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2013 Vol.1 Issue.24,Published 2013-12-15

1 Research Progress on Bitterness of Cucurbitaceae Vegetables
LI Zong-Yang, QIN Zhi-Wei, ZHOU Xiu-Yan, XIN  Ming
Bitterness is one of the important organoleptic qualities of Cucurbitaceae vegetables.
This paper reviewed the main research achievements in this field at home and abroad.The following
aspects were reviewed including the bitter substance composition,testing methods for bitterness,
bitterness formation and variety genetic characteristics,bitterness formation and environmental conditions
and cultivation management,related molecular markers and fine mapping of function genes.The
paper also prospected the direction for future research on bitterness of Cucurbitaceae vegetables,so as
to provide reference for further studies on bitterness of Cucur bitaceae vegetables.
2013 Vol. 1 (24): 1-9 [Abstract] ( 798 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1201KB] ( 1667 )
10 Research Progress on Watermelon Allelopathy
ZHANG Xiao-Hong, ZHAO Yi-Jie
The continuous cropping of watermelon〔Citrullus lanatus(Thunb.)Matsum.
et Nakai〕leads to the accumulation of allelochemicals,and causes the decrease of yield.It is of
important significance to reveal the obstacle mechanism of allelopathic on watermelon continuous
cropping,and overcome this obstacle.The paper reviewed the research progress on watermelon allelopathy,
including the current research status on watermelon allelopathy,the allelochemicals and their
releasing way,and the function characteristics of allelochemicals,and allelopathy application in production.
The paper also prospected the future research directions on watermelon allelopathy,aiming at
providing theoratical references for developing a scientific way to enhance watermelon resistance,and
improving the yield and quality of watermelon.
2013 Vol. 1 (24): 10-15 [Abstract] ( 648 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 792KB] ( 812 )
16 Studies on Physiological Response of Watercress to Cd Stress and Its Cd Accumulation
HAN Cheng-Hua, ZHOU Zeng-Hui, ZHANG Na, JIANG Jie-Zeng
A hydroponic experiment was carried out to study the effects of Cd on the growth of watercress(
Nasturtium officinale R. Br.).The indexes under treatments of different Cd concentration,
such as agronomic characters,yield,root activity,net photosynthetic rate( Pn),antioxidant enzyme
activity and the concentration of malondialdehyde( MDA),phytochelatins( PCs) and Cd contents
changes at different parts of watercress were studied. The results showed that low Cd concentration would
influence watercress growth,i.e. the accumulation of MDA would rise,while high Cd concentration
would lead to the decline of root activity and Pn.Antioxidases and PCs played a cooperative role in alleviating
Cd toxicity. But the alleviation was dominated by PCs chelation under the condition of low Cd
concentration,while it would be dominated by the antioxygenation of SOD,POD,CAT along with the
increase of Cd concentration. Cd is easily accumulated in watercress.The Cd concentration in edible
parts of watercress had exceeded the limit value of national standards,when the concentration of Cd in
the nutrient solution reached 0.20 mg·L-1.In conclusion,watercress is a vegetable of Cd-sensitive
type,more attentions should be paid on Cd pollution during its production.
2013 Vol. 1 (24): 16-21 [Abstract] ( 721 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 831KB] ( 656 )
22 Effects of Storage Environment and Maturity on Quality of Mini Wax Gourd
FANG Yu-Peng, WANG Li-Ping
Taking mini wax gourd( Benincasa hispida Cogn. var. chieh-qua How.)‘Chunfeng’as
experimental material,the paper studied the influence of different harvest maturity and storage environment
on the quality and storability of mini wax gourd. The results indicate that although the low harvest
maturity fruit has high nutritional value,it is not tolerant to storage. Its fruits got shrank after 3 days
storage.The high harvest maturity fruit is tolerant to storage,and can still maintain good appearance
after 100 days.Besides,storage under basement environment could delay the quality changed.Fruits
of all maturity got rotten after 20 days under cold storage condition.The results showed that,for short
period of storage,it is better to choose the low harvest maturity fruit picked 15 days after flowering;
while for long period of storage,the high harvest maturity fruit picked 30-45 days after flowering was
chosen to store under relatively lower temperature in basement environment.
2013 Vol. 1 (24): 22-26 [Abstract] ( 736 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1107KB] ( 913 )
27 Effects of Different Storage Factors on Pollen Viability of Watermelon Variety
LIN Yi, YANG Yu-Bin, WANG Chi, YANG Jing-Hua, ZHANG Ming-Fang
The paper studied watermelon〔Citrullus lanatus(Thunb.)Matsum. et Nakai〕pollen
cryopreservation methods and pollination technique.The result indicated that pollens of‘ Zaojia’ watermelon
can be stored at -18 ℃ or -25 ℃ under vacuum condition for 186 to 223 days with over 50% activity.
Pollen activity can be varied under different storage conditions,of which -25 ℃ can have longer
storage time than -18 ℃,and the pollen vitality is higher.The stored pollens should be activated at 25
℃ for 30 min before usage,so as to achieve higher fruit setting rate.The application of stored pollen
will not influence the quality of watermelon.
2013 Vol. 1 (24): 27-30 [Abstract] ( 713 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1712KB] ( 1013 )
31 Effect of Tomato/Garlic Intercropping in Substrate under Plastic Tunnel on
Garlic Growth and Yield
LIU Tong-Jin, CHENG Zhi-Hui, MENG Huan-Wen, Sikandar Hayat, ZHAO Hui-Ling
In order to understand the differences in garlic(Allium sativum L.) growth and yield
in substrate plastic tunnel between under single and intercropping conditions,the paper set up 3
cultivation treatments of tomato monoculture,tomato/garlic intercropping and garlic monoculture to test
garlic mass growth,yield,and substrate physicochemical properties.The results indicated that the
morphological index of intercropped garlic bulb was significantly lower than that of garlic monoculture,
but the ratio and yield of single-clove bulb was significantly increased.The land equivalent ratio of
tomato/garlic intercropping was high as 1.56 with obvious advantages.The single-clove bulb ratio of
intercropped garlic was 58.1%. Available nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium contents were high both
in monoculture and intercropping substrate.There were no significant differences observed in sucrase,
urease activity,bacteria and actinomycetes number.The major limitation for intercropped garlic growth
was light.
2013 Vol. 1 (24): 31-36 [Abstract] ( 859 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1354KB] ( 992 )
37 Characteristics of Ammonia Volatilization of Special Slow-release Fertilizer
and Effects of Slow-release Fertilizers on Eggplant Quality and Yield
ZHANG Ming-Zhong, HAN Gui-Qi, XU Wei-Hong, LIU Jun, WANG Chong-Li, YANG Yun, ZHANG Jin-Zhong, WANG Zheng-Yin, XIE De-Ti
The experiment of‘ venting method’ in laboratory and pot experiments were carried out
to investigate the characteristics of ammonia volatilization of special slow-release fertilizer in soil,and
its effect of special slow-release fertilizer on yield and quality of eggplant(Solanum melongena L.),
uptake of N,P and K,fertilizer use efficiency.The results showed that the special slow-release fertilizer(
QSRF) for vegetables could significantly reduce the volatilization rate of ammonia and accumulation
of ammonia volatilization in the experiment of‘venting method’in laboratory.At the beginning of
laboratory experiments,the highest average rate of ammonia volatilization was observed in large particle
urea(PUR)treatment.However,28 days later,the volatilization rate of special fertilizer(QCCF)
was the highest.Accumulations of ammonia apparent volatilization by QSRF had reduced by 62.17%
and 56.76%,compared with PUR and QCCF.Obviously in pot experiment,QSRF significantly improved eggplant yield. Yield of the 2 eggplant varieties under QSRF treatment had increased by 37.1%
and 37.8% than under the common compound fertilizer( OCCF),and increased by 1.4% and 27.6%
than the commercial slow-release fertilizer( MSRF).Contents of VC and amino acid in fruit were increased
by QSRF treatment. Content of nitrate was evidently lower than that treated by OCCF.The apparent
fertilizer utilization rate of N and K was increased by QSRF treatment,while no obviously effect
was found on apparent fertilizer utilization rate of P.
2013 Vol. 1 (24): 37-45 [Abstract] ( 662 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2920KB] ( 970 )
46 Effects of Sugar Alcohol Complex Calcium on Eggplant Growth,Yield and
WU Wen-Qiang, LIU Yu, LI Ping, ZHAO Yi, MOU Guo-Xing
The field experiment was carried out to study the effects of sugar alcohol complex
calcium on eggplant(Solanum melongena L.)growth,yield and quality.The results showed that the
height and stem diameter increased by 4.60% and 18.18%,compared with the conventional fertilization
treatment by applying sugar alcohol complex calcium treatment. Beside the yield with sugar alcohol
complex calcium was increased by 9.11% and 2.24% as compared with conventional fertilization and
calcium nitrate treatments.Thus,the economic efficiency was obviously increased.At the same
time,eggplant quality was also improved.Compared with the conventional fertilization treatment,VC
content,soluble solid content and sugar-acid ratio was increased by 85.38%,34.55% and 49.51%,
respectively.Compared with the calcium nitrate treatment,VC content,soluble solid content and
sugar-acid ratio was increased by 37.23%,3.60% and 26.64%,respectively.
2013 Vol. 1 (24): 46-48 [Abstract] ( 654 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 809KB] ( 1093 )
49 Feasibility Studies on Applying Brick Cultivation in Tomato Production
LI Ning, WANG Long-Chang, GUO Wen-Zhong, ZHANG Fang, CHEN Fei, XUE Xu-Zhang
Adopting substrate cultivation and brick cultivation,by setting different brick hole
densities( 0,6,12 and 18 holes) in bricks,the paper studied their effect on tomato(Lycopersicon
Mill.) growth. The results showed that the tomato yield under brick cultivation with 18,12,
6 brick holes and without brick holes compared with substrate cultivation increased 27.63%,30.84%,
23.38% and 24.65%,respectively.Meanwhile,the production input was low.Compared to the substrate
cultivation,brick cultivation could improve tomato plant height,stem diameter,leaf blade num -
bers,leaf dry weight,stem dry weight,root dry weight,fruit yield,and nutrient solution utilization
efficiency.Applying brick cultivation into modernized agricultu ral production is quite feasible.
2013 Vol. 1 (24): 49-52 [Abstract] ( 594 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1387KB] ( 835 )
53 Research and Utilization of Black/Prolate Pear-shaped Cherry Tomato
Germplasm Resources
LIN Tao, LI Jin-Quan, HUANG Qing-Feng, CHEN Chao-Wen, LIN Jin-Xiu
Hybrid combinations of cherry tomato(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. var. cerasiforme
Alef.)were made by round black brown inbred line Z1,prolate pear-shaped reddish black inbred
line Z2,the round red,oblate pale pinkish red,oval orange yellow and round yellow inbred lines.
These inbred lines were taken as experimental material and formed incomplete diallel cross formulated
combinations.Through studying the agronomic characters of F1,the quality characteristics and disease
resistance,we explored the quality improvement of black cherry tomato germplasm,and the utilization of
prolate pear-shaped fruit,in order to provide references for the innovative usage of special fruit color or
shape of tomato germplasm in the future.The results showed that the black color of cherry tomato fruit is
recessive trait.Parental relative traits( round fruit or oblate fruit×prolate pear-shaped fruit,long oval
fruit×prolate pear-shaped fruit),their F1 fruit shape are elliptic and long finger shape,respectively.
2013 Vol. 1 (24): 53-56 [Abstract] ( 620 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 999KB] ( 703 )
57 Development of Compound Beverage with Fragrant Taro
TIAN Fang, NI Sui, SUN Zhi-Dong, SHI Ting-Ting
Taro(Steudnera henryana),dry flower and rice were used as main raw materials to
determine the best formula of compound beverage with fragrant taro.The final product was obtained by
mashing,heating and grinding,plus the later-stage mixing.The best formula was achieved by sensory
evaluation,orthogonal experiments of beverage,and physico-chemical analysis:When the addition
quality of taro was 100 g and that of water was 1 100 mL,the addition quality of honey was 9% and
lemonade was 0.07%;the addition amount of rice(‘Wanjingning 88’)was 10 g,the addition quality
of jasmine,milk and wolfberry were 2 g,5 mL and 1 g respectively.The product is light-yellow liquid
with the fragrance of jasmine flower and frankincense of milk. It tastes delicate with nutrition health care
2013 Vol. 1 (24): 57-64 [Abstract] ( 545 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 993KB] ( 782 )
65 Species Diversity Analysis on Fusarium of Solanaceae Crops Soil in Western
Henan Province
Morphological observation and sequence analysis of EF-1α of tested Fusarium strains
collected from the Solanaceae crops soil in western Henan Province were carried out to clarify the species
diversity and phylogenetic relationships among Fusarium strains.The results showed that 5 branches
of Fusarium were identified in the phylogenetic tree,namely F. oxysporumF. fujikuroiF. verticillioide
F. incarnatum and F.incarnatum-equiseti species complex. Among them,F. oxysporum had the
highest separation frequency of 45.83%,and was distributed in all investigated 4 kinds of Solanaceae
crops soil.While,the separation frequency of F.incarnatum-equiseti species complex was the lowest,
it only existed in potato and tomato soils.In addition,species diversity existed in Fusarium strains
from different regions and different Solanaceae crops soil.
2013 Vol. 1 (24): 65-69 [Abstract] ( 636 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 985KB] ( 825 )
70 A New Pakchoi F1 Hybrid —‘Chunyou No.1’
ZHAO Xiu-Yun, ZHANG Feng-Lan, XU Jia-Bing, YU Yang-Jun, ZHANG De-Shuang, YU Shuan-Cang, LU Gui-Xiang, WANG Wei-Hong
‘Chunyou No.1’ is a high quality pakchoi F1 hybrid with late-bolting,vase shape and
high stable yield.It is developed by crossing 2 self-incompatibility lines 2006-29 and 2005-113.The
plant is 17 cm in height and 25 cm in width.It has green flat and glossy leaves.The petiole is green
with 5.3 cm in width and 0.9 cm in thickness.The average single plant weight is about 0.24 kg and its
yield is about 37.5 t·hm-2.It is suitable for winter and spring cultivation and has been extended to
Beijing,Tianjin,Hebei,Jiangsu,Shanghai,Zhejiang,Fujian Provinces with total area of about
20 000 hm 2.
2013 Vol. 1 (24): 70-72 [Abstract] ( 765 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 851KB] ( 726 )
73 A New Cucumber F1 Hybrid —‘Dongnong 810’
ZHOU Xiu-Yan- Qin-Zhi-Wei, XIN Ming, ZHANG Yan-Ju, WU Tao, WANG Xin-Guo
‘Dongnong 810’ is a new cucumber F1 hybrid developed by crossing D0420 as female
parent and 649 as male parent.The plant grows vigorously,and it bears fruits mainly in its main stem.
The first female flower is setting on the 4th or 5th node. It is a sub-gynoecious cultivar with female flower
ratio of 73.9%.The fruit is cylindrical in shape with matt dark green skin and a few tumors.Its fruit is
16.0 cm in length,3.15 cm in diameter,about 140 g in weight.It has light green flesh.It is resistant
to bacterial augular leaf spot,Fusarium wilt and downy mildew,and medium resistant to powdery mildew.
The average yield is about 69 t·hm-2.It is suitable for protected cultivation in northeastern and
northern China.
2013 Vol. 1 (24): 73-75 [Abstract] ( 537 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 788KB] ( 563 )
76 A New Mini-watermelon F1 Hybrid —‘Qiongli’
ZHAN Yuan-Feng, DANG Xuan-Min, ZHANG Xiu-Ming
‘ Qiongli’ is a new mini-watermelon F1 hybrid bred by crossing inbred line MN-123 as
female parent and FR-59-1 as male parent.It is of early maturity.Its fruit development period is 28
days.The whole growing period is 72-78 days in winter sowing and 60-63 days in summer sowing at
Hainan island.This variety is easy to set fruit.Its fruit is of oval shape,and the fruit index is 1.27.
The fruit has green rind with dark green stripes.The fruit rind is thin with 0.5 cm thickness and rather
tough.Its flesh is yellow in color,crispy and scent with excellent flavour.The soluble solid content is
12.0%-12.5% in flesh core area,and 9%-10% in edge area.The single fruit weight is 2.0-2.5 kg.Its
average yield is about 45.0 t·hm -2.It can be cultivated in protected or open fields.
2013 Vol. 1 (24): 76-78 [Abstract] ( 599 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 778KB] ( 597 )
79 A New TYLCV Resistant Cherry Tomato F1 Hybrid —‘Lijing T2’
CHEN Man-Ying, LIU Jing, AN Long-Hui, LI Shao-Ni, DANG Wen-Feng
‘Lijing T2’ is a new cherry tomato F1 hybrid developed by crossing inbred line PHM12-
11 as female parent and PDM12-3C2-9 as male parent.It is of unlimited growth type,with mid-early
maturity and high resistance to tomato mosaic virus( ToMV).It is resistant to tomato yellow leaf curl
virus( TYLCV).Its fruit is with upper medium hardness,and resistant to crack.The soluble solid
content is about 8.5%.The single fruit weight is about 20 g.Its yield is approximately 102 t·hm-2.It
is suitable to be grown in protected fields in autumn and overw inter in northern China.
2013 Vol. 1 (24): 79-81 [Abstract] ( 674 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1230KB] ( 1245 )
82 A New Cherry Tomato F1 Hybrid ─‘Xiaokeai’
ZHANG Zhan-Hong, BAI Zhan-Bing
‘Xiaokeai’ is a new cherry tomato F1 hybrid developed by crossing inbred lines A58-5-
12-3 as female parent and B49-5-3-1 as male parent.This variety belongs to unlimited growth type.
The plant has dark green leaf and red fruit.The fruit is of round shape.The single fruit weight is 18-20
g with good taste.Its resistances to bacterial wilt,late blight and leaf mold are higher than that of the
contrast‘Xiaolongnyu’.The average yield is about 45 t·hm-2 in open field,and about 90 t·hm-2 in
protected field. It is suitable for cultivation in southern Chi na,where bacterial wilt occurred frequently.
2013 Vol. 1 (24): 82-84 [Abstract] ( 593 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 786KB] ( 943 )
85 A New Hot Pepper F1 Hybrid —‘Jingxian No.1’
YANG Lei, WANG Chao-Lian, DING Hai-Feng
‘Jingxian No.1’ is a new hot pepper F1 hybrid developed by crossing 07-133 as female
parent,and 07-401 as male parent.This variety can sustainably set fruit.Its fruit is of string type.
The single fruit is 25-30 g in weight,25-30 cm in length and 1.3-1.6 cm in diameter.Its fruit is bright
and shining.The fruit is light green when immature,it turns scarlet red when ripen.It is hot in rich
flavor and its quality is good.It is suitable for transportation and has good commercial value.It is tolerant
to heat and humidity,resistant to TMV,medium resistant to CMV and Phytophthora capsici.
The sustainable harvesting period can last long.It is suitable for various methods of processing.It
can eat as table fruit or make sauce.It can yield about 48 t·hm-2 of fresh fruit.It can be planted in
protected and open fields in southern and northern China.
2013 Vol. 1 (24): 85-87 [Abstract] ( 552 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 780KB] ( 550 )
88 A New Hot Pepper F1 Hybrid —‘Guijiao No.7’
HE Tie-Guang, ZHAO Kun, DONG Wen-Bin, TANG Sheng, GONG Ming-Xia, CHENG Liang, WANG Ri-Sheng
‘Guijiao No.7’ is a high-yield and heat-tolerant hot pepper F1 hybrid bred by crossing
inbred line Ca1-6-8 as female parent with inbred line Ca3-1-6 as male parent.The plant grows
vigorously.Its fruit is of long-linear shape with good commodification and excellent storage capacity.
Its fruit is 17.8-20.0 cm in length, 1.62-1.97 cm in shoulder diameter,0.21-0.26 cm in flesh thickness
and 17.5-25.2 g in average single fruit weight.Its yield is over 45 t·hm-2.The contents of capsaicin,
VC,protein,reducing sugar and dry matter were 127.0 mg·kg-1,1 840 mg· kg-1,2.67%,1.92%,
15.2%,respectively.The green mature fruit is dark green in color and the ripen fruit is bright red in
color.It can be planted in hot pepper production areas all over the country.
2013 Vol. 1 (24): 88-91 [Abstract] ( 569 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 818KB] ( 695 )
92 A New Screw Pepper F1 Hybrid —‘Tianjiao No.11’
LI Jian-Hua, JI Wen-Long, ZHU Yan-Bing
‘Tianjiao No.11’is a new screw pepper F1 hybrid developed by crossing 98L-3-9-7 as
female parent and 97L-9-5-2 as male parent.It grows with medium vigor. Its average plant height is
68 cm.The plant has 0-3 branches.Its folium is green in color. The first flower is setting on the 7-8th
node of the main stem.The plant can bear 7-8 fruits in succession.The fruit is of long screw shape,
23-33 cm in length,and 4.2-5.0 cm in width,and 0.35 cm in flesh thickness.The single fruit weight
is 75 g.The fruit is green in color when immature and it turns dark red in color when ripen.The fruit
has spicy flavor,and is of early maturity.It is tolerant to low temperature,and high temperature.In
the fields,its resistances to virus disease and anthracnose are stronger t han the contrast‘Zhudachang’.
Its yield in early period is above 24 t·hm-2,the total yield is over 73.5 t·hm-2.It is suitable to storage
and transportation.It is suitable to grow in protected and open fields.
2013 Vol. 1 (24): 92-94 [Abstract] ( 503 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 779KB] ( 791 )
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