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2024 Vol.1 Issue.6,Published 2024-06-01

1 Competitiveness Analysis of Chinese Ginger Industry
LYU Xiaolan,ZHOU Wenjia,LIU Yan*,WANG Zhe,ZHAO Banghong Hot!
Abstract:China is the largest producer and exporter of ginger in the world.She has diverse rangeof varieties and a basically stable production scale.By analyzing the international standing and domesticproduction and sales of ginger in China in recent years,we found that the advantages of old ginger productionarea were gradually losing,mechanization level of ginger production became low,and ginger market priceswere fluctuating obviously.Therefore,local governments of new and old production areas should formulatedifferent development directions,make their advantages prominent;accelerate research and development ofscience and technology,enhance mechanization level,reduce production cost;and build information servicesystem for ginger market,so as to improve market transparency.
2024 Vol. 1 (6): 1-10 [Abstract] ( 48 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2032KB] ( 265 )
11 Path Analysis for High Quality Development of Potato Industry in China
MA Yingjie1,CHEN Wei1*,DENG Shengju2*
Abstract:As one of the important food crops in China,how to realize the high quality development ofits industry under the guidance of being an agricultural powerhouse strategy has become an important issue.The present situation of potato industry development in China was reviewed by following sectors of productionstatus,planting structure,planting area,supply and demand,consumption,income and trade,etc.The results indicated that potato industry in China is faced with 5 following challenges.New changes havetaken place in the international environment.Breakthrough varieties are scarce.Resource and environmentconstraints are becoming tighter.Production input cost increases rapidly.Disease resistance of varieties isuneven.The authors put forward a strategy for high quality development as ensuring national food security,focusing on industrial extension,strengthening technical support,ensuring industrial safety,and building acomplete management system as the core.It is also suggested to reasonably plan a high quality developmentblueprint for potato industry,to cultivate green and superior varieties,and to promote mechanized,intelligentand green development paths,so as to carry forward high quality development of potato industry.
2024 Vol. 1 (6): 11-18 [Abstract] ( 50 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1613KB] ( 195 )
19 Current Situation of Laos Watermelon Industry under ‘the Belt and Road’Background and Countermeasures for Its Development
ZHU li1 ☆,XIE Xueguo2 ☆,DING Renzhan1,GAO Ting1,LUO Zeming3,LIU Zhenguo1*
Abstract:The watermelon industry in Laos developed by relying on Chinese production technologyand Chinese market,is a representative of agricultural cooperation between China and ASEAN under ‘theBelt and Road’ background.The climate of Laos is conducive to watermelon cultivation in early spring.Itcan better fill the supply gap of early spring watermelon in China.The total cost of watermelon production inLaos is about 18 000-39 000 yuan · hm-2 lower than those in similar climate areas in China,such as Hainan.The opening of China-Laos railway also reduces the cost of transporting watermelon in Laos,and shorten thetransportation time.At the same time,watermelon production in Laos has backward cultivation technique andthere are fewer melon industrial parks.With the influx of resources from China,including talents,superiorvarieties,good law and fund,and‘the Belt and Road’channel construction continuous to develop to the Zhongxialiao Plain area.A perfect watermelon industry chain will be established to promote the developmentof watermelon industry in Laos.
2024 Vol. 1 (6): 19-23 [Abstract] ( 44 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1422KB] ( 193 )
24 Research Progress on Aroma Formation and Regulation Mechanism ofStrawberry Fruit
ZHAO Fengjia1,2,WANG Guixia2,3,SUN Jian2,3,CHANG Linlin 2,3,ZHONG Chuanfei2,3,LI Shuangtao2,3,DONG Jing2,3,WEI Yongqing2,3,ZHANG Hongli2,3,ZHANG Yuntao2,3,WURuigang1*,SUN Rui2,3*
Abstract:Strawberry is a popular fruit with high economic value.Its unique fruity aroma is closelyrelated to its contained volatile organic compounds(VOCs).Fruit aroma quality plays a vital role in evaluatingstrawberry’s edible value and commodity value.Recently,fruit aroma quality has become a research hot-spotin the field of strawberry industry.This paper reviewed the research progress made in the following aspects,including components of strawberry fruit aromatic substances;factors influencing fruit aroma(variety,fruitmaturity grade,cultivation method);changes of aromatic substances during storage and processing;andmolecular regulation mechanism formed by the aroma of strawberry,etc.,hoping to provide references forstrawberry aroma breeding.
2024 Vol. 1 (6): 24-30 [Abstract] ( 44 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1488KB] ( 205 )
31 A Review of Research on the Impact of Light Exposure on Capsaicinoids Content
QIN Hengshan1,2,Mao Pengpeng1,3,LI Qingming1*,ZHENG Yinjian1* Hot!
Capsaicinoids is a type of natural secondary metabolites unique to the fruits of the genusCapsicum,which have significant use in both the food business and the treatment of human diseases,andtheir biosynthesis is regulated by the light environment and genetic factors.Research has indicated that thebiosynthesis of capsaicinoids is affected by monochromatic blue,red and far-red light and light intensity.This paper reviewed the research advances on the effect of light on the biosynthesis of capsaicinoids and theirtranscriptional regulation mechanism,which provides theoretical references for the analysis of the anabolicregulation mechanism of capsaicinoids in specific light environments.
2024 Vol. 1 (6): 31-38 [Abstract] ( 41 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2495KB] ( 190 )
39 QTL Mapping and Candidate Gene Analysis of Cucumber Immature Fruit Skin Color
LI Chenxi1,2 ☆,DONG Shaoyun2 ☆,LI Jinbin2,LIU Xiaoping2,GUAN Jiantao2,MIAO Han2*,XU Kuipeng1*,ZHANG Shengping2* Hot!
Abstract:The skin color of immature fruit is an important external trait of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.).An F2 population was constructed with the cucumber green immature fruit color material CSIVF0254 and whiteimmature fruit color material CSIVF0021 as the parental lines to study the inheritance pattern and gene mappingof the cucumber immature fruit pericarp color genes.The results showed that green immature fruit color wasincompletely dominant to white immature fruit color,and the major loci Qcsc3.1 and Qcsc5.1 were repeatedlydetected in the spring and autumn of 2022.Qcsc3.1 was localized between markers InDel3842-InDel4076 onchromosome 3,with the LOD value of 17.19 and 24.92,and contribution rates of 36.38%-39.86%.Qcsc5.1 was mapped between markers InDel2342-SSR06660 on chromosome 5,with the LOD value of 13.51 and23.11,and contribution rates of 28.53%-34.19%,respectively.Five genes were predicted via biologicalinformation analysis and qRT-PCR analysis.The results of this study can lay a good foundation for the finemapping of genes regulating fruit skin color and molecular marker-assisted selection and breeding.
2024 Vol. 1 (6): 39-47 [Abstract] ( 37 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2417KB] ( 170 )
48 Comprehensive Evaluation of Low Temperature and Weak Light Tolerance of 50 Processing Pepper Doubled Haploid at Seedling Stage
WANG Chunping ☆,LI Yifei ☆,ZHANG Shicai,YANG Xiaomiao,DUAN Minjie,LEI Kairong,HUANG Qizhong*,HUANG Renzhong*
Abstract:50 pepper DH lines developed through anther culture were used as experimental materials atseedling stage.Comprehensive evaluation of low temperature and weak light resistance was carried out byseven indexes(SPAD value,Fv/Fm,root diameter,dry mass of stem and leaf,dry mass of root,dry mass ofwhole plant and root-shoot ratio)with fuzzy membership function and cluster analysis.The results showed thatthe comprehensive index range of the fuzzy membership function for low temperature and weak light tolerance of 50 DH lines is between 0.20 and 0.76,and the 50 DH lines were divided into two categories by clusteranalysis.According to the characteristics of low temperature and weak light tolerance,and the comprehensiveindex of fuzzy membership function,it could be determined that 7 materials in class Ⅱ were low temperatureand weak light resistant materials(H201605-8,H201604-4-1,H201612-4-1,H201605-7,H201612-4,H201605-34 and H201604-18).These results suggested that there is a significant difference in low temperatureand weak light tolerance among 50 processing pepper DH lines,which can be used as experimental materialsfor related mechanisms study.The selected 7 low temperature and weak light tolerance DH lines provide amaterial basis for cultivating excellent pepper varieties suitable for facility cultivation,and also provide areference for future targeted cultivation of new biological stress resistant germplasm materials.
2024 Vol. 1 (6): 48-54 [Abstract] ( 37 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2621KB] ( 121 )
55 Spatiotemporal Expression Analysis of Odorant Receptor Genes of BodoOR71 and BodoOR72 in Bradysia odoriphaga
WANG Qinli1,WANG Fu1,HUA Dengke2,YANG Yuting1*
Abstract:Based on the transcriptome data of Bradysia odoriphaga,the full-length cDNA sequencesof BodoOR71 and BodoOR72 were cloned by RT-PCR,sequence as well as structure analysis were done bybioinformatic tools,and comparison between expression levels of these genes in different developmental stagesand adult tissues were done.The sequence analysis showed that BodoOR71 had an open reading frame(ORF)of 759 bp,encoding a protein of 253 amino acids with four transmembrane domains,and BodoOR72 had anORF of 954 bp,encoding a protein of 318 amino acids with six transmembrane domains.The phylogeneticanalysis indicated that BodoOR71 and BodoOR72 were closely related to other Diptera insects,which can beclustered into one clade.The temporal and spatial expression pattern showed that BodoOR71 was expressed at different developmental stages except males and highly expressed in females.The expression level of BodoOR71was significantly higher in female antennae than other tissues and was barely detected in males.BodoOR72 wasexpressed at different developmental stages and highly expressed in males.The expression level of BodoOR72stayed low in all tissues of female while turned significantly higher in male antennae than other tissues.Toconclude,BodoOR71 and BodoOR72 may involve in the olfactory recognition of B. odoriphaga.
2024 Vol. 1 (6): 55-64 [Abstract] ( 40 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3179KB] ( 91 )
65 Root Phenotype Analysis on Pumpkin Seedling Used as Rootstock and Evaluation about Its Tolerance to Hypertonic Stress
ZHANG Diting1,2 ☆,ZHANG Mengxia1,2 ☆,SHANG Qingmao1,2*
Abstract:In order to investigate the correlation between root morphology index of pumpkin seedling used as rootstock,total sugar content and its tolerance to hypertonic stress,and also the development situation of pith cavity under hypertonic stress,this study took 16 pumpkin varieties used as rootstock as test material; measured the root system phenotype parameters of the seedlings 14 d after sowing by root scanning method; and extracted root configuration;determined content of total sugar in root system;screened varieties with greater differences in root characters through principal component analysis(PCA)and one-way ANOVA,etc.;and also measured the growth indexes of stems,leaves and root system,contents of total sugar and development situation of pith cavity under hypertonic stress.Then,the tolerance of pumpkin seedlings used as rootstock to hypertonic stress were evaluated comprehensively.The results showed that the seedling root system phenotypic parameters of 16 varieties after dimension reduction showed greater differences between Blackseed Pumpkin and Kato Aoki.Nine root phenotypic indexes including total root length,root surface area and root branching numbers,etc. and root total sugar content of Blackseed Pumpkin were significantly higher than those of Kato Aoki.After hypertonic stress treatment,the stem,leaf and root growth indexes of Blackseed Pumpkin were significantly superior to those of Kato Aoki.Furthermore,the root system total sugar content of Blackseed Pumpkin still remained relatively stable even after 15 d persistent hypertonic stress treatment. Besides,the hypocotyl pith cavity development was less sensitive to hypertonic stress.In conclusion,the main morphological parameters and total sugar content in root system can be used as important reference indexes for screening rootstock resistant to hypertonic stress.The Blackseed Pumpkin has the highest overall ranking and shown a stronger tolerance to hypertonic stress.It is an excellent rootstock adaptable to certain hypertonic stress environment.
2024 Vol. 1 (6): 65-73 [Abstract] ( 39 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2981KB] ( 126 )
74 Identification of Pathogen Causing Damping off at Seeding Stage of Wax Gourd and Screening of Control Fungicides
CHENG Liang1,2,QIN Jian1,2*,LI Yan1,2,MO Yangpeng1,2,LI Jingying1,2,WU Yongguan1,2* Hot!
Abstract:In order to definite the pathogen of damping off at seeding stage of wax gourd from the Nanningregion of Guangxi,and screen effective control fungicides,this study isolated and purified the pathogen fromdamping off at seeding stage of wax gourd by tissue separation method,screend 14 kinds of fungicides,and evaluated their control effects.A fungus was isolated from damping off at seeding stage of wax gourd,and the strain was named as DGLK1.After pathogenicity tests,morphological observation and molecularidentification,it was confirmed that Rhizoctonia solani AG4HG-Ⅰwas the causal of damping off on wax gourdseeding,which is reported for the first time in China.Among 14 fungicides,450 g · L-1 prochloraz EWhad the strongest inhibitory effect with EC50 of 0.220 3 mg · L-1,followed by 500 g · L-1 iprodione SC,40%quintozene · carbcndazim WP,430 g · L-1 tebuconazole SC,75% trifloxystrobin · tebuconazole WDG.Theycould be used as candidate agents for field control on damping off on wax gourd seeding.
2024 Vol. 1 (6): 74-80 [Abstract] ( 40 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1890KB] ( 83 )
81 Evaluation and Analysis of Nutritional Quality of Different Leek Varieties
ZHAO Lifen1,3,WANG Qingqing1,2,AO Ning1,2,YANG Wei1,2,TANG Bing1,2,MO Chuanyuan1,2,ZHANG Baohui1,2,TAO Lian1,2,FU Wenyuan1,2,DENG Ying1,2*
Abstract:In order to make full use of leek resources,screen leek varieties with higher nutritionalquality,conducted nutritional quality evaluation and analysis on 10 samples of 7 different varieties of chiveseedling and 3 different varieties of yellowish leek.Thirteen nutritional quality indicators,including aminoacid,soluble starch,and mineral content,were measured.The quality of leek was comprehensivelyevaluated using methods such as significant difference analysis,correlation analysis,principal componentanalysis,cluster analysis,and fuzzy membership function analysis.The results showed that there weresignificant differences in 13 nutritional quality indicators among the 10 samples.Systematic clustering analysisdivided the 10 samples into 3 categories,with the first category is 20-CJ37-1,20-CJ36-1,20-CJ17,and20-CJ38;the second category is 21-CJ43,20-CJ37,20-CJ8,20-CJ26,20-CJ38-1;the third categoryis 20-CJ1.Principal component analysis extracted three principal components for comprehensive evaluation of leek quality,and obtained five nutritional quality evaluation indicators:total free amino acids,solublestarch,water content,soluble protein,and calorific value.The fuzzy membership function model analysisshows that the nutritional quality of 20-CJ17,20-CJ36-1,and 20-CJ26 is relatively high.
2024 Vol. 1 (6): 81-88 [Abstract] ( 42 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2964KB] ( 119 )
89 Comprehensive Evaluation of Yield and Nutritional Quality of Different Potato Varieties in Daliangshan Zone
TANG Yunchuan1 ☆,ZHANG Qingpei1 ☆,FENG Yan1,CHUN Jun1,WANG Xuan2,CHEN Han2,FAN Hongzhu3,YUAN Xing4,LI Qian1,YANG Hong1,DENG Haiyan1,CHEN Tao1*
Abstract:In order to screen potato varieties suitable for cultivating in Daliangshan zone of Sichuan,12indicators for yield and nutritional quality of 14 potato varieties were measured.The overall performance ofyield and quality was evaluated by combining principal component analysis,membership function method,and system clustering analysis.The results showed that the coefficients of variation of tuber number perplant,fresh weight of single tuber,tuber fresh weight per plant,yield,and reducing sugar content allexceed 30%.Correlation analysis showed that the tuber fresh weight per plant was very significantly positivelycorrelated with fresh weight of single tuber,yield,and protein content.There was very significantly positiverelationship between dry matter content with starch content,and protein content.The fresh weight of singletuber was significantly negatively correlated with VC and zinc content,while protein content and potassiumcontent were very significantly negatively correlated.The result of principal component analysis showedthat the 12 indicators could be represented by 4 principal components,and the cumulative contribution rateof variance reached 86.040%.The 14 varieties were further divided into 3 categories using the membershipfunction method and systematic cluster analysis,and 6 varieties with better overall performance were screenedout,namely ‘Chuanliangshu No.10’,‘Qingshu No.9’,‘Chuanyu 50’,‘Chuangliangyu 13’,‘Yunshu108’and‘Chuanyu No.22’.
2024 Vol. 1 (6): 89-100 [Abstract] ( 37 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1849KB] ( 84 )
101 Effects of Different Biochars on Growth,Yield and Quality of Greenhouse Pepper under Chemical Fertilizer Reduction
ZHU Peilei1,QIU Jianling2,ZHOU Huaiwen3,ZHAO Guiyun1,WANG Jianjun4,LIU Caiyu1*
Abstract:The application effects of two kinds of wheat straw biochar on pepper production under thecondition of chemical fertilizer reduction were investigated through field experiments.The results showed thatunder the condition of reducing the total nutrient content of nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium by more than30%,biochar NO.1(T1)and biochar NO.2(T2)could significantly improve the physical and chemicalproperties of soil and improve the yield and quality of greenhouse pepper.Compared with the control(CK)without biochar application,the soil organic matter content of T1 and T2 treatments increased by 15.57%and 30.54%,and the yield of pepper increased by 16.28% and 12.66%,respectively,all with significantdifferences.The pepper fruits of T1 treatment had the highest dry matter and VC content,and the pepper fruits of T2 treatment had the highest soluble sugar and protein content.Comprehensively comparing the fertilization effects of the two biochars,it was found that T1 treatment had a better effect on increasing pepper yield,and T2 treatment had a better effect on improving pepper quality.
2024 Vol. 1 (6): 101-106 [Abstract] ( 37 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1455KB] ( 96 )
107 Effects of Short-Term High Temperature on Survival of Megalurothrips usitatus (Bagnall)and Control Effect of Cowpea Field
YU Huailiang1,2,WU Mingyue2,LIU Zheng1,2,LI Jin5,LIN Junxu2,FU Qiumei2,MAI Xianjun2, LIU Yong2,SHI Caihua6,ZHANG Youjun3,XIE Wen3,4,KONG Xiangyi2*
Abstract:At present,chemical control remains the most effective means of managing Megalurothripsusitatus(Bagnall).Nonetheless,the urgency to develop environmentally friendly control techniques is paramount.In this study,the effect of short-term high temperature on the survival rate of M.usitatus and theeffectiveness of field control were studied through an indoor experiment(different temperature and exposuretime treatments)and a field experiment(different uncovering times at cowpea seedling and twigging stages).The results of the indoor experiment demonstrated that short-term high temperatures had a significant impacton the survival rate of M. usitatus.This impact became increasingly pronounced with increasing temperaturesand prolonged exposure times.For instance,the high temperature treatment at 42 ℃ for 3 hours resultedin the death of both adults and wipers of M. usitatus.Conversely,the treatment at 44 ℃ for 1 hour resultedin the death of all wipers,while the treatment at 44 ℃ for 0.5 hour resulted in the death of all adults.Theresults of the field experiment demonstrated that the cowpea seedling and twigging period revealed the film at11:00-12:00,the control effect on adult M. usitatus reached a level exceeding 99%.Additionally,thecontrol effect could be maintained at 70% and above for 2 days after the treatment.However,the uncoveringof the film after 12:00 occasionally led to the phenomenon of seedling burning.
2024 Vol. 1 (6): 107-114 [Abstract] ( 46 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1828KB] ( 92 )
115 A Study of Risk Management in Vegetable Supply Chain Using Improved SCORModel:Empirical Evidence from Three Cooperatives in Handan City
NI Fangfang1,WANG Xu1,CHE Hanmei2,ZONG Yixiang1*
Abstract:A stable and coordinated supply chain operational system based on anchor enterprises is vitalfor the increase of farmers’ income and industrial efficiency.Using the improved SCOR model,this paperidentified all types of supply chain risks faced by three vegetable cooperatives in Handan city whereafter theirmodes of risk prevention and control are summarized and compared.On this basis,this paper puts forwardsome suggestions:raising awareness of risk control,strengthening standards and regulation of agriculturalinputs,upgrading industrial technology,developing cold chain logistics,enhancing product branding,andestablishing a guarantee mechanism for natural hazard relief,so as to improve the capabilities of vegetablecooperatives for risk management.
2024 Vol. 1 (6): 115-121 [Abstract] ( 39 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1533KB] ( 62 )
122 A New Eggplant F1 Hybrid —‘Jinyuanqie No.6’
ZHANG Jining,YAN Shijiang Hot!
Abstract:‘Jinyuanqie No.6’is a mid-early maturing and black-round new eggplant F1 hybrid developedby crossing‘Chaojiuye’variantline‘338-1-3’as female parent and inbred line‘339-1-2-1-1’as maleparent.It takes about 50 days from transplanting to first harvest.The first flower sets on the 7th node.Theplant type is upright.It has strong growth vigor.The average plant height is 85.6 cm,and breadth is 84.9cm.The leaf shape is oval,and leaf color is dark green with purple halos.The fruit is nearly round,and fruitcolor is black and bright.The fruit calyx color is purple with a few prickles.The flesh is tight and light greenin color.The commerciality is good.The average single fruit weight is 602 g.Its resistance to Verticilliumwilt is stronger than that of the contrast‘Xinduanbahei’.It can yield about 84 t · hm-2.It is suitable for springand summer in Shanxi Province and round eggplant production areas open field cultivation.
2024 Vol. 1 (6): 122-124 [Abstract] ( 50 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1362KB] ( 103 )
125 A New Pepper F1 Hybrid —‘Zaoyanzhoupi No.15’
QIN Jing1,WANG Hongtao2,YAN Changzhi3*,QIN Delei4 Hot!
Abstract:‘Zaoyanzhoupi No.15’is a new medium maturing fresh pepper F1 hybrid developed by crossinginbred line‘WDL-23’as female parent and‘WDL-2’as male parent.The plant is about 60 cm in height,80 cm in width.Its first flower node is about 10th,planting to harvest is about 50-60 days.The fruit isfinger shaped and fruit surface is wrinkled,which is green in color.The average fruit weight is 19.0 g.Thelongitudinal diameter is 12.0 cm,and the transverse diameter is 2.8 cm.The pulp thickness is thin,and spicytaste is strong.The VC content is 1.58 g · kg-1,and capsaicin content is 1 600 mg · kg-1.It can yield about36 t · hm-2.Its resistance to CMV,TMV,Phytophthora blight and anthracnose are stronger than that of thecontrasts‘Lunanbaopi’.It is suitable for cultivation in protected areas and open fields in Shandong Province.
2024 Vol. 1 (6): 125-127 [Abstract] ( 41 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1375KB] ( 67 )
128 A New Pepper F1 Hybrid —‘Shila No.7’
TAN Yangguo1,2,WU Zhaolong1,2,TAN Zhicheng1,2*,PENG Yan1,2
Abstract:‘Shila No.7’is a new fresh and processing pepper F1 hybrid with male sterile lines ofnucleoptasm‘T108A’as female parent and inbred line‘BB61272’as male parent.It possessed characteristicsof vigorous growth,tight plant type,75 cm in high and 90 cm in wide.It is of medium and early maturity.Theaverage initial flower node is 11.5th,red ripe stage 75 days.The fruit is small and angular in shape,a pointedtip,with a smooth surface,strong glossiness,and a strong spicy taste.It is a high yield strain with 200 fruitsper plant.The unripened fruit is green in color,and the ripened one is dark red in color.The vertical diameterof the fruit is 8-10 cm,the horizontal diameter is 1.2-1.3 cm,the flesh thickness is 1.3 mm,and the weight ofsingle fruit is about 5 g.It can yield about 22.5 t · hm-2 fresh red pepper and about 5.7 t · hm-2 dry pepper,withgood processing quality which is full and smooth in drying.The average drying rate is 25.7%.Its resistances toanthracnose,virus disease,and Phytophthora blight in the field are stronger than that of the contrast‘Yanjiao425’.It is suitable for areas with an altitude of 700-1 300 m in the southwest region or in the similar eco-region innorthwest and north China for open field cultivation in spring,summer or plastic film cultivation.
2024 Vol. 1 (6): 128-131 [Abstract] ( 35 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1382KB] ( 86 )
132 A New Vegetable Soybean Variety —‘Quxian No.11’
LEI Jun1,WANG Shougen1,SHAO Xiaowei1,XU Zhuwei1,YU Wenhui1,CHEN Runxing1,XING
Abstract:‘Quxian No.11’is a new autumn vegetable soybean variety,which is bred by pedigree methodafter hybridization with‘Nannong 10-1’as female parent and‘Nannong 99-10’as male parent.The planttype is convergence,with the sub-limited podding habit.The average plant height is 59.8 cm.It takes 78.2days from emergencing to pod harvest.The number of effective pods is 31.1 per plant,and it has 2.0 seeds ineach pod.The fresh pods are green and large,and the shapes are curved sickle.The fresh 100-pod weight is340.3 g,and the fresh 100-seed weight is 83.3 g.The 2-seed pod is 6.0 cm in length and 1.4 cm in width,andthe 2-seed pod rate is 61.5%.The fresh pod yield is about 10.95 t · hm-2.It’s suitable to be planted in autumnin Zhejiang Province and ecologically similar areas.
2024 Vol. 1 (6): 132-135 [Abstract] ( 48 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1416KB] ( 75 )
2024 Vol. 1 (6): 136-140 [Abstract] ( 45 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1416KB] ( 102 )
2024 Vol. 1 (6): 141-144 [Abstract] ( 46 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1362KB] ( 110 )
2024 Vol. 1 (6): 145-147 [Abstract] ( 62 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1400KB] ( 106 )
2024 Vol. 1 (6): 148-151 [Abstract] ( 40 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1503KB] ( 66 )
2024 Vol. 1 (6): 152-154 [Abstract] ( 40 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1393KB] ( 92 )
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