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2021 Vol.1 Issue.5,Published 2021-05-01

2021 Vol. 1 (5): 1-10 [Abstract] ( 194 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 5889KB] ( 757 )
2021 Vol. 1 (5): 11-14 [Abstract] ( 190 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1229KB] ( 784 )
2021 Vol. 1 (5): 15-19 [Abstract] ( 179 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1719KB] ( 671 )
20 Research Progress on Cucurbita pepo L. Virus Disease
TIAN Jiaxing,ZHANG Guoyu,QIU Yanhong,ZHANG Fan,JIA Zhangcai,LI Haizhen Hot!
Cucurbita pepo L. is an important cucurbitaceous vegetable and cash crop.The widespread occurrence of virus disease seriously affects the production of zucchini.This paper reviewed the virus diseases commonly occurred in zucchini and research progress made on their main pathway of transmission,symptoms after infection,control methods and disease resistance breeding,aiming at providing theoretical gist for the prevention and control of zucchini virus disease.
2021 Vol. 1 (5): 20-27 [Abstract] ( 223 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1007KB] ( 919 )
28 Detection of Leaf Curl Virus Infected Tomato and Genetic Evolution Analysis
TIAN Peijie,LI Shijun,ZHANG Yu,LIU Yong,ZHANG Songbai,ZHANG Deyong Hot!
From 2017-2019,this experiment collected tomato samples suspected infecting with leaf curl viruses from Gansu,Guangxi,Hainan,Hebei and Yunnan Provinces and conducted analysis and identification on leaf curl viruses species.The results of detection by specific PCR showed that the mean value of positive ratio of tomato samples infected with leaf curl viruses was 25.00%,among them samples from Guangxi was the highest,reaching 50.91%.The results of identity analysis of PCR amplified sequences indicated that infecting 5 provinces’ tomato leaf curl viruses were papaya leaf curl China virus(PaLCuCNV),tomato leaf curl Guangdong virus(ToLCGDV),and tomato leaf curl Guangxi virus(ToLCGXV).The sequence systematic development phylogenetic analysis revealed that the leaf curl viruses from 5 provinces could be divided into 2 sub-clusters without distinguish regional character and host dependent.Genetic evolution analysis showed that there were 5 recombinant events existed in leaf curl viruses from these 5 provinces,and the highest substitution ratio of 18.73 was existed in C/T.
2021 Vol. 1 (5): 28-32 [Abstract] ( 217 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1476KB] ( 669 )
33 Preliminary Screening and Identification of Molecular Markers Related to Sulforaphane Content in Leaf Mustard Based on BSA-SSR
LAN Mei,ZHANG Liqin,HU Jingfeng,XU Xuezhong,YANG Hongli,HE Jiangming
In order to obtain molecular markers related to sulforaphane content in leaf mustard,this experiment measured the content of sulforaphane in leaf mustard of F2 generation by high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC);and constructed F2 mixed gene pool with the bulked segregant analysis(BSA);and conducted PCR amplification using 50 pairs of primers.Two dominant markers SF12 and SF28 were sieved and obtained.SF12 amplified about size 250 bp bands from parent‘Yuanyechuncai’,low sulforaphane content pool(L)and single plant of low sulforaphane content pool.While,SF28 amplified about size 250 bp bands from parent‘Tailesijiqing’,high sulforaphane content pool(H)and single plant of high sulforaphane content pool.SF12 and SF28 correlated with the sulforaphane content in leaf mustard were verified via some single plants of F2 generation.
2021 Vol. 1 (5): 33-38 [Abstract] ( 183 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1378KB] ( 553 )
39 Evaluation of Tomato Rootstock Heat Resistance and Studies on Its Physiological Response to Heat Stress
TIAN Maoyan,XIANG Tingying,ZHONG Chuan,WANG Peng,YANG Yanjuan,YU Wenjing
In southern China,tomato is susceptible to abnormal high temperature in late spring cultivation and early autumn cultivation.Tomato heat resistance can be improved by grafting cultivation with heat-resistant rootstock.In order to screen the germplasm resources of tomato rootstock with strong heat resistance,this study conducted heat stress treatment on 20 tomato rootstock seeds and seedlings,and evaluated the heat resistance of these rootstock germplasm according to the heat damage phenotype and physiological indexes of seedling growth.The results showed that heat damage had restrained the seed germination of tomato rootstock.Along with the temperature rising,germination rate was significantly reduced.The germination rate of rootstock seeds mostly dropped to below 50% at 34 ℃,below 23% at 37 ℃,and to 0 at 40 ℃.‘G3’,‘N3’ and‘ Q2’ showed strong high temperature resistance(HR)under subhigh temperature(34 ℃/28 ℃)and high temperature(37 ℃/28 ℃)stress,while ‘A1’,‘Q3’,‘Q4’,‘Q5’ and ‘Y4’ showed moderate high temperature resistance(MR)or high temperature resistance(R).The seedling heat damage index was extremely positively correlated with plant height and MDA content in leaves,and significantly or extreme significantly negatively correlated with SPAD value,stem diameter,fresh weight and dry weight of the whole plant,and free proline contents of leaves.According to the above 7 growth physiological indexes,the heat resistance of these tested germplasm was comprehensively evaluated by subordinate function value method.And the heat resistance of ‘G3’,‘N3’ and ‘Q2’ was ranked from 1-3,Which was consistent with the heat damage indexes of seedlings under sub-high temperature stress.In summary,‘G3’,‘N3’ and ‘Q2’ were strong heat tolerant germplasm resources,and could be used as backbone material for selective breeding of heat-resistant tomato rootstocks.
2021 Vol. 1 (5): 39-47 [Abstract] ( 225 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1247KB] ( 676 )
48 Effect of Selenium on Glucosinolates Content and Component in Chinese Kale
LI Weiqiang,LI Yang,WANG Lili,YU Youjian,ZHU Zhujun
This paper measured and analyzed the component and content of glucosinolates in Chinese kale plants treated by sodium selenite of different concentration by HPLC.The results showed that the leaves and roots of overground parts broccoli contained 9 and 8 kinds of glucosides,respectively.They belonged to aliphatic glucosinolates and indole glucosinolates.No aromatic glucosinolates was detected.The effects of treatments by different sodium selenite concentration on the total glucosinolates,aliphatic glucosinolates and indole glucosinolates contents in different parts of Chinese kale plants were different.Most of them reached the highest value under the treatment of 5 μmol · L-1 sodium selenite.The incidence of treatments by different sodium selenite concentration on the constituent contents of various glucosinolates in overgound plant parts are bigger than in roots.
2021 Vol. 1 (5): 48-52 [Abstract] ( 171 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 957KB] ( 566 )
53 Studies on Color and Wax Heredity in Chinese Kale and Selective Breeding of ‘Jingzi No.2’
ZHANG Deshuang,XIN Xiaoyun,ZHANG Fenglan,YU Yangjun,ZHAO Xiuyun,YU Shuancang,HE Hongju,WANG Weihong,SU Tongbing,LI Peirong,LU Guixiang Hot!
A dark purple,waxless,white flower line was crossed with a green,wax,yellow flower line in Chinese kale(Brassica alboglabra L. H. Bailey)to gain F1,F2,BC1 and BC1′progenies in order to study the heredity of petal and stalk colors,leaf and stalk wax.New breeding materials of Chinese kale combined petal and stalk colors,leaf and stalk wax were created.Meanwhile,the contents of main nutrients of 2 different type parents were compared.The results showed that the 3 traits of flower color,leaf and stalk wax,and stalk color were all quality characters,respectively controlled by one allele gene.White flower was dominant to yellow flower;leaf and stalk wax was dominant to waxless character;purple stalk was dominant to green stalk.The contents of VC,protein,carotene and anthocyanin in waxless and purple color of Chinese kale were significantly higher than those in green and wax ordinary Chinese kale.While the contents of soluble sugar,crude fiber were extremely significant lower than that of greed ordinary Chinese kale.Furthermore,cytoplasmic male sterile line‘CMS.Zijielan’was crossed with an inbred line‘Gailianghongjielantai’.Thus a new variety,‘Jingzi No.2’was developed.It is of late maturity.It takes about 80 days from sowing to harvest.Its plant height is 31.4 cm with 50.2 cm spread length.The leaves are of oval shape,and glossy dark green in color.Its leaves and stalk are waxless.The stalk is dark purple in color,25.0 cm in length and 2.04 cm in thickness.The single stalk weight is 65-115 g.It tastes crisp and tender;and can be harvested for several times.Its yield is 15-20 t · hm-2.It is suitable for planting in autumn and winter in Guangzhou and the other southern regions and also in bases of vegetable market.
2021 Vol. 1 (5): 53-57 [Abstract] ( 270 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3169KB] ( 513 )
58 Effect of Seedling Age on Adventitious Root Formation at Stem Bases of Solanaceous Vegetables Cuttings
ZHANG Xiaorui,DONG Chunjuan,SHANG Qingmao
Taking tomato variety‘Zhongza 302’,pepper variety‘Zhongjiao No.6’ and eggplant variety‘Yuanza 471’as test material,this experiment cultured the seedlings to 2-leaf stage,3-leaf stage and 4-leaf stage,respectively;cutted the stems at base and inserted them into water.Then the indexes including number of adventitious roots,total root length and rooting area were measured,so as to study the effects of seedling age on adventitious root formation at stem bases of solanaceous vegetables cuttings.The results showed that there were obvious differences in adventitious root formation of tomato,pepper and eggplant cuttings.The formation time,quantity and total length of adventitious roots at stem bases of tomato cutting are better than those of pepper and eggplant.The occurrence time of adventitious roots of tomato and pepper cuttings was not effected by seedling age,but the occurrence of adventitious roots of eggplant cuttings was delayed by seedling age increase.The number of adventitious roots was larger in tomato and eggplant with 3-leaf stage and pepper with 4-leaf stage.The total length of adventitious roots was the longest when tomato in 3-leaf stage,both eggplant and pepper in 2-leaf stage.
2021 Vol. 1 (5): 58-63 [Abstract] ( 220 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2071KB] ( 548 )
64 Monitoring of Resistance in Field Populations of Bemisia tabaci to 5 Insecticides in China
TAN Xing,ZHENG Huixin,JI Yao,XIE Wen,ZHANG Youjun Hot!
To clear and definite the resistance level of Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius)in fields,this study adopted finger-shape tube method in 2019 at 6 areas to determine the virulence of 5 insecticides of B. tabaci samples.The results showed that all B. tabaci in the 6 regions has higher resistance to imidacloprid and thiamethoxam. The highest resistance level of B. tabaci population to imidacloprid was 113.14 in Changsha,Hunan.All B. tabaci populations were sensitive to flupyradifurone,avermectin and cyantraniliprole in the 6 regions.Based on previous literature reports and findings of this investigation,B. tabaci populations had shown higher resistance to imidacloprid and thiamethoxam.Careful usage was suggested.Continuously using flupyradifurone,avermectin,and cyantraniliprole in fields to control B. tabaci was recommended.
2021 Vol. 1 (5): 64-69 [Abstract] ( 238 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 995KB] ( 562 )
70 Combined Virulence of Pseudomonas fluorescens YG-1 and Fungicide Compound on Tomato Gray Mold
ZHANG Meng,ZHAI Qianhang,ZHU Chengyu,ZHENG Lining,ZHANG Hao
Adopting the indoor virulence measurement method,this paper clarified the toxic effects of 8 chemical agents and Pseudomonas fluorescent YG-1 on Botrytis cinerea;measured the biocompatibility of 8 chemical pesticides and YG-1 strain by plate count method;and screened the optimal ratio of biocontrol strains and chemical agents.The pot experiment verified further the control effect of Pseudomonas fluorescens strain YG-1 and chemical agents on tomato gray mold.The research results showed that among 8 chemical pesticides,boscalid and fludioxonil had a strong virulence effect on Botrytis cinerea,with EC50 value of 0.081 mg · L-1 and 0.075 mg · L-1,respectively.The strain YG-1 has better biocompatibility with boscalid.The optimal ratio of 1.97×108 CFU · mL-1 Pseudomonas fluorescens YG-1 strain and 0.081 mg · L-1 boscalid is 5∶5,and the toxicity ratio for Botrytis cinerea is 1.411 2.The performance is synergistic,and pot control effect reaching 71.31% is extreme significantly higher than that of the single agent.The combination of Pseudomonas fluorescens YG-1 and boscalid has a synergistic control effect on Botrytis cinerea.At the same time,the application of boscalid was reduced by 50%,effectively reducing the usage amount of fungicides.
2021 Vol. 1 (5): 70-74 [Abstract] ( 236 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 983KB] ( 448 )
75 Effect of Different Straw Addition on Quality of Wrapped Silage in Discarded Vegetables
LI Xinmiao,WANG Haojie,LI Yan,JIN Xiaojun
Taking Chinese cabbage and cauliflower tail dish as main material,this paper studied the effects of different adding amounts of straw on appearance quality,fermentation quality and nutrient content of wrapped silage.The results showed that when the added amount of straw was 32 kg of wheat straw,184 kg of corn cob,and 184 kg of rice bran,the sensory evaluation grades of Chinese cabbage tail vegetable wrapped silage and cauliflower tail vegetable wrapped silage were rated as the first-class feed.Their fermentation effect was good,and nutrient content was the highest.
2021 Vol. 1 (5): 75-78 [Abstract] ( 173 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1129KB] ( 398 )
79 Ultrasonic-assisted Cellulase Extraction of Polysaccharides from Sparassis crispa
FENG Liguo,CHEN Xianglian,XU Ning,HUANG Xiaohui
Ultrasound-assisted cellulase was used to extract polysaccharides from Sparassis crispa,optimize the experimental design and determine the best extraction conditions.This paper conducted a singlefactor experiment on 5 factors,including ultrasonic power,ultrasonic time,ultrasonic temperature,material-to-liquid ratio,and amount of cellulase added.It was confirmed that under the conditions of 570 W ultrasonic power and 3% cellulase added amount,the material-to-liquid ratio,ultrasonic time,and ultrasonic temperature were used as 3 interactive factors to carry out Box-Behnen experimental design and response surface optimization.The best solution was as following:the material-to-liquid ratio was 1∶87.62(g · mL-1),ultrasonic temperature was 38.4 ℃,and ultrasonic time was 94.56 min,then the predicted polysaccharide yield could reach 31.49%. After verifying the best forecast model paramter,the results showed that under the conditions of material-to-liquid ratio 1∶90 (g · mL-1),extraction temperature 38 ℃,extraction time 95 min,the extraction rate of crude polysaccharide from 5 g Sparassis crispa powder could reached as high as 30.6%.The crude polysaccharide extraction was also performed on 50 g Sparassis crispa powder.The first extraction rate was 31.70%,and the second extraction rate was 7.1%.After concentrating the extracted crude polysaccharide,deproteinizing,depigmenting,and purifying by dialysis,the polysaccharide retention rate was 73.20%.
2021 Vol. 1 (5): 79-84 [Abstract] ( 180 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1149KB] ( 382 )
85 Present Situation Investigation and Decrement Countermeasures of Pesticide Usage in Potato Planted in Winter in Guangdong Province
LI Chengchen,YANG Dongsheng,SUO Haicui,AN Kang,LIU Jitao,LUO Huanming,LI Xiaobo
This paper investigated the occurrence of diseases,pests and weeds in the major potato winter planting areas of Guangdong Province,and analyzed the use state of pesticides by questionnaire survey.The results indicated that the pesticide application method of potato planted in winter in Guangdong was backward.During cultivation period,pests occurred underground included grub and cutworm,that occurred overground were aphids,potato tuber moths and twenty-eight star ladybugs,and the main diseases were black leg,early blight,late blight,black scurf,bacterial wilt and common scab.There were 32 kinds of pesticides commonly used during prevention and control process,but fungicides were 68.75% by according to the classification of pesticide use,and the effective ingredients of fungicides for late blight accounted for 68.57% among the total number of effective ingredients of 13 fungicides.According to the recommended dosage standards,the pesticide usage for controlling aphids,black leg,early blight and late blight were all overcommitted.The average number of use in Guangdong Province was 10 times,and that by the individual households was high up to 22 times.There were 10 kinds of pesticides usage exceeded the recommended number of times in season.The issue of excessive use of pesticides on potato planted in winter truly existed in Guangdong Province.It is suggested that farmer households should implement the measure of combing early warning and monitoring with dosage decrement control method,so as to scientifically improve the control effect,use pesticides rationally and do not blindly increase amount of pesticides.
2021 Vol. 1 (5): 85-93 [Abstract] ( 166 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1190KB] ( 527 )
94 A New TYLCV Resistant Cherry Tomato F1 Hybrid —‘Zheyingfen No.3’
RUAN Meiying,ZHOU Guozhi,WANG Rongqing,YE Qingjing,ZHONG Yangmin,YAO Zhuping,WAN Hongjian,LI Zhimiao,TAO Jiacui
‘Zheyingfen No.3’is a new cherry tomato F1 hybrid developed by crossing inbred line‘C24’as female parent and inbred line‘312A-51’as male parent.It is of medium-early maturity and infinite growth type.It takes about 120 days from sowing to first harvesting.The fruit is of oval shape.Its matured fruit is pink in color without green shoulder.The single fruit weight is about 25 g.The soluble solid matter content is about 9.7%.It is resistant to tomato yellow leaf curl virus(TYLCV)and fusarium wilt.It can yield about 52.5 t · hm-2.It is suitable for cultivation in protected fields in spring,autumn and over winter in all parts of China.
2021 Vol. 1 (5): 94-96 [Abstract] ( 210 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2729KB] ( 504 )
97 A New Cucumber F1 Hybrid —‘Jingyanchunqiulyu No.3’
‘Jingyanchunqiulyu No.3’is a new dual-purpose cucumber F1 hybrid both for protected fields in spring/autumn and open fields.It is developed by crossing inbred lines‘10-c55’as female parent and‘11-c10-7’as male parent.The plant grows vigorously.The stem is mainly bearing fruits.The first female flower is inserted on the 4-6th nodes.Its fruit is of stick shape and glossy dark green in color.There are dense nitraria tangutorum bobr on its peel.The papilloma is of medium size.Its fruit is 33-35 cm in length with short ear.The pulp is light green in color with good quality.At preceding stage,it is tolerant to low temperature and weak light,and tolerant to high temperature and long sunlight at middle and later periods.It is resistant to fusarium wilt,downy mildew and powdery mildew.It can yield 67.5-75.0 t · hm-2.It is suitable for cultivation in protected and open fields in spring and autumn in Beijing,Tianjin,Hebei,Shandong,Liaoning,Yunnan,Guangxi,Sichuang,Hunan Provinces.
2021 Vol. 1 (5): 97-99 [Abstract] ( 194 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2680KB] ( 569 )
100 A New Watermelon F1 Hybrid —‘Lihua No.3’
HOU Dongying,HAO Kexing,SU Dongtao,WANG Jing,ZHANG Man,HOU Fuen,ZHANG Tao,XING Hongjuan
‘Lihua No.3’is a early-maturing small type watermelon F1 hybrid developed by crossing inbred line‘N-02-03’as female parent and inbred line‘P-09-11’as male parent.The whole growth period is about 89 days,and fruit development period is about 26 days.The plant has medium growth vigor,and is easy to bear fruit.The first female flower sets on the 5-6th node.The fruit is of oval shape and its peel is light green with green reticulate pinstripes.Its flesh is yellow in color.The peel thickness is about 0.4 cm.The single fruit weight is about 3 kg.The centre soluble solid content is 12.5%.In greenhouse cultivation it can yield about 45 t · hm-2.It is medium resistant to blight.It is suitable for protected field cultivation in spring and summer in Beijing,and Shuozhou,Yuanping,Xiaoyi,Dingxiang,Yanggao of Shanxi Province.
2021 Vol. 1 (5): 100-102 [Abstract] ( 191 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2699KB] ( 341 )
103 A New Sweetpotato Variety of High Anthocyanin Type —‘Ganshu No.6’
LAN Mengjiao,WU Wensheng,XIAO Manqiu,PAN Hao,HOU Longying,GE Ruihua
‘Ganshu No.6’is a new sweetpotato variety of high anthocyanin type,bred through group hybridization using‘Gan10-25’as female parent.The storage root is of spindle shape.Its tuber peel and flesh are violet in color.The tuberzation is concentrated and orderly.There are 4-5 tubers per plant.Its large and medium-sized tuber rate is over 87.10%.The cooked root has good quality.It is resistant to root rot and stem-nematode,medium resistant to black spot.Its fresh root yield is about 30 t · hm-2 and that of dried root is 9 t · hm-2.The anthocyanin content is 466.0 mg · kg-1,dry matter content is 29.9%.It is suitable to be planted in spring and summer potato production areas of Jiangxi,Hunan,Hubei,Zhejiang,Anhui Provinces.
2021 Vol. 1 (5): 103-106 [Abstract] ( 193 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2785KB] ( 391 )
2021 Vol. 1 (5): 107-110 [Abstract] ( 235 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1688KB] ( 518 )
2021 Vol. 1 (5): 111-112 [Abstract] ( 193 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1381KB] ( 514 )
2021 Vol. 1 (5): 113-115 [Abstract] ( 166 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 973KB] ( 583 )
2021 Vol. 1 (5): 115-117 [Abstract] ( 179 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1353KB] ( 485 )
2021 Vol. 1 (5): 118-119 [Abstract] ( 147 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1650KB] ( 722 )
2021 Vol. 1 (5): 120-122 [Abstract] ( 239 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1316KB] ( 442 )
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