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2023 Vol.1 Issue.9,Published 2023-09-01

1 Development Status of China’s Facility Vegetable Industry and Outlook
LI Tianlai Hot!
In recent years,China’s facility vegetable industry has developed rapidly.Application of modern agricultural technologies including facilities construction,water-saving irrigation,water-fertilizer integration,light and simplified cultivation,green prevention and control,etc.has promoted the healthy and rapid development of facility vegetable industry.However,the overall level of facility vegetables is still not high.There existed problems as poor facilities,low degree of mechanization,low utilization rate of production materials,backward cultivation and management technology,and insufficient intelligent application,etc.China’s facility vegetable development should focus on development of facility vegetable’s germplasm resources,optimization of facility structure and equipment’s modernization,intellectualization of environment regulation,greenization of plant diseases and insect pestscontrol,modernization of production management,optimization and diversification of facility vegetables,multi-format integration and high efficiency,and expansion of facility vegetable space,etc.directions;so as to promote high-quality development of China’s facility vegetable industry.
2023 Vol. 1 (9): 1-6 [Abstract] ( 369 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1559KB] ( 1323 )
7 Problems Existing in Developing Agricultural Insurance for Gansu Highland Summer Vegetable and Several Suggestions
SUN Yuanqian,XIE Jianming
Highland summer vegetable is mainly supplying the demand of southeastern coastal areas for vegetable in summer.It is produced by using cold and cool climate conditions.Agricultural insurance for highland summer vegetable can not only effectively protect the economic benefit of agricultural business entities,but also is an important measure for innovative development of agricultural insurance.This paper summarized the existing problems directing at Gansu highland summer vegetable industry development,risks faced,implementation process of agricultural insurance,and application effect.The paper mainly analyzed the following issues confronting agricultural insurance practice:insufficient insurance propaganda and promotion,government power lack of constraint,imprecise product development,mismatching financial subsidies and industrial demand,etc.The paper put forward measures and suggestions,including accelerating the enactment of agricultural insurance law,optimizing the insurance products development and design,establishing financial flexible subsidy mechanisms,and attaching importance to basic research of agricultural insurance,etc.,so as to effectively solve the natural risks caused by low temperature,drought,hail,and flood arising in Gansu highland summer vegetable production;and resolve market risk caused by product homogeneity and centralization of time to market.Thus,the basic position and function of agriculture in national economy was strongly stabilized.
2023 Vol. 1 (9): 7-13 [Abstract] ( 166 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1657KB] ( 563 )
14 Evaluation on Economic Effect of Film Covering Cultivation Technology Special for Ginger
LYU Xiaolan,WU Man,ZHAO Banghong,WANG Zhe
The film covering cultivation technology special for ginger is a new technology to improve ginger yield and quality.This paper evaluated the economic effect of film mulching culture technology special for ginger by adjusting its growth temperature and light environment. The results showed that 3 main parts including user,manufacturer and distributor all obtained better economic benefits.Additionally,this technology had produced good ecologic and social benefits.Before ending,this paper put forward suggestions for further improving this technology and promoting its application,through analyzing the rationality, feasibility and existing problems in practical popularization of this film covering cultivation technology special for ginger.
2023 Vol. 1 (9): 14-20 [Abstract] ( 159 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1622KB] ( 529 )
21 Current Research Progress of Climatic Impacts on Potato Late Blight Pathogen Phytophthora infestans
WANG Yanping,LI Xijing,ZHANG Na,LUO Liang,CHEN Jia,XIE Wanying,YU Jiali, Hot!
Late blight caused by Phytophthora infestans is a most devastating oomycete disease of potato.It occurs all year round in many potato growing areas in China and is one of the main factors causing economic loss of potato industry.The factors affecting the growth and pathogenicity of P. infestans in potato include climatic conditions,cultivation management,host resistance,etc.,among which climatic conditions are most important.Therefore,this paper reviews the impacts of main climatic factors such as temperature,light,humidity,carbon dioxide concentration on P. infestans and future prospects additional research in order to provide useful guidance for integrated late blight management.
2023 Vol. 1 (9): 21-30 [Abstract] ( 197 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2349KB] ( 530 )
31 Research Progress of Molecular Markers on Genetic Breeding in Vicia faba L.
ZHANG Xingmin,CHI Xiaona,GU Wenyuan,SHAO Yang,WANG Yuping
The genetic population of faba bean is relatively high heterozygosity because of its high natural outcrossing rate.It is difficult to distinguish genetic variation within a population by traditional field phenotypic traits observation. Molecular markers provides a new approach for germplasm resources identification and cluster analysis of faba bean.This article reviews the development of molecular markers and its application on genetic linkage map construction,marker-assisted selection,germplasm resources evaluation and gene mapping, as well as the prospects of the molecular markers technology in genetic breeding for faba bean. It provides a reference for the efficient utilization of germplasm resources and the genetic improvement of faba bean varieties.
2023 Vol. 1 (9): 31-37 [Abstract] ( 156 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1653KB] ( 551 )
38 Genetic Analysis of Peduncle Length in Tomato
LI Yanqi,CAO Xiaoyu,LI Boyu,WANG Yixi,ZHANG Dekai,ZHAN Xiangqiang,HU Tixu
In order to clarify the genetic rule of peduncle length of tomato,the four generation populations of P1,P2,F1 and F2 were established from the cultivated variety ‘Ailsa Craig’(AC)with short peduncle length and Solanum lycopersicoides LA1964 with long peduncle length.The major genes and multiple genes mixed genetic model were used to estimate the genetic parameters of tomato peduncle length of the second,third and fourth inflorescences.The results showed that the total peduncle length,anterior peduncle length and posterior peduncle length of the second and third inflorescences were consistent with the MX2-ADI-AD model.But the optimal genetic model for the fourth inflorescence length of total peduncle,anterior peduncle and posterior peduncle was the model of MX2-ADI-ADI.These data indicated that the peduncle length of tomato was controlled by two pairs of dditive-dominant-epistasis major genes + polygenes.It was preliminarily judged that the epistasis effect of polygenes was different due to temperature changes,and the heritability of major genes was 46.61%-77.08%,The heritabilities of polygenes were all 0.These results indicated that the inheritance of major genes played a leading role in the genetic rule of peduncle length of tomato.
2023 Vol. 1 (9): 38-47 [Abstract] ( 182 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3322KB] ( 466 )
48 Comprehensive Evaluation on Adaptability of 50 Tomato Varieties in Qinghai Plateau Region
WEN Junqin,YAN Chaofan,SHAO Dengkui,TIAN Jie,LI Jiang,REN Yanjing,
To select tomato varieties and breeding material suitable for local cultivation and with high yield and superior quality,this paper conducted variation analysis,correlation analysis,principal component analysis and cluster analysis on agronomic characters of 50 tomato varieties.The results showed that the coefficients of variation of 23 agronomic traits in 50 of tomato materials ranged from 0%-103%,exhibiting relatively rich variation.Correlation with different degrees was existed between different traits.The single fruit weight was very significantly positively correlated with maturity,leaf length,leaf width,first node inflorescence,fruit transverse diameter,fruit longitudinal diameter,and yield per plant.There was significantly negative relationship between soluble solid content with maturity,first node inflorescence,single fruit quality,fruit transverse diameter,fruit longitudinal diameter,and yield per plant.The principal component analysis simplified the 23 agronomic traits into 6 principal components,respectively reflecting fruit development characteristics,fruit color before ripening,pollination and fertilization characteristics,fruit quality characters,fruit shape characters,inflorescence type characteristics and fruit color and quality characteristics.Furthermore,comprehensive evaluation was carried out using principal component score,and 10 excellent tomato varieties were screened out.Character specialties of these 10 excellent tomato varieties were analyzed through two-dimensional distribution map.Cluster analysis divided 50 materials into 6 groups.Among them,tomato varieties in group I performed well in yield and quality.Nine of the 10 varieties screened out through comprehensive evaluation were belonged to group I,indicating the comprehensive evaluation was basically consistent with the objective facts.
2023 Vol. 1 (9): 48-57 [Abstract] ( 182 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3097KB] ( 543 )
58 Morphological Characteristics of Welsh Onion(Allium fistulosum L.)Male Sterile Anther Abortion and Studies on Cytology
YUE Lixin,WANG Qinghua,LIU Zezhou,KONG Suping,GAO Limin Hot!
In order to definite flower organ morphology,anther and pollen abortive period of Welsh onion(Allium fistulosum L.)male sterile strain and its cytological mechanism,this study adopted organ morphology observation,pollen vigour test,paraffin section,scanning electron microscope and transmission electron microscope analysis,etc. methods to conduct observation on exported and still fresh Welsh onion male sterile line FCY-A;anther development process and cytological characteristics of its maintainer line FCY-B.The results showed that the anther of Welsh onion maintainer line FCY-B was well-stacked,normally cracking and releasing pollen.The pollen had stronger viability.And individual pollen grain was superelongate in shape with single groove and rough,brain-like exine ornamentation. Its surface was covered with varying depths of micro-holes.While,the pollen of sterile line FCY-A was shriveled. No pollen was seen on the surface. Its pollen had no viability.The pollen grains were adhered to each other and overlap.No normal single pollen grains were seen.Most of the pollen grains collapsed and deformed with more surface impurities.It was not smooth and had a warty protrusion.The abortion period of sterile line FCY-A began in the tetrad period.The cause of abortion was abnormal enlargement of tapetum cells.The delayed programmed cell death could not provide important nutrient substance for microspore development,leading to microspore vacuolation,abnormal development of microspore outer wall and pollen abortion.
2023 Vol. 1 (9): 58-68 [Abstract] ( 170 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 12942KB] ( 338 )
69 Screening Identification and Bio-control Effect of Antagonistic Fungus against Pepper Root Rot
LI Shujiang,ZHANG Yunxia,LIU Yu,ZHOU Chuangchuang,ZHANG Zhiqin,FENG Dao,YANG Youlian,WU Di,ZHANG Xiaoyong
In order to obtain high efficient bio-control fungus for pepper root rot,and isolate fungi strain from rhizosphere soil of healthy pepper plants,this paper conducted confrontation culture with Fusarium solani;and screened the antagonistic strain M20210527-2 with 79.29% inhibition rate on Fusarium solanum.Combined with morphology and ITS molecular biology analysis,strain M20210527-2 was identified as Trichoderma harzianum.Strain M20210527-2 could quickly compete for growth space and secrete antifungal metabolites for effective inhibition on Fusarium solani growth by hyperparasitism.Strain M20210527-2 treatment could relatively increase the control efficiency on pepper root rot as high as 94.25% and also significantly reduce its incidence and severity. Studies on culture conditions indicated that the optimum growth temperature for strain M20210527-2 was 25 ℃;optimums pH was 6-7;optimum growth carbon sources were sucrose,glucose,and starch;optimum growth nitrogen sources were peptone,yeast powder and beef extract.
2023 Vol. 1 (9): 69-76 [Abstract] ( 170 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2393KB] ( 1048 )
77 Isolation,Identififi cation of Common Bean Sclerotinia Rot Pathogen and Screening of Its Control Fungicide
LI Menghua,LIU Dajun,LIU Chang,YANG Xiaoxu,YAN Zhishan,FENG Guojun
Abstract:In order to clarify the pathogenic bacteria species of common bean sclerotinia rot in Heilongjiang Province,this paper took bacteria train LMH-001 obtained from common bean sclerotium disease strain as test material;detected its pathogenicity;conducted classification and identification,combined with its morphological characteristics and ITS sequence analysis.This paper also screened bactericides with inhibitory effect on this pathogen through indoor toxicity test.The result showed that pathogenic bacteria for test LMH-001 was Sclerotinia sclerotiorum(Lib.)de Bary.The optimum medium for mycelial growth and sclerotial formation was PDA,temperature was 20-25 ℃,pH was 6,carbon source was glucose,and nitrogen source was yeast powder.Among 11 kinds of fungicide,30% oximidin pentazolol suspension had the strongest inhibitory effect.Its EC50 value was 0.116 9μg·L-1.It could be used as agent of choice for preventing and controlling common bean sclerotium disease.The 29% pentazole and pyrimidin suspension,25% pyrazolesterin suspension,and 40% sclerotium net wettable powder also had better inhibitory eff ects.These 4 fungicides could be used interchangeably.
2023 Vol. 1 (9): 77-85 [Abstract] ( 145 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3688KB] ( 268 )
86 Evaluation of Pigments and Related Qualities between Purple and Green Mustard Germplasm
FENG Huimin,ZHU Yunna,XIE Jing,ZHOU Runchang,LI Haibo
In this study,8 green leaf mustard varieties and 11 purple leaf mustard varieties as test materials to measure and analyze the color difference values,pigments,total phenols,flavonoids,soluble sugars,and VC content between purple leaf mustard and green leaf mustard germplasm,and correlation analysis was also conducted to explore the correlation between the pigment content and qualities of different leaf-colored mustard germplasm.The results showed that the a-value of purple leaf mustard varieties was significantly higher than that of green leaf mustard varieties,while the L-value,b-value and chlorophyll a/b were significantly lower than those of green leaf mustard varieties.The content of anthocyanin was significantly higher than that of green leaf mustard,being 17.09 times of that of green leaf mustard.The content of total phenols,flavonoids and VC in purple leaf mustard varieties were generally higher than those of green leaf mustard varieties.While,there were no significant differences in the contents of chlorophyll a,chlorophyll b,total chlorophyll,carotenoids,and soluble sugars.To sum up,the content of anthocyanin,total phenols,flavonoids and VC are higher in purple leaf mustard,indicating the better comprehensive quality.It can be promoted as a high anthocyanin functional vegetable with health benefits.
2023 Vol. 1 (9): 86-97 [Abstract] ( 160 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 4921KB] ( 326 )
98 Effects of Spraying Paclobutrazol on Eggplant Plant Architecture and Fruit Characters
ZHAO Yujing,WANG Yuge,SHU Jinshuai,DONG Jing,WANG Rufang,HUANG Feng,ZHANG Ying,LIU Fuzhong
Taking the new variety of‘eggplant 1055’ as test material,this paper explored the effects of paclobutrazol spraying concentrations and times of application on eggplant plant height,internode length and fruit characters under different cultivation modes.In spring at open fields,this experiment set up 6 spray concentrations(0 as CK,25,50,100,200,300 mg·L-1)and one spray frequency(3 times)altogether 6 treatments. In autumn at solar greenhouse,5 spray concentrations(0 as CK,25,50,100,150 mg·L-1)and 3 spray frequency(1,2,3 times)were set altogether 11 treatments. The results showed that under different environments paclobutrazol could all hold up the growth of eggplant plant.Along with the increase of paclobutrazol concentration and number of application times,plant height and internode length would gradually decrease. At the same time,paclobutrazol spraying would affect the development of eggplant fruit,increase fruit transverse diameter and decrease fruit longitudinal diameter. Along with time extension after spraying,the effect of paclobutrazol would gradually weaken. Comprehensive analysis about effects of paclobutrazol on eggplant plant architecture and fruit characters showed that 15 days after field planting,spraying paclobutrazol 50 mg·L-1 3 times in open field cultivation in spring,and spraying 25 mg · L-1 3 times in solar greenhouse cultivation in autumn with 7 days interval could effectively reduce eggplant plant height and internode length,maintain its fine fruit type and increase its single fruit weight.
2023 Vol. 1 (9): 98-104 [Abstract] ( 222 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1666KB] ( 646 )
105 Field Efficacy Evaluation of Different Insecticides on Bemisia tabaci in Three Greenhouse Vegetables
WANG Wenlu,LIANG Peng,NING Jie,WU Mingyue,WANG Shaoli,XIE Wen
The 70% imidacloprid WG,25% thiamethoxam WG,22.4% spirotetramat SC and 30% spirotetramat·thiamethoxam amine SC were selected for field efficacy evaluation against Bemisia tabaci on tomato,pepper and eggplant in autumn under the same greenhouse conditions.The results showed that the control effect(CE)of 30% spirotetramat·thiamethoxam amine SC 1 day after pesticide application on the three vegetables were all more than 50% indicating its good quick-effect,and the CE on the 14th day after application were all more than 60% indicating its good long-lasting efficacy.The CE of 25% thiamethoxam WG on pepper and eggplant were more than 70% on the 1st day after application,88%(7th day)and 68%(14th day),respectively.Therefore,25% thiamethoxam WG could be used as a preferred insecticide for controlling B.tabaci in pepper and eggplant.The highest CE of 22.4% spirotetramat SC on pepper and eggplant were up to 81.44% and 91.39% respectively on the 7th day after application,and maintained at about 60% within 14th days after application;the highest CE was 76.50% on the 14th day after application on tomato,and the duration was long,which could be used for long-term prevent for B. tabaci.Considering the quick-effect,persistence and stability of the control effect on different greenhouse vegetables,30% spirotetramat · clothianidin SC is recommended as the first choice for controlling B. tabaci in the field of autumn greenhouse vegetables in northern China,and 25% thiamethoxam WG and 22.4% spirotetramat SC can be reasonably mixed or rotated in order to delay the resistance of this pest and achieve the purpose of pesticide reduction.
2023 Vol. 1 (9): 105-109 [Abstract] ( 171 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1672KB] ( 648 )
110 A New Chinese Cabbage F1 Hybrid —‘Jingjian 70’WANG
WANG Weihong,ZHANG Fenglan*,YU Yangjun,ZHANG Deshuang,ZHAO Xiuyun,YU
Jingjian 70’is a new heading Chinese cabbage F1 hybrid cultivar bred by crossing self incompatible line‘16-1283’with‘16-1366’.It is of medium maturing and about 70 days from sowing to harvest.The outer-leaves are green and hairy.The plant is erect with about 55 cm in height and 67 cm in width.The head is long-cylindrical and tip-topped with about 50 cm in height and 11 cm in width.The average head weight is about 2.3 kg,and the yield is about 82.5 t·hm-2.The resistance to viral disease and downy mildew is stronger than that of control‘Chihiri 70’in the field.It is suitable for planting in Beijing,Hebei,Tianjin,Yunnan and Guangxi provinces.
2023 Vol. 1 (9): 110-112 [Abstract] ( 158 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1459KB] ( 522 )
113 A New Cherry Tomato F1 Hybrid —‘Xidayinghong No.2’
CHEN Bin,WU Hongyu,ZHOU Zhihuan,SHI Yanwei,WANG Xianyu,JING Zihuan,YANG Qibao
‘Xidayinghong No.2’is a new medium-ripe cherry tomato F1 hybrids developed by crossing self-inbred line‘YG-6-5-7-6-8-6-6-1-1’as the female parent and the self-inbred line‘YA-7-5-9-6-8-9-8’as the paternal parent.It is of infinite growth type,and plant growth is strong.The fruit is of oval shape,with 3.4-3.8 cm in length and 3.0-3.5 cm in width.The flesh is thick,the soluble solids content is 7.56% and lycopene content is 21.02 mg · kg-1 .The ripe fruit is red and shiny.Its single fruit weight is about 25 g.It is resistant to tomato yellow leaf curl virus disease(TYLCV),tobacco mosaic virus disease(TMV),blight,and moderate resistant to late blight.It can yield about 69 t·hm-2.It is suitable for autumn and winter planting in Guilin and Tianyang of Guangxi.
2023 Vol. 1 (9): 113-115 [Abstract] ( 179 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1461KB] ( 381 )
116 A New Bitter Gourd F1 Hybrid —‘Gankugua 1978’
WAN Xinjia,GUAN Feng,ZHANG Jingyun,SHI Bo
‘Gankugua 1978’is a new bitter gourd F1 hybrid developed by crossing inbred line ‘LK1109-1’as female parent and inbred line‘LK2017361159-1’as male parent.The variety exhibit very strong vigor and early maturity,bearing the first female flower on the 10-15th node of main vine with good precocity.The fruit is long tapered and regular in shape,with green,bright and shiny skin.There are round tubercles with strip.It’s about 31 cm in length,6.5 cm in diameter,and 1 cm of flesh thickness,moderate bitterness and good marketability.The average weight of bitter gourd is around 400 g.It has excellent quality and moderate bitterness.It is resistant to Fusarium wilt.The general cultivation yield is about 45 t·hm-2 in spring.It is suitable for cultivation and regions with similar ecological conditions of Jiangxi Province.
2023 Vol. 1 (9): 116-118 [Abstract] ( 150 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1442KB] ( 598 )
119 A New Early Oriental Melon F1 Hybrid —‘Tangtian No.11’
WANG Naihong,REN Ruixing,LI Juan,ZHANG Aimin,ZHAO Xiaoxue,SUN Xun
‘Tangtian No.11’is a new early oriental melon F1 hybrid developed by crossing inbred line‘ZS875632’as female parent and inbred line‘XR12-132156’treated with proton beam(H + )as male parent.It is of early maturity.Its whole growth period is 65-72 days and fruit development period is about 30 days.The plant has strong growth potential.Both son vine and grandson vine can bear fruits and the setting rate is high.The fruit is of round shape and has white peel decorated with yellow halo.The flesh is white in color with about 2.5 cm thickness and tastes crisp.The content of soluble solids in the center of the fruit is 15.5%,and the single melon weight is 0.45 kg.It can yield about 39 t · hm-2 .It is suitable for planting in spring in oriental melon product areas of Hebei.
2023 Vol. 1 (9): 119-121 [Abstract] ( 138 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1390KB] ( 390 )
2023 Vol. 1 (9): 122-124 [Abstract] ( 126 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1491KB] ( 589 )
2023 Vol. 1 (9): 125-128 [Abstract] ( 99 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3592KB] ( 403 )
2023 Vol. 1 (9): 129-131 [Abstract] ( 142 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1590KB] ( 472 )
2023 Vol. 1 (9): 132-134 [Abstract] ( 194 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1457KB] ( 633 )
2023 Vol. 1 (9): 135-138 [Abstract] ( 148 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1513KB] ( 571 )
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