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2020 Vol.1 Issue.3,Published 2020-03-01

2020 Vol. 1 (3): 1-4 [Abstract] ( 258 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1542KB] ( 648 )
2020 Vol. 1 (3): 5-11 [Abstract] ( 253 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1645KB] ( 611 )
2020 Vol. 1 (3): 11-15 [Abstract] ( 233 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1479KB] ( 573 )
2020 Vol. 1 (3): 16-20 [Abstract] ( 206 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1581KB] ( 500 )
21 Genetic Diversity Analysis and Fingerprinting Construction of Fresh Tomato Varieties
CHANG Rui-qing
This paper selected 75 tomato varieties widely used by market or planed to enter market;and analyzed the genetic diversity of these varieties showing rich polymorphic among tomato cultivars using 48 InDel markers.Then,24 markers were chosen to construct fingerprinting of these varieties.The result indicated that 45 out of 48 primers showed better polymorphism.The genetic distance of 75 tomato F1 hybrids were 0.16-0.91 with an average around 0.52.Seventy-five F1 hybrids were divided into 5 groups.Among them group Ⅰ,Ⅳ and Ⅴ were mainly from the national company,whereas group Ⅱ and Ⅲ were mainly from the international companies.Twenty-four InDel markers covering 12 chromosomes were used to construct fingerprinting of these varieties.They could basicly recognize these 75 tomato varieties.
2020 Vol. 1 (3): 21-27 [Abstract] ( 240 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1684KB] ( 428 )
28 Studies on Rapid Identification on Purity of Chinese Cabbage‘Niupai No.19’Hybrid Seed
LIU Shuan-tao,ZHANG Zhi-gang,WANG Li-hua,WANG Rong-hua,LI Qiao-yun,ZHAO Zhi-zhong Hot!
Taking Chinese cabbage‘Niupai No.19’hybrid seeds as test material,this paper constructed a rapid molecular marker testing technique system used before Chinese cabbage hybrid seeds being stored in genebank by every link,including seed pr-treating,DNA easy isolation and quality detection,primers screening,etc.and compared it with the result from fields identification.The results showed the identification results by molecular marker from the system were basically consistent with that by field planting.The purity of hybrids was about 97%.Taking the single plant seedlings treated for 72 hours to rapidly etract DNA by 2-step DNA isolation were sufficient for completely satisfying the needs of molecular marker detection.
2020 Vol. 1 (3): 28-32 [Abstract] ( 239 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2055KB] ( 432 )
33 Effects of Different Prohexadion-calcium Concentration on Controlling Over Growth of Cucumber Seedlings
LI Rui,JIANG Xin-mei,LIU Han-bing,SHAO Qi-feng,WU Feng-zhi,YU Xi-hong
Taking cucumber variety ‘Lyujian’as material,this paper studied the effects of Prohexadioncalcium(Pro-Ca)for controlling over growth of plug seedlings by applying different Pro-Ca concentration(100,150,200 mg · L-1).The result showed that spraying Pro-Ca of certain concentration could effectively inhibit the hypocotyl length and plant height;improve G value,root-shoot ratio,strong seedling index,root system activity;and promote the photosynthesis,significantly increase chlorophyll content of leaves,net photosynthetic rate,transpiration rate and stomatal conductance,significantly decrease intercellular carbon dioxide concentration,decrease the level of IAA,GA3 and increase the level of ZR.Applying Pro-Ca of 150 mg · L-1 could have the best effects,effectively controlling the plant type of cucumber seedlings,improving seedling quality and being beneficial to cultivate strong seedlings.
2020 Vol. 1 (3): 33-37 [Abstract] ( 213 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1718KB] ( 703 )
38 Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizer Dressing Ratio on Yield and Substrate Nutrients in Facilities Tomato
LIU Zhong-liang,GAO Jun-jie,GU Duan-yin,YAN Wei-qiang
Taking tomato variety ‘Luola’ as material,this paper set up 9 nitrogen fertilizer dressing ratio treatments to study their effects on tomato quality,yield and nitrogen use efficiency.The results showed that along with the decrease of nitrogen application in fruiting period,the net photosynthetic rate and yield all showed the tendency of rising first follwed by decreasing.In T3 treatment,the dressing ratio among nitrogen fertilizer basal application,seedling stage dressing and fructescence application were15%,0 and 85%,respectively,the leaf net photosynthetic rate and fruit yield were the highest,14.14 μmol · m-2 · s-1 and 165 122 kg · hm-2,respectively;which were increased by 17.15% and 21.75%,respectively than the CK.The contents of VC,lycopene and soluble sugar in tomato fruit all showed the tendency of first increasing then decreasing along with the decrease of nitrogen application in fruiting stage.The sugar-acid ratio under T3 and T4 treatments were 8.76 and 8.14,respectively,which could produce better taste.The agronomic utilization efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer and quick-acting nitrogen,phosphorus, potassium nutrient contents of matrix in T3 treatment were all higher.In conclution,rational nitrogen fertilizer dressing ratio could significantly enhance the leaf net photosynthetic rate,improve tomato quality,promote yield and agronomic utilization efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer.T3 treatment had the best effect.
2020 Vol. 1 (3): 38-43 [Abstract] ( 228 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1686KB] ( 441 )
44 Dynamic Monitoring(MED versus MEAM1) and Further Resistance Status of Field Population of Bemisia tabaci in Tianjin and Hainan
XIAO Si,ZHENG Hui-xin,YANG Zhong-xia,ZHANG You-jun Hot!
Selecting Tianjin Municipality and Hainan Province as representative regions, this paper monitored the dynamic state of cryptic species of Bemisia tabaci field populations in 2014 and 2017 and sensibilities of B. tabaci(egg,nymph,adult)from these 2 locations to several insecticides, including avermectin, thiamethoxam,spirotetramat,cyazypyr,pyriproxyfen,etc.The results showed that the population of B. tabaci from Tianjin was MED cryptic species,and population from Hainan was mixture of MED and MEAM1.The results of monitoring sensitivity of B. tabaci indicated that B. tabaci populations both from Tianjin and Hainan were still relatively sensitive to avermectin.But their resistance to cyazypyr and spirotetramat were increased faster,and certain resistance to thiamethoxam and pyriproxyfen were produced.Therefore,avermectin could be used as an effective agent for controlling B. tabaci in Tianjin and Hainan.While,cyazypyr and spirotetramat should be used restrictedly in the fields.
2020 Vol. 1 (3): 44-50 [Abstract] ( 201 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1599KB] ( 425 )
51 Resistance Identification and Evaluation of 47 Fresh Corn Hybrids to Sporisorium reilianum and Ustilago maydis
ZHOU Tian-wang,WANG Chun-ming,ZHANG Xiao-jie,GUO Cheng
The resistance of 47 fresh corn hybrids to head smut caused by Sporisorium reilianum and gall smut caused by Ustilago maydis were carried out in fields by artificial inoculation in 2018.The identification results for resistance to head smut showed that there were no highly resistant materials in these fresh corn hybrids.Four of them showed resistance,including‘ Sanhetianjianuo No.6’,‘ Jinhui588’,‘Jinhui895’ and ‘Heitiannuo520’,accounting for 8.5%.One material (‘Shengcaitian No.3’) showed moderate resistance,accounting for 2.1%.There were14 materials showed susceptibility,accounting for 29.8%.The rest 28 materials showed high susceptibility,accounting for 59.6%.The identification results for resistance to gall smut indicated that 27 materials out of 47 fresh corn hybrids showed high resistance,accounting for 57.4%.There were 6 materials showed resistance,accounting for 12.8%.Another 6 materials showed moderate resistance, accounting for 12.8%.There were 5 materials showed susceptibility,accounting for 10.6%.The rest 3 materials showed high susceptibility,accounting for 6.4%.New fresh corn varieties with resistance to head smut were deficient.While, varieties resistant to gall smut were abundant.Varieties with resistance to both diseases were in great shortage.
2020 Vol. 1 (3): 51-55 [Abstract] ( 198 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1684KB] ( 466 )
56 Control Effect of Chinese Medicinal Herb Extracts on Powdery Mildew of Hullless Pumpkin
LI Fa-kang,LI Pei,LI Xing-yu,XUE Ying-yu
Taking the ethanol extracts of 5 Chinese herbal medicines,including Cnidium monniePerilla frutescensHouttuynia cordataGlycyrrhiza uralensisAsarum heterotropoide as test material,this paper studied the protective and curative effects of ethanol extract on powdery mildew of Hull-less pumpkin by indoor pot cultivation test.The results showed that the tested 5 Chinese herbal extracts had certain protective and curative effects on Hull-less pumpkin powdery mildew,and the protective and curative effects of most Chinese herbal extracts at a concentration of 0.02 g · mL-1 were higher than the concentration of 0.01 g ·mL-1.Among them,the protective and curative effect of Cnidium monnie extract was the best.When the concentration was 0.02 g · mL-1,the protective and curative effects were 87.57% and 86.80%,respectively.The protective effects of 0.02 g · mL-1 Cnidium monnieAsarum heterotropoide on Hull-less pumpkin powdery mildew were significantly better than that of 15% triadimefon WP by 1 000 times.The protective and curative effects of Glycyrrhiza uralensis were the worst.The 0.02 g · mL-1 extract of Cnidium monnie could be preferentially used as new type biological agents for controlling pumpkin powdery mildew.
2020 Vol. 1 (3): 56-60 [Abstract] ( 235 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1816KB] ( 410 )
61 Application of FSA in Safety Assessment of Celery Pesticide Residue
WANG Jian-zhong,GUO Chun-jing,WU Xian-xin
Using GC-MS/MS and LC-MS/MS methods,this paper tested 179 kinds of pesticide residues in 18 celery samples.Considering the LD50,ADI,proportion of celery intake to total diet,frequency of pesticide use,presence of high exposure population and median value of detection,this study applied the comprehensive safety assessment(FSA)method to calculate the total risk scores of different pesticide residues by 3 ways of evaluation,and then ranked them.The results showed that the safety risks of terbuthion,isocarbophos,quinalphos and difenofos in celery were relatively higher.At the same time,the advantages and disadvantages of FSA were also analyzed.
2020 Vol. 1 (3): 61-66 [Abstract] ( 210 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1547KB] ( 544 )
67 Detection of Carbamate Pesticide Residue in Vegetables by Activated Carbon Purification Efficient Liquid Chromatography
WU Xin-hua,FENG He-song,ZHOU Dun-bai
A method for detecting 9 carbamate pesticides in vegetables was established by activated carbon purification combined with effective liquid chromatography.The sample was extracted with acetonitrile,purified by activated carbon,and concentrated and injected.This study determined the recovery and precision by adding standard recovery method.The accuracy and reliability of the method were also tested.The results showed that the recovery rate of 9 carbamate pesticides was 86.4%-108.1%,the relative standard deviation(RSD)was 0.5%-7.5%.This method is simple,rapid and economical,and can meet the requirement for detecting carbamate pesticides residue in vegetables.
2020 Vol. 1 (3): 67-70 [Abstract] ( 202 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1988KB] ( 478 )
71 Studies on Mechanism of Garlic Price Formation—based on Price Bubble Perspective
YUAN Tian-tian,ZHANG Bing,ZHAO Bang-hong,WANG Jun-qin
This paper analyzed the causes of fluctuations in supply quantity,cost changesand export quantity by summarizing the fluctuation characteristics and rules of garlic prices from 2004-2018 in China,and tested and confirmed the hypothesis for existence of multiple periodic bubbles with SADF and GSADF methods.The results showed that garlic prices in China fluctuated sharply twice in 2009-2011 and 2016-2017.The explaintory power of fundamental supply and demand factors for price fluctuations was inadequate.Two positive bubbles in garlic market presented,and speculators’expectations were playing a leading role during the bubbles duration.Scientific precaution for the potential impact on pricing mechanism of garlic price bubbles,etc.small agricultural products can raise the level of sustainable development of small agricultural products market.
2020 Vol. 1 (3): 71-77 [Abstract] ( 325 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1991KB] ( 694 )
78 A New Pepper F1 Hybrid —‘ Huamei 105’
MA Dong-mei,TA Wen-shan,GUO Fan,BIAN Zhen,WU Jiao-jiao
‘Huamei 105’ is a precocious screw shaped pepper produced by crossing inbred line ‘HA015’as female parent and strain‘ LR002’ resistant to CMV as male parent.It needs about 45 days from transplanting to first harvesting.The first flower sets on 9-10th nodes.The plant is robust with strong growth vigor,small leaves and short internode length.It is tolerant to low temperature and weak light.It has continuous fruit bearing ability.There are 25-30 fruits per single plant.Its yield is high over 127.5 t·hm-2.Its unmatured fruit is dark green in color,and the matured one is red in color.It tastes medium spicy.The pulp is tender and crisp.Its fruits are well accepted by the market.In fields its resistance to CMV and Phytophthora blight is stronger than that of the contrast‘ Longjiao No.3’.It is suitable for planting in early spring,late autumn,and over winter in North China with facility cultivation and in open fields in Southern China.
2020 Vol. 1 (3): 78-80 [Abstract] ( 387 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2242KB] ( 503 )
81 A New Cucumber F1 Hybrid —‘ Longyuanhuangguan’
XU Chun-mei,ZHANG Zuo-biao,LIU Jing-lan,LI Ye,DONG De-jian,YAO Hong-quan
‘Longyuanhuangguan’ is a cucumber F1 hybrid,developed by crossing inbred line ‘216’with inbred line‘ 45’.The plant is of early maturity with medium growth vigor.Its fruit mainly sets on major stem.In spring,the female flower node rate is over 50%.The fruit is about 20 cm in length.Its fruit peel is light and bright green in color with few white spines.Its pulp is also light green in color.The commercial fruit rate is high.In fields,its resistance to Fusarium wilt,downy mildew and powdery mildew is better than that of the contrast ‘Longyuanlyuchun’.It is suitable for protected field cultivation.It can yield about 60 t · hm-2.It can also be cultivated in open field.It is suitable to be planted in Northeast China and Inner Mogolia region.
2020 Vol. 1 (3): 81-83 [Abstract] ( 270 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3066KB] ( 396 )
84 A New Melon Variety —‘Feicuilyubao’ with High Quality and Multi-resistance
MA Er-lei,ZANG Quan-yu,DING Wei-hong,WANG Yu-hong,HUANG Yun-ping
‘Feicuilyubao’ is a new melon F1 hybrid of high quality and thin-skinned,developed by cross inbred line ‘BP187’as female parent and inbred line ‘HDQ’ as male parent.Its fruit is of pear shape.The average single fruit weight is about 0.53 kg.The peel is green in color,with occasional yellow halo at maturity.Its pulp is green.The brix at fruit central part is 12.88%.The fruit tastes crisp,sweet and refreshing.The fruit is of medium maturity.In spring,the fruit development period is about 34 days,its total growth period is about 98 days.In summer and autumn,the fruit development period is about 31 days,and the total growth period is about 80 days.‘Feicuilyubao’ is resistant to gummy stem blight,moderate resistant to powdery mildew,downy mildew and Fusarium wilt.Generally it can yield about 31.5 t · hm-2.It is suitable for protected cultivation in spring and autumn in East China region.
2020 Vol. 1 (3): 84-86 [Abstract] ( 262 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2984KB] ( 379 )
87 A New Processing Potato Variety —‘ Longshu No.17’
ZHENG Yong-wei,LI Zhang,QU Ya-ying,WEN Guo-hong,WU Yan-bin,BAI Yong-jie,LI Gao-feng
‘Longshu No.17’is a new processing potato variety.It is developed by crossing ‘L0020-14’as female parent and ‘D1533’ as male parent through sexual hybridization and systematic selection and breeding.It is of late maturity.The growth period is about 132 days.The plant has strong growth vigor.Its stem and leaves are luxuriant.The tuberzation is concentrated.The average tuber number per single plant is 5.The commercial tuber rate is 91%.The tuber is of oval shape with overlapping curve.The tuber flesh is light yellow in color.Its bud eye is shallow.The tuber is of good shape.The content of dry matter is 25.66%,that of starch is 19.16%,crude protein is 2.84%,VC is 150.9 mg·kg-1,reducing sugar is 0.128%.Its average yield is about 30 t·hm-2.Its resistance to late blight is stronger than that of the contrast‘ Longshu No.6’.It is suitable for cultivation in Linxia,Dingxi and other Eryin areas in Gansu Province.
2020 Vol. 1 (3): 87-89 [Abstract] ( 248 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3044KB] ( 518 )
2020 Vol. 1 (3): 90-93 [Abstract] ( 216 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3797KB] ( 523 )
2020 Vol. 1 (3): 94-95 [Abstract] ( 229 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1983KB] ( 317 )
2020 Vol. 1 (3): 96-98 [Abstract] ( 174 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1929KB] ( 413 )
2020 Vol. 1 (3): 99-101 [Abstract] ( 226 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1823KB] ( 499 )
2020 Vol. 1 (3): 102-104 [Abstract] ( 213 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2499KB] ( 426 )
2020 Vol. 1 (3): 105-106 [Abstract] ( 188 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1665KB] ( 645 )
2020 Vol. 1 (3): 107-109 [Abstract] ( 252 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1575KB] ( 306 )
2020 Vol. 1 (3): 110-111 [Abstract] ( 185 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1560KB] ( 282 )
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