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2023 Vol.1 Issue.2,Published 2023-02-06

1 Analysis of Current Situation and Competitiveness of Chinese Vegetable Exporting to the United States
ZHAO Jiexin,HUANG Yue,HE Meiying*,YANG Xian Hot!
China is an important country in vegetable production.The output ranks among the top in the world,and vegetable products are sold all over the world.But,under the background of China-US trade war and COVID-19 pandemic,trade friction between China and the United States has increased.The external
environment for Chinese vegetable exporting to the United States is complicated. Research finding indicates that from 2017—2021,the whole export value of Chinese vegetables to the United States goes down and then goes up,with a larger trend of export value fluctuation.Among importers of American vegetables,China’s market share has been declining year by year.The uncertainty of Chinese vegetable export to the US market is rising.Especially it faces great challenges in tariff,supply chain,exchange rate,inspection and quarantine,etc..Thereout according to the current situation of Chinese vegetable export to the United States,this paper puts forward 5 suggestions:namely formulate and improve vegetable quality standard system,enhance the competitiveness of vegetable export;support the development of packaging,transportation and other industries supporting vegetable export;strengthen vegetable brand management,enhance product awareness;encourage the establishment of export production bases,and implement large-scale and standardized production.
2023 Vol. 1 (2): 1-6 [Abstract] ( 324 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1188KB] ( 1330 )
7 Review of Potato Market Situation in 2022 and Outlook for 2023
ZHOU Xiangyang1,SHEN Chen1,ZHANG Jing1,CHENG Guodong1,XING Liwei1,LIU Hongyi2,WU Jianzhai1* Hot!
In 2022,the potato market in China has 3 significant characteristics:lower price in the supply stage of stock potatoes,high price in the supply stage of spring and autumn potatoes,and the overall price level is high,etc.It is expected that the potato market trend in 2023 will first rise and then fall year-on-year.At present,there are some prominent problems in the development of potato industry in China include the total production cost increase rapidly,industrial resilience needs to be strengthened,and some producing areas are in urgent need for transformation and upgrading,etc.The paper suggested that variouse regions should take multiple measures to promote cost-saving and efficiency increasing potato,strive to promote potato industry chain development level,vigorously develop potato characteristic and advantage industry,and accelerate the high-quality development of potato industry.
2023 Vol. 1 (2): 7-10 [Abstract] ( 335 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1661KB] ( 1412 )
11 Problems and Thoughts Existing on Vegetable Supply in Shanghai under COVID-19 Epidemic
LI Guangji Hot!
Vegetable market supply is vital to the safe operation of cities.In order to effectively solve the problem of urban vegetable market supply in the extraordinary period,this paper comprehensively analyzed the problems existing in Shanghai vegetable supply and causes,from the first half of 2022 the actual vegetable supply status in Shanghai during COVID-19 epidemic;and put forward thoughts and suggestions for vegetable supply in building a ‘resilient city’ in the future.City managers should be prepared for adversity,fully understand the extreme importance of‘vegetable basket’project,strive to improve the vegetable circulation system.In responding to major emergencies and crises,we must fully consider the bottom line of people’s livelihood and their capacity,will work to coordinate policy synergy,avoid pulling each other down,and give full play to the power and role of market entities.
2023 Vol. 1 (2): 11-15 [Abstract] ( 293 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1703KB] ( 477 )
16 Research Progress on Comprehensive Preventive and Control Measures for Soil Obstacle in Facility Tomato
CHENG Guoting1,2,WANG Yanfeng1,2*,JIANG Wenting1,2,LIN Jinshui,FENG Xiaodong,CHANG Haifei,QIAO Hongxi3LIANG Yan Hot!
Tomato has strong adaptability.Its consumption quantity is huge and economic benefit is high.It is also one of the preferred vegetable crops for specialized and large-scale production in facility cultivation.While,the continuous multi-crop monoculture leads to soil obstacle,which is one of the worldwide problems restricting the development of facility tomato production.This paper reviewed the causes,harm of soil obstacle and prevention and control measures,etc.,hoping to provide useful references for studies on mechanism of alleviating soil obstacle in facility tomato and guiding tomato production.
2023 Vol. 1 (2): 16-24 [Abstract] ( 196 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1797KB] ( 588 )
25 Comprehensive Evaluation of Agronomic and Quality Traits of 69 Accessions ofPotato Onion Germplasm Resources
LI Wei,BU Huilin,HE Xueqin,CHEN Hui,PAN Kai* Hot!
In order to improve the utilization efficiency of potato onion germplasm resources,this paper conducted comprehensively evaluation on the agronomy and quality traits of 69 accessions potato onion germplasm resources by methods of variation analysis,correlation analysis,principal component analysis and clustering analysis.The results showed that the variation coefficient range of 69 accessions potato onion was 6.42%-57.04%.The coefficient variation of single ball quality was the largest among them.Leaf number,plant height,crown length,crown width,single ball quality and single plant yield showed extreme significant positive correlation,while showed a extreme significant negative correlation with spherical index.The total flavonoids content was negatively correlated with plant height,crown length,single ball quality,and single plant yield.Eleven agronomic and quality traits were transformed into 4 principal components by principal component analysis with the cumulative contribution rate of 79.849%.Comprehensive evaluation was conducted by using principal component values.The top 5 germplasm were M41,M31,M37,M30,and M33.The systematic clustering divided the 69 accessions materials into 4 groups,group Ⅲ and Ⅳ were characterized with high yield,strong growth vigor and better nutritional quality,respectively.

2023 Vol. 1 (2): 25-33 [Abstract] ( 189 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2195KB] ( 423 )
34 Salt Tolerance Evaluation of Solanum pimpinellifolium Core Germplasm at Germination Stage
Su Wenyue1,LI Xin1,CHU Xiongyan2,BAO Cai2,HE Minxia2,HUANG Zejun1,GUO Yanmei1,WANG Xiaoxuan1,DU Yongchen1,LIU Lei1,LI Junming1*
This paper carried out germination stage salt tolerance evaluation at germination stage on 41 currant tomatoes(Solanum pimpinellifolium) core collections constructed based on whole genome resequencing data under 150 mmol · L-1 NaCl stress.The results showed that there are great differences existed in these germplasm resources with rich genetic diversity.13 salt tolerant materials and 20 salt sensitive materials were identified.Among them,N27,N34,N35,N38,N39,N41 had better salt tolerance,and the relative germination rate reached over 95%,which was significantly higher than the other currant tomatoes and cultivated species Moneymaker and M82.The results of phylogenetic tree analysis showed that salt tolerant materials were distributed in different groups,suggesting that the salt tolerance of currant tomato was controlled by a limited
number of quantitative trait loci.
2023 Vol. 1 (2): 34-39 [Abstract] ( 139 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1979KB] ( 433 )
40 Genetic Analysis of Chinese Pumpkin(Cucurbita moschata Duch.)Strong Femaleness
LI Qian,YANG Jianguo*,WANG Duanhua,WU Shuanghua,WANG Xin
Taking Chinese pumpkin strong female line‘F81’and common sex type pumpkin‘M32’as test materials,this study constructed six-generation population,investigated the female flower node rate within 25 nodes for 2 consecutive seasons,and analyzed the genetic effects of strong femaleness on Chinese pumpkin by multi-generation joint analysis method.The results showed that Chinese pumpkin strong femaleness conformed to C-1 model,which was controlled by a pair of major genes and polygenes.The major gene had a positive effect,and effect of polygene could be ignored.At the same time,female flower node rate was affected by environment.
2023 Vol. 1 (2): 40-44 [Abstract] ( 169 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1788KB] ( 661 )
45 Quality Changes of Tomato Fruits with Different Maturity during Storage
SONG Mengyuan,NING Guofa,TIAN Yongqiang,GAO Lihong*
This study used tomato variety‘Jingcai No.8’as the experimental material,and investigated the quality changes of tomato fruits with different maturity during storage at 4 ℃.The fruit quality was comprehensively evaluated by using the tomato quality index(TQI).The results showed that the hardness of fruits with different maturitydecreased gradually with increased storage time.The soluble solid content,VC content and sugar/acid ratio reached a maximum at 3 days,7 days and 7 days after storage,respectively,while the nitrate content reached a minimum at 3 days after storage.The soluble sugar contents of half-ripe and firm-ripe fruits maximun levels at 3 days after storage,while the soluble sugar content of full-ripe fruits reached a maximum at 7 days storage.The organic acid contents of half-ripe and full-ripe fruits showed the highest values at one day after storage,while the organic acid content of firm-ripe fruits exhibited the highest value at 3 days after storage.The TQI of fruits with different maturity showed relatively high level at 3 days and 7 days after storage.Taken altogether,postharvest storage of half-ripe,firm-ripe and full-ripe fruits at 4 ℃ respectively for 7 days,3 days and 3 days can be applied to obtain the best comprehensive quality and simultaneously to extend the shelf-life of tomatoes.
2023 Vol. 1 (2): 45-50 [Abstract] ( 160 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1882KB] ( 467 )
51 Effect of Nutrient Solution Ozone Disinfection Frequency on Growth and Microbial Environment of Hydroponic Fast-growing Cabbage
JIA Ziwei1,2,WANG Liping1*,JI Yanhai2,3,WANG Xuejin2,3,WU Zhanhui2,3,WANG Suna1,WANG Xing1,LIANG Hao2,3*
In order to restrain the occurrence of bacterial diseases of hydroponic fast-growing cabbage caused by high temperature during summer,this experiment took‘Jingyankuaicai No.4’as test material,adopted the method of introducing ozone aeration into the circulating nutrient solution and studied the suppression condition of bacterial diseases of fast-growing cabbage by different frequencies of ozone disinfection and effects on yield and quality.The results showed that along with the increase of ozone introducing frequency,the bacteria contents in nutrient solution significantly decreased.And incidence of soft rot disease in fast-growing cabbage also decreased gradually.Different frequencies of ozone treatments could all reduce significantly the microbial species in nutrient solution.Introducing ozone into nutrient solution had promote of growth and quality on fast-growing cabbage plants.Among them,T2(pass once every 3 days,10 min each time)had the best comprehensive effects.The fresh and dry weights of above-ground part,soluble sugar content,and soluble protein content of fast-growing cabbage plants were all significantly higher than that of the contrast.
2023 Vol. 1 (2): 51-56 [Abstract] ( 220 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1946KB] ( 274 )
57 Effects of Short-day Conditions on Growth and Tumorous Stem Swelling of Tumorous Stem Mustard in Northern Greenhouse
WANG Yiding1,2,JIANG Xinmei1,2,TONG Xuejiao1,2,LIU Zaimin1,2,LI Peixin1,2,SUN Ying1,2,YU Xihong1,2*,CHENG Yao1,2*
The experiment taking medium maturing tumorous stem mustard variety‘Yonganchuanqi’as test material set up 2 factor treatments including light length and processing time to study effects of short-day conditions on the growth,the tumorous stem formation,yields and qualities of tumorous stem mustard in northern greenhouse.The results showed that short-day treatment could significantly reduce the plant expansion of tumorous stem mustard,promoting stem tumorous occurring early.With the treatment of 6 h/10 d,the weight of tumorous stem per plant and stem shape index appeared no obvious changes,accompanied with crude fiber contents decreasing and glucosinolates contents elevating.Linear regression analysis showed that tumorous stem diameter showed positively and negatively correlated with cumulative sunshine duration average daily sunshine duration,respectively.
2023 Vol. 1 (2): 57-62 [Abstract] ( 133 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2207KB] ( 284 )
63 Screening of Antagonistic Bacteria from Strawberry and Their Biocontrol Effect against Tan-brown Leaf Spot of Strawberry
WANG Zhuoni1,2 ☆,QIN Genhong1 ☆,WANG Li1,HOU Hui1,YUAN Hongbo1,ZHOU Houcheng1,GONG Wenfeng2*,TU Hongtao1*
A total of 183 endophytic bacteria strains and 55 rhizosphere bacteria strains were isolated by tissue separation and dilution separation methods from strawberry root,stem,leaf and rhizosphere soil.Among them,9 strains showing broad-spectrum antagonistic effects against 4 strawberry fungal pathogens,including Pilidium concavumBotrytis cinereaFusarium oxysporum and Alternaria alternate.Combining the results of morphological trait,physiology and biochemistry character,and molecular identification,strains G3-23,J3-20 and G3-29 were identified as Bacillus velezensis;J6-1,J1-4,G2-12,G3-K2,and J1-11 were identified as B. subtilis;G3-20 was identified as B. halotolerans;and G3-17 was identified as B. cereus.Strain G3-23 could secrete protease and cellulase,and had a good control effect on strawberry tan-brown leaf spot caused by P. concavum.Besides,this strain could successfully colonize on strawberry leaf,showing a good biocontrol potential.
2023 Vol. 1 (2): 63-71 [Abstract] ( 130 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 4056KB] ( 382 )
72 Identification of Pathogenic Bacteria from Gray Mold of Allium ascalonicum in Liaoning Province and Studies on Their Biological Characteristics
CHEN Le,MIAO Zeyan,SUN Baixin,ZHAO Yang*
In order to clarify the pathogen of gray mold of Allium ascalonicum in Liaoning Province,this experiment isolated the pathogenic from gray mold of Allium ascalonicum collected from Xinglongbao Town,Xinmin City;identified them by molecular biology method;and studied their biological characteristics.The results showed that the pathogen of gray mold Allium ascalonicum was Botrytis byssoidea.The suitable carbon sources were glucose and fructose,and proper nitrogen sources were ammonium nitrate,yeast extract and peptone.These mycelium could grow under the condition of 10-30 ℃.The optimum growth temperature was 25 ℃.The mycelium grew slowly when temperature was over 30 ℃,and would stop growing at 35 ℃.The mycelia could all grow under the condition of pH 5.0-11.0,but the optimum pH was 7.0.Mycelial growth were sensitive to light.Under the conditions of 24 h continuous lighting and 12 h/12 h light/dark alternate lighting,mycelial would grow faster,while under condition of 24 h continuous darkness mycelial growth was the slowest.
2023 Vol. 1 (2): 72-77 [Abstract] ( 138 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2077KB] ( 287 )
78 Identification of Cryptic Species and Detection of Virus Carrying Rate of Bemisia tabaci in Foshan,Guangdong Province
LIN Xiaotao,WANG Yina,ZHANG Keguo,ZHONG Zexin,LIU Yating*
This paper monitored the population dynamics of Bemisia tabaci cryptic species and status of its carrying TYLCV and ToCV in Foshan,Guangdong Province.The results of species identification showed that the population of B. tabaci from Sanshui District was MED cryptic species,and population from Chancheng District,Nanhai District,and Shunde District were mixture of MED and MEAM1.The results of monitoring virus carried rate indicated that B. tabaci populations collected from 6 locations of Foshan all carried TYLCV and ToCV.The TYLCV carrying rates,except Shimen Middle School in Shishan Town,were all above 50%.The ToCV carrying rates,except Danzao town,all reached 100%.Thus,high attention should be paid to the rapid expansion of TYLCV and ToCV transmitted by B. tabaci in Foshan.
2023 Vol. 1 (2): 78-82 [Abstract] ( 154 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1764KB] ( 237 )
83 Nutrient Accumulation Model of Grafted Eggplant in Solar Greenhouse Based on Product of Thermal Effectiveness and Photosynthesis Active Radiation
WANG Zepeng1,2,LIANG Zhiguo1,2,FAN Fengcui1*,DU Fenghuan1,LIU Shengyao1,JIA Songnan1,ZHAO Nan1,ZHANG Zhe1,QIN Yong2*,GUO Wenzhong3
Taking‘Qieza No.2’as test material,this paper analyzed the dynamic changes in the nutrient accumulation of eggplant whole plant,stem,leaf blade,fruit under 5 nitrogen application levels;and established a simulation model for nutrient accumulation in eggplant grafted in solar greenhouse based on the product of thermal eff ectiveness and photosynthesis active radiation.The results showed that this model could fairly accurately simulate the nutrient accumulation quantity of eggplant under different nitrogen application levels by using radiant heat product.Taking F3 treatment with the highest yield as reference,the standard error RMSE and 1∶1 straight lines determination coeffi cient R2 of N,P,K in plant were 4.88 kg · hm-2 and 0.996 8,0.53 kg · hm-2 and 0.998 3,7.85 kg · hm-2 and 0.997 1,respectively.The standard error RMSE and the R2 between the 1∶1 straight lines determination coeffi cients of N,P,K in stem were 1.66 kg · hm-2 and 0.957 6,0.59 kg · hm-2 and 0.956 1,3.89 kg · hm-2 and 0. 982 0.The standard error RMSE and the R2 between the 1∶1 straight lines of N,P,K in leaf blade were 2.19 kg · hm-2 and 0.976 8,0.40 kg · hm-2 and 0.985 3,4.06 kg · hm-2 and 0.988 6.The standard error RMSE and the R2 between the 1∶1 straight lines determination coeffi cients of N,P,K in fruit were 3.92 kg · hm-2 and 0.991 5,0.48 kg · hm-2 and 0.990 2,6.57 kg · hm-2 and 0.985 3,respectively.The model had high accuracy and could predict the nutrient accumulation quantity in the whole plant and each organ of eggplant under every nitrogen application treatment,so as to provide decisionmaking basis for the intelligent and precise fertilization management for eggplant production in solar greenhouse.
2023 Vol. 1 (2): 83-90 [Abstract] ( 153 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2779KB] ( 248 )
91 Variance Analysis of Cadmium Accumulation Potential of Typical Varieties of Chinese Cabbage in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region
LIU Can1,ZHANG Yihang1,CUI Shihao1,LI Longcheng1,WANG Yan2,FAN Beibei1,CHEN Qing1*
In this study,15 typical varieties of Chinese cabbage were selected to compare the difference in cadmium(Cd)accumulation capacity in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region with pot cultural experiment.The results showed that there were significant differences in dry weight and Cd accumulation of shoot part among different Chinese cabbage cultivars,and the related bio-concentration factors fluctuated in the range of 0.003-0.117.In particular,although Cd concentrations with fresh weight basis in all 15 cabbage varieties were lower than the threshold 0.20 mg · kg-1 stipulated in GB 2762—2017 National Food Safety Standard-Limit of Pollutants in Food,the results of the cluster analysis showed that the varieties,including that‘Jingcui 60’‘Jingxia No.56’ ‘15-13 Baicai’ ‘Xiaoza No.60’ were high Cd accumulation varieties,and the concentration of Cd content in shoot parts ranged from 0.115 to 0.169 mg · kg-1,which had higher safety risk when compared with varieties in medium-low accumulation group(0.004-0.092 mg · kg-1).The Cd accumulation ability of‘14CR-2 Baicai’in soil was significantly lower than that of the other varieties,which was suitable for large-scale planting extension.
2023 Vol. 1 (2): 91-95 [Abstract] ( 141 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1601KB] ( 452 )
96 Studies on Main Components of Edible Quality in Vegetable Pea Varieties(Pisum sativum L.)and Their Dynamic Accumulation
LI Ling1,SHEN Baoyu1,ZHANG Yanhong2,GUO Xiaolei3,ZONG Xuxiao4*
In order to improve the nutritional quality of vegetable pea and explicit its optimum harvest time,this paper selected 10 vegetable pea varieties at fresh eating stage;measured the main components content of grain edible quality;and analyzed their correlation.Then 3 varieties with different maturity stages were selected to study the dynamic accumulation of edible quality components at different grain formation stage.The results showed that the edible quality score of vegetable peas was extremely significant positive correlated with the contents of medium rude fat and sucrose content.It was significant positive correlated with the contents of crude protein and soluble sugar content.While,it was very significantly negative correlated with the total starch content.The accumulation regularity of crude fat and total starch content in vegetable pea grain was similar and showed an increased changing trend along with seed formation.While,the soluble sugar content and sucrose content showed continuous decreasing changing trend along with the grain formation.The accumulation dynamics of crude protein expressed differently in different vegetable pea varieties.The optimum harvest time for fresh pods of vegetable pea was 25 days after flowering and fresh eating stage could last about 5 days.During this period,sucrose content was higher and starch content was lower.Thus,it had higher edible quality.
2023 Vol. 1 (2): 96-102 [Abstract] ( 111 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2065KB] ( 364 )
103 A New Fruit Cucumber F1 Hybrid—‘Lvjingling No.2’
LIU Ligong1,LIU Shili2,ZENG Li3,WANG Jing4,GUO Naixiao1,ZHANG Feng1*
‘Lvjingling No.2’ is a new F1 hybrid of fruit cucumber developed by crossing inbred lines ‘M117’ as female parent and ‘09c12’a s male parent.This variety is of early maturity,and has strong growth vigor.Its female flower rate is close to 100%,and parthenocarpy ability is strong.Its fruit is about 14-15 cm in length,2.8 cm in diameter,with glossy green peel.The fruit has good quality and no papilloma on its skin.The soluble solids content of fruit is 4.2%.It has strong tolerance to low temperature,weak light and high temperature.It is resistant to downy mildew and powdery mildew,highly resistant to Fusarium wilt.Its yield can reach 94.5 t · hm-2.It is suitable for protected field cultivation all year round in most regions of China.
2023 Vol. 1 (2): 103-105 [Abstract] ( 233 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1505KB] ( 387 )
106 A New Processing Pepper F1 Hybrid—‘Chuanzhijiao No.2’
SUN Ting,SHANG Di*,HAN Julan,ZHANG Jun,LIU Yushan,XU Zhenhuan
‘Chuanzhijiao No.2’ is a new processing pepper F1 hybrid,developed by crossing inbred line‘DF026’as female parent and ‘GW-088’a s male parent.This variety is of mid-early maturity.Its first flower sets on the 6th-8th node.It has compact plant type.Its fruit is of linear shape with slight wrinkled peel,25-27 cm in length,1.6-1.8 cm in width,and the single fruit weight is about 32 g.Its fruit tastes slightly spicy.The contents of VC and capsaicin are 1 540 mg · kg-1 and 4.46 mg · kg-1,respectively.It can yield about 43.5 t · hm-2 fresh pepper.This variety is suitable for fresh consumption and paste making.Its resistances to virus disease,Phytophthora blight and anthracnose in the field are stronger than that of the contrast‘Xinxiang No.8’.It is suitable for open and protected field cultivation in Sichuan.
2023 Vol. 1 (2): 106-108 [Abstract] ( 152 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1479KB] ( 280 )
109 A New Pepper F1 Hybrid—‘Sujiao No.19’
WANG Jiaomin1,LV Hailong1,ZHANG Dan1,CAO Liqiang1,GUO Zijun1,XIE Shuqin1*,CHENG Yonglong1,YUN Wenjun2
‘Sujiao No.19’is a new mid-late maturing pepper F1 hybrid,developed by crossing inbred line‘A73’as female parent and‘A78’as male parent.Its plant is about 121-133 cm in height,and can bear 35-50 fruits.The unripened fruit is dark green in color.Its fruit is of goat-horn shape with sharp top and wrinkle surface.Its fruit is 25.03-31.10 cm in length,and 3.8-4.5 cm in diameter.The pulp is about 0.3 cm in thickness.The single fruit weigh is 51.3-65.1 g.It tastes medium spicy.The VC content in its fruit is 1.02 g·kg-1.The total contents of capsaicin is 28.4 mg·kg-1.The average output of fresh pepper is about 60 t·hm-2.Its resistances to CMV,TMV,Phytophthora blight and anthracnose are stronger than that of the contrast ‘Longjiao No.2’.The variety is suitable for protection cultivation in Longzhong,Longdongnan,Hexi,and the other areas with similar climate conditions.
2023 Vol. 1 (2): 109-111 [Abstract] ( 186 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1440KB] ( 350 )
112 A New Yam Variety—‘Baishiyao 16’
LIU Yenan1,HE Xianbiao1,LIN Feirong2,HUANG Lifei3*,LIU Weiming4*
‘Baishiyao 16’ is a new yam variety systematically bred from a white yam variety‘Baishiyao’with local characteristics in Taizhou,Zhejiang.The whole development period is about 180 days.The branching numbers per plant are 3-8.It has leathery leaves with oval shape.Each single plant can bear 1-2 rhizomes without bulbils.The rhizome is of cylindrical shape,and 32.9 cm in length,11.3 cm in diameter.It has brown yellow peel and light yellow flesh.The rhizomes per single plant weigh about 1.6 kg.The contents of starch and soluble sugar are 142 g · kg-1 and 38 g · kg-1,respectively.It cooked with waxy,sweet and good taste.Its resistance to anthracnose is stronger in fields than that of the contrast ‘Baishiyao’.The average yield is about 34.5 t · hm-2.It is suitable for planting in Taizhou,Zhejiang Province,and the other regions with similar ecological conditions.
2023 Vol. 1 (2): 112-114 [Abstract] ( 183 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1476KB] ( 352 )
2023 Vol. 1 (2): 115-120 [Abstract] ( 214 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3900KB] ( 543 )
2023 Vol. 1 (2): 121-123 [Abstract] ( 298 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1818KB] ( 389 )
2023 Vol. 1 (2): 123-124 [Abstract] ( 233 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1444KB] ( 336 )
2023 Vol. 1 (2): 125-127 [Abstract] ( 142 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1462KB] ( 391 )
2023 Vol. 1 (2): 128-130 [Abstract] ( 194 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 968KB] ( 498 )
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