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2022 Vol.1 Issue.6,Published 2022-06-01

2022 Vol. 1 (6): 1-6 [Abstract] ( 120 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1533KB] ( 682 )
2022 Vol. 1 (6): 7-10 [Abstract] ( 143 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1271KB] ( 465 )
2022 Vol. 1 (6): 10-15 [Abstract] ( 121 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1360KB] ( 577 )
16 Identification Index Screening and Comprehensive Evaluation for Alkali Tolerance of Common Bean Variety Resources in Seedling Stage
SU Yi,FENG Guojun,LIU Dajun,YANG Xiaoxu,YAN Zhishan,LIU Chang
Saline-alkali stress is one of the important factors restricting common bean industry
development.Screening identification index for alkali tolerance of common bean in seedling stage has
great importance in breeding alkali-tolerant common bean varieties and promoting common bean cultivation
in saline-alkali land.This experiment took 35 common bean varieties as test materials,simulated 60
mmol · L-1 NaHCO3 solution as alkali stress,and treated common bean seedlings.Ten indicators including net
photosynthetic rate,intercellular CO2 concentration,stomatal conductance,malondialdehyde content,plant
height,root length,and dry/fresh weight of the above-ground part and underground part were measured,
respectively.The identification indicators for alkali tolerance of common bean in seedling stage were screened
by principal component analysis,and alkali tolerance of common bean in seedling stage was comprehensively
evaluated by fuzzy membership function and clustering analysis.The results showed that alkali stress could
significantly inhibit the growth of common bean seeldings.Eight indicators including root length,dry/
fresh weight of the above-ground part,dry/fresh weight of the underground part,net photosynthetic rate,
intercellular CO2 concentration and stomatal conductance could be used as main indicators for rapid identifying
alkali tolerance of common bean in seedling stage.These 35 varieties were divided into 5 types with different
alkali resistance through sorting the comprehensive evaluation value(D value)and clustering analysis.
‘Fenguan’was alkali-resitant variety.4 varieties such as‘14-4-1-3’ were relative alkali-tolerant varieties.
13 varieties such as‘Chiyu No.21’were medium alkali-tolerant varieties.16 varieties such as‘44-1-1’were
relative alkali-sensitive varieties.‘Tailaibaitiao’was alkali-sensitive variety.
2022 Vol. 1 (6): 16-24 [Abstract] ( 149 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1330KB] ( 355 )
25 Identification and Evaluation of Garlic Germplasm Resources and Screening of Excellent Germplasm
QI Chuandong,ZHOU Jie,FU Jiaping,WU Fanghua,LI hui,WU Jinping,GUO Fengling Hot!
In order to identify and evaluate garlic germplasm resources in Hubei region and screen garlic
germplasm with excellent comprehensive performance,this experiment conducted analysis and evaluation
on agronomic characters,yields and partial nutritional indexes of 81 local garlic resources in Hubei Province
and 19 germplasm resources introduced from abroad and within China.The results showed that the variable
coefficient of 23 quantitative characters in different garlic growth stages was 9.466%-52.619%,and diversity
index of 13 quality characters was between 0-1.079.On the basis of comprehensively analyzing various
character indexes,we screened 6 excellent garlic resources suitable for garlic sprouts production in southern
areas,including‘Pengzhoudasuan No.1’‘Eryuezao’‘12-7D-917 tuodudasuan’‘Pengzhoudasuan
No.2’‘Ershuizao’‘Pin 11’;5 superior garlic resources suitable for garlic bolt production
including‘Pengzhoudasuan No.1’‘Eryuezao’‘Pengzhoudasuan No.2’‘Ershuizao’‘Fangxiandasuan’;
and 8 high quality garlic resources suitable for garlic head production including‘Wufenghongsuan’‘Nanzhangda
suan’‘Laosuan’‘14-7DS tuodudasuan’‘Liuyuesuan’‘Baihesuan’‘Wufengzipisuan’‘Mosangbike No.3’.
Besides,we further screened 1 garlic resource with higher VC content,namely‘Wufenghongsuan’and 2
garlic resources resources with higher excellent allicin content including‘Nanzhangdasuan’and‘Eryuezao’.
2022 Vol. 1 (6): 25-32 [Abstract] ( 191 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2194KB] ( 397 )
33 Screening of Microbial Consortium Capable of Degrading Cucumber Plant Straw and Exploration of Its Growth Promotion Effect
LI Xin,ZHANG Xu,LA Shikai,XIE Yingfei,CHEN Shijun,GAO Lihong,TIAN Yongqiang
In-situ incorporation of vegetable plant straw returning to fields can effectively avoid
resource waste and environment pollution,but there is short of microbial consortium(MC)capable
of degrading cucumber plant straw in actual production.Moreover,MC influence on crop growth is
undefined.Taking cucumber plant straw as test material,this experiment screened high-efficient MC capable
of degrading cucumber plant straw by special non-carbon culture medium and explored the efficacy of MC for
cucumber growth promotion.The results showed that the degradation rate of cucumber plant straw by MC
reached as high as 80.7%,and their degradation rates of cellulose,hemicellulose and lignin were 78.8%,
74.7% and 49.4%,respectively.The highest cellulase activity(0.110 4 IU)appeared on the 9 days after
treatment.The dominant communities in MC included 8 phyla and 12 genera.They could utilize 23 kinds
carbon source substances out of 31 kinds carbon source.33 single strains were isolated from MC,among
which 15 strains had the capacity of degrading cellulose.Results of seed and seedling tests showed that MC
could efficiently promote the growth of cucumber seed seedlings and seedlings when OD600 of MC reached
0.4.Taken together,the screened MC could not only effectively degrade cucumber plant straw,but also
promote the growth of cucumber .
2022 Vol. 1 (6): 33-43 [Abstract] ( 140 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3520KB] ( 707 )
44 Effects of the Formed Applying Organic Substrate Planting-board in Greenhouse Cultivation of Lettuce
MAO Xin,YUAN Wenfei,ZHANG Yi,LI Yaling,WEN Xiangzhen,HOU Leiping,BAI Longqiang,LI Yansu
The formed organic substrate planting-board(OSP)cultivation is carried out by using
larger size planting-board with planting holes produced by pressing agricultural organic waste substrates.
Those planting-boards were lined up in greenhouses by robotic arm for vegetable production.This model is
suitable for mechanized vegetables cultivation.In order to seek the effects of OSP model on growth,yield
and quality of vegetables,this paper took lettuce as test material;conducted cultivation experiment on OSP
(decomposed sheep manure∶pea straw = 2 V∶1 V),taking conventional soil cultivation as the contrast.
The results showed that the growth vigor of lettuce grown in OSP was obviously stronger than that in soil
cultivation.And root vitality,chlorophyll content,net photosynthetic rate,single plant fresh weight
above ground and total N,P and K accumulation were obviously increased than those in soil cultivation,
amplification was 34.85%,10.42%,14.98%,101.00%,98.16%,69.96%,78.48%,respectively.The
contents of VC,soluble protein,soluble sugar in edible parts were obviously increased than those in soil
cultivation.While nitrate nitrogen content was significantly reduced,indicating OSP cultivation model could
satisfy demand for vegetable growth and development,and at the same time adapting to mechanized operation.
2022 Vol. 1 (6): 44-49 [Abstract] ( 128 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3093KB] ( 384 )
50 Studies on Regulating and Controlling Excessive Growth of Cucumber Seedlings  by CCC Applying Method and Irrigation Water Temperature
SANG Jiajun,JI Yanhai,LIU Mingchi,WU Zhanhui,WANG Liping,WANG Suna
Taking‘Jingyan 118’cucumber as test material,this experiment set 3 irrigation water
temperatures(10 ℃,15 ℃ and 22 ℃)and 2 CCC applying methods(foliage spray and along with water
irrigation);studied the effects of irrigation water temperature and CCC applying method on cucumber seedling
growth,strong seedling index and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of leaves;and explored the technology
for regulating and controlling excessive growth of cucumber seedlings.The results showed that treatments
with different CCC applying method and irrigation water temperature all could significantly reduce the plant
height of cucumber seedlings.The strong seedling index in along with water irrigation treatments were
higher than that of foliage spraying treatments.Under the same CCC applying method,reducing irrigation
water temperature could inhibit cucumber seedlings excessive growth to certain degree.But it would reduce
the SPAD value of leaves,and cause some damage to them.In a comprehensive analysis,the treatment
combining 200 mg · L-1 CCC concentration,along with water irrigation, and 22 ℃ irrigation water temperature
can effectively inhibit the excessive growth of cucumber seedlings,and achieve the best strong seedling
effect.This is a suitable regulating and controlling measure for strong cucumber seedlings.
2022 Vol. 1 (6): 50-55 [Abstract] ( 146 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1812KB] ( 484 )
56 Isolation and Identification of Three Strains of Pathogen Causing Konjac Stem Rot and Studies on Pathogenicity
ZHAO Xingli,HE Shengling,LIU Sirui,LUO Linli,ZHOU Luona,FAN Shijie,ZHOU Yufeng
Konjac stem rot caused by Fusarium spp. is one of the important soil-borne diseases during
konjac cultivation.In order to clarify the pathogens causing konjac stem rot,this experiment collected several
konjac sickened plant samples from Xingyi City,Guizhou Province in 2019;carried out isolation on these
samples by tissue separation method;identified the isolates by using morphological identification method
combined with molecular method based on rDNA-ITS and tef sequences;then proceeded pathogenicity test
according to Koch’s Postulates.The results showed that 3 strains of Fusarium pure culture were obtained
through tissue separation method.They were belonged to 2 different species,i.e.,F. oxysporum and F. solani
by identification.Further pathogenicity analysis showed that F. oxysporum xymy-8 had no pathogericity,
F. solani xymy-7 and xymy-9 were both pathogenic,and their pathogenicity was different.Among them,
xymy-7 had stronger pathogenicity than xymy-9.The experimental results had provided theoretical basis for
precise prevention and control of konjac stem rot.
2022 Vol. 1 (6): 56-63 [Abstract] ( 150 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3587KB] ( 339 )
64 Inhibitory Effect of Biocontrol Streptomyces sp. Strain PBSH9 on Potato Common Scab and Optimization of Its Metabolites Cultivation Condition
WANG Liwei,WAN Zhongyi,SONG Yadi,XIU Zhijun,YU Shicheng,DU Meie,ZHANG Xiaoyu
This study explored the inhibitory effects of biocontrol Streptomyces sp. PBSH9 on potato
common scab caused by Streptomyces galilaeus(PS1) by plate confrontation method,and optimized the
cultivation conditions of strain PBSH9 by using single factor experiment.The results indicated that PBSH9
had stronger inhibiting effect on PS1.After 3 generations’subculture,its inhibiting effects on PS1 were not
weakened.And the inhibition ratios were all over 70%.PBSH9 metabolites could also inhibit PS1 growth,
and the inhibition rate was 75.21%.PBSH9 and PBSH9 metabolites could lead to cross-linking between
hypha,fracture, aerial hypha shorten,bending to straightened,inflation becoming thicker,spore being
out of shape,sporulation quantity going down.The results of PBSH9 cultivation condition optimization
experiment indicated that put in 7 mL seed solution of biocontrol Streptomyces sp. PBSH9 in each 100 mL of
liquid Gao’s No.1 medium,with 7 pH value,and under 28 ℃ constant temperature cultivation for 9 days,the
inhibiting effect of PBSH9 metabolite was the best.The dimeter of inhibitory zone was 23.67 mm.
2022 Vol. 1 (6): 64-71 [Abstract] ( 136 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3607KB] ( 343 )
72 Studies on Rootstock and Scion Age Suitable for Mechanized Amplexiform of Watermelon
LIANG Huan,LI Aicheng,WANG Dehuan,ZHU Juhong,GE Mihong,ZHOU Mobing,SHIXianfeng
Taking watermelon variety‘Zaojia 84-24’ as scion and pumpkin variety‘Zhenzhuang’
as rootstock,this paper studied the effects of different scion or rootstock age on growth and development
of watermelon seedlings grafted by machine.The results showed that the ages of scion and rootstock would
significantly affect the quality and root regeneration of grafted seedlings.Besides,the main factor affecting
the survival rate,lateral root number,root length and root volume of grafted seedling,etc. was the age of
rootstock seedling.And the main factor affecting the leaf health index was the age of scion seedling.While,
the absolute growth rate of the new leaves was jointly affected by the ages of rootstock and scion seedlings,
but there was no significant correlation.The age of rootstock seedling suitable for mechanized amplexiform
determined by comprehensive evaluation of satisfaction was 16 days,namely:the size of first real-leaf being
a coin size,stem diameter being 3.20 ± 0.16 mm.The age of scion seedling was 16-19 days,namely: from
first true-leaf appeared to one leaf and one-core period,and stem diameter being 2.76 ± 0.23 mm.
2022 Vol. 1 (6): 72-78 [Abstract] ( 119 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1587KB] ( 1850 )
79 Effect of Pumpkin Rootstock on Growth and Cadmium Accumulation Characteristics of Grafted Cucumber Seedlings
YANG Helian,ZHANG Yuguang,GUO Weili,CHEN Bihua,LI Xinzheng,ZHOU Junguo
In order to select and breed cadmium-tolerant pumpkin rootstock germplasm resources,this
experiment grafted different pumpkin rootstocks with cucumber‘Jinyun 301’under cadmium stress;and
analyzed the growth and cadmium accumulation characteristics of grafted cucumber seedlings with different
rootstocks.The results showed that under cadmium stress,taking‘Gezhen No.1’as rootstock, the survival
rate of grafted cucumber seedling was the highest, reaching 92.86%.The dry and fresh weight of root,stem
and leaf,root system activity,POD and APX activities of leaves were all significantly higher than those of
cucumber self-rooted seedlings.The root cadmium content was the highest and cadmium transfer coefficient
was the lowest.In conclusion,under cadmium stress taking‘ Gezhen No.1’ as rootstock to graft cucumber are
beneficial to cucumber growth and can reduce the damage of cadmium to plant upper part.Therefore,‘Gezhen
No.1’can be used as a good cadmium-tolerant rootstock for extension and application.
2022 Vol. 1 (6): 79-83 [Abstract] ( 126 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1408KB] ( 370 )
84 Screening of Highly Effective Pesticides Against Polyphagotarsonemus latus
TIAN Tian,ZHANG Youjun,WANG Shaoli Hot!
The broad mite,Polyphagotarsonemus latus(Banks) is an important spider mite in agriculture
causing serious regional damage.Chemical pesticide application is a major measure to control this mite.
But,currently there are very few pesticides registered against P. latus in China.In order to screen and obtain
chemical pesticides highly effective in controlling P. latus,this experiment conducted indoor efficacy evaluation
of 14 common pesticides/acaricides at routine recommended doses on this mite.The results showed that
abamectin,chlorfenapyr and bifenthrin had high fast-acting effect against P. latus.The pesticide effect could
reach over 85% 1 day after pesticide treatment,significantly higher than that of the other testing pesticides.
3 days after treatment,the efficacies of abamectin,bifenthrin and pyridaben were higher over 90%.7 days
after treatment,the pesticide effects of abamectin,bifenthrin and pyridaben reached high up to 100.00%.The
pesticide effects of chlorfenapyr,spinetoram,cyflumetofen,b-azolemiteacrylic,cyenopyrafen,etoxazole,
fluazinam and bifenazate · etoxazole were all over 90%,showing favorable persistance.In conclusion,
abamectin,bifenthrin,pyridaben and chlorfenapyr have high prevention and control effict on P. latus,and
excellent fast-acting and persistent effect.They could be used coordinately or alternatively with the above
mentioned fine persistent pesticides for chemical prevention and control of P. latus in fields.
2022 Vol. 1 (6): 84-88 [Abstract] ( 146 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1517KB] ( 468 )
89 Economic Evaluation on High-Efficiency Ecological Farming Technology of Lotus Root-Crayfish
WU Man,WANG Junqin,ZONG Yixiang,ZHAO Banghong
In order to reveal the necessity and feasibility of promoting“lotus root-crayfish”highefficiency
ecological farming technology,this experiment adopted expert interview,typical investigation,
paired comparison and trial calculation analysis,etc. research methods to construct technical and economic
effect measurement indicators,and conduct economic evaluation on this technology from 3 aspects,
including economic benefit,ecological benefit and social benefit.The results showed that in 2019,the total
cost per 667 m2 of“lotus root-crayfish”high-efficiency ecological farming technology increased 409.67
RMB than that of single lotus root planting pattern.The rate of increase reached 9.84%.The output value
increased by 4 713.71 RMB.The increase rate was 85.21%.When the price of crayfish is lower than 23.40
RMB · kg-1,the net profit of lotus root-crayfish high-efficiency ecological farming technology is less than
that of planting lotus root alone.It was suitable to plant lotus root alone.In addition,this technology had
a significant effect of reducing chemical fertilizer application,thus pushing industry the green development
forward,broadening distribution channels for product and effectively reducing business risk.
2022 Vol. 1 (6): 89-95 [Abstract] ( 109 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1554KB] ( 654 )
96 A New Cherry Tomato F1 Hybrid —‘Yuekeda 201’
LI Yanhong,NIE Jun,TAN Delong,XIE Yuming,SHI Liangliang,ZHANG Changyuan,ZHENG Jinrong
‘Yuekeda 201’is a new cherry tomato F1 hybrid developed by crossing inbred line‘ct53-
10’as female parent and inbred line‘ct29-8’as male parent.It is of infinite growth type,and is semirampancy.
The plant has strong growth vigor and takes inflorescence as the principal.The matured fruit is red
in color and immature fruit has green shoulder.The fruit is of tall round shape.Its pulp is thick with crisp and
sweet taste.The soluble solids content is 9.10%,VC content is 650.0 mg · kg-1,lycopene content is 21.06
mg · kg-1.Its successive fruit setting ability is strong.The single fruit weight is about 16 g.It can yield about
60 t · hm-2.It is highly resistant to Fusarium wilt and resistant to ToMV,CMV and root-knot nematodes.It is
suitable for open and protected fields cultivation in Guangdong areas.
2022 Vol. 1 (6): 96-98 [Abstract] ( 149 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3043KB] ( 328 )
99 A New Pod Pepper F1 Hybrid —‘Dingdinghong No.5’
ZHANG Bing,MAO Dan,SHEN Bingtao,QI Weiqiang,LIANG Fangfang
‘Dingdinghong No.5’is a new pod pepper F1 hybrid of fascicled type derived from crossing
inbred line‘D1-8’as female parent and inbred line‘SK2-6’as male parent.It is of early maturity.
Its growth period is about 170 days.The plant is about 80 cm in height.The first flower sets on the 10-11th
nodes.Its fruit is of short fingered,and fruit top is obtuse-angled.The fruit peel is smooth.The fruit is
about 7 cm in length,and about 0.8 cm in width.The ripe fruit is green in color,and old ripe fruit is red
in color.Its taste is strong spicy.The total contents of capsaicin and VC were 2.36 g · kg-1 and 1 430 mg ·
kg-1,respectively.Its fruit setting ability is strong.Each single plant can bear about 16 fruits.The single
fruit weight is about 4 g.It can yield about 22.5 t · hm-2 fresh pepper,which is easily dried.In fields,its
resistance to virus disease,epidemic disease and anthrax is stronger than that of the contrast‘Sanyingjiao
No.8’.It is suitable for open field cultivation in early spring in Henan and surrounding areas or intercropping
cultivation of wheat-pepper.
2022 Vol. 1 (6): 99-101 [Abstract] ( 130 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3029KB] ( 352 )
102 A New Colorful Potato Variety —‘Kencaishu No.2’
YANG Sheng,ZHANG Guizhi,JIN Guanghui,JIANG Lili,TAI Lianmei
‘Kencaishu No.2’is a new colorful potato variety of fresh food type developed by
crossing‘2008-15’as female parent and‘MD04-72’as male parent through sexual hybridization and
systematic selection.It is of mid-late maturity.Its growth period is about 103 days.The plant has strong
growth potential and is about 50 cm in height.The plant is of semi-erect type.The branches are in medium
quantity,and tubers are concentrated.The tuber is of oval shape with rose red peel and rose red pulp.Its
bud eye is of medium depth.The contents of anthocyanin is 1 623.7 mg · kg-1.The contents of dry matter,
starch,crude protein,reducing sugar and VC are 15.40%,7.4%,1.52%,0.16% and 118.0 mg · kg-1
respectively.Each single plant can bear 3-5 potatoes.The average single potato weight is 153.2 g.The
medium and large potato rate(> 75 g)is 76.31%.Its yield is about 22.5 t · hm-2.It is resistant to PVX,
PVY,and late blight.It is suitable for spring planting in Heilongjiang Province.
2022 Vol. 1 (6): 102-104 [Abstract] ( 143 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3032KB] ( 508 )
105 A New Tetraploid Ginger Variety —‘Jinfeng No.1’
WU Jinping,ZHOU Jie,QI Chuandong,FU Jiaping,GUO Fengling
‘Jinfeng No.1’is a new tetraploid ginger variety bred by somatic chromosome doubling
from‘Fengtoujiang’in Laifeng County,Huhei Province.This variety is of dense seedling type,and
takes about 210 days from sowing to harvesting.Its plant has strong growth vigor.During proper time of
harvesting,the plant is about 130 cm in height.Its branching ability is also strong.The branching numbers
per plant are about 20.The tender ginger is of bulb shape and in large size.It is about 25 cm in length,
about 15 cm in width.The ginger is yellow in color and crisp and tender,with aromatic flavor.The crude
fiber content is 1.00%.The gingerol content is 6.76 g · kg-1.The soluble sugar content is 6.31%.The single
rootstock weight is 790-850 g.This variety can yield 60.0-67.5 t · hm-2.In fields,its resistance to ginger
blast,leaf blight and stalk rot is stronger than that of the contrast‘Fengtoujiang’.It is suitable for planting in
Hubei Province and surrounding areas.
2022 Vol. 1 (6): 105-107 [Abstract] ( 190 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3053KB] ( 275 )
2022 Vol. 1 (6): 108-114 [Abstract] ( 130 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 4426KB] ( 489 )
2022 Vol. 1 (6): 115-119 [Abstract] ( 153 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2955KB] ( 378 )
2022 Vol. 1 (6): 119-122 [Abstract] ( 125 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1759KB] ( 313 )
2022 Vol. 1 (6): 123-124 [Abstract] ( 117 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1327KB] ( 306 )
2022 Vol. 1 (6): 125-127 [Abstract] ( 110 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1360KB] ( 355 )
2022 Vol. 1 (6): 128-130 [Abstract] ( 110 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1675KB] ( 364 )
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