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2015 Vol.1 Issue.6,Published 2015-06-01

QI Hao-Tian, GAO Qun
2015 Vol. 1 (6): 1- [Abstract] ( 310 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1075KB] ( 697 )
GUO Jia-Jin, CHENG Lin, CHEN Fu-Dong, JIN Guo-Liang, QIU Zhi-Jun
2015 Vol. 1 (6): 7- [Abstract] ( 316 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1079KB] ( 958 )
11 Creation and Utilization of Pepper Backbone Parent 6421 and Its Derivated Lines
MA Yan-Qing, DAI Xiong-Ze, LI Xue-Feng, ZHANG Zhu-Qing, CHEN Wen-Chao, ZOU Xue-Xiao
Through excavation and selection of ‘Hexiniujiaojiao’ pepper(Capsicum annuum L.),this paper clarified the creation and heterosis utilization of pepper backbone parent 6421 and its derivated lines. The paper also analyzed why 6421 became the backbone parent, and expounded the experience gained during its breeding and selection.
2015 Vol. 1 (6): 11- [Abstract] ( 402 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1190KB] ( 706 )
17 Research Prospects in Biological Control of Tomato Bacterial Spot
YANG Guang-Wei, LIU Hui-Qin, SUN Li-Li, SHENG Jin-Xia, LIU Yu-Shan, ZHAO Ting-Chang
Tomato bacterial spot is a worldwide common bacterial disease. It mainly harms tomato and pepper,and seriously affects their yield and quality. This paper reviews the research progress made in biological control of tomato bacterial spot both at home and abroad. The biolgical control methods include plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria(PGPR),mutant strain,phage,and other bio-control bacteria and activator. The paper also discusses about the existing problems in biological control of this disease,and prospects its future development.
2015 Vol. 1 (6): 17- [Abstract] ( 376 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1156KB] ( 708 )
23 Screening and Identification of Bio-control Agents Against Phytophthora melonis
SUN Li, YI Tu-Yong, SU Zhi-Ping, WANG Ya-Fei, WEI Run-Jie, DONG Jun
In order to screen effective antagonistic agents to Phytophthora melonis,269 strains were isolated from collected soil in Hunan and Beijing with gradient dilution method. 2 strains showed obvious antagonistic effects to Phytophthora melonis by using agar plate dual culture,and strain X54 and strain P3 were finally screened out. The diluted 5 times filtration showed their inhibition rates were over 70%. Through observation of culture morphological characteristics,physiological and biochemical experiment,and molecular identification of 16S rDNA,we found that actinomycete X54 was Streptomyces virginiae and bacterial P3 was Bacillus licheniformis.
2015 Vol. 1 (6): 23- [Abstract] ( 480 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1527KB] ( 639 )
28 Identification of Seedling Disease Pathogens in Greenhouse Vegetable and Screen of Fungicides
YANG Yu-Hong, YANG Cui-Rong, LING Jian, MAO Zhen-Chuan, CHEN Guo-Hua, XIE Bing-Yan
Major seedling diseases of 10 vegetable species in greenhouse,including Cruciferae(Chinese cabbage,broccoli,cabbage,radish),Solanaceae(tomato,pepper,eggplant)and Cucurbitaceae(cucumber,wax gourd,pumpkin)were investigated and their pathogens were identified according to their morphological characteristics and molecular biology.The control effect of fungicides collected from different sources and against 4 main seedling diseases including damping-off,rhizoctonia disease,Fusarium wilt disease and Phytophthora blight were screened.The results showed that 736 bacteria strains were isolated from 864 seedling disease samples of 10 vegetable species.And 16 isolates were identified,among them 13 infective pathogens could generate 8-9 types of seedling diseases in various vegetable species.The most prevalent seedling diseases were traditional damping-off and rhizoctonia diseases,followed by root rot,Phytophthora blight and gray mold.The effective fungicides were screened out.32.5% Difenoconazole·azoxystrobin suspension concentrate(SC)and 2.5% fludioxonil SC had remarkable effect in controlling rhizoctonia disease.70% thiophanate methyl wettable powder(WP),36% Thiophanate-Methyl SC and 3% metalaxyl·hymexazol aqueous solutions(AS) were effective for controlling Fusarium wilt.68% metalaxyl-M mancozeb water dispersible granule(WG),25% metalaxyl-propamocarb WP,72% cymoxanil·mancozeb WP,50% dimethomorph WG,50%Fluazinam SC,64% oxadixyl·mancozeb WP and 10% cyazofamid SC had outstanding effect in controlling Phytophthora blight,50% Fluazinam SC and 64% oxadixyl·mancozeb WP,10% cyazofamid SC,72% cymoxanil·mancozeb,propamocarb hydrochloride WP,72.2% Propamocarb hydrochloride AS,50% dimethomorph WG,68% Metalaxyl-M mancozeb WG and 60% pyraclostrobin+metiram WG etc.were effective for controlling damping-off.
2015 Vol. 1 (6): 28- [Abstract] ( 520 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1444KB] ( 962 )
35 Comprehensive Evaluation on Tomato Cultivar’s Resistance to Meloidogyne incognita
LIU Hua, YANG Cheng-De, ZHANG Guang-Rong, MIAO Zhong-Mei, XUE Li, CHEN Xiu-Rong
In order to better understand the resistance of major tomato(Solanum lycopersicum)cultivars in Baiyin City of Gansu Province and the introduced varieties for Meloidogyne incognita,their resistance were identified by indoor and field experiments.The results showed that there were no immune cultivars in tested cultivars,among them ‘Xianke No.1’,'Xianke No.6’,'Diweisi’ and ‘Jinpeng M6099’ were highly resistant in indoor seedling stage and field adult stage,'Jinpeng M18’ was susceptible. The resistance of 'Xianke No.8’ and ‘Jinpeng M701’ were stronger at seedling stage than adult stage,while the resistance of 'Jinpeng M5038’,'Di′ao’and 'Jiahong No.6’ were stronger at adult stage than seedling stage. The high yield and resistance of tested varieties 'Jinpeng M5038’,'Jinpeng M6099’ and ‘Diweisi’ were all good.
2015 Vol. 1 (6): 35- [Abstract] ( 407 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1163KB] ( 611 )
38 Identification of Clubroot Resistant Varieties of Chinese Cabbage to Plasmodiophora brassicae from Different Regions
YANG Xiao-Yun, ZHANG Shu-Xia, ZHANG Qing-Xia, SI Chao-Guang, WANG Yuan, WANG Dian-Chun
Plasmodiophora brassicae of Chinese cabbage from Qingdao in Shandong Province,Shuanglong in Yunnan Province,and Taibai in Shaanxi Province were innoculated to 49 Clubroot Resistant(CR)Chinese cabbage varieties to carry out identification.The results showed that the Chinese cabbage varieties’ resistances to Plasmodiophora brassicae from 3 above locations were different.32 varieties had the same resistance to Plasmodiophora brassicae from Qingdao in Shandong Province,and Taibai in Shaanxi Province.We speculated that the physiological races from these 2 locations were the same.Plasmodiophora brassicae from Shuanglong in Yunnan Province was physiological race distinctively different from that of Qingdao in Shandong Province and Taibai in Shaanxi Province.Plasmodiophora brassicae from Shuanglong in Yunnan Province had strong pathogenicity,and less resistant resource.
2015 Vol. 1 (6): 38- [Abstract] ( 390 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1131KB] ( 568 )
42 Glucosinolate Profile and Content Analysis of Different Cabbage(Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L.)Varieties
HU Li-Ping, LIU Guang-Min, KANG Jun-Gen, ZHAO Xue-Zhi, MA Yue, HE Hong-Ju
Taking 11 cabbage(Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L.)varieties as experimental material,their glucosinolate profiles and contents in leaves were evaluated by HPLC method. The results indicated that 9 types of glucosinolate were existed in cabbage leaves,including 5 aliphatic glucosinolates(Glucoiberin,Sinigrin,Progoitrin,Glucoraphanin and Gluconapin),and 4 indolic glucosinolates(4-Hydroxy glucobrassicin,Glucobrassicin,4-Methoxy glucobrassicin and Neoglucobrassicin). Glucoiberin,Sinigrin and Glucobrassicin were the main glucosinolate profiles in cabbage leaves. The 3 glucosinolates ranged from 63.60%-91.06% of the total glucosinolate contents. The contets of total glucosinolate,total aliphatic glucosinolate and total indolic glucosinolate ranged 3.59-19.70 μmol·g-1(DW),2.74-15.15μmol·g-1(DW),and 0.81-7.19μmol·g-1(DW),respectively.
2015 Vol. 1 (6): 42- [Abstract] ( 461 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1281KB] ( 666 )
48 Studies on Embryo Induction from Un-pollinated Ovary Culture and Regenerated Plant in Cucumber
LIU Li-Gong, WANG Jing, ZHAO Hong, YANG Hong-Hong, ZHANG Feng
Un-pollinated ovary culture was applied in 7 different cucumber(Cucumis sativus L.) varieties.The embryo yield was significantly different among different genotypes.Among them, the highest embryo formation rate was ‘Beijing 102’, reaching 25.3%, the lowest embryo formation rate was 'Erhuang No.3’, reaching 0.7%.Taking ‘Beijing 102’,'Zhongnong No.26’ and ‘Jinyou No.1’ as experimental material,further studies were conducted about the effects of thermal treatment,exogenous hormones and different growth stage of plant on embryo induction yield.The results showed that a thermal shock at 35 ℃ for 2 days could gain the highest embryo yield,and the differential medium with 0.20 mg·L-1 NAA and 0.8 mg·L-1 6-BA was optimal for embryo differentiation.The highest embryo yield was harvested with ovary selected at 21-30 nodes of the plant stem.When the GA concentration in regeneration medium reached 0.4-0.8 mg·L-1,the ‘blunt with blossom’ phenomenon of regenerated plant could be effectively vanished.Thus,the plant regeneration rate was increased.The ratio of diploid plants in regenerated plants was 70%,and the DH plant ratio in diploid plants was 84%.
2015 Vol. 1 (6): 48- [Abstract] ( 349 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1647KB] ( 373 )
53 Analysis of Principal Component and Cluster Analysis of Main Agronomic Traits of Nantong Lentils
JIANG Yong-Ping, QIU Hai-Rong, ZHANG Hong-Juan, SONG Yi-Min
Taking 16 cultivars of Nantong lentils〔Lablab purpureus(L.)Sweet〕as experimental material,we analyzed the principal components of 10 major agronomic traits using principal component analysis and cluster analysis to investigate the genetic distance and the main factors affecting yield of lentils.The results showed that under the premise of keeping 84.889 3% of information amount,10 agronomic traits could be simplified as the following 4 principal components:grain type factor,grain weight factor Ⅰ,pod type factor and grain weight factor Ⅱ.During the breeding process,the reasonable principal component values should be determined combining with the breeding objectives.The genetic distances between these 16 varieties were 0.886 6-7.775 7,and the average was 4.047 4.These 16 varieties could be divided into 4 classes,pod color and geographical source could not be used as the basis for judging germplasm genetic differences.
2015 Vol. 1 (6): 53- [Abstract] ( 326 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1130KB] ( 372 )
58 A New Spring Chinese Cabbage F1 Hybrid— ‘Jingchunhuang No.2’
YU Yang-Jun, ZHANG Feng-Lan, ZHANG De-Shuang, ZHAO Xiu-Yun, YU Shuan-Cang, XU Jia-Bing, WANG Wei-Hong, SU Tong-Bing, LU Gui-Xiang
'Jingchunhuang No.2’ is a new spring Chinese cabbage F1 hybrid bred by crossing selfincompatible line 0142 with 07229.It takes about 60 days from transplanting to harvest. It is tolerant to bolting,resistant to downy mildew,and highly resistant to virus(TuMV) and black rot. Its head shape is flat-topped with 28.1 cm in head height and 16.2 cm in head diameter. Its single head weight is 2.5 kg.The yield in open field isabout 105 t·hm-2.It is suitable for cultivation in Beijing,and Hebei,Gansu,Yunnan,Hubei Provinces.
2015 Vol. 1 (6): 58- [Abstract] ( 360 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1121KB] ( 448 )
61 A New Bottle Gourd F1 Hybrid— ‘Zhepu No.8’
WU Xiao-Hua, WANG Bao-Gen, LU Zhong-Fu, XU Pei, WU Xin-Yi, ZOU Yi-Jing, LI Guo-Jing
'Zhepu No.8’ is a new heat tolerant bottle gourd F1 hybrid developed by crossing inbred line G7-4-3-1-2-1 as female parent and inbred line J63-1-6-3-2-1 as male parent. The plant grows vigorously. It is of early and medium maturity. Its fruit is mainly setting at the lateral vines,and its fruit setting ability is quite good. The fruit is of stick shape with middle size and uniform thickness. The fruit has green and shiny peel. Its commercial fruit is averagely 32 cm in length and 5 cm in diameter. The single fruit weight is 0.4-0.5 kg. This variety has stronger tolerance to heat stress and its commercial fruit ratio is 6 percentage point higher than that of ‘Hangzhouchanggua’during altithermal period. The fruit has good quality and its total free amino acid content is1 304.193 μg·g-1,of which glutamate content is 85.663 μg·g-1. In fields its resistance to Fusarium wilt and powdery mildew is stronger than that of the contrast 'Hangzhouchanggua’. This variety is suitable for open field cultivation and protected cultivation in summer and autumn. Its yield is over 39 t·hm-2.
2015 Vol. 1 (6): 61- [Abstract] ( 368 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1167KB] ( 421 )
64 A New Cucumber F1 Hybrid for Greenhouse Cultivation— ‘Jinyou No. 335’
DENG Qiang, YANG Rui-Huan, WANG Hui-Zhe, CAO Ming-Ming, LI Shu-Ju
'Jinyou No. 335’ is a new cucumber F1 hybrid developed by crossing inbred lines A143-5 as female parent and B74A-7 as male parent. It has strong tolerance to low temperature and weak light,good growth vigor,high female flower setting rate,strong continuous fruit bearing ability,and fast fruit growing speed. It has outstanding commercial characteristics and superior quality. It is resistant to Fusarium wilt,medium resistant to brown spot,downy mildew and powdery mildew. It can be planted over winter. Its single fruit weight is about 220 g.The total yield is over 300 t·hm-2. It is suited for greenhouse cultivation in northern China.
2015 Vol. 1 (6): 64- [Abstract] ( 558 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1164KB] ( 373 )
67 A New Welsh Onion Variety— 'Liaocong No.7'
SUN Yong-Sheng, CUI Lian-Wei, JIA Jun-Xiang, LI Na, JIANG Bin-Bin, ZHANG Xue-Chao
'Liaocong No.7’ is a new conventional welsh onion variety developed by crossing ‘Liaocong No.1’ inbred line ‘2004031’ as female parent,'Wuyeqi’ inbred line ‘2004070’as male parent,and then developed through individual selection of 3 generations,plus continuous 2 generations’ mixing selection. The variety has short growth period. The plant grows fast. Its plant height is about 115 cm. The stem is tight,40-45 cm in length and 3-4 cm in diameter. The average fresh weight per plant is about 245 g. Its resistance to virus disease,downymildew and purple spot in field is stronger than that of the contrast 'Liaocong No.1’. It is suitable to be cultivated in short season. Its yield is about 72 t·hm-2. It is suitable for cultivation in Liaoning,Jilin and Hebei Provinces.
2015 Vol. 1 (6): 67- [Abstract] ( 454 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1151KB] ( 538 )
2015 Vol. 1 (6): 69- [Abstract] ( 299 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 985KB] ( 430 )
2015 Vol. 1 (6): 71- [Abstract] ( 257 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1033KB] ( 430 )
WANG Ying-Ying, XIE Xue-Wen, LI Bao-Ju
2015 Vol. 1 (6): 73- [Abstract] ( 310 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1027KB] ( 566 )
ZHOU Sheng-Mao, BAN Mei-Ling, SHANG Xiao-Hong, JIANG Wei-Jie, YU Hong-Jun
2015 Vol. 1 (6): 76- [Abstract] ( 288 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1412KB] ( 547 )
YIN Ru-Song, WU Yan-Rong, WANG Pei-Quan, GAO Hui-Min, WANG Juan, CHEN Jun-Jie
2015 Vol. 1 (6): 79- [Abstract] ( 288 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1409KB] ( 649 )
SUN Xu-Xia, ZHANG Jian, HOU Gui-Sen, LI Gang, SUN Ai-Qin
2015 Vol. 1 (6): 80- [Abstract] ( 271 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1964KB] ( 643 )
DING Chao-Hong, LI Han-Mei, WANG Lai-Liang, WANG Bin
2015 Vol. 1 (6): 85- [Abstract] ( 267 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2429KB] ( 502 )
ZOU Rui-Chang, WAN Zheng-Jie
2015 Vol. 1 (6): 88- [Abstract] ( 257 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1344KB] ( 470 )
ZHANG Shu-Jiang, SUN Shi-Xian, LI Fei
2015 Vol. 1 (6): 89- [Abstract] ( 283 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1185KB] ( 540 )
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