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2023 Vol.1 Issue.1,Published 2023-01-01

1 Vegetable Market Analysis in 2022 and Outlook for 2023
ZHANG Jing,LIU Jifang,ZHOU Xiangyang*,WU Jianzhai,SHEN Chen Hot!
In 2022,vegetable wholesale price was generally high and basically in line with the regularity of perennial seasonal fluctuations.It is expected that the price of winter and spring vegetables will rise later and slower than in previous years,and may remain high for a period of time after the Spring Festival.Considering
that vegetable prices are generally high in 2022,the field area has increased slightly year-on-year,so he supply of vegetables in spring 2023 will be generally guaranteed,which could also be supported by three reasons:the amount of shelf-stable vegetables such as Chinese cabbage and white radish is sufficient and stable,the supply of vegetables in northern facilities is sufficient,and the market volume of‘southern vegetables-northern transportation’vegetables has increased steadily.Under the background of overall loose vegetable supply,to promote the high-quality development of the vegetable industry and to ensure‘vegetable basket’supply and price stability,it is recommended to accelerate the development of facility vegetables,promote the transformation and upgrading of green production,optimize the connection of vegetable production and marketing,accelerate the construction of refrigerated and fresh-keeping supply chain,and comprehensively consolidate the Mayor Responsibility System for the‘ vegetable basket’(non-grain food supply).
2023 Vol. 1 (1): 1-6 [Abstract] ( 339 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1833KB] ( 682 )
7 Analysis on New Variety Breeding of Bitter Gourd and Its Protection Status Quo in China
SU Guozhao1,2,3,WANG Jing1,3,YIN Jiwei1,3,PANG Xuebing2,CHEN Yuhua4,DENG Chao2*,XU Zhenjiang1,3* Hot!
This paper analyzed 60 bitter gourd varieties reported by document since 2013,when bitter gourd was listed into the Directory of agricultural plant variety protection of the People’s Republic of China;and discovered its melon shape was mainly of pearl-type.The main breeding objectives included resistance,yield and mature period.And the breeding method was mainly heterosis.Up to August 2022,there were 130 bitter gourd new variety right patent applications,only 5 among the document reported 60 varieties applied for new variety rights.Authorized quantity of new variety right were 30.Late submission of propagating materials or submission of unqualified propagating materials were the main proplems affecting authorized review speed.By commissioning the DUS test ahead of time could greatly reduce the authorization time.
2023 Vol. 1 (1): 7-15 [Abstract] ( 255 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1859KB] ( 751 )
16 Development Status Quo of External Vegetable Seed Production Industry by Gansu Province and Counter-measures
LI Youqiang,JIANG Zhendong Hot!
Gansu Province has developed into the largest vegetables seed production base for external in China.However,during the process of development,there existed many problems,including the cost of import and export of seeds increasd,upgrading of external seed quarantine requirements,base sustainable development faced with challenges,market supervision work need to be strengthened,etc.The paper puts forward measures to further promote the development of external vegetable seed production industry of Gansu Province,including strengthen policy support,strengthen export seed disease detection,accelerate the condtruction of base with high standards,strengthen supervision of the seed market,enhance the ability of seed quality detection,strengthen quarantine of diseases and insect pests in bases,strengthen technical support for seed industry,improve seed processing capacity and level,etc.
2023 Vol. 1 (1): 16-19 [Abstract] ( 141 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1383KB] ( 590 )
20 Research Progress Made in Light Quality on Biosynthesis and Regulation of Carotenoids in Vegetable Crops
PAN Shifeng1,2,XU Zhigang2,XU Yaliang1,LI Qingming1*,ZHENG Yinjian1* Hot!
This paper reviewed the regulating effect of different light quality on carotenoids content in vegetable crops,summarized the regulation mechanism of light quality on carotenoids in vegetable crops,laying emphasis on regulating key genes in biosynthesis,post-translational regulation and sink-source regulation,aiming at providing theoretical references for high-efficiency planting of vegetable crops,light regulation of the quality of product organs,and development of plant lighting fixtures.
2023 Vol. 1 (1): 20-33 [Abstract] ( 183 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2871KB] ( 423 )
34 Effects of Foliar Spraying with Different Concentrations of Putrescine Mixture on High Temperature Resistance of Cucumber Seedlings
LIU Hongyun,LIN Weizhu,WANG Jian,SUN Jin,SHU Sheng,GUO Shirong,WANG Yu* Hot!

In order to alleviate the damage of high temperature stress on the seedlings of protected cucumber,the cucumber‘Jinchun No.4’was used as the test material,and the putrescine(Put),melatonin(MT),proline(Pro)and potassium fulvic acid(MFA)was mixed at different concentrations to investigate the effects of different concentration mixtures on high temperature resistance,photosynthesis,and antioxidant enzyme activity of cucumber seedlings,and screened out the optimal mixture for alleviating high temperature stress.The results showed that 8 mmol·L-1 Put combined with 0.3 g·L-1 MFA,1.5 mmol·L-1 Pro and 50 μmol·L-1 MT effectively alleviated the damage of high temperature stress on cucumber seedlings and the effect was the best comprehensively evaluated with the membership function method.The net photosynthetic rate increased by 160.71%,the leaf relative electrolyte leakage,malondialdehyde and H2O2 content decreased by 47.26%,68.00% and 40.64%,respectively.Furthermore,SOD,POD and CAT activities in cucumber leaves increased by 29.32%,31.66% and 52.16%,respectively.

2023 Vol. 1 (1): 34-41 [Abstract] ( 211 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2257KB] ( 446 )
42 Semi-wild Tomato GZ-01 Rootstock Enhances Drought Tolerance of Grafted Plant
WEI Jianming1,HUANG Xin1,MI Na1,ZHANG Dalong2*,LI Yunzhou1*
Taking Guizhou semi-wild tomato GZ-01 as rootstock,red fruit tomato R and pink fruit tomato P as scion,this experiment used 20% PEG-6000 solution as simulate drought stress to treat un-grafted(R,P,GZ-01),grafted(RGZ-01,PGZ-01)and self-grafted(RR,PP)tomato plants;and carried out analysis on the growth physiological indexes,stomatal opening and closing,defense enzyme activity,active oxygen accumulation and expression of MAPKs and ABA synthesis related genes.The results showed that under drought treatment,GZ-01 rootstock could enhance the activities of defense enzymes and antioxidant enzymes in grafted plants;reduce open state proportion of stomata and H2O2 and O2-. accumulation in leaf blades;and induce the expression of MAPKs and ABA-related genes in grafted plants,so as to enhance the drought tolerance of grafted plants.Drought tolerance was related to scion plants,no matter it was strong or weak.
2023 Vol. 1 (1): 42-51 [Abstract] ( 323 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 9351KB] ( 518 )
52 Effects of EMS Mutagenesis on Seed Germination and Agronomic Traits of Watermelon
ZHAI Yongqi1,3☆,JIA Li2,3☆,MA Shaojun2,3,JIANG Haikun2,3,DING Qiangqiang2,3,ZHANG Qi’an 2,3,SUN Xueliang2,3,ZHANG Tao2,3,SONG Jianghua 1*,YAN Congsheng 2,3*
This paper took the highly inbred line‘W-17-FGFB’as test material;set 4 EMS concentration(0.5%,1.0%,1.5%,2.0%)combined with 3 mutation times(12 h,16 h,24 h)treatments;and studied the effects of different mutated conditions on germination rate,seedling emergence rate,and field agronomic characters of watermelon.The results showed that the germination rates of watermelon seeds were all above 68% when treated with the low concentration(0.5%-1.5%)of EMS with 3 time treatments.The lethality was closest to the semi-lethal dose when treated with 2.0% EMS for 24 h.The plants performed rich phenotypic variations in leaf shape,leaf color,flower and fruit.According to the results of comprehensive evaluation,2.0% EMS concentration with seed soaking for 24 h was selected as the most suitable condition for watermelon seeds mutation.Thus,materials with abundant phenotypic variation could be obtained.
2023 Vol. 1 (1): 52-59 [Abstract] ( 183 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2593KB] ( 435 )
60 Establishment and Application of Real-time PCR for Detecting SdhB-H278Y Mutation in The SdhB Gene Associated with Corynespora cassiicola in Cucumber
ZHU Guangxue1,2☆,YAN Yutao2☆,SUN Bingxue2,ZHOU Rongjia2,YUE Yuanyuan2,XIE Xuewen2,CHAI Ali2,LI Lei2,LI Baoju2*,SHI Yanxia2*
Based on the differences of SdhB gene of Corynespora cassiicola registered in GenBank,specific primers were designed for SdhB-H278Y mutation,and the real-time PCR detection system was established for detecting SdhB-H278Y mutation.The results showed that C. cassiicola carried SdhB-H278Y and SdhB-I280V mutations.The SdhB-H278Y mutants have high resistance to boscalid,the EC50 value of SdhB-H278Y mutants was 21.47 μg·mL-1 or > 30 μg·μL-1.The established standard curve of detection system existed a favorable linear correlation(R2 = 0.992 9).The detection system can detect the SdhB-H278Y mutation specifically with sensitivity of 3.6 × 10-4 ng·μL-1,which was 10 times of AS-PCR.The expected values were highly correlated with the detected values by verifying genomic DNA carrying different mutation ratios of SdhB-H278Y(R2 = 0.999 7).The system could also be used to detect the proportion of SdhB-H278Y mutant in the disease spot of corynespora leaf spot of cucumber,and the detection values were 0.12%-2.69% in Shandong.An efficient,sensitive and quantitative real-time PCR system was established for detecting SdhBH278Y mutation,providing technical support for corynespora leaf spot of cucumber controlling.
2023 Vol. 1 (1): 60-67 [Abstract] ( 141 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2663KB] ( 307 )
68 Effects of Root-zone Temperature Stress on Tomato Seedling Root System Growth and Sucrose Metabolism
LIU Bingzhu,ZHANG Feng,LEI Lei,MENG Xianmin,ZHANG Mengxia,DONG Chunjuan,SHANG Qingmao*
Taking high and low temperature tolerant tomato cultivar‘Jiulyu 787’and high and low temperature intolerant tomato cultivar‘Yingfen No.8’as test matierials;root-zone temperatures of normal cultivation(average 20 ℃)as the contrast,this paper studied the effects of root-zone temperature including 10 ℃ low temperature and 34 ℃ high temperature on the phenotype,sugar content and activities of sucrose metabolism related enzymes in tomato seedling root system.The results showed that 10 ℃ low and 34 ℃ high root-zone temperatures stress had inhibited the root system growth of both‘Jiulyu 787’and‘Yingfen No.8’to various degrees.But the inhibition degree of root system phenotype and bioaccumulation of‘Jiulyu 787’seedlings was lower than that of‘Yingfen No.8’.Under 10 ℃ low temperature stress the glucose,fructose,and sucrose contents in both cultivars root system were significantly increased.The active responsive enzymes in sucrose metabolism were SPS and SAI.34 ℃ high temperature mainly promoted the accumulation of sucrose in root system.The activities of sucrose metabolic decomposing enzymes(SS-I,CWIN,SAI and NI)were all significantly inhibited.Under root-zone temperature stress,the sugar content in‘Jiulyu 787’root system was higher than that in‘Yingfen No.8’,but the growth rate was lower than that of‘Yingfen No.8’.This might be due to the inhibition degree of‘Jiulyu 787’fine root(≤ 0.5 mm)growth being lower than that of‘Yingfen No.8’.It needed to decompose sugar to provide energy and other substances,while the soluble sugar in root system of‘Yingfen No.8’mostly played a role in stress resistance by osmotic regulators.
2023 Vol. 1 (1): 68-77 [Abstract] ( 142 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 5182KB] ( 435 )
78 Preliminary Analysis on Heterosis of Celery
LIU Mengmeng,CUI Xiangyun,LI Wenjie,LI Mingxuan,CHENG Qing,SHEN Huolin*
In order to preliminarily definite the heterosis expression in single plant weight,correlated traits,and nutritional quality characters,to screen out heterosis combinations with advantages,and provide theoretical basis for utilizing celery heterosis,this study took 35 male sterile lines of celery as female parents
and its maintainer and 16 inbred lines as male parents;created 158 single cross hybrids and 29 three cross hybrids;and then investigated and analyzed the heterosis expressions in each trait of parents and hybrid combinations.The results showed that among the 158 single cross hybrids,the variation of over-parent heterosis in single plant weight was -53.8%-78.3% with -7.2% average value,and positive advantage rate was 31.6%.Besides,14 high-yielding combinations and 8 high-quality combinations were screened out.Among the 29 three cross hybrids,there were 41.4% and 86.2% combinations with single plant weight positively exceeding their parents and with superstandards advantage.7 high-yielding combinations were screened out,indicating three cross hybrid had certain utilization value and development prospect in celery heterosis.
2023 Vol. 1 (1): 78-89 [Abstract] ( 145 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1745KB] ( 294 )
90 Studies on Nutritional Diagnosis of Capsaicin Nitrogen Based on Critical Nitrogen Concentration Dilution Curve Model
This paper took Guizhou’s main chili varieties‘Layan 102’and‘Sujiao No.5’as test materials;conducted field positioning experiments at 5 nitrogen application levels of 0,70,140,210 and 280 kg·hm-2 for 2 consecutive years.According to the relationship between above-ground dry mass and nitrogen concentration,the paper established a critical pepper nitrogen concentration dilution curve model and evaluated its feasibility in diagnosis of nitrogen nutrition in pepper.The results showed that the above-ground nitrogen concentration in pepper plants decreased gradually as the fertility process advances,the dry weight on the rise.A unified Nc curve model for 2 pepper varieties was established:Nc = 4.39PDM-0.28R2 was 0.93.Model test result showed RMSE was 0.26 and n-RMSE was 10.08%.And there was a significant linear relationship between the simulated value and measured value,indicating model had a better stability.The nitrogen nutrition index(NNI)calculated based on Nc curve increased with the increase of nitrogen application quantity,and the variation range of NNI was 0.55-1.27 under different years,varieties,nitrogen application quantity and growth period.Even the correlation between NNI and relative yield(RY)was linear regression,reaching an extreme significant level.Comprehensive considering the pepper yield and NNI,210 kg·hm-2 was recommended as the suitable nitrogen application quantity for pepper in Guizhou region.
2023 Vol. 1 (1): 90-97 [Abstract] ( 132 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2070KB] ( 505 )
98 Effects of Organic Carbon Fertilizer on Growth,Quality,and Metabolizing Enzymes Activities of Carbon and Nitrogen in Lettuce
LI Junpeng,CHEN Riyuan,LIU Houcheng,SONG Shiwei,SU Wei,SUN Guangwen*
In order to explore the best foliar spraying concentration of organic carbon fertilizer in the application of hydroponic lettuce,the effect of foliar spraying of different concentrations of liquid organic carbon fertilizer on the growth,quality and activities of enzymes related to carbon and nitrogen metabolism of lettuce was studied by setting 1 600,1 200,800 and 400 times liquid concentration levels with bolting resistant lettuce as the test material,and spraying water as the control.The results showed that spraying liquid organic carbon fertilizer on leaves could promote the growth of lettuce in hydroponic cultivation,and improve the activities of enzymes related to carbon and nitrogen metabolism.Among them,1 200 times treatment had the best eff ect.The plant height,maximum leaf length,maximum leaf width,fresh and dry weight of shoot and root,total chlorophyll content,VC content,sucrose phosphate synthase(SPS)activity,nitrate reductase(NR)activity,glutamine synthase(GS)activity,glutamate dehydrogenase(GDH)activity,glutamate synthase(GOGAT)activity,and nitrogen accumulation in shoot of lettuce were signifi cantly higher than those of the control.
2023 Vol. 1 (1): 98-103 [Abstract] ( 152 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2208KB] ( 355 )
104 A New TYLCV Resistant Tomato F1 Hybrid—‘Qinglian No.1’
HU Jing’ang1,ZHANG Lixia1,LI Zijuan1,YING Fangqing1,HUANG Wen1,ZHOU Tao2,TIAN Zhaohui1*
‘Qinglian No.1’is a new F1 hybrid of tomato variety developed by taking‘W44-3-1-16-7’as female parent and‘KG52-2-5-2-6-8’as male parent.This variety belongs to infinite growth type,and is of early maturity.The fruit is of round shape.The younger one has deep green shoulder.The fruit is pink in color,when it is fully ripened.The single fruit weight is 120-150 g.The sugar-acid ratio is 9.0.The VC content is 250 mg·kg-1,the soluble solid content is 5.7% and lycopene content is 52.0 mg·kg-1.It contains ty-3a gene,and is resistant to TYLCV and tolerant to transportation.The average early production is about 25.5 t·hm-2,and the total production is about 79.5 t·hm-2.It is suitable for planting in early spring and over winter in Henan,Shandong,etc. northern regions.
2023 Vol. 1 (1): 104-106 [Abstract] ( 186 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1474KB] ( 343 )
107 A New Pepper F1 Hybrid—‘Xiangyanzidanjiao’
DONG Yajing,MIAO Wu*,LI Zeyuan,JIANG Xiang
‘Xiangyanzidanjiao’is a F1 hybrid pepper variety with CMS male sterile line single pod pepper‘NO4583A’as female parent and single pod pepper inbred line‘RC18-771’as male parent.It is of medium maturity.The plant growth potential is stronger.The fruit is of taper shape.Fruit tip is obtuse.Mean fruit length is 4.8 cm,and fruit width is 2.2 cm.The pulp is 0.1 cm in thickness.The single fruit weigh is about 8.7 g.The unripe fruit is green in color,and ripe one is red in color,and the fruit surface is oily.The VC content is 1 493 mg·kg-1(FW),and spicy degree is about 18 000 SHU.It is suitable for dry processing,because it is easy to dry and wrinkle-free after drying.The average output of fresh pepper is 24 t·hm-2,average output of dry pepper is 6 t·hm-2,and average fresh dry ratio is 4.0.The variety is suitable for open field cultivation in spring and summer in Yunnan Guizhou and Hunan.
2023 Vol. 1 (1): 107-109 [Abstract] ( 168 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1438KB] ( 341 )
110 A New Purple-fleshed Sweet Potato Cultivar—‘Longzi No.9’
CHEN Genhui,HUANG Yanxia,LIN Zilong,GUO Qimao*
‘Longzi No.9’is a new variety of purple sweet potato,bred by natural hybridization with‘Longzi No.10’as female parent,‘Lingzi’‘Vietnam purple sweet potato’‘Longzi No.4’and‘Ningzi No.1’etc. purple sweet potato varieties as paternal group.Its tuber is of spindle shape with deep purple peel and purple flesh.The single plant can bear 4-5 tubers.The average proportion of large potato is 86.2%,that of commercial potato is 87.4%.The anthocyanin content is 253 mg·kg-1(FW).The average fresh root yield is 36 t·hm-2.The dried root yield is 9 t·hm-2.It is suitable for summer and autumn potato planting in Fujian,Jiangxi,Guangdong,Guangxi,Sichuan,Guizhou etc. areas not affected by potato blast and cranberry disease.
2023 Vol. 1 (1): 110-112 [Abstract] ( 175 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1503KB] ( 324 )
113 A New Okra Variety—‘Shiqiukui No.3’
SONG Juhong1,WU Ran1,WANG Haishan1,FU Yali1,LIANG Lipeng1,XUE Shaohong1,GONG Junliang2,TIAN Haoyuan3*
‘Shiqiukui No.3’is a new okra variety bred by crossing progeny of ‘Karaba’(‘14-5’)as female parent and progeny of‘New Tokyo 5’(‘14-9’)as male parent through systematic selective breeding.The average plant height of matured plant is 1.72 m,stem diameter is 3.0 cm,and internode length is 2.9 cm.The plant of this variety grows vigorously and neatly.Its leaf is green in color with bristles on leave surface,palmately lobed with 5 lobes.Its tender fruit is pentagonal cross-section,the fruit length is 10-15 cm,fruit transverse diameter is l.6-1.8 cm.Its fruit is dark green in color,emerald and shiny.Its sepals is hard to fall off.5-7 days after anthesis,its fruits can be picked and the totall harvest time is about 110 days.In fields,its resistance to virus disease and blight are stronger than that of the contrast‘Wufu’.The average yield of tender fruit is 34.785 t·hm-2,which is suitable for planting in the central and southern regions of Hebei Province.
2023 Vol. 1 (1): 113-115 [Abstract] ( 151 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1424KB] ( 420 )
2023 Vol. 1 (1): 116-120 [Abstract] ( 184 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2639KB] ( 352 )
2023 Vol. 1 (1): 121-122 [Abstract] ( 167 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1393KB] ( 507 )
2023 Vol. 1 (1): 123-125 [Abstract] ( 114 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1404KB] ( 471 )
2023 Vol. 1 (1): 126-128 [Abstract] ( 127 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1412KB] ( 463 )
2023 Vol. 1 (1): 129-130 [Abstract] ( 145 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1379KB] ( 425 )
China Vegetables
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