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2019 Vol.1 Issue.9,Published 2019-09-01

2019 Vol. 1 (9): 1-6 [Abstract] ( 277 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2524KB] ( 953 )
2019 Vol. 1 (9): 7-12 [Abstract] ( 244 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1457KB] ( 538 )
2019 Vol. 1 (9): 12-17 [Abstract] ( 216 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1660KB] ( 508 )
18 Research Progress in Biological and Chemical Control Mechanisms of Botrytis cinerea
XIAO Jing-hui1,2,PANG Fei1,2,NI Rui-qi1,CHI Nai-yu1,2,WANG Meng-yu1,2*

Botrytis cinerea is a pathogen of gray mold,infecting plant rhizomes,leaves,flowers
and fruits,leading to plants yield reduce and even total production failure.During the post-harvest storage
and transportation process,Botrytis cinerea accelerates the deterioration of fruits and vegetables,resulting
serious logistics losses.This paper summarizes the control methods of Botrytis cinerea caused by Botrytis
at present;expounds the control mechanism and application status;and analyzes the advantages and
disadvantages of biological control and chemical control methods,hoping to provide theoretical basis and
application gist for controlling Botrytis cinerea

2019 Vol. 1 (9): 18-23 [Abstract] ( 246 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1490KB] ( 530 )
24 Tipburn Occurrence Reason of Vegetables and Its Control Strategies under Protected Environment
LU Jun-ling,TONG Yu-xin,YANG Qi-chang

With the rapid development of protected agriculture in China,vegetable production has to
transform from quantity oriented to quality oriented direction.It has become a first issue to improve vegetable
quality for protected vegetable development.Tipburn is a physiological disease caused by calcium deficiency in
leafy vegetables,especially serious in protected environment.This paper analyzed systematically the reasons
for tipburn occurrence in protected environment from vegetable variety,controlled environment(wind speed,
humidity,light environment,nutrient solution)and cultivation management.It also provided relevant
prevention and control strategies.

2019 Vol. 1 (9): 24-29 [Abstract] ( 287 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1457KB] ( 507 )
30 Optimization and Primers Screening of MSAP Analysis System in Cucurbita
JIANG Yi,JIANG Li-na*,ZHOU Jun-guo* Hot!

Taking pumpkin ‘Beiguan’(Cucurbita maxima) as material,this experiment used orthogonal
design L16 (45) to optimize main factors of pumpkin MSAP pre-amplification and selective amplification system.
The results showed that in the first step:the best digestion time was 2 hours,Hap Ⅱ(Hpa Ⅱ,MspⅠ)
dosage was 0.5 μL;in the second step:digestion time was 6 hours,EcoR Ⅰ dosage was 0.4 μL.The digestligation
system,including 21 μL digestion product,1 μL EcoR Ⅰcontact,and 1 μL Hap Ⅱ contact.The
connection time was 12 hours.The T4 DNA Ligase usage was 0.5 μL.The optimal pre-amplification reaction
system contained 2.0 μL digest-ligation products,1.5 μL 10 × PCR Buffer(Mg2+ plus),2.0 μL dNTP(2.5
mmol · L-1),0.6 μL Taq enzyme(5 U · μL -1),0.4 μL upstream and downstream primers(10 μmol · L-1).
The optimal selective amplification reaction system was template 4 μL diluted 120 times from the preamplification
products.The rest was identical with pre-amplification system.Finally,36 pairs of primers
suitable for pumpkin MSAP analysis were screened out and verified with 6% PAGE by the established MSAP
system.The result indicated that the optimized MSAP system had good polymorphism,the system was stable
and repeatable.This experiment has laid a foundation for subsequent MSAP analysis on pumpkin.

2019 Vol. 1 (9): 30-36 [Abstract] ( 237 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1667KB] ( 497 )
37 Evaluation on Bolting Tolerance of Pakchoi Germplasm Resources and Screening of Bolting Tolerance Germplasm
LIU Juan,LI Li,LU Bing-chen,DENG Pu,AI Xin*

Taking 64 germplasm resources of pakchoi as test material,this paper adopted openfield
cultivation experiment and comprehensive evaluation on bolting tolerance of common pakchoi,
through analyzing bolting tolerance index,and carrying out principal component analysis on agronomic
characteristics,correlation analysis,membership function and clustering analysis.The results showed that
changing the 9 indexes into 3 principal components,including bolting time,plant growth state and growth
biomass by principal component analysis could increase their cumulative contribution rate to 79.147%.The
correlation analysis results showed that there was significant positive correlation between bolting stage,budding
stage and flowering stage.Among them,observation of budding stage was the most simple and reliable,
which could quickly evaluate the bolting tolerance of pakchoi.This paper divided these 64 germplasm resources
into 5 bolting-tolerant grades by membership function method,and screened out 4 extreme bolting-tolerant
germplasm resources and 6 bolting-tolerant resources.Clustering analysis put the above 2 kinds of germplasm
resources into theⅡ class group,indicating that both membership function method and clustering analysis
could effectively identify the bolting tolerance of pakchoi,but the membership function was more simple and

2019 Vol. 1 (9): 37-43 [Abstract] ( 297 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1592KB] ( 460 )
44 Difference Analysis on Root System Free Amino Acid after Inoculating Fusarium oxysporum to Resistant and Susceptible Cucumber Materials
LI Ya-li,HOU Dong,YUE Hong-zhong,ZHANG Dong-qin

To clarify differences in root free amino acid contents after inoculating the
resistant and susceptible cucumbers with Fusarium oxysporum,this paper conducted inoculation on these
cucumber materials taking sterile water as the contrast.8,12,16,20 days after inoculation,the dynamic
changes in root system free amino acid content were analyzed.The results showed that the total free amino
acid content of resistant material was on a declining trend,after Fusarium oxysporum inoculation.While,
that in susceptible material maintained an upward trend.The total free amino acid contents of resistant and
susceptible materials treated with Fusarium oxysporum inoculation were all increased than that of the contrast.
8,12,16 and 20 days after inoculation,the total free amino acid contents in resistant material increased by
9.37%,38.81%,33.09% and 25.72%,respectively.That in susceptible material increased by 19.89%,
49.49%,101.11% and 208.96%,respectively.The total free amino acid contents after Fusarium oxysporum
inoculation in susceptible > resistant material.After inoculation,the changing rules of β–alanie,Ornithine,
Leucine,Aspartic acid,Phenylalanine,Lysine,Urea,Arginine and γ- aminobutyric contents in resistant
and susceptible materials were obviously different.

2019 Vol. 1 (9): 44-49 [Abstract] ( 193 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1596KB] ( 470 )
50 Effects of Different Grafted Rootstocks on Eggplant Growth,Quality and Resistance to Bacterial Wilt
ZOU Min,WANG Yong-qing,YANG Yang,TAO Tao,ZHOU Shan-shan,TIAN Shi-bing*

Taking‘Tiemuzhen’,‘RS112’,‘Suanjieqie’,‘Qiezhen No.21’,‘Qiezhen No.31’ as
rootstocks,and‘Yuqie No.5’as scion,this paper studied the effects of different grafted rootstocks on
eggplant growth,quality and resistance to bacterial wilt.The results showed that all tested rootstocks had
stronger affinity with the scion.‘RS112’and‘Suanjieqie’as rootstocks had a better promoting effect on the
growth of grafted plants.‘RS112’as rootstock could improve fruit quality.All 5 tested rootstocks were highly
resistant to bacterial wilt.‘RS112’ and ‘Tiemuzhen’ as rootstocks could delay the occurrence of bacterial
wilt,significantly reduce disease index,and effectively prevent and control bacterial wilt.‘Suanjieqie’,
‘Qiezhen No.31’and‘Qiezhen No.21’ as rootstocks showed high susceptibility or susceptibility to bacterial
wilt.The comprehensive evaluation indicated that‘ RS112’ was the optimized rootstock for yield increasing,
disease resistance and superior quality of grafted eggplant.

2019 Vol. 1 (9): 50-54 [Abstract] ( 291 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1511KB] ( 521 )
55 Control Effect of Dual Disposal Combining Disease-resistant Inducer with Fungicide on Potato Late Blight
ZHANG Xuan-zhe1,LI Yuan-yuan1,LI Lu1,CHEN Mei1,JIANG Meng1,ZHANG Xing-zhe1,2

The effects of 4 disease-resistant inducers,including β-aminobutyric acid (BABA),
benzothiadiazole (BTH),salicylic acid(SA)and methyl jasmonate (MJ)on mycelial growth of potato late
blight pathogenic bacteria and sporangium germination rate were determined by using growth rate method and
sporangium germination inhibition method.The best medicament with suitable concentration was screened out
through pot experiment,and then field experiment was carried out by mixing the disease-resistant inducer with
fungicide.The results showed that these 4 disease-resistant inducers had no inhibitory effect on mycelial growth
and sporangial germination of Phytophthora infestans in vitro.The 4 disease-resistant inducers treatments
could lead to decreasing of late blight disease index and increasing of potato yield.The disease resistance to
late blight was strengthened along with the increase of concentration.Among all 4 disease-resistant inducers
BABA had the best disease-resistant effect.The suitable concentration was 50 μg · mL-1,and its control effect
was 64.83%.Results of field trial indicated that the treatment of combing BABA with fungicides had better
effect than that of use of chemical fungicides.The final control effect on potato late blight could reach as high
as 81.28%,and potato yield was 43.7 t · hm-2.The above results showed that BABA could better induce potato
resistance to late blight,and the combined use of chemical fungicide with disease-resistant inducer BABA was
recommended for field control.

2019 Vol. 1 (9): 55-61 [Abstract] ( 233 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1783KB] ( 475 )
62 Effects of Light Conversion Film on Growth and Quality of Strawberry
LIU Yang1,LIU Qi1,WEI Hui-bo2,DAI Jun2,HE Wen-qing1*

Light conversion film(LCF)is a functional agricultural films,which could absorb
part of the ultraviolet light from sunlight and convert it into red-blue light to be utilized by plant
photosynthesis.Taking the strawberry variety ‘Hongyan’as test material,this paper studied the effect
of LCF on strawberry growth and quality.The results showed that compared with the ordinary film
(POF),LCF could increase average daily indoor temperature by 0.39 ℃ and accumulated temperature
during growth period in green house by 75.0 ℃.During full productive stage,the photosynthesis
rate and chlorophyll content of strawberry leaves treated with LCF were increased by 14.3% and
14.0%,respectively.Beside,LCF treatment could remarkably promote strawberry early maturity
and yield increase.Compared with POF treatment,LCF-treated strawberries could mature 10 days
earlier,and increase yield by 3.3 t · hm-2 .Besides,LCF could obviously improve the fruit quality.
The VC content of LCF-treated strawberry in the first and second harvest periods were increased 16.1% and
24.4%,respectively than that of those treated with ordinary film.While,the differences in soluble sugar
content were not significant.

2019 Vol. 1 (9): 62-68 [Abstract] ( 226 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2230KB] ( 653 )
69 TOPSIS for Screening Seedling Substrate Mineral Nutrient Extraction Method
SUN Jiao-Jiao,SHANG Qing-Mao*

In order to explore a high-efficient,simple and pollution-free mineral nutrient extraction
method for substrate seedlings,this paper took deionized water as extractant,studied the effects of 3 factors
including solid-liquid ratio (m:m),extraction temperature and oscillation time on 13 kinds of mineral
nutrient extraction efficiency.The results showed that the treatment combination with the highest NO3--N and
K extraction efficiency was solid-liquid ratio of 1:20,extraction temperature of 50 ℃,oscillation time of 5
hours,and the treatment combination with the highest extraction efficiency of NH4+-N,P,Ca,Mg,S,Fe,
Mn,Cu,Zn,Na and Cl was solid-liquid ratio of 1:20,extraction temperature of 50 ℃ and oscillation time
of 10 hours.This paper further established TOPSIS model;comprehensively judged the extraction efficiency
of 13 kinds of mineral nutrient;screened out the optimal treatment combination as solid-liquid ratio of 1∶20,
extraction temperature of 50 ℃,and an oscillation time of 10 hours.

2019 Vol. 1 (9): 69-75 [Abstract] ( 192 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1502KB] ( 367 )
76 A New Hot Pepper F1 Hybrid —‘ Changmei’
YUN Wen-jun1,YUN Jing2

‘Changmei’ is a hot pepper F1 hybrid bred from crossing inbred line‘ BM-9-5’ as female parent
and inbred line ‘CYJ-6-1’ as male parent.It is of early maturity.Its fruit is of long sheep-horn shape and
green in color.The fruit is 25-32 cm in length,2.2-2.6 cm in width.The single fruit weight is about 45 g.It
tastes medium spicy.Its resistance to Phytophthora blight in fields is stronger than that of the contrast ‘Longjiao
No.2’.It can yield about 58.5 t·hm-2.It is suitable to be planted in solar greenhouse in winter and spring,
under plastic canopy in spring and in open fields in northern China.

2019 Vol. 1 (9): 76-77 [Abstract] ( 299 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3239KB] ( 376 )
78 A New Fresh Waxy Corn Variety —‘ Bainuo 915’
WANG Ying1,XI Xiao-fei1*,QIAO Zhi-hui2,FAN Xing-zhong1,WANG Hai-xu2,ZHANG Zheng-jie1

‘ Bainuo 915’ is a fresh waxy corn F1 hybrid developed by crossing‘9103’ as female parent
and ‘9101’ as male parent.Seedlings of this variety grows strongly.Its plant type is semi-compact.The
average plant height is 264.5 cm and average ear position height is 131.5 cm.Its ear is of cone-shape and 21.2
cm in length.There are 13.8 rows per ear and 41 grains per row.The ear cob is white in color,and grain
is white and waxy.Its growth period is 103 days.The fresh edible grains taste sweet and sticky with good
flavour.Its fresh ear yield is about 18.3 t · hm-2.It is resistant to tumor smut and ear rot,and susceptible to
head smut.It is suitable to be cultivated in Hexi corridor of Gansu Province(Jiuquan,Zhangye,Wuwei),
east-central region and areas with similar ecological condition.

2019 Vol. 1 (9): 78-80 [Abstract] ( 190 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3306KB] ( 404 )
81 A New Long-stalk Welsh Onion Variety —‘Tangcong 601’
SONG Rui-sheng,HOU Kui-hua,YUAN Guo-min

‘Tangcong 601’ is a new long-stalk welsh onion variety,developed by sexual hybridization
from crossing elite inbred line‘ 2010-1’ as female parent and selfing line‘ Yu11-8’ as male parent,through
continuous directional individual-mixing selection of 5 generations.The variety is about 150 cm in height and
has 4-6 leaves.The welsh onion stalk is over 65 cm in length and about 2.5 cm in diameter.The fresh single
plant weight is about 300 g.It can yield over 90 t · hm-2.Its VC content is 108 mg · kg-1(FW)and soluble
sugar content is 12.86%.It tastes sweet and crisp.It is highly resistant to Fusarium wilt and rust,resistant to
purple spot.It is suitable to be cultivated in Hebei,Beijing,Tianjin and Northeast China.

2019 Vol. 1 (9): 81-83 [Abstract] ( 183 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3309KB] ( 522 )
83 A New Variety of Powdery and Fragrant Taro —‘ Guiziyu No.1’
DONG Wei-qing1,QIU Zu-yang2,HE Fang-lian1*,JIANG Hui-ping1,WEI Shao-long1,BI Zhi-qiang1,GUI Jie1,HE Qing-shi3

‘Guiziyu No.1’ is a new multi-cormel of taro variety(Colocasia esculenta Schott),developed
through in vitro rapid propagation,planting observation and cultivation from a fine bud mutation individual
plantlet‘ HY-3’ screened from field plantlets of‘ Hezhouhongyayu’ from Guangxi Zhuang autonomous
region.The entire growth duration of this variety is 180-200 days.It is of middle-late maturity.Its plant
height is 110-140 cm.Its leaf is green in color and of heart shape.The leaf is 52-58 cm in length and 46-52 cm
in width.The mother taro is of round shape.Each plant has 14-24 elliptical cormels which weigh 600-700 g.
The starch content is 198 g · kg-1,protein content is 29.2 g · kg-1.It tastes delicate with aromatic flavor,In the
fields,its resistance to epidemic disease and soft rot is stronger than that of the contrast‘ Hezhouhongyayu’.It
can yield 24-27 t · hm-2 in paddy fields and 21-24 t · hm-2 in dry land.It is suitable for extension and cultivation
in Guangxi Zhuang Nationality Autonomous Region and surrounding areas.

2019 Vol. 1 (9): 83-86 [Abstract] ( 205 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3488KB] ( 414 )
2019 Vol. 1 (9): 87-88 [Abstract] ( 254 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1472KB] ( 750 )
2019 Vol. 1 (9): 89-92 [Abstract] ( 266 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1759KB] ( 572 )
2019 Vol. 1 (9): 93-95 [Abstract] ( 246 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1504KB] ( 1026 )
2019 Vol. 1 (9): 96-98 [Abstract] ( 242 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1899KB] ( 551 )
2019 Vol. 1 (9): 99-100 [Abstract] ( 181 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1637KB] ( 493 )
2019 Vol. 1 (9): 101-103 [Abstract] ( 271 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1781KB] ( 526 )
2019 Vol. 1 (9): 104-105 [Abstract] ( 236 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2078KB] ( 404 )
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