high tolerance to low temperature and weak light.It is
suitable to be planted in protected fields in early spring.
2013 Vol. 1 (6): 90-92 [Abstract] ( 1099 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 823KB] ( 595 )
93 A New Chinese Cabbage F1 Hybrid —‘Zhenlyu 80’
WEN Feng-Ying, ZHANG Bin, LIU Xiao-Hui, LUO Zhi-Min, ZHAO Bing, WANG Chao-Nan, HUANG Zhi-Yin- Li-Mei
‘Zhenlyu 80’is a new mid-late maturity Chinese cabbage F1 hybrid developed by
crossing self-incompatible lines J271 with J401.Its growth period is about 85 days.The plant is 60
cm in height,68 cm in width. Its leaf head is 54 cm in height,14.5 cm in diameter.Its average head
weight is 3.5-4.0 kg.The head shape index is 3.7.The plant type is vertical with dark green and light
wrinkled outer leaves and white green petiole.Its leaf head is long cylinder-shaped with green outer
leaves and light yellow central leaves.It is highly resistant to downy mildew and virus.It has good
commodity quality and high quality.Its average yield is about 105 t·hm-2.It is suitable to be planted
in Northern China as autumn Chinese cabbage of mid-late maturit y.
2013 Vol. 1 (6): 93-95 [Abstract] ( 1139 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1203KB] ( 570 )
96 A New Fruit Cucumber F1 Hybrid —‘Jingyanmini No.5’
MAO Ai-Jun, ZHANG Li-Rong, WANG Yong-Jian, ZHANG Feng

Abstract:‘Jingyanmini No.5’ is a new fruit cucumber F1 hybrid developed by crossing excellent
inbred lines M118 as female parent and EUJ4 as male parent.This variety has strong growth vigor.Its
fruit is 15-19 cm in length and 90 -110 g in weight with smooth surface.The fruit has no papilloma on
its skin.It has good quality and high yield.Its yield can reach 144 t·hm-2 in protected cultivation
under long season cultivation.It is resistant to downy mildew,powdery mildew,tolerant to low
temperature,weak light,and high temperature.It is suitable for protected field cultivation all over
2013 Vol. 1 (6): 96-98 [Abstract] ( 1222 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 795KB] ( 778 )
99 A New Snap Bean Variety —‘Hacaidou No.13’
YANG Ren-Jian, LIU Da-Jun, FENG Guo-Jun

Abstract:‘Hacaidou No. 13’ is a new snap bean variety bred by crossing 96-9 as female parent,
‘Zihuayoudou’ as male parent through pedigree selection.It is sprawled and of early maturity.It
takes about 60 days from sowing to harvest.It has medium growth vigor.Its flowers are white in color,
and the tender pods are green with flat strips.Its pods are 21.2 cm in length,2.2 cm in width. Its
appearance has good commodity value.It has less fiber,and higher resistance to anthrax disease than
‘Zihuayoudou’.It is suitable for protected fields cultivation.
2013 Vol. 1 (6): 99-100 [Abstract] ( 944 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 807KB] ( 759 )
101 A New Cucumber Rootstock F1 Hybrid — ‘Weisheng No. 1’
WANG Yong-Cheng, LIU Ai-Qun, ZHAO Li-Li, WANG Guo-Zheng, ZHAO Yue
‘Weisheng No.1’is a new cucumber rootstock F1 hybrid bred by crossing S0703 as
female parent with S0704 as male parent. It has stronger graft compatibility and symbiotic affinity.
When grafted with cucumber scion,its seedling has high survival rate.Grafted seedlings are highly
resistant to seedling damping-off,resistant to downy mildew and Fusarium wilt. Especially after grafting
with cucumber,its fruit has shiny green skin,and the fruit is straight up.All these have obviously
improved its external appearance quality.At the same time,the contents of soluble sugar in cucumber
fruit is increased. Grafted seedlings can yield 11.49% higher than self-rooted cucumber,and 8.32%
higher than grafted with‘ Heizinangua’.It is suitable to be cultivated in open field in northern China,
and protected facility grafted with cucumber.
2013 Vol. 1 (6): 101-104 [Abstract] ( 1445 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 797KB] ( 655 )
104 A New Eggplant F1 Hybrid —‘Zhouza No.2’
HUANG Qian, QIAN Jian-Kang, TIAN Wei, LI Guo-Chen, LIU Jie
‘Zhouza No.2’ is a new eggplant F 1 hybrid developed by crossing E9801 as female parent
and E0311 as male parent.The plant has strong growth vigor.Its first flower sets on the 7th node.
It has green petal and white flower.Its fruit is of oval shape,15.2 cm in length,10.1 cm in diameter.
Its peel is green.Its pulp is greenish-white.The average single fruit weight is 0.43 kg.It is of midearly
maturity.It takes 52 days from planting to first harvest under open fields condition in spring.
It has higher resistances to bacterial wilt,phytophthora rot and Verticillium wilt than the contrast
‘Xinxiangcaoqingqie’.Its yield is about 67.5 t·hm-2,and it can be planted in areas suitable for green
eggplant cultivation.
2013 Vol. 1 (6): 104-106 [Abstract] ( 1176 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 818KB] ( 539 )
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