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2014 Vol.1 Issue.6,Published 2014-06-01

KONG Fan-Tao, SHEN  Chen, YU Yu-Qin, WANG Dong-Jie
2014 Vol. 1 (6): 1- [Abstract] ( 434 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1180KB] ( 586 )
6 Research Progress on Composting Treatment of Vegetable Wastes
WANG Li-Ying, WU  Shuo, ZHANG Yan-Cai, LI Ruo-Nan, CHEN Li-Li
Low efficiency and unreasonable utilization of vegetable wastes have became the bottleneck restricting the development of clean vegetable production. Composting is an efficient way which can turn vegetable wastes to innocuous resource. This paper summarizes the properties and characteristics of major vegetable wastes in China,and expounds the research progresses on composting treatment of vegetable wastes at home and abroad,including composting method,initial raw material preparation,inoculation technology,composter parameters during composting process and control technology,and composter quality standards. The paper also prospects the future development of composting treatment for vegetable waste.
2014 Vol. 1 (6): 6- [Abstract] ( 798 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1132KB] ( 1168 )
13 Effects of Grafting on Melon Fruit Growth and Quality
ZHANG Xin-Ying, FU Qiu-Shi,  Zhu-Hui-Qin ,  Wang-Huai-Song
Taking pumpkin‘ Jingxinzhen No.3’ as rootstock and muskmelon IVF117 and oriental melon IVF09 as sclon,this paper studied the influences of grafting on melon fruit growth and development,fruit sugar contents,and relative amount and types of aroma substances in ripe melon fruit. The results showed that grafting significantly increased the fruit enlargement rate and single fruit weight,and promoted the fruit development. The contents of glucose,fructose,sucrose and total soluble sugars in ripe grafted melon fruit were lower than that of own-rooted melon fruit. There were 7 new aroma compounds in grafted muskmelon fruit,accounting for 6.35% of the total composition,but 14 kinds of aroma compounds were missing,which accounted for 15.75% of total composition. The total relative content of aroma compounds in grafted oriental fruit was reduced by 24.38 percentage point,among which the content of ethyl acetate was reduced by 23.44 percentage point. The changes in kinds and contents of aroma compounds in grafted melon fruit was the main reason for flavor changes in melon.
2014 Vol. 1 (6): 13- [Abstract] ( 584 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1343KB] ( 901 )
20 Studies on Classification and Identification based on Morphological Markers and SSR Markers for Elite Varieties of Cucumis melo L.
LI Rui-Feng, GAO  Peng, ZHU Zi-Cheng, LUAN Fei-Shi
Abstract:Studies on classification and identification of 60 melon(Cucumis melo L.)materials were conducted by SSR marker and Morphological marker. Based on morphological cluster analysis the genetic similarity coefficient of the 60 materials ranged from 0.73-0.94,and at the genetic similarity coefficient of 0.74 these melons could be classified into 2 categories:Cucumis melo ssp. conomon and C. melo ssp. melo. Cucumis melo ssp. conomon could be subdivided into 4 groups,which are preliminarily classified by single fruit weight,peel color,aroma,maturity. The result of SSR cluster analysis showed that the genetic similarity coefficient of the 60 accessions ranged from 0.75-0.95. Also,the test materials could be divided into 6 categories at the genetic similarity coefficient of 0.77. 18 pairs of the SSR primers could detect 4-11 polymorphic bands with an average of 8 bands. The average polymorphism information content(PIC)was 0.71 with the changing range of 0.58-0.88. The fingerprinting effectively distinguished the 60 materials and every accession had unique fingerprinting using QR code. 
2014 Vol. 1 (6): 20- [Abstract] ( 546 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1199KB] ( 728 )
28 Analysis of Principal Components for Celery Seedlings High Temperature Resistance
ZHU  Xin, SHEN Huo-Lin
The high temperature resistance of 8 celery(Apium graveolens L.) varieties at the seedling stage was evaluated by principal components analysis and subordinate function analysis.The results showed that 32 high temperature resistance indexes with significant differences could be classified by principal components analysis into 7 new comprehensive indexes with mutually independent components analysis.Through subordinate function analysis,the order of high temperature resistance from high to low was‘Wentula mutation lines’>‘Jiazhouwang mutation lines’>‘Jinnanshiqin’>‘Yota 52-70’>‘Cuinenxiqin’>‘Kangnaier’>‘Fuqin’>‘Jinhuang’,which was consistent with the results of field observation in the past several years.
2014 Vol. 1 (6): 28- [Abstract] ( 501 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1116KB] ( 568 )
34 Effect of Magnetic Field on Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L. Seed Germination and Studies on Its Mechanism
CUI Lu-Lu, YU Hai-Xia, LI Jing-Fu, JIANG Jing-Bin, XU Xiang-Yang
Taking Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L. seed as experimental material,the effect of magnetic field intensity,and magnetic acting time and seed soaking time before treatment on seed germination index and primary and secondary relations between all factors were studied by orthogonal test and uniform test method.Then the large scale screening of magnetic field intensity and magnetic acting time were carried out to further investigate the  mechanism of using magnetic field treatment to improve seed vigor from the view points of soluble protein content,malondialdehyde content,and antioxidant enzyme activity.The results indicated that suitable magnetic field treatment could promote seed germination and improve seed vigor.Magnetic field intensity was the main factor affecting seed germination.The primary and secondary order of action time and soaking time were varied with different germination indexes. Seed germination was inhibited by too high magnetic field intensity for a long time. Soaking seed in 20 ℃ distilled water for 8 hours,1-6 minutes was appropriate treatment by 1 000-3 500 GS magnetic field.After magnetic field treatment,the soluble sugar and protein contents were increased,MDA content decreased,and enzyme activities of antioxidant system were increased,thus the seed germination effect
was improved.
2014 Vol. 1 (6): 34- [Abstract] ( 472 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1343KB] ( 706 )
40 Effects of Different Stockosorb Agents on Fruit Vegetable Seedlings Growth
JIANG Ya-Qin, LI Wen-Jia, KANG De-Xian, LI  Yan, WU Yong-Guan, WANG Yi-Kui
In order to investigate the stockosorb’s effect on quality of vegetable seedling and fertilizer-keeping capacity,different stockosorbs were adopted to seedings of eggplant(Solanum melongena L.var.serpentinum L.H.Bailey),chieh qua(Benincasa hispida Cogn.var. chieh-qua How.),towel gourd〔Luffa acutangula(L.)Roxb.〕.The result indicated that with the increase of stockosorb concentration in seedlings,the fertilizer-keeping capacity of seedling substrates increased.But too higher concentration might inhibit the growth of vegetable seedlings.The low concentration treatment could promote the growth of vegetable seedlings.Besides,the effect of small particles stockosorb was better than the big particles.When the concentration of small particles stockosorb was 1%,its effect on seedlings was the best.The plant height,stem diameter,leaf area of eggplant,chieh qua,towel gourd all reached the highest value.The differences reached the extreme significant level,as compared with the contrast.
2014 Vol. 1 (6): 40- [Abstract] ( 672 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1251KB] ( 614 )
44 Establishment of Highly Efficient Regeneration System of Lanzhou Lily
CUI Xing-Lin, QIN Xin-Hui, LIU  Fen, YI Wan-Wei
Taking fresh Lanzhou lily〔Lilium. davidii Duch. var. unicolor(Hoog)Cotton〕scale as explant,this paper explored the establishment of highly efficient regeneration system.The results showed that the middle and inner layer of the scales were superior than the outer ones,and more suitable to be explant.The scales regeneration frequency reached the highest in medium of MS+0.5 mg·L-1 6-BA+0.5 mg·L-1 NAA,up to 90.0%.A small bud had the highest proliferation rate in the medium of MS+0.8 mg·L-1 6-BA+0.05 mg·L-1 NAA,with an average number of 4.5 per bud new shoots.The medium of MS+0.8 mg·L-1 6-BA+0.05 mg·L-1 NAA+0.5 mg·L-1 AC facilitated the enlargement growth of test-tube plantlets,and their survival rate was over 98% after
2014 Vol. 1 (6): 44- [Abstract] ( 543 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1151KB] ( 445 )
47 A New Tomato F1 Hybrid —‘ Dongnong 719’
CHEN Xiu-Ling, LI Jing-Fu, ZHANG  He, JIANG Jing-Bin, WANG Ao-Xue, KANG Li-Gong, XU Xiang-Yang
‘Dongnong 719’ is a new mid-maturing tomato F1 hybrid,developed by crossing 051394 as female parent and 051162 as male parent. It is high resistant to ToMV,leaf mold,Fusarium wilt,Verticillium wilt and root knot nematode. The fruit is of large size. The verage single fruit weight is 200-240 g. The mature fruit is shining pink in color with round shape and smooth peel. The average fruit firmness is 0.54 kg·cm-2. It is tolerant to storage and transportation. The average yield is 150-180 t·hm-2 in protected fields. It is suitable for cultivation in protected fields in early spring and late autumn.
2014 Vol. 1 (6): 47- [Abstract] ( 548 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1136KB] ( 578 )
49 A New Sweet Pepper F1 Hybrid—‘Haifeng No.16’
XING Yong-Ping, ZHANG Shu-Gen, LI Chun-Lin, WANG Zhen-Quan, ZHANG Jun-Min, JIANG Zhong-Ren, LI Chun-Ling
‘Haifeng No.16’ is a F1 hybrid of large-fruit-shape sweet pepper developed by crossing the inbred line W0704-5 as female parent and the double haploid line from anther culture F0702-2 as male parent. The first flower appears at the 9-10th node. The plant grows vigorously and has continuous fruit-setting ability.The fruit is 9.80 cm in length and 10.52 cm in width. The average pulp thickness is 0.69 cm,and the single fruit weight is 261.58 g.Its fruit has good commercial quality,and high 4 ventricular rate. The average contents of VC,soluble sugar and protein are 676 mg·kg-1,2.0 g·kg-1 and 8.9 g·kg-1,respectively. It is middle resistant to CMV,Phytophthora blight and resistant to TMV. It can yield about 75 t·hm-2.It is suitable to be cultivated in protected fields in Beijing,Hebei,Shandong Provinces,and open fields in Guangdong,Shanxi,Shaanxi Provinces and Guangxi Autonomous Region.
2014 Vol. 1 (6): 49- [Abstract] ( 499 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1122KB] ( 588 )
52 A New Tomato F1 Hybrid —‘Longfan No.11’
HU Zhi-Feng, SHAO Jing-Cheng, ZHANG Shao-Li
‘Longfan No.11’ is a new F1 hybrid of middle-late maturing tomato developed by crossing 2032 as female parent and 2125 as male parent. It is a variety with indeterminate growth. Its first inflorescence setting at the 7-8th leaf nods. The matured fruit is round in shape and pink in peel color. The average single fruit weight is 195.2 g. The average fruit firmness is 1.02 kg·cm-2. It is tolerant to storage and transportation. It is resistant to leaf mold,and middle resistant to early blight. Its average yield is about 114 t·hm-2 in protected fields. It is suitable for cultivation in protected fields in northern China.
2014 Vol. 1 (6): 52- [Abstract] ( 459 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1097KB] ( 443 )
54 A New Pickle Cowpea Variety —‘ Chengjiang No.9’
CHEN  Ling, YANG  Jian, FENG  Kuan, SUN Yue-Hong, ZHANG Qi-Sheng, WANG Zhi-Qiang
‘Chengjiang No.9’is a new cowpea hybrid developed by crossing optimum strain 89 as female parent and extreme early variety p-3 as male parent through system selection. It is of mid-early maturity. The lord tendril has pod. The first inflorescence sets in the 4-6th nod. It takes about 60-65 days from sowing to harvest in spring,and the newly grown pod is light green in color. The average pod length is about 55-60 cm. The single pod weight is 25-30 g. It has good performance in pickle process. It is an ideal variety for make pickle cowpea. It can yield about 37.5 t·hm-2. It is suitable for spring and summer cultivation in the Yangtze River valley.
2014 Vol. 1 (6): 54- [Abstract] ( 518 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1096KB] ( 437 )
GAO Zhen-Hua, SUN Shi-Xian, ZHANG  Li, GAO Jian-Chang, ZHAO Qing-Chun, CHEN Ying-Zhi, LIAO  Qin, XU He-Lin
2014 Vol. 1 (6): 57- [Abstract] ( 338 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1212KB] ( 808 )
LI Pei-Zhi
2014 Vol. 1 (6): 63- [Abstract] ( 330 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1158KB] ( 508 )
2014 Vol. 1 (6): 67- [Abstract] ( 297 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1120KB] ( 525 )
2014 Vol. 1 (6): 69- [Abstract] ( 297 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1344KB] ( 677 )
SHI Yan-Xia, MENG Shan-Shan, CHEN  Lu, XIE Xue-Wen, CHAI A-Li, WANG Hui-Jun, LI Bao-Ju
2014 Vol. 1 (6): 71- [Abstract] ( 324 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1344KB] ( 535 )
ZHANG De-Shuang, WANG Wei-Hong, ZHANG Feng-Lan, YU Yang-Jun, ZHAO Xiu-Yun, YU Shuan-Cang, SU Tong-Bing, LU Gui-Xiang
2014 Vol. 1 (6): 74- [Abstract] ( 287 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1160KB] ( 523 )
LANG De-Shan
2014 Vol. 1 (6): 76- [Abstract] ( 313 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1209KB] ( 579 )
XI Ya-Dong, XIANG Yun-Jia, PENG Hua-Xian, ZHAO  Xia, ZHANG Guo-Zhi, CHEN Guo-Hua
2014 Vol. 1 (6): 78- [Abstract] ( 341 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1381KB] ( 714 )
JI Zhi-Xian, WU Zao-Gui
2014 Vol. 1 (6): 82- [Abstract] ( 289 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1239KB] ( 519 )
ZHANG Xi-Yu, WEI Jia-Peng, ZHANG Xiao-Yan, SANG Ru-Ming
2014 Vol. 1 (6): 84- [Abstract] ( 339 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1164KB] ( 580 )
MAO Li-Ping, MA Rong-Li, GUO Wei-Min, WU Dong-Tang
2014 Vol. 1 (6): 86- [Abstract] ( 316 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1307KB] ( 496 )
YAN Xue-Lin
2014 Vol. 1 (6): 88- [Abstract] ( 362 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1192KB] ( 746 )
WANG Wen-Ping
2014 Vol. 1 (6): 90- [Abstract] ( 332 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1620KB] ( 499 )
ZHANG Bao-Cai, DAI Qian-Qian, HUA Juan-Li
2014 Vol. 1 (6): 93- [Abstract] ( 322 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1261KB] ( 537 )
PAN Tian-Chun, LI Cheng-Zuo
2014 Vol. 1 (6): 94- [Abstract] ( 315 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1588KB] ( 449 )
LUO Yan-Hua, CHEN Ya-Xue, HUANG Yi-Gan, LIN Yi-Feng, XU Yu-Qin
2014 Vol. 1 (6): 95- [Abstract] ( 345 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1438KB] ( 478 )
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