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2021 Vol.1 Issue.10,Published 2021-10-01

2021 Vol. 1 (10): 1-7 [Abstract] ( 195 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 866KB] ( 997 )
2021 Vol. 1 (10): 8-14 [Abstract] ( 147 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 5030KB] ( 865 )
2021 Vol. 1 (10): 14-19 [Abstract] ( 138 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 939KB] ( 613 )
20 Technological Development and Production of Protected Vegetable in China During‘The Thirteenth Five-year Plan’and Future Prospect
ZHOU Jie,XIA Xiaojian,HU Zhangjian,FAN Pengxiang,SHI Kai,ZHOU Yanhong,YU Jingquan Hot!
During‘The Thirteenth Five-year Plan’period(2016-2020),greenhouse vegetable
production has maintained a good development trend in China.The production areas were stable,equipment
and technology levels were remarkably upgraded.The products output,quality and benefit were continually
improved.This paper analyzed the development status of greenhouse vegetable industry and technology
during the past 5 years in China;and summarized the key science and technology accomplishments in growth
and development of greenhouse vegetables,regulation technology and stress resistance mechanism,plant
diseases and insect pests resistance mechanism,safety production technology,efficient utilization of water
and nutrients,quality formation and superior quality control and regulation,facility types and equipment,
etc. Finally,on the basis of analyzing the protruding problems existed in greenhouse vegetable production
and scientific research,this paper explored the development direction for greenhouse vegetable industry and
scientific research in China:insist on taking market as orientation,science and technology as support,
establishing a perfect,meet the needs of the ages,morden greenhouse vegetable industry system.
2021 Vol. 1 (10): 20-34 [Abstract] ( 243 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3011KB] ( 1332 )
35 Research Progress on Soil Quality of Protected Vegetable Fields
TIAN Tian,TIAN Yongqiang,GAO Lihong Hot!
In recent years,Chinese protected vegetable(CPV)soils have degenerated widespreadly.
The soil is firm and compacted,with secondary salinization,imbalanced nutrient,heavy metals pollution and
increased soil borne diseases,etc.At present,although studies on soil CPV properties of protected vegetable
fields in China have made significant progress,most studies primarily focused on the single index in terms
of soil physical,chemical and biological properties,and microorganism characters,etc.While,studies
on comprehensive evaluation of soil quality is lacking.This paper reviewed the internal and external studies
related to soil quality of protectes vegetable fields;and comprehensively analyzed the soil quality of protected
vegetable fields on the basis of combining soil physical,chemical and biological properties.Besides,the
paper also briefly introduced the soil over all quality evaluation methods,hoping to provide references for indepth
evaluation on soil quality of protected vegetable fields.
2021 Vol. 1 (10): 35-44 [Abstract] ( 180 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 956KB] ( 737 )
45 Expression of SlTCPs Transcription Factors involved in Tomato Leaf Shape#br# Development and Bioinformatic Analysis
TCP is a class of transcription factors unique to plants and plays an important role in plant
growth and development.Selecting 18 TCP members highly expressed in tomato leaf tissue,this study detected
their expression levels at different development stages;and screened out 10 TCP family members related to
leaf blades development process,including SlTCP2,SlTCP4,SlTCP8,SlTCP11,SlTCP14,SlTCP15,
,etc..Then bioinformatic analysis was performed on them.The
results indicated that these 10 SlTCPs members were distributed in 8 different chromosomal locations.There
were relatively larger differences in their length of basic group,amino acid and molecular weight.And all
of the TCPs were unstable hydrophilic proteins.Analysis of SITCPs protein structure and element indicated
that in center about 50aa length amino acid sequences were relatively well conserved.Moreover,serine took
relatively larger proportion.The site prediction of SlTCPs protein subcellular fraction were all localized on the
nucleus.The above mentioned SlTCPs protein all contained the conserved domains of typical TCP family.
Its classification of conserved motif was consistent with the branching of phylogenetic tree.Results of tissue
expression analysis showed that SlTCP11,SlTCP15 and SlTCP24 all had relatively higher expression levels
in different tissues and organs at each stage.Using typical tomato leaf shape mutant materials LA2922 and
LA2532 and their corresponding wild types,this experiment conducted qRT-PCR.The results indicated that
the expression levels of SlTCP2,SlTCP11,SlTCP14,SlTCP15,SlTCP19 and SlTCP24 in leaf blades of
LA2922 and LA2532 were in the opposit direction.Combining with the results of bioinformation analysis,it
was specified that SlTCP2,SlTCP11,SlTCP14,SlTCP15,SlTCP19,and SlTCP24 might play a key role in
the development of tomato leaf shape.This has laid foundation for further explorating the molecular mechanism
of tomato leaf blades growth and development.
2021 Vol. 1 (10): 45-56 [Abstract] ( 181 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1849KB] ( 565 )
57 Effect of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Reducing Nitrogen Fertilizer Dosage in Substrate Cultivation of Lettuce and Spinach
Excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer will reduce crop quality and harm environment.
How to reduce the nitrogen fertilizer applying dosage without reduction of output has become an issue urgently
to be solved for agriculture development.Arbuscular mycorrhizae fungi(AMF) plays a positive role in
promoting plant nutrient absorption,growth and development,and yet has the potential of replacing nitrogen
fertilizer.Taking lettuce(Lactuca sativa L. var. ramose Hort.) and spinach( Spinacia oleracea L.) as research
objects,this experiment set up 8 treatments with different nitrogen fertilizer dosage and 5 treatments with
different AMF use level,respectively.This experiment screened out the best dosages of pure nitrogen fertilizer
for lettuce and spinach growth being 6.0 kg · hm-2 and 8.0 kg · hm-2,respectively and the best use level of
AMF were 200 g · kg-1 and 175 g · kg-1,respectively.Then AMF was used to replace the nitrogen fertilizer in
different proportions.Afterwards,the paper studied the effect of AMF on reducing nitrogen fertilizer dosage
in lettuce and spinach.The results showed that under the condition of substrate cultivation and on the premise
of not reducing lettuce and spinach fresh weight,adding 200 g · kg-1 and 175 g · kg-1 AMF,respectively could
reduce 40% and 60% nitrogen fertilizer dosage in lettuce and spinach production,respectively.That is,the
nitrogen fertilizer dosages were 3.6 kg · hm-2 for lettuce and 3.2 kg · hm-2 for spinach,their plant growth were
unaffected.The experiment result provided a new way for reducing nitrogen fertilizer application in lettuce and
spinach and for high-quality cultivation as well.
2021 Vol. 1 (10): 57-65 [Abstract] ( 153 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1480KB] ( 521 )
66 Effects of Extremely Low Drainage Rate and Nutrient Solution Concentration Regulating on Tomato Fruit Quality
LIU Ailong,LIU Danxia,YIN Dongsheng,LIAN Han,ZHANG Yiting,CHEN Riyuan
Under the condition of root restriction cultivation,taking normal drainage (20-EC1.6
treatment)as the contrast,this paper measured tomato growth indexes,leaf photosynthetic parameters,
fruit commodity characters,related metabolic enzymes and primary metabolites,etc. under the conditions of
minimal drainage(0-EC1.6 treatment) and increasing nutrient solution concentration(0-EC1.6-2.4 treatment)
or adding NaCl(0-EC1.6-2.4Na treatment) and studied the effect of extremely low drainage rate(ELDR)
and nutrient concentration regulating on tomato fruit quality.The results showed that ELDR could significantly
inhibit tomato plant stem thickening,leaf extension and fruit expanding,decreased leaf net photosynthetic
rate(Pn),stomatal conductance(Gs),intercellular CO2 concentration(Ci),transpiration rate(Tr),
single fruit weight and yield per plant.However,the contents of soluble solid matter,VC,lycopene,
polyphenols,free amino acid and glucose/malic acid,fructose/citric acid in fruit were significantly increased,
while the percentage of non-commercial fruit was decreased.ELDR combined with increasing nutrient solution
concentration could further increase the contents of soluble solid matter, amino acid and its ramification
(5-L-glutamyl-L-alanine),phenolic acid(coumaric aldehyde)and glucose/malic acid;and reduced noncommercial
fruit rate.ELDR could significantly increase the activities of invertin and sucrose synthase,which
were further remarkably increased by increasing nutrient solution concentration.Thus,catalytic decomposition
of sucrose was made to produce glucose and fructose.Comprehensively considering various indexes,0-EC1.6-2.4
was the optimum treatment for improving tomato fruit quality under root restriction cultivation condition.
2021 Vol. 1 (10): 66-78 [Abstract] ( 229 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2169KB] ( 514 )
79 Effects of Different Nutrient Solution Supply Frequency on Yield,Quality and Water Use Efficiency of Bag Cultured Pepper in Solar Greenhouse
ZHAO Yuhong,KANG Zhen,SUN Tao,ZHU Keyu,ZHANG Qi,HU Xiaohui
In order to establish a precise water and fertilizer management mode for pepper bag culture in
solar greenhouse in Northern Shaanxi region,this experiment took‘Lafei 78-9’as test material;adopted
matrix bag culture method,and took water demand of single plant as standard;set up 5 nutrient solution supply
frequencies as once in one day,once in 2 days,once in 3 days,6 times in 3 days,and 4 times in 3 days;and
studied the effects of different nutrient solution supply frequency on yield,fruit quality and water use efficiency
of pouched overwinter pepper in solar greenhouse.The results showed that the treatment of supplying nutrient
solution for 6 times in 3 days and suplying nutrient solution once a day had obtained higher pepper yield.
Which were 10 161.66 kg · hm-2 and 10 062.98 kg · hm-2 ,respectively.The contents of reducing sugar,
VC and free amino acids in fruit treated with nutrient solution once a day were higher than those by the other
treatments.Besides,the water use efficiency by this treatment was also the highest(77.99 kg · m-3).The
yield,fruit quality and water use efficiency of pepper were evaluated by Topsis comprehensive method.The
results showed that the fitting degree was the highest when the nutrient solution was supplied once a day,
reaching 0.858.In conclusion,the comprehensive effect of supplying nutrient solution once a day is the best
for pepper bag culture in solar greenhouse Northern Shaanxi region.
2021 Vol. 1 (10): 79-84 [Abstract] ( 175 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1090KB] ( 478 )
85 Effects of Different Nutrient Solution Concentrations on Tomato Fruit Quality in Solar Greenhouse
MENG Xin,LYU Jian,LUO Shilei,YU Jian,LI Jinwu,LIU Zeci,ZHU Wen,YU Jihua,TANG Zhongqi
In order to investigate the relationship between nutrient solution concentration and tomato fruit
comprehensive qualty under substrate cultivation condition in solar greenhouse,this paper took‘Fentailang’as test
material;set up 4 treatments including conventional nutrient solution concentration(CK),130% of the nutrient solution
concentration of the CK(T1),150% of the nutrient solution concentration of the CK(T2)and 200% nutrient solution
concentration of the CK(T3);and studied the effects of different nutrient solution concentrations on 12 quality indexes
of tomato fruit.The results showed that along with the increase of nutrient solution concentration,the single tomato fresh
fruit weight and dry weight,fruit shape index,fruit hardness,sugar-acid ratio,soluble solids content,VC content and
soluble protein content of tomato fruits showed a changing tendency of first increasing then decreasing.The soluble sugar
content and nitrate content showed a linear increasing tendency.The paper carried out comprehensive evaluation using
principal component analysis and obtained the synthesis score as T2 > T1 > T3 > CK.The comprehensive quality of
tomato fruit was the best when treated with 150% of the conventional nutrient solution concentration.
2021 Vol. 1 (10): 85-90 [Abstract] ( 156 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1344KB] ( 623 )
91 Effects of Commercial Rock Wool Strip and Coco Coir Strip on Growth,Photosynthesis,Yield and Fruit Quality of Cucumber
HE Lizhong,DING Xiaotao,JIN Haijun,ZHANG Hongmei,CUI Jiawei,ZHOU Qiang,YUJizhu
Taking cucumber varieties ‘Daiduoxing’ and ‘Chunqiuwang’ as test materials,this paper
carried out seedling and cultivation experiment using commercial rock wool strip and coco coir strip,
respectively;and studied the effects of different cultivation substrates on cucumber growth,photosynthesis,
yield and fruit quality.The results showed that after the first true leaf unfolded 26 days the stem diameter and
the 2nd to 4th leaf area of cucumber seedlings cultured in coco coir substrate were all higher than that of cucumber
seedlings cultured in rock wool substrate.Cucumber plants grown in coco coir substrate had significantly higher
net photosynthetic rate(Pn),stomatal conductance(Gs) and yield of signal plant( 25 days after harvest) than
that of the plant cultured in rock wool substrate.And also the ratio of cucumber fruit dry matter weight in total
dry matter was higher.The contents of soluble sugar and VC in cucumber cultivated in coco coir substrate were
higher than that of the cucumber cultivated in rock wool substrate. In conclusion,coco coir substrate could
promote the growth of cucumber by certain degree and obtain higher fruit quality.Commercial coco coir was
suitable in its popularization and application in greenhouse for cucumber seedling and production.
2021 Vol. 1 (10): 91-96 [Abstract] ( 155 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1676KB] ( 402 )
97 Analysis on Application Performance of Solar Greenhouse Actively Accumulating Thermal by Water Module
ZHENG Qinzhong,LI Nanyang,LIU Ziying,MENG Yanling,JIA Bingguo,WANG Suna
Aiming at the problems existed in current design and construction of solar greenhouses,
including poor thermal accumulation capacity in wall,low land utilization rate,shortage of soil resources
and slow construction speed,etc.,this paper innovatively designed a prefabricated solar greenhouse actively
accumulating thermal by water module(GH1).The paper also conducted measurement and comparetive
analysis on the indoor temperature,ground temperature and relative humidity between GH1 and ordinary solar
greenhouse(GH2).The results showed that during the consecutive sunny days,the highest temperature at
day time and lowest temperature of GH1 were 1.2 ℃ and 1.8 ℃ higher than that of GH2,respectively.And the
average temperature at night was 1.2 ℃ higher,and average ground temperature of GH1 was 1.5 ℃ higher than
that of GH2.During consecutive cloudy days,the average day time temperature of GH1 was 5.3 ℃ higher
than that of GH2,4.0 ℃ higher at night,and average ground temperature was 2.0 ℃ higher.During extreme
weather,the average temperature of GH1was 4.8 ℃ higher than that of GH2,and average ground temperature
was 1.8 ℃ higher than that of GH2.The test results for 31 consecutive days showed that the average minimum
temperature of GH1was 1.1 ℃ higher than that of GH2,and average night temperature was 3.8℃ higher than
that of GH2.When it is sunny,the average relative humidity of GH1 was 14.7 percentage point lower than
that of GH2.And when it was cloudy,it was 4.1 percentage point lower than that of GH2.In summary,the
technical scheme for solar greenhouse actively accumulating thermal by water module is feasible, and its overall
thermal accumulation performance is obviously better than that of the ordinary solar greenhouses.Especially
under consecutive cloudy and extreme rain and snow conditions,it can maintain a higher indoor temperature
and ground temperature.
2021 Vol. 1 (10): 97-104 [Abstract] ( 174 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1656KB] ( 569 )
105 A New Cucumber F1 Hybrid —‘Longlyu No.2’
XU Chunmei,ZHANG Zuobiao,LIU Jinglan,ZHAO Dan,WANG Xin,YANG Long,MENG
‘Longlyu No.2’is a new North China-type cucumber F1 hybrid developed by crossing inbred
line‘332-5’as female parent and inbred line‘1061’as male parent.It is of early maturity.The plant is of
medium growth vigor.Its fruits are mainly setting on the main vine.The first female flower sets on around the
4th section of the main vine.The female flower producing rate is high.Its fruit is of rodlike shape,about 33-
35 cm in length.The peel is dark green in color and covered by denser white spines.Its flesh is light green in
color.The commercial fruit rate is high.It is highly resistant to powdery mildew,downy mildew and resistant
to Fusarium wilt.Its VC content is 129.0 mg · kg-1.It can yield about 27 t · hm-2 in earlier stage,and about
75 t · hm-2 in total output.It is suitable for cultivation in open and protected fields in Northeast China and Inner
Mogolia region.
2021 Vol. 1 (10): 105-107 [Abstract] ( 251 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1844KB] ( 350 )
108 A New Hot Pepper F1 Hybrid —‘Mingjiao No.13’
QIU Yinhui,ZENG Shaogui,LI Yongqing,WU Lidong,LUO Ying,ZHU Bangtong
‘Mingjiao No.13’is a new early maturing thin-skinned pepper F1 hybrid developed by crossing
inbred line‘m124-2-4-3-3’as female parent and inbred line‘f23-4-5-2-1’as male parent.The plant has
strong growth vigor.Its plant height is about 65 cm.The first flower sets on the 6-8th node.It takes about 45
days from fix planting to first harvesting.The fruit is of linear shape,straight and bright.Its fruit is 26-30 cm
in length,1.2-1.5 cm in width,and about 0.15 cm in thickness.The single fruit weight is 26-32 g.Its unripe
fruit is green in color,and ripe one is red in color.The VC content is 1 680 mg · kg-1,capsaicin content is
3 721 SHU,and crude fiber content is 0.08%.In fields,its resistances to viral disease,bacterial wilt and
anthracnose are stronger than that of the contrast‘Lafeng No.3’.It can yield about 37.5 t · hm-2.It is suitable
for spring and autumn cultivation in protected fields of Fujian Province.
2021 Vol. 1 (10): 108-110 [Abstract] ( 231 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1834KB] ( 324 )
111 A New Pepper F1 Hybrid —‘Ningjiao No.3’
YAN Xiujuan,ZHAO Yunxia,HE Xin,WANG Xuemei
‘Ningjiao No.3’is a new mid-early maturity pepper F1 hybrid developed by crossing inbred
line‘9970’as female parent and inbred line‘9861’as male parent.Its growing perid is about 186 days.
The plant has strong growth vigor.The plant is about 72 cm in height.The first flower sets on the 8-9th nodes.
Its fruit is of long sheephorn shape with even fold surface.The fruit is 25-29 cm in length,about 3.2 cm in
width,and about 0.25 cm in thickness.The average single fruit weight is about 66.The unmatured fruit is
dark green in color and matured one is red in color.The VC content is 1 792.4 mg · kg-1,dry matter content
is 11.6%,and the total capsaicin content is 0.052 g · kg-1.Its resistances in field to epidemic disease,virus
disease and powdery mildew are stronger than that of the contrast‘Longjiao No.3’.It can yield about 69 t ·
hm-2.It is suitable for planting in open field and protected field in Ningxia and areas with similar environmental
2021 Vol. 1 (10): 111-113 [Abstract] ( 156 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1828KB] ( 302 )
114 A New Celery Cultivar for Protected Cultivation —‘Tangqin No.1’
SONG Ruisheng,LI He,LI Juan,WANG Naihong,ZHOU Teng
‘Tangqin No.1’is a new celery cultivar for protected cultivation,developed by sexual
hybridization between inbred line‘J01-1-2’as female parent and inbred line‘F10-2’as male parent,
through continuous directional selection of 5 generations.The plant has strong growth vigor with compact and
upright plant type.The average plant height is 78.6 cm.The first petiole is yellow-green in color with 38.5
cm in length,and 2.3 cm in width.In fields,its resistances to spot blight and leaf spot are stronger than that
of the contrast‘Rifeng No.1’.The VC content is 65.5 mg · kg-1,soluble sugar content is 3.49%,and coarse
fiber content is 0.67%.The single plant weight is about 0.6 kg.It can yield about 120 t · hm-2.It is suitable
for protected cultivation in autumn and winter in North and Northeast region of China.
2021 Vol. 1 (10): 114-116 [Abstract] ( 168 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1801KB] ( 354 )
2021 Vol. 1 (10): 117-121 [Abstract] ( 217 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3384KB] ( 382 )
2021 Vol. 1 (10): 122-127 [Abstract] ( 163 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2323KB] ( 399 )
2021 Vol. 1 (10): 128-131 [Abstract] ( 155 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 923KB] ( 424 )
2021 Vol. 1 (10): 131-135 [Abstract] ( 136 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1484KB] ( 423 )
2021 Vol. 1 (10): 136-138 [Abstract] ( 184 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1424KB] ( 296 )
China Vegetables
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