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2013 Vol.1 Issue.8,Published 2013-04-15

1 Comment on Paper “The Control of Dry Bean Anthracnose through Seed Treatment and The Correct Application Timing of Foliar Fungicides”
GU Yu, HAN Qi-Hou, YU Hai-Long, XIA Jun-Feng, LIU Hui-Jing, YUE Xin, LANG Lang
This article coments on the paper published in《Crop Protection》by Prof. Gillard C L from Guelph University,ity,Canada,and named“ The control of dry bean anthracnose through seed treatment and the correct application timing of foliar fungicides”.Taking chemical fungicides to treat seed before sowing as contrast,Prof.Gillard C L designed several fungicides application times,so as to find out the interactions between crop and harmful bacteria,and disease development time points,aiming at postpone and improve the controlling effect of pesticides on anthracnose,to increase dry bean(Phaseolus vulgaris L. )yield and quality,to save farmers investment,and to protect the environment.The content of the paper is new and unique with good maneuverability and guidance significance on production practise.We wish to provide for domestic colleagues more references on concepts about
controlling anthracnose through the introduction of the paper t est contents and achievements.
2013 Vol. 1 (8): 1-3 [Abstract] ( 1204 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 825KB] ( 801 )
4 Research Progress on Fusarium Wilt of Watermelon
XU Wei-Hui, ZHOU Yan, WU Feng-Zhi
Fusarium oxyxporum Schl. f. sp. niveum(E. F. Smith)Snyder et Hansen,a causal agent of Fusarium wilt of watermelon,is a common soil-borne pathogen and it is one of the major factors limiting watermelon production.This paper expounds Fusarium oxyxporum Schl. f. sp. niveum(E.
F. Smith)Snyder et Hansen,mechanism of watermelon resistance to Fusarium wilt and its control measures.A safe and effective measure was put forward in this paper,such as seeking plants which can inhibit Fusarium oxyxporum Schl. f. sp. niveum(E. F. Smith)Snyder et Hansen by using plant
allelopathy,and adopting reasonable techonology as intercropping,rotation,relay intercropping,so as to safely and effectively control Fusarium wilt of watermelon.
2013 Vol. 1 (8): 4-11 [Abstract] ( 1497 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1253KB] ( 1540 )
12 Research Progress on Plant Anther Dehiscence Mechanism
DING Ze-Qin, WANG Zhi-Min, NIU Yi, TANG Qing-Lin, TIAN Shi-Bing, WANG Yong-Qing, YANG Yang
Anther dehiscence is an important characteristic at the late st age of anther development.In crop production,abnormal anther dehiscence can directly affect pollination and fertilization,thus influence the crop yield.Combining the plant anther development progress,this paper summarizes the mechanism of anther dehiscence from each anther organizational structure,cell differentiation,plant hormones and transcription factors,and puts forward directions for future study.
2013 Vol. 1 (8): 12-18 [Abstract] ( 1153 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 891KB] ( 2002 )
19 Studies on Tomato Marker-free Transformation System
ZOU Fang-Ling, GUO Yan-Mei, DU Yong-Chen, ZHU Guang-Tao, GAO Jian-Chang, HU Hong
In this paper,the aimed gene GGPS was cut from the binary plant expression vector pBI121-GGPS and ligated to the marker-free vector pBINMF-GUS,so a new marker-free vector was formed,in which T-DNA segment only harboured GGPS gene and a GUS gene. This vector was successfully transferred into tomato(Lycopersicum esculentum Mill. ) cultivar‘ Zhongshu No. 6’ via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation used strains EHA105 and C58. The results showed that MS+1.0 mg·L-1 ZT+0.5 mg·L-1 IAA was the best shooting medium for‘ Zhongshu No. 6’. The transformation rate of strain EHA105 was 3.6%,which was better than the rate of strain C58. The results of PCR analysis indicated that GGPS gene was integrated into the genome of‘Zhongshu No. 6’. RT-PCR detection indicated that GGPS gene was expressed at RNA level.
2013 Vol. 1 (8): 19-25 [Abstract] ( 1261 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1542KB] ( 770 )
26 Effects of Chinese Cabbage Devernalization and DNA Methylation Analysis before and after Devernalization
WANG Xiao-Li, ZHAO Yong, ZHANG Yao-Wei
The spring Chinese cabbage〔Brassica campestris L. ssp. pekinensis(Lour)Olsson〕was easily bolting prematurely after having experienced low-temperature vernalization.To this phenomenon,this paper used F1 hybrid‘Yangchun’as testing material to study the green devernalization,seed devernalization in illumination culturing box,and green devernalization in greenhouse condition.The results showed that high-temperature could cause Chinese cabbage devernalization,and the result of devernalization turned better and better along with the time of hightemperature treatment prolonged. And the seed devernalization effect was better than that of green devernalization. The genomic DNA methylation level detection showed that vernalization would make the plant de-methylation,while devernalization treatment would indu ce re-methylation.
2013 Vol. 1 (8): 26-31 [Abstract] ( 1262 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3045KB] ( 1163 )
32 Cloning and Sequencing Analysis of Glycerol - 3 - phosphate Acyltransferase Gene of Brassica oleracea L. var. acephalea DC.
MA Hui, LI Li-Li, ZHU Hong-Yan, CHEN Li-Jing, ZHONG Ming, GUO Zhi-Fu
With Brassica oleracea L. var. acephalea DC. variety‘Baikongque’as experimental material,by homology cloning and RACE method,we isolated from low temperature induction of Brassica oleracea L. var. acephalea DC. seedlings the full gene sequences of Brassica oleracea L. var.acephalea DC. glycerin-3-phosphate acyltransferase(GPAT) gene,and analyzed the sequences for bioinformatics by biology software.The results show that this gene is 1 558 bp in length,speculated encoding 451 amino acids,and is named BaGPAT.The BaGPAT gene sequence has 54%-85% similarities in amino acids,when compared with other species in sequencing analysis.The results of clustering analysis show that the genetic relationship of BaGPAT,Arabidopsis thaliana GPAT and Lepidium latifolium GPAT is closer.
2013 Vol. 1 (8): 32-38 [Abstract] ( 1012 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2526KB] ( 903 )
39 Identification of Welsh Onion (Allium fi stulosum L.)Bolting Character and Preliminary Studies on Its Genetic Character
MIAO Jin-Shan, SUN Hu, LI Yun-Ling, LIU Jie, SUN Ming-Mao, WANG Ai-Li, JIA Ling-Peng
Ninety welsh onion(Allium fistulosum L.)germplasms from domestic and abroad and 28 hybrid combinations were applied as experimental materials,comparison between their bolting character were conducted in greenhouse.The results showed that with exception of 1 extremely-earlybolting germplasm,the other 89 germplasms were divided into 3 groups of easy-bolting,mid-tolerant to bolting and tolerant to bolting. They took 41.1%,36.7% and 21.1%,respectively.Compared with the Chinese germplasm,those from Europe and Japan were more tolerant to bolting on the whole.Investigation on bolting characters of these hybrid combinations and parents found that 67.9% of them performed below-low-parent advantage or below-mid-parent advantage and they were all easily bolting.Seven point one percent performed over-high-parent advantage in bolting,but without obvious heterosis.Therefore,only by selecting tolerant to bolting parents or at least one of the parents was tolerant to bolting,we can obtain tolerant to bolting hybrids o f welsh onion.
2013 Vol. 1 (8): 39-43 [Abstract] ( 910 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 853KB] ( 700 )
44 Effects of Cinnamic Acid on Growth and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters of Pisum sativum L. Seedlings
GAO Xu, ZHANG Gu-Wen, HU Qi-Zan, XU Sheng-Chun, GONG Ya-Ming
Taking‘Xinxilan’(high continuous cropping-sensitive pea cultivar) as test material,this paper studies the effects of self-toxicity substance cinnamic acid on pea(Pisum sativum L. )seedling growth and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters.The results showed that cinnamic acid could significantly inhibit the growth and development of pea seedlings.After cinnamic acid treatment,the plant height,stem diameter,fresh and dry weight of pea seedlings above ground reduced significantly.At the same time,the contents of chlorophyll and carotenoid in leaves also decreased obviously.After applying cinnamic acid,seedling’s chlorophyll fluorescence parameters such as Fv/Fm,ΦPSⅡ,qP and qN were all significantly lower than those of the contrust.These results indicated that cinnamic acid could injure pea seedling’s potential activity, reduce its photosynthetic efficiency and finally significantly inhibit its growth and development.
2013 Vol. 1 (8): 44-49 [Abstract] ( 960 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 964KB] ( 1007 )
50 Effects of Flood Stress and Stress Relieve on Melon Photosynthetic Pigments and Photosynthesis Character
WANG Jun-Liang, LONG Qi-Yan, WANG Li-Ping, LUO Hai-Bo, 吕Hui-Fang , XU Cui-Rong
Taking 2 melon(Cucumis melo L.)lines T106 and T241 with significantly differences in flood-resistance as experimental materials,this paper analyzes the effects of flood stress and flood relieve on photosynthetic pigments and photosynthesis character of melon seedling.The results indicated that under extended time of flood stress, Chla,Chlb,Chl(a+b),Car,net photosynthetic rate,transpiration rate,stoma conductivity,inner cellular CO2 concentration of these 2 melon lines all decreased.The decreasing extent of T106 was lower than that of T241. In the same flooded duration,the indexes of T106 were all higher than T241.When flood was relieved,the indexes of 2 melon lines all increased,and the increasing extent of T106 was larger than T241.
2013 Vol. 1 (8): 50-55 [Abstract] ( 975 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 919KB] ( 534 )
56 Analysis of Fatty Acid Composition in Pericarp of Different Pepper Varieties
GE Wei, WANG Shu-Bin, LIU Jin-Bing, PAN Bao-Gui, DIAO Wei-Ping
Fatty acid composition in pericarp of 26 pepper(Capsicum annuum L.)varieties were studied by gas chromatography,and were compared with the fatty acid composition in the seed.The results showed that there were 9 kinds of fatty acids in pepper pericarp,including lauric acid,myristic acid,palmitic acid,stearic acid,oleic acid,linoleic acid,linolenic acid,arachidic acid and behenic acid.The major acids were linolenic acid,linoleic acid and palmitic acid,significant differences revealed in the contents of fatty acids among varieties.The variation coefficients were within the range from 8.16%-53.37%.The results showed that lauric acid was detected in the pericarp of pepper. The average content of linolenic acid was relatively higher.While no lauric acid was detected inside of the seed,and the average content of linoleic acid was about 2 times of that in pericarp.This indicated that there were certain differences in fatty acid composition and contents at different parts of pepper fruit.
2013 Vol. 1 (8): 56-60 [Abstract] ( 1184 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 886KB] ( 656 )
61 Effects of Sodium Alginate and Chitosan on Lotus Roots Quality and Preservation Effect
LIU Xiao-Jing, HUANG Ai-Zheng, KANG Yun-Yan, ZHANG Wen-Cheng, CHAI Xi-Rong, YANG Xian
This paper is to study the effects of different film coating antistaling agent〔sodium alginate(SA)and chitosan(CTS)〕on physiological metabolism and quality of lotus roots(Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.) during postharvest storage at room temperature(25 ℃).The results showed that 2 kinds of film coating antistaling agent(SA,CTS) treatments could effectively prevent lotus root surface browning,reduce weight loss,and significantly inhibit contents of VC and soluble sugar decrease,and also cell membrane permeability increase. Among all treatments,1.0% SA had the best performance,
1.25% CTS and 1.5% CTS performed better in inhibiting decrease of VC and soluble sugar contents of lotus root.
2013 Vol. 1 (8): 61-65 [Abstract] ( 832 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 909KB] ( 701 )
66 Relationship between Sugar Content Change and Interrelated Enzyme Activity in Crisp Melon Fruit Development Process
TIAN Hong-Mei, FANG Ling, WANG Yan, WANG Ming-Xia, JIANG Hai-Kun, YAN Cong-Sheng, ZHANG Qi-An
Abstract:We collected 6 crisp melon(Cucumis melo L. var. conomon Makino)varieties as experiment materials and studied the sucrose content of crisp melon fruit and sucrose metabolism enzymes.The results showed that there were big differences in sugar contents of different crisp melon varieties.The soluble solid contents and sugar contents of 3 va rieties‘Fengtaiyuegua’,‘Tianjiyuegua’,‘Liujiyuegua’were higher.The sucrose phosphate synthase activity became higher and higher as the fruit grew and matured,and the enzyme activity was the highest in‘Tianjiyuegua’.While the invertase activity became lower and lower along with the fruit development.The activities of acid invertase and neutral invertase were the lowest in‘Fengtaiyuegua’and‘Tianjiyuegua’during various development stages.The activities of neutral invertase were high in‘Maojiyuegua’,‘Panjiyuegua’,‘Qingpiyuegua’,‘Liujiyuegua’,and decreased with the fruit development.There were no obvious changes in other varieties sucrose metabolism enzymes activities in crisp melon fruit expect‘ Liujiyuegua’.These results indicated that the differences in sugar contents of different crisp melon varieties was determined by the activities of sucrose phosphate synthase,acid invertase and neutral invertase,and the acid invertase took the leading place.
2013 Vol. 1 (8): 66-70 [Abstract] ( 860 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 891KB] ( 756 )
71 Studies on Plantlet Quality of Modern Elevated Strawberry Nursery Facilities
LIAN Qing-Long, LU Shao-Wei, YIN Yi-Lei, LI Shao, DING Xiao-Ming, QI Fei
Taking strawberry(Fragaria ananassa Duch.) cultivars‘ Akihime’ as test material,this study measured the strawberry seedlings’ plant height,petiole length,new stem diameter,leaf area and the SPAD value,etc.plant growth quantity and root length,fresh root quality,fresh and dry plant qualities,etc.biomass of the 2 different breeding modes.The paper also analyzes the growth vigour of strawberry seedings cultivated by 2 breeding modes after transplanting into the greenhouse with heat storage type cubic strawberry cultivation system.Besides,the solar radiation energy,temperature of the canopy above and relative humidity in these 2 nursery greenhouses were tested,respectively.The results showed that all the indexes of the strawberry seedling growth quantity and biomass in the elevated strawberry nursery greenhouse were better than that of the seedling grown in the common greenhouse,and their seedling reviving time was shorter and growth vigour even more flourishing.So the environment condition of elevated strawberry nursery greenhouse was obviously superior to that of the common greenhouse,and was more favourable to strawberry seedlin gs’ photosynthesis.
2013 Vol. 1 (8): 71-76 [Abstract] ( 1096 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3280KB] ( 1536 )
77 Effects of Urea on Asparagu’s Flower and Fruit Thinning
JIA Hai-Min, ZHAO Ju-Ying, CHEN Dan, LEI Dong-Xia, JIANG Xiao-Li
Different concentrations of urea plus different applying times were utilized to asparagus(Asparagus officinalis L.)as flower and fruit thinning treatment. The results showed that foliar sprays of urea in blossom could decrease fruit setting rate in the flowering stage of asparagus,and 3% urea successive spray for 3 times had the best effect with 8% fruit setting rate and no fertilizer damage occurred. These 3 urea concentrations treated in 3 different time periods had certain flower and fruit thinning effects on asparagus,and even could promote plant grow th and enhance disease resistance.
2013 Vol. 1 (8): 77-79 [Abstract] ( 1106 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 908KB] ( 666 )
80 Studies on Identification of Eggplant Phomopsis Rot Caused by Phomopsis vexans and Its Biological Characteristics
WU Ren-Feng, YANG Shao-Li, YANG De-Zhi
The morphological characteristics,pathogenicity and biological characteristics of the pathogens isolated from Eggplant phomopsis rot of Wuhan were studied.Large numbers of diseased eggplant samples were collected from different planting areas of Wuhan.Fifteen isolates of possible pathogenic fungi were isolated from leaves,stems and fruits of infected phomopsis rot plants.Based on the pathogenicity experiment,the results showed that the 15 isolates were the pathogens of Eggplant Phomopsis Rot disease.The morphological identification showed that 15 isolates were Phomopsis vexans.The results of studies on biological characteristics of pathoge ns showed that the optimum culture medium for mycelial growth were PDA and PSA, beneficial to spores culture medium were oats medium,the optimum temperature for mycelial growth were 25-30 ℃,and the optimum pH value were 4-7,and light promoted the growth of mycelial.The pathogen could make use of various carbon and nitrogen sources. Maltose was the best carbon source and sodium nitrate was the best nitrogen source.The lethal temperature for mycelial growth was 55 ℃ for 25 min.
2013 Vol. 1 (8): 80-85 [Abstract] ( 1440 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2063KB] ( 994 )
86 Optimization of Conditions for Identifying Anthracnose in Phaseolus vulgaris L. Seedling Stage and Resistance Assessment of Its Germplasm Resources
HAN Qi-Hou, GU Yu, YU Hai-Long, XIA Jun-Feng, LIU Hui-Jing, YUE Xin, LANG Lang
The identification conditions including sporulation medium,bacterial concentration,culture time and inoculation position for anthracnose resistance inoculation during bean(Phaseolus vulgaris L.)seedling stage were optimized.The suitable medium was bean pod medium with rapidly spore growth and strong pathogenicity.The best concentration of vaccination was about 2.0×106 spores per mL,with abrupt onset and good reproducibility.After 20 days’ culture,its pathogenicity was the strongest with best effect of inoculation.The best inoculation position was on the back of leave blades.It might save time.All 23 bean materials were identified for their resistance to anthracnose.Among them 4 materials were mid-resistant,1 was high resistant and most of the resistance resources were of rape bean type.
2013 Vol. 1 (8): 86-90 [Abstract] ( 996 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 909KB] ( 643 )
91 Identification of Different Chinese Cabbage〔Brassica campestris L. ssp.pekinensis(Lour)Olsson〕Varieties Resistance to Clubroot(Plasmodiophora brassicae
TAN Chong, YUE Yan-Ling
Willimas identification system was applied to identify 2 bacter ia samples of clubroot(Plasmodiophora brassicae)collected from Anning and Yuxi in Yunnan Province. The results showed that the host reactions on both 2 bacteria samples were identical to that on No. 4 physiological race. Eighteen Chinese cabbage〔Brassica campestris L. ssp. pekinensis(Lour)Olsson〕varieties with clubroot-resistance were introduced from domestic and oversea districts,and were planted with the medium inoculated No. 4 physiological race of clubroot. The results showed that ‘CR-huimin’,‘Kanggen 51’and‘Tainengshugen’were resistant to fungus,and the disease rate were 0,0 and 4%,respectively. This indicated that they can be used as resistant resources to breed new disease-resistant materials. Meanwhile,field identification results showed that‘CRhuimin’and‘Kanggen 51’had good economic characters and could be applied and popularized in clubroot prevailing regions of Anning and Yuxi in Yunnan Provin ce.
2013 Vol. 1 (8): 91-94 [Abstract] ( 1183 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 923KB] ( 705 )
95 A New Cucumber F1 Hybrid —‘Zhongnong No. 28’
GU Xing-Fang, ZHANG Sheng-Ping, WANG Ye, XU Cai-Qing, MIAO Han
‘Zhongnong No. 28’ is a newly bred cucumber F1 hybrid using inbred line 081048 as maternal parent and 99246 as paternal parent.It is of early maturity.It bears fruits mainly on main stem.Its fruit is about 35 cm in length with short neck and dark green skin.Its fruit has high commodity
rate.It is multi-resistant to downy mildew,CMV,WMV,ZYMV and mid-resistant to powdery mildew,Fusarium wilt.It has high yield potential. Its yield is over 150 t·hm-2.It is suitable to be cultivated under plastic tunnel and in open fields in spring an d autumn.
2013 Vol. 1 (8): 95-97 [Abstract] ( 1039 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1004KB] ( 587 )
98 A New Cucumber F1 Hybrid —‘Jiyou No. 13’
SUN Han-You, WANG Hong-Dui, LI Yu-Chun, LIU Rui-Wei, GAO Fa-Zhen, WANG Lei
‘Jiyou No. 13’ is a new cucumber F1 hybrid developed by crossing excellent inbred lines 04031 as female parent and 05003 as female parent.It has strong growth vigor.Its leave blade is of medium size.Its fruit is straight and about 32 cm in length.Its single fruit weight is about 220 g.Its peel is shining dark green with thick and white spines.The fruit quality is superior.The first female flower appears in the 5-6th nodes.The female node rate is about 45%.It is resistant to downy mildew,powdery mildew,and mid-resistant to Fusarium wilt.Its total yield is about 180 t·hm-2 in solar greenhouse cultivation in winter and in the preceeding period the yield is about 42 t·hm-2.It is suitable for cultivation in solar greenhouse over winter.
2013 Vol. 1 (8): 98-100 [Abstract] ( 1140 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 824KB] ( 752 )
101 A New Snap Bean Variety —‘Hacaidou No. 9’
YANG Ren-Jian, ZHANG Li-Zhuo, LIU Da-Jun, YE Yong-Liang, FENG Guo-Jun
‘Hacaidou No. 9’is a new bean variety bred through pedigree selection.It takes ‘Jiangjunyoudou’ as female parent,and‘ Zihuayoudou’ as male parent.It is sprawling and of early maturity.It takes about 60 days from sowing to harvest.In the prior stage,its pods mainly grow at the base,and in the late period its pod are in main vine.It has medium growth vigor.Its flower is white in color with tender green pod.The pod is of flat strip shape and 15 cm in length,3 cm in width.Its flesh is soft and powdery.Its appearance has good commodity quality.It has less fiber.It is resistant to anthracnose.It can normally yield about 33.0 t·hm -2.It is suitable to be cultivated in protected fields.
2013 Vol. 1 (8): 101-103 [Abstract] ( 847 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 860KB] ( 835 )
104 A New Watermelon F1 Hybrid —‘Aineng No. 5’
TAO Di-Hui, LIU Hu
A new watermelon F1 Hybrid‘Aineng No. 5’ is bred by crossing inbred lines XM12 as female parent and XL10 as male parent.Its plant has strong growth vigor with good bifurcation ability.It is easy to bear fruit.The fruit is of oval shape.Its peel is black in color.The single fruit weight is 4-7 kg.The fruit rind is about 1.1 cm thick.The flesh is bright red in color and succulent with high quality and good flavor.The soluble solid content in the flesh core area is about 10%.It is about 32 days from female flower open to fruit ripening,and the whole growing period is 93 days.It is high resistant to Fusarium wilt,and resistant to blight and anthracnose.It is suitable to be planted in Hunan Province and its periphery regions.
2013 Vol. 1 (8): 104-106 [Abstract] ( 1184 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 853KB] ( 618 )
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