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2020 Vol.1 Issue.8,Published 2020-08-01

2020 Vol. 1 (8): 1-8 [Abstract] ( 319 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3471KB] ( 802 )
2020 Vol. 1 (8): 8-11 [Abstract] ( 199 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1586KB] ( 555 )
2020 Vol. 1 (8): 12-13 [Abstract] ( 215 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1410KB] ( 645 )
14 Research Progress on Absorption and Utilization of Germanium(Ge)and Its Physiological Function in Plant
QI Xiao-fang,CHENG Zhi-hui
Germanium(Ge)is a mineral element affecting plant cells metabolism,and playing a key
role in pharmacologic action of certain plants.Therefore,more and more attention was attracted to the organic
compounds containing germanium in the field of metal anticancer drugs.Plants are important sources for human
body to take nutrient.It is a safe and effective way to absorb germanium by converting germanium in plants
into bio-organic germanium and then being absorbed by the body.This paper reviews the natural distribution
and existing form of germanium elements,mechanism of germanium absorption by plant,organ distribution
in plant,and effects of germanium on plant growth development and stress resistance physiology,so as to
provide theoretical basis for the enrichment composition of germanium in plant.
2020 Vol. 1 (8): 14-18 [Abstract] ( 194 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1398KB] ( 563 )
19 Detection of Resistance Gene of Capsicum spp. Germplasm by Molecular Markers
LI Ning1,GONG Li-yuan2,GAO Sheng-hua1,YIN Yan-xu1,YU Chu-ying1,WANG Fei1,CHEN Cai1,WU Jun1,3,JIAO Chun-hai4*,YAO Ming-hua1,4* Hot!
Totally 209 Capsicum germplasm were identified by molecular markers,which linked to pepper
bacterial resistant scab Bs2,Bs3 gene,root-knot nematode resistant Me1,Me3/Me4 gene,virus disease
resistant L4,Pvr4,Tsw gene,powdery mildew resistant PMR1 gene and epidemic disease resistant Phyto5.2
loci.The results showed that there were only one pepper germplasm carrying Bs2 gene;4 carrying Bs3 gene;
48 carrying Me1 gene with linked marker 16880-1-V2 fragment isozygoty loci and 12 with heterozygous loci;
and one carrying Me3/Me4 gene with linked marker fragment SCAR_B94;11 carrying homozygous disease
resistant material TMV L4/L4 genotype;1 carrying heterozygous disease resistant material L4/L0 genotype;30
carrying PVY Pvr4 resistant gene with linked marker CSO fragment isozygoty loci and 8 heterozygous loci;4
carrying Tsw resistance locus with linked marker SCAC568 fragment;3 carrying PMR1 gene with linked marker
ZL1_1826 fragment;and 38 carrying Phyto5.2 locus with linked marker OpD04.717 fragment.This study
has identified preliminarily the genotypes of 209 pepper germplasm resources and provided basis for selecting
disease resistant pepper materials.
2020 Vol. 1 (8): 19-32 [Abstract] ( 231 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2470KB] ( 584 )
33 Effects of Light Quality on Growth,Photosynthetic Characteristics and Nitrogen Metabolism of Pepper Seedlings
LUO Xin-hui,LIU Ming-yue,LIU Yu-bing,HUANG Ke,WANG Jun-wei Hot!
Light is a necessary condition for plant growth and development.To explore the effect of
light quality on pepper seedlings growth and development,this paper took ‘Xingshu 215’ as test material,
and conducted 4 different light quality treatments as given red+blue light(RB = 3∶1),red+blue+purple light
(RBP = 3∶1∶1),red+blue+green light(RBG = 3∶1∶1) and red+blue+near-infrared light(RBF =
3∶1∶1),and took white light treatment as the contrast(CK).Then,the paper measured and analyzed the
effects of different light quality on shapes,leaf chlorophyll content,photosynthetic characteristics,chlorophyll
fluorescence and nitrogen metabolism of pepper seedlings.The results showed that the plant height,dry and
flesh weights above ground of pepper seedlings grown under treatment of RBP were the highest.At the same
time,the underground dry and flesh weights were significantly higher than those of the contrast and the other
treatments.All RB,RBG and RBP treatments had improved by different degrees the net photosynthetic rate
of pepper seedling.Among them,RB treatment had the largest increase amplitude than those of the contrast.
NPQ under treatment of RB was significantly higher than those of the contrast and the other treatments.The
value of ABS/RC,TRo/RC and ETo/RC of pepper seedlings under treatment of RBP were significantly higher
than those of the contrast and the other treatments.The treatment of RBF significantly improved the activities
of NR,GDH and GOGAT.In conclusion,The treatment of RBP enhanced dry matter accumulation of
pepper seedlings growth through significantly improving the ability to absorb and capture photons,optimizing
the distribution of light energy and improving the ability of electron transport.Combining the comprehensive
performance of morphological index with chlorophyll fluorescence,increasing purple light on the basis of
red+blue light was most beneficial to the growth of pepper seedlings.
2020 Vol. 1 (8): 33-40 [Abstract] ( 317 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1693KB] ( 782 )
41 Application and Analysis of Soilless Culture System with Adjustable Rhizosphere Temperature in Winter Tomato Production
ZHOU Jin-ping,BU Chong-xing,HUANG Dan-feng,NIU Qing-liang
Taking cherry tomato variety‘PFZL’as test material,this paper carried out experimental
studies on overwinter tomato cultivation using soilless culture system with adjustable rhizosphere
temperature.The results showed that this system could effectively alleviate the influence of substrate
temperature by air temperature,maintain the stability of matrix temperature,and significantly improve
the rhizosphere temperature.Thus,the matrix temperature was controlled between 20-25 ℃,and the
average temperature,between 22-23 ℃.In winter adopting this system could promote the growth of tomato
plant height and stem diameter.Tomato yield could reach 22.9 t · hm-2,increased by 39.94% than that of
the conventional tomato cultivation.Compared with the traditional boiler heating method,the average
energy saving was 72.90%.The heating operation cost in winter was 0.33 yuan · m-2 · month-1,which
was significantly lower than 0.94 yuan · m-2 · month-1 by the coal-fired boiler.Obviously,this system has
significant yield increasing and energy saving effects.
2020 Vol. 1 (8): 41-47 [Abstract] ( 216 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1735KB] ( 567 )
48 Effects of Bumblebee Numbers and Distance Between Hives on Watermelon Seed#br# Production in Net Room
LIANG Shao-hua,LIU Hong-bin,LI Hao,CHU Xiao,JIANG Bo,SUN Xiao-wu,DAI Si-hui
This paper studied the effect of bumblebee numbers and distance between hives on watermelon
seed production in net room by treatment Ⅰ:2 250 bumblebees · hm-2 and treatment Ⅱ:3 000 bumblebees ·
hm-2.Results showed that all indicators of watermelon seed treated by treatment Ⅱ were superior to those
treated by treatment Ⅰ,when the distances between hives were the same.Among treatment Ⅱ,the seed number
of single watermelon at the site 6 m away from the hives was the largest,significantly higher than that of the
contrast.Besides,the seed weight of single watermelon in this area was also the hightest,followed by the site
9 m away from the hives under treatment Ⅱ.There was no significant differences between the above 2 sites.
The highest weight of single watermelon and the 1 000 seed were found at the site 12 m away from the hives
under treatment Ⅱ,followed by the site 9 m away from the hives under treatment Ⅱ,there was no significant
differences with that of the contrast.In conclusion,seed quality is the best at site 9 m away from the hives and
with 3 000 bumblebees · hm-2 in net room.
2020 Vol. 1 (8): 48-52 [Abstract] ( 174 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1904KB] ( 395 )
53 Development of Inbred Lines of Raphanus sativus L. var.‘Xinlimei’by Isolated#br# Microspore Culture Technology
ZHANG Li,WANG Qing-biao,WANG Yan-ping
Taking‘Beijing Xinlimei’and‘Shandong Xinlimei’as donor materials,in vitro microspore
culture was carried out.Embryoids were successfully obtained from both genotypes,and the embryo formative
rate of each 105 microspore was 15.6% and 21.3%,respectively.Cytoledon-stage embryoes were chosen to
conduct embryoid regenoration.The planting percents of‘Beijing Xinlimei’and‘Shandong Xinlimei’were
78.9% and 64.5%,respectively.Flow cytometry was used to identify ploidy of regenerated plantlets.44.8%
of them were diploid(double haploid,DH line),17.2% were haploid and 38.1% were polyploid.Normal
DH lines were selected to conduct self-crossing and reserve seed for planting.And field traits identification
were carried out on their progenies.The DH lines exhibited bigger variation compared with the donor plants.
The DH lines derived from‘Beijing Xinlimei’with round fleshy root,green peel,blood red pulp,and oval
green peel,blood red pulp were propagated and their progenies characters were uniform.The rate of blood
red pulp reached 100%,and there were no variant plants with light green pulp.New ‘Xinlimei’lines with
uniformed pulp color were obtained by in vitro microspore culture technology.This had effectively solved the
problem occurred easily during conventional selfing of mutant plants with light green pulp.
2020 Vol. 1 (8): 53-56 [Abstract] ( 245 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2882KB] ( 376 )
57 Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Quality Variation of Ruichang Yam
Ruichang yam is a famous local yam variety in Jiangxi Province.Due to the long-term asexual
reproduction and self-retaining seed by farmer households,varietal complexity and degeneration of Ruichang
yam is very serious,which greatly affects its germplasm conservation and sustainable utilization.This paper
collected 12 cultivars and 2 wild species of Ruichang yam from different planting regions of Ruichang City;
and carried out studies on genetic diversity and analysis of tuber nutritional quality.The results showed that a
total of 50 polymorphism bands were amplified based on the primers of 12 pairs SRAP and 11 pairs SSR from
all collected materials.There existed certain genetic differences among materials from different producing
areas.The genetic similarity coefficient was between 0.415-0.964.UPGMA cluster analysis showed that all
14 Ruichang yam materials could be divided into 2 groups,when the genetic similarity coefficient was 0.530.
The group I included 12 cultivars,and group II included 2 wild species.When the genetic coefficient was 0.735,
these 12 cultivars could be divided into 3 subclasses.The results of quality analysis indicated that there were
bigger genetic variable coefficient differences among quality index of Ruichang yam materials produced from
different areas. Among them cellulose had the largest variation range.The variable coefficient was 54.28%.
While,the variation coefficient of reducing sugar was the smallest.Principal component analysis showed that
the quality of Ruichang yam produced in Xiafan Town of Ruichang City was comparatively excellent.It was
suitable for further systematic selection and purification for rejuvenation.
2020 Vol. 1 (8): 57-63 [Abstract] ( 185 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1606KB] ( 379 )
64 Studies on Nutrient Absorption of Head Lettuce Varieties and Differences in Yield and Quality
PANG Min-hui1,ZUO Qiang1*,ZOU Guo-yuan1,ZHANG Bao-hai1,CHANG Xi-guang2,HAN Guicheng2,FENG Shuang2,FENG Xiao-guang2
In order to study the law of nutrient absorption by different head lettuce varieties and differences
in their yield and quality,this paper measured and evaluated 5 indexes of 7 head lettuce varieties,including
yield,nutrient absorption,nutrient quality,mineral substance content and nitrate content.The results
indicated that there were bigger differences in nutrient absorption,yield and quality among different head
lettuce varieties.Nutrient absorption has certain effect on yield and quality.Varieties with better nutrient
absorption relatively had better yield and quality.Among these 7 varieties,‘Atlanta’ and‘ Yusheng No.2’ had
better nutrient absorption,and their yield and quality were relatively superior than that of the other varieties.
Their comprehensive performance were also pretty good.Variety‘Feixiang’with poorer nutrient absorption
had poor yield and quality performance.
2020 Vol. 1 (8): 64-70 [Abstract] ( 212 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1964KB] ( 376 )
71 Identification and Biological Characteristics of Antagonistic Bacteria Against Potato Dry Rot
LIANG Cong1,2,LI Wen-ya2,3,WANG Ya-na2,CUI Guan-hui2,LIU Hong-wei2,CHENG Hui-cai2,ZHANG Li-ping2
Taking a strain of antagonistic BAM-2 obtained from the rhizosphere of healthy growing
potatoes,in areas where potato dry rot occurred severely,this paper identified this bacterial strain as
Bacillus methylotrophicus by morphological,physiological and biochemical characteristics analysis and 16S
rDNA sequence.The antibacterial rates of BAM-2 against Alternaria solani,Botrytis cinerea,Fusarium
sambucinum,Rhizoctonia solani and Alternaria alternata were over 80%.After being treated at 60-100 ℃
for 30 min,with trypsin and pepsin treatment,ultraviolet irradiation and repeated freeze-thaw treatment,the
extracellular antibacterial substance and its antibacterial rate were all remained above 95%.When the pH value
was between 2 and 11,its antibacterial rate was still remained above 83%,indicating that the extracellular
antibacterial substance of BAM-2 had broad antibacterial spectrum against plant fungal diseases and stronger
stability in the aspects of heat,acid-base,protease,ultraviolet irradiation and repeated freeze-thaw cycles.It
can be seen that strain BAM-2 has greater potential in R&D of biological pesticide against plant fungal diseases.
2020 Vol. 1 (8): 71-76 [Abstract] ( 187 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1726KB] ( 441 )
77 Phenotypic Evaluation and Physiological Identification of a Height Mutant Line from Zhugen Ginger
Taking cultivated variety ‘Yujiang No.1’as the contrast of wild type(WT),this study
conducted identification and evaluation on phenotypic characteristics,cytology,resistance and quality,
etc. relative indexes of yield increasing Zhugen ginger height mutant line(HM15).The results showed that
comparing with WT,the plant height,weights of fresh root,leaf,stem and tuber were all significantly
or extremely significantly increased.While,there were no distinct deferences in emergence rate,maturity
period,stem thickness and branching numbers.Cytological observation from seedling stage to harvest time
by transverse and longitudinal sections of reciprocal No.3 internode having the largest increasing indicated
that the plant height of HM15 was determined by internode length,and having nothing to do with internode
number.The expand of stem cell volume was the reason for internode elongating.The contents of 3 stimulating
growth hormones,including brassinosteroid (BR),auxin(IAA) and gibberellin(GA3) in HM15 stems were
signifi cantly higher or extremely signifi cantly higher than that of WT,while the content of growth inhibiting hormone
abscisic acid(ABA)was signifi cantly lower than that of WT.The activities of defense enzymes peroxidase(POD),
superoxide dismutase( SOD) and contents of total biomass(TP)and lignin i n HM15 leaves were significantly
higher or extremely signifi cantly higher than those of WT under strong light stress.During harvest time,the contents
of critical function 6-Gingerol in tuber was signifi cantly higher than that of WT and crude fi ber in HM15 tuber was
signifi cantly lower than that of WT.So HM15 can be used as an excellent breeding material.The results of this study
have laid a foundation for gene location,map-based cloning,function analysis and breeding utilization.
2020 Vol. 1 (8): 77-85 [Abstract] ( 180 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3266KB] ( 407 )
86 A New Radish F1 Hybrid with Clubroot Resistance —‘Chuyu No.1’
CUI Lei,GAN Cai-xia,YU Xiao-qing,YAN Cheng-huan,YUAN Wei-ling,DENG Xiao-hui*,QIU Zheng-ming Hot!
‘Chuyu No.1’is a new radish F1 hybrid,resistant to clubroot and developed by crossing male
sterile line‘B49-3-1-1-1A’as female parent and inbred line‘B20-2-1-1-2-1’as male parent.It is of early
maturity.Its growth period is about 60 days.The plant type is half-erect with small pinnate leaves.The lobed
leaves are dark green in color.The fleshy root is of cylindrical shape and 25-28 cm in length,7 cm in width.
The single root weight is 1.5-2.0 kg.Its peel is white in color with smooth epidermis.This variety is resistant to
clubroot,tolerant to immature bolting.It is hard to crack and hollow.It can yield 67.5-82.5 t · hm-2.It is suitable
for cultivation in high mountain areas of the Yangtze River Basin in summer and plain areas in winter and spring.
2020 Vol. 1 (8): 86-88 [Abstract] ( 221 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2977KB] ( 410 )
89 A New Chinese Cabbage F1 Hybrid —‘Yunchunbai No.4’
XU Xue-zhong,HU Jing-feng,YANG Hong-li,ZHANG Li-qin,LAN Mei,HE Jiang-ming
‘Yunchunbai No.4’is a new Chinese cabbage F1 hybrid bred by crossing self-incompatible
lines‘14251’and‘CM13241’as parents.Its growing period is 70-80 days.The plant has strong growth
vigor and compact type.Its outer leaves are dark green in color,and inner leaves are golden yellow in color.
The plant is 23 cm in height and 58 cm in width.Its head is 23 cm in height and 10-11 cm in diameter.The
spherical index is 1.8,and net-head rate is 71.6%.Its net vegetable yield is about 79.5 t · hm-2.The soluble
sugar content is 2.21% and VC content is 219.0 mg · kg-1.Its resistances to virus disease,downy mildew and
soft rot in fields are equal to that of the contrast‘Chunyuehuang’.It is suitable for planting in major vegetable
producing regions of Guizhou and Yunnan Provinces with 1 600-2 000 m high altitude in spring and autumn.
2020 Vol. 1 (8): 89-91 [Abstract] ( 195 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2946KB] ( 395 )
92 A New Pea Variety Specialized for Sprout Production —‘Yunwan No.1’
YU Hai-tian,YANG Feng,HU Chao-qin,YANG Xin,WANG Yu-bao,LYU Mei-yuan*,WANG Li-ping
‘Yunwan No.1’is a new specialized variety for sprout production developed by
crossing‘Shijia 90-17’of short height and without tendril as female parent,and‘Shijiadacaiwan’of
short height as male parent.It is a pea variety of short height and without tendrils,bred through systematic
selection.The plant is erect and short height.Its plant height is 50-60 cm.It has no tendril,but has well
developed vegetative mass and fresh leaf blades.There are little cellulose in its soft leaflets.Its seedlings
have soft texture with good edible quality.The sprout VC content is 34.9 mg · kg-1 and total flavone content is
3 290 mg · kg-1.The sprout yield is 12.75-18.00 t · hm-2.It is suitable for planting in areas with 1 100-2 400
m altitude in Yunnan Province or autumn sowing in pea production regions with similar ecological conditions in
southern China.
2020 Vol. 1 (8): 92-95 [Abstract] ( 203 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2990KB] ( 369 )
95 A New Welsh Onion F1 Hybrid —‘Liaocong No.11’
YANG Guo-dong,TIAN Yun,JIANG Xin-tao,JIA Jun-xiang,LI Na,JIANG Bin-bin,CUI Lian-wei
‘Liaocong No.11’is a new Chinese welsh onion F1 hybrid developed by crossing male sterile
line‘SK11A’as female parent and high generation inbred line‘L1F-1-5’as male parent.The plant grows
fast with uniformity.Its plant height is about 115 cm.The stem is 50-60 cm in length and 3-4 cm in diameter.
The average single plant weight is about 290 g.It can yield about 82.5 t · hm-2.In fields,its resistances to
virus disease,downy mildew and purple spot are stronger than that of the contrast‘Liaocong No.1’.It is
suitable for cultivation in Liaoning Province and surrounding regions.
2020 Vol. 1 (8): 95-97 [Abstract] ( 206 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2950KB] ( 300 )
2020 Vol. 1 (8): 98-99 [Abstract] ( 207 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1768KB] ( 907 )
2020 Vol. 1 (8): 100-102 [Abstract] ( 195 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1908KB] ( 417 )
2020 Vol. 1 (8): 103-105 [Abstract] ( 163 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1882KB] ( 375 )
2020 Vol. 1 (8): 106-108 [Abstract] ( 194 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1423KB] ( 375 )
2020 Vol. 1 (8): 109-110 [Abstract] ( 202 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2151KB] ( 460 )
2020 Vol. 1 (8): 111-112 [Abstract] ( 179 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1816KB] ( 609 )
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