Mao-Lian-Gang, YAN Dong-Dong, WU Zhuan-Fang, MA Tao-Tao, WANG Qiu-Xia, LI Yuan, GUO Mei-Xia, OuYang-Can-Bin , CAO Ao-Cheng, ZHENG Jian-Qiu
. 2013, 1(10): 9-15.
Seed treatment is an economical and effective method in plant disease control.It
adopts biological,physical,chemical technology to protect seed and plant,control the diseases and
pests,insure the normal growth of crops,and achieve superior quality and high yield.According to
the development history of seed treatment technology and differences between various seed treatment
technology,this paper reviews the concepts,principles,classification,characteristics and
application,so as to provide scientific guidance for seed treat ment in actual production.