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2017 Vol.1 Issue.5,Published 2017-05-01

2017 Vol. 1 (5): 1-5 [Abstract] ( 355 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1398KB] ( 1601 )
2017 Vol. 1 (5): 6-9 [Abstract] ( 349 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1153KB] ( 830 )
2017 Vol. 1 (5): 10-13 [Abstract] ( 227 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1209KB] ( 923 )
13 Effects of Buchnera on Myzus persicae Growth and Development

In order to clarify the effects of Buchnera aphidicola on growth and development of M. persicae in different vegetables,we took vegetables of 3 different families( radish of Raphanus sativus L.,pepper of Capsicum annuum L.,and cucumber of Cucumis sativus L.) as experimental material,and compared the growth and reproduction situation of M. persicae untreated and treated with Rifampicin.The results showed that the DNAK gene expression quantity of Buchnera in aphids treated with different concentrations of rifampicin was significantly decreased.After treated with 200 μg·mL-1 rifampicin,the reproduction quantity,life span and body weight of aphids were significantly lower than that of the healthy aphids,indicating that endosymbiont Buchnera played a very important role in the growth and development of M. persicae,and the reduction of endosymbiont could have negative effect on M. persicae.

2017 Vol. 1 (5): 13-16 [Abstract] ( 331 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1671KB] ( 859 )
17 Expression of IN2-2 Promoter Induced by Acetanilide and 2-Chlorobenzenesulfonamide in Mustard

IN2-2::GUS transgenic mustard was treated with different concentrations(50、100、200 mg·L-1)of acetanilide and 2-chlorobenzenesulfonamide,the herbicide safer analogous chemicals.The results showed that IN2-2 promoter expressed in mustard roots,leaves,flower calyx,petal,stamen and pollen after treated with acetanilide or 2-chlorobenzenesulfonamide,but no GUS expression activity was observed in ovule.100 mg·L-1 acetanilide or 50 mg·L-1 2-chlorobenzenesulfonamide solution were suitable for the expression of IN2-2 promoter in mustard,and the acetanilide induce the IN2-2 promoter expression more quickly than 2-chlorobenzenesulfonamide in all tissues and organs.In addition,high concentration 2-chlorobenzenesulfonamide treatment was detrimental to mustard germination and growth,and would obviously inhibit the expression activity of IN2-2 promoter.4 ℃ temperature stress induced IN2-2 promoter expression in seedling leaf blades.This promoter expression was slightly induced by 150 mmol·L-1 NaCl,but not by heavy metalions Gu2+.

2017 Vol. 1 (5): 17-25 [Abstract] ( 272 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 4617KB] ( 993 )
26 Cloning and Analysis of NBS-LRR Type Disease-resistant Gene Analogs in Spinach oleracea L.

In order to understand better the resistant mechanism of spinach(Spinach oleracea L.)downy mildew and lay foundation for further clone of spinach downy mildew resistance genes and marker-assistedselection of resistance breeding,2 pares of degenerate primers were designed from the conserved motifs of NBSLRR type plant resistance gene.There are 3 types of spinach material-commercial hybrid‘RZ51-147’,inbred line‘12S3’and‘12S4’.Two pares of primers were used for amplifying the disease-resistant gene analog(s RGAs)by polymerase chain reaction(PCR)from the genomic DNA of these 3 material.After cloning and sequencing the PCR products,23 resistance gene analogs with uninterrupted open reading frames(ORFs)and conserved domains of NBS were obtained from spinach,and deposited in GenBank with the accession number of KX914865-KX914887.Homology research showed that most of these 23 RGAs shared high homology with some putative disease-resistant genes or the other relative protein genes in Beta vulqaris.For example,the nucleotides of SP1,
SP2,SP5,SP6,SP10,SP11,SP12,SP13 were over 86% identical to disease resistance protein RF45 from sugar beet,and the nucleotides of SP3,SP4,SP8,SP9,SP24 were over 85% identical to sugar beet disease resistance RPP13 protein.In addition,these 5 RGAs shared 32.20%-33.52% amino acid sequence homology with sunflower downy mildew resistance gene PI8,and clustered a group with PI8 gene in phylogenetic tree,suggesting that these 5 RGAs might be related to downy mildew gene.Homologous evolution analysis demonstrated that all of RGAs were ranked into non-TIR-NBS-LRR type R gene except SP7,which was consistent with the result based on multiple alignment of deduced amino acid sequences.

2017 Vol. 1 (5): 26-33 [Abstract] ( 278 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1469KB] ( 1324 )
33 Expression Pattern and Functional Analysis of Aquaporin(RsAQP1b)in Raphanus sativus L.

Taking the radish cultivar‘Baiyuchun’as material,this paper gained coded sequence of aquaporin gene RsAQP1b by homology-based cloning method;and analyzed the expression pattern of RsAQP1b gene and protein under drought stress during radish seedling period,and studied the expression of this gene in tobacco,changes in MDA content and activity of protective enzyme under drought stress. The results indicated that CDS of RsAQP1b was 861 bp,encoding a protein of 286 amino acids. Polyclonal antibody of RsAQP1b was prepared and its titer was over 1∶512 000. Real time PCR and western blot detection showed that the expression level of RsAQP1b gene and protein was down-regulated by drought stress. Under PEG6000 drought stress treatment,the MDA content in transgenic and wild type(WT)tobacco was all increased,but the increasing rage of transgenic tobacco was small. The content of SOD in transgenic RsAQP1b tobacco showed an increasing tendency,while the CAT content showed a tendency of first rising then declining. The POD content showed an increasing tendency. The enzymatic activity was all exceeded that of the relevant CK of wide type.

2017 Vol. 1 (5): 33-39 [Abstract] ( 268 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1631KB] ( 770 )
40 Effects of Low Temperature and Poor Light Storage under LED Condition on Quality of Pepper Seedling

Storage and transportation of vegetable commercial seedlings becomes an important link,along with the continuous expansion of facility vegetables planting areas and vegetable seedling culture industry.This paper took pepper variety‘ Nongda No.24’ as experimental material and studied on the changes in morphology and physiology indexes of plug seedling under different low temperature and poor light environment,aiming at finding suitable environment condition for long period storage and transportation of pepper seedlings.Results showed that no quality changes found in pepper plug seedlings during 14 days storage and transportation at 11 ℃ temperature in 30 μmol·m-2·s-1 light intensity and 12 h·d-1 photoperiod and using fluorescent lamp with 1.9 R∶B ratio and in 15 μmol·m-2·s-1 light intensity and 24 h·d-1 photoperiod using LED.Compared to fluorescent lamp,LED with advantages of high lighting efficiency and low energy consumption is more suitable for providing pepper seedlings with long-distance transportation and storage in low temperature and weak light intensity.

2017 Vol. 1 (5): 40-45 [Abstract] ( 293 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2977KB] ( 828 )
46 Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Growth and Photosynthesis of Grafted Watermelon Seedling

Pumpkin hybrid( Cucurbita maxima × C. Moschata),‘Qingnong No.2’and‘ Qingnong No.3’were taken as stock,and watermelon(Citrullus lanatus)‘Jingxin No.2’was taken as cion.Watermelon seedlings grafted with these 2 stocks were inoculated with Funneliformis mosseae,Glomus versiforme and Glomus intraradices,respectively.The grafted seedlings without inoculation with any of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi(AMF)were taken as the control.The effect of different AMF on the growth and photosynthetic index of the grafted watermelon seedlings were evaluated.Results showed that AMF inoculation could enhance the growth and photosynthesis of the grafted watermelon seedlings.Among them,the effect of G. versiforme was maximum.The biomass of‘ Qingnong No.2’inoculated with G. versiforme were significantly higher than that of the other treatments.Its AMF infection rate,Pn,Gs,Ci,WUE and SPAD were higher than that of the other treatments by different degree.Therefore,it is considered that the combination of‘Qingnong No.2’inoculated with G. versiforme has better application prospect in the production of watermelon seedlings.

2017 Vol. 1 (5): 46-49 [Abstract] ( 411 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1183KB] ( 725 )
50 Nutrients Absorption and Distribution Rule of Pepper Grown at Autumn-winter Season under Mulched Drop-irrigation System in Greenhouse

Taking pepper variety‘ Haonong No.11’ F1hybrid as experimental material,this paper carried out field trial in He county of Anhui Province,and studied on the nutrients absorption and distribution rule of autumn-winter pepper in greenhouse under mulched drop-irrigation system.The results indicated that the pepper yield reached 47 100 kg·hm-2,the total accumulation of dry matter was 8 163 kg·hm-2,and the harvest index was 0.70.The most rapid dry matter increasing period for plant was at the stage of fruit formation.Its accumulation quantity accounted for 33.3% of the whole growth period.Pepper nutrient absorption during the entire growth period is potash( K)> nitrogen( N)> phosphorus( P),and the absorption of N,P2O5 and K2O were 186、61.0、313 kg·hm-2,respectively.The absorbent N,P,and K were mainly distributed to fruits,and their harvest indexes were 0.59,0.78,0.58,respectively.The N,P,and K absorptive amount were the highest in the stage of fruit formation,accounting for 37.6%,28.5%,38.4%,respectively.As for the Ca,Mg,B,their absorptive amount was Ca > Mg > B.The plant absorbed CaO,MgO and B were 135、74.9、0.13kg·hm-2,respectively,and the harvest indexes were 0.08,0.32,0.46,respectively.The highest Ca and Mg accumulation were in leaves,accounting for 79.8% and 54.1%,respectively.B was mainly distributed in fruits and leaves accounting for 46.2%,39.2%,respectively.The Ca,Mg and B absorptive amounts were the highest during the stage of fruit formation accounting for 34.6%,33.3%,38.2% of the whole growth period.

2017 Vol. 1 (5): 50-57 [Abstract] ( 294 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1898KB] ( 763 )
58 Effects of Different Heat Preservation Structure of Foundation on Ground Temperature and Tomato Yield in Solar Greenhouse

To reduce the soil heat loss from both horizontal and vertical direction,this study took no heat insulation panel served as the contrast,and set external and built-in thermal insulation material(EPS)treatments,on the premise of same value of foundation’s thermal resistance,to explore the effects of insulation panel with different position on soil temperature and tomato yield in greenhouse.The results showed that both 2 treatments had significant higher heat preservation effects than that of the contrast.The insulation effect of the built-in heat insulation panel was better than that of the external insulation,and the soil temperature increased 0.5 ℃ and 1.3 ℃ on average in horizontal direction compared with external insulation panel and the contrast group.Ground temperature in vertical direction was significantly better than that of the external(lifting 0.6 ℃ by average),which was significantly higher than that of the contrast(lifting 1.3 ℃ by average). Within 5-25 cm,the warming amplitudes first increased and then decreased along with the topsoil depth increasing.The tomato root system activity was significantly better than that of the external insulation panel and extreme significantly higher than that of the contrast.The tomato yield was increased by 10.9% and 29.1%,respectively than that of the external insulation panel and the contrast.In summary,the built-in insulation panel could effectively improve the indoor soil temperature in both horizontal and vertical direction,keep the temperature uniformity at different locations,and maintain the root system activity,tomato yield both in improved position.

2017 Vol. 1 (5): 58-63 [Abstract] ( 277 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1516KB] ( 837 )
64 Effect of Calcium Boron Fertilizer and Plant Growth Regulator on Controlling Celery Black Heart

Celery black heart disease is a kind of physiological disease.Its prevention and treatment is more difficult.This study selected 4 kinds of calcium fertilizer,one boron fertilizer and 6 kinds of plant growth regulators to conduct field experiment on controlling celery black heart disease.The results showed that foliage spray 4 kinds of calcium fertilizer had certain control effect on celery black heart disease.Among them,0.5% calcium chloride had the best control effect.The control effect was over 90% in 2 years.The effect of boron fertilizer on controlling celery black heart disease was very limited,only 23.08%.Among 6 kinds of plant growth regulators,the control effects of 6% Artailing was better(90.62%).

2017 Vol. 1 (5): 64-66 [Abstract] ( 354 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1101KB] ( 906 )
67 Studies on Optimal Watermelon Cultivation Scale in Beijing based on Translog Production Function

Moderate agriculture scale management is the development direction for agriculture in future.This paper took scale economics theory as the basis,and found out the optimal watermelon planting scale in Beijing was 6 670 m2 by establishing Translog production function model and using DEA envelopment analysis method.Besides,this study also discovered that age of farmer household and education level had significant influence on watermelon planting.But along with the aging of rural population becoming worse day by day,train professional farmer of new type could help to link up the 2 generations engaged in watermelon planting.

2017 Vol. 1 (5): 67-71 [Abstract] ( 279 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1384KB] ( 887 )
72 A New Pakchoi F1 Hybrid —‘Guoxia No.1’

‘Guoxia No.1’ is a new pakchoi F1 hybrid developed by crossing 2 self-incompatible lines ‘Y436’and‘ Y231-k’.This variety is of dwarf plant type with beautiful appearance.Its leaves are stretched and green in color with broad petiole and less wax powder.It is sowed in August 10 in Bejing area.Forty days after sowing,its plant is 19 cm in height and 35 cm in width.Its petiole is 4.9 cm in width and 1.1 cm in thickness.The average single plant weight is 231 g.It can yield 45.15 t·hm-2.It is resistant to TuMV and highly resistant to black rot and downy mildew.It is tolerant to heat and moisture.It is suitable for summer and autumn cultivation.It has been extended to Beijing,Tianjin,Shanghai Municipalities,and Hebei,Fujian and Shandong Provinces with over 30 000 hm2 total areas.

2017 Vol. 1 (5): 72-74 [Abstract] ( 300 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1146KB] ( 569 )
74 A New Hot Pepper F1 Hybrid —‘Ganla No.3’

‘Ganla No.3’ is a hot pepper F1 hybrid bred by crossing cytoplasm male sterile line‘ Y05A’ as female parent with restorer line‘ H06’as male parent.This F1 hybrid is of early-mid maturity.The fruit is of sheep-horn shape,22-24 cm in length,1.5-1.7 cm in fruit shoulder width.The average single fruit weight is 16 g.Its tender fruit is green in color,and old ripen fruit is bright red in color.Its taste is fragrant.It can yield fresh red pepper 45.0-52.5 t·hm-2.It is resistant to TMV,CMV and late blight.It is suitable for cultivation in Sichuan,Guizhou,Hunan,Jiangxi Provinces in early spring in open and protected fields.

2017 Vol. 1 (5): 74-76 [Abstract] ( 266 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1124KB] ( 693 )
77 A Pink Tomato F1 Hybrid with Double-resistance esistance to Diseases —‘ Zhengfan 1203’

∑‘Zhengfan 1203’ is a new tomato F1 hybrid of late-maturity and infinite-growth-type,developed by crossing‘ T12-6’as female parent and‘ TY12-3’as male parent.This variety has good commercial character and low split rate.Its leaf is dark green in color.It has strong growth vigor.The fruit is pink in color.The young fruit has no green shoulder.The fruit is tall and round shape with smooth surface and high hardness.The average single fruit weight is 198 g.This variety contains Ty1,Ty3a and Cf9 genes.It is resistant to Tomato yellow leaf curl virus(TYLCV) and leaf mold in fields.Its VC content is 155.4 mg·kg-1 and soluble solid content is 4.2%.The yields of early spring and late autumn cultivation were about 93.0 t·hm-2 and 61.5 t·hm-2,respectively.It is suitable for cultivation in protected fields in spring and autumn in northern China.

2017 Vol. 1 (5): 77-79 [Abstract] ( 318 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1137KB] ( 794 )
80 A New Pink Tomato F1 Hybrid —‘Baolu No.1’

‘Baolu No.1’is a new pink tomato F1 hybrid developed by crossing inbred line‘TP35187’as female parent and‘ TP36024’as male parent.It is of middle maturity.Its growth period is about 190 days.It takes around 45 days from flowering to harvest.It has strong growth vigor.The first flower sets on the 7-8th node.Its fruit is pink in color and of oblate shape.The average single fruit weight is about 185.7 g.The fruit has good hardness and thick pulp.The soluble solid content is 4.40%.Its yield can reach 113.2 t·hm-2.It is suitable for early spring cultivation in greenhouse and plastic shelter,and autumn cultivation under plastic shelter in northwest area,North China and East China.

2017 Vol. 1 (5): 80-82 [Abstract] ( 285 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1205KB] ( 576 )
2017 Vol. 1 (5): 82-84 [Abstract] ( 238 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1106KB] ( 582 )
2017 Vol. 1 (5): 85-87 [Abstract] ( 239 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1682KB] ( 715 )
2017 Vol. 1 (5): 87-89 [Abstract] ( 321 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1770KB] ( 778 )
2017 Vol. 1 (5): 90-92 [Abstract] ( 263 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1131KB] ( 904 )
2017 Vol. 1 (5): 93-95 [Abstract] ( 272 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1193KB] ( 566 )
2017 Vol. 1 (5): 96-98 [Abstract] ( 211 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1320KB] ( 660 )
2017 Vol. 1 (5): 98-100 [Abstract] ( 201 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1679KB] ( 616 )
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