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2024 Vol.1 Issue.9,Published 2024-09-01

1 Pathway Exploration for High-quality Development of Whole Vegetable Industry Chain in Chongqing
LI Lili,CHEN Rui,KUANG Mi Hot!
Based on investigation and analysis,and from the perspective of whole industry chain,this paper objectively evaluated the current development status of vegetable industry in Chongqing City,analyzed in depth the problems facing the high-quality development of vegetable industry in Chongqing,as the laging behind base construction,sustaining rise of continuous cost,low processing level,low circulation effi ciency and insufficient support system,etc.The paper also put forward several suggestions,like strenthening the construction of standardized bases in production link;adjusting industrial structure and green production,improving the processing level,increasing enterprise cultivation and strengthening brand building in processing process;optimizing traditional distribution channels,accelerat ing the construction of cold chain logistics and creating new forms of distribution in the circulation link;improving the system for supporting science and technology and social service provision in supporting system,etc.,so as to provide new ideas for high-quality development of vegetable industry in Chongqing City.
2024 Vol. 1 (9): 1-7 [Abstract] ( 9 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2103KB] ( 8 )
8 Diff erence Analysis of Farmers’Green Production Behavior—An Study Based on Capital Endowment
YAN Haowei,MU Yueying
Under the background of urgent green reform of agricultural production mode,it is of great significance to grasp the difference of farmers’green production behavior under different capital endowment to promote the green development of agriculture. The artide is based on the survey data of vegetable farmers in Hebei,Shandong,Liaoning,Beijing and Tianjin,this paper explores what factors lead to the diff erence of farmers’green production behavior from the perspective of capital endowment. The results show that,first,the proportion of farmers implementing green production behavior is low,and there is insufficient capital endowment. Second,there are diff erences in the implementation of green production behaviors among farmers with diff erent human capital. The proportion of green production behaviors implemented by the new generation and farmers who participate in technical training is higher,while gender and education level lead to less diff erence in the implementation of green production behaviors among farmers. Third,there are diff erences in the implementation of green production behaviors among farmers with diff erent material capital. The proportion of green production behaviors implemented by farmers with large facility area and farmers with quality certifi cation is higher,while the degree of facility aging led to less variation in green production behavior among farmers. In view of this,countermeasures and suggestions are put forward from the levels of government,villages and farmers.
2024 Vol. 1 (9): 8-14 [Abstract] ( 5 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1161KB] ( 11 )
15 Cost-income Analysis of Ginger Cultivation in China
ZU Liying,WU Man,WANG Zhe,LIU Yan
In order to further enhance the anti-risk ability of ginger industry and increase rural household income,on the basis of studying China’s ginger planting input-output,this paper conducted comparative analysis on diff erent scale of operation,diff erent age of farmers,and planting cost and benefi t.At the same time,the paper also analyzed the factors aff ecting the cost and income fl uctuation of ginger planting.The results showed that the ginger price fl uctuation was one of the most important factors causing the instability of income. Besides,the instability of ginger yield also had greater impact on profi ts. The scale effi ciency of ginger was not signifi cant. Labor cost rose sharply along with the increase in scale,leading to a drop in profi ts.Judging from the cost point of view,the older farmers adopted management strategy of reducing investment and mitigating risk,which had become an obstacle to the high-quality development of ginger.On account of these,the paper suggested to develop ginger featured insurance,reducing management risk of farmer household;developing futures market,stabilizing ginger price;increasing investment in research and development of small machinery for ginger;and to improve the scale effi ciency of ginger industry through service scale.
2024 Vol. 1 (9): 15-21 [Abstract] ( 5 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1169KB] ( 9 )
22 Gene Mining of Broccoli in Response to Drought Stress
GAO Xu,HE Daogen,TAN Guoyin,ZHU Changzhi,ZHANG Hongyun,YANG Mingfan Hot!
To mining the key genes of drought resistant genes in broccoli,the effect of biomass and antioxidant enzyme activity of broccoli seedlings were analyzed,with‘Tailv No.3’for material,simulated drought stress by PEG,and differentially expressed genes related to antioxidant enzymes screened by transcriptome sequencing,then expression level analyzed based on real time fl uorescence quantitative PCR.The results showed that the aboveground biomass accumulation of broccoli seedlings was signifi cantly inhibited and the growth of underground parts was promoted,as well as the activities of POD,SOD,CAT,APX and GPX increased.Transcriptome sequencing analysis showed that 6 513 genes diff erentially expressed was detected in broccoli seedlings under drought stress,of which 3 129 genes were up-regulated and 3 384 genes were down-regulated.45 differentially expressed genes related to antioxidant enzymes were screened,then one gene related to POD,SOD,CAT,APX and GPX was screened with the highest up-regulation amplitude by analysis of relative expression quantity,respectively.These genes may be key genes for drought resistance in broccoli,which provides a scientifi c basis to research drought resistance mechanism.
2024 Vol. 1 (9): 22-33 [Abstract] ( 5 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1646KB] ( 9 )
34 Identifi cation and Stress Response Analysis of Potato CDF Transcription Factors
CHANG Jing,WANG Zemin,HU Yunjie,HE Wenjing,JIN Xin,HOU Lele,LI Xuan,AI Qianyi
To explore the role of the StCDFs transcription factor family in potato stress response,bioinformatics methods were employed to analyze the phylogenetic relationship,gene structure,conserved motifs,cis-acting elements,tissue-specific expression,hormone and stress response of StCDFs.Simultaneously,transcriptome data and qRT-PCR were used to analyze the transcription levels of StCDFs after diff erent cold-tolerant varieties were treated with low temperature stress.A total of 5 StCDFs members(StCDF1,StCDF2,StCDF3,StCDF4,StCDF5)were identified in potato.The CDF family of potato is closely related to tomato.The analysis of gene structure and conserved Motif revealed that Motif 1 was the most widely distributed and conserved in the potato StCDF.Cis-acting element analysis showed that the upstream promoter of StCDFs gene contained a wide range of hormone and stress response elements,and stress response elements accounted for the largest proportion.Tissue-specifi c expression analysis revealed that StCDFs exhibited distinct expression patterns in diff erent tissues.Additionally,most of these genes were found to respond to stress treatment.Based on the RNA-seq data,the StCDFs were found to respond positively to low temperature stress treatment.Subsequently,the qRT-PCR was performed to explore the expression levels of StCDFs and found that the expression levels of StCDF1,StCDF2 and StCDF3 were up-regulated under low temperature stress.
2024 Vol. 1 (9): 34-43 [Abstract] ( 6 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3292KB] ( 9 )
44 Effi cient Regeneration System for Brassica olerecea Based on Epicotyl Explants
HAN Xichao,ZHANG Xiaojian,CAI Xu,LIANG Jianli,WANG Xiaowu,ZHU Keming,WU Jian Hot!
The hypocotyl is a commonly used explant for genetic transformation of cabbage(Brassica oleracea var. capitata),however,the problems of genotype-dependent and low regeneration efficiency are the main obstacles at present.This study explores the construction of a genetic transformation system using the epicotyl of cabbag e as an explant,with 9 cabbage varieties as test materials.The regeneration effi ciency after Agrobacterium infection was compared between the hypocotyl and epicotyl as two explants.The results show that 5 cabbage varieties had elongated epicotyls.After Agrobacterium inoculation,all 5 varieties with epicotyls as explant induced adventitious shoots with regeneration frequencies ranging from 32.4% to 78.4%.In contrast,only 3 varieties induced of adventitious buds with hypocotyl as explant,with the highest regeneration frequency of only 2.7%.This shows that the epicotyl is an ideal explant for overcoming genotypic dependence in B. olerecea transformation,and provides an effi cient approach to obtain regenerated B. oleracea plants.
2024 Vol. 1 (9): 44-50 [Abstract] ( 8 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2072KB] ( 12 )
51 Diversity Analysis of 72 Purple-orange Chinese Cabbage Germplasm Resources
GONG Ying,BAO Yongrong,HUO Jianyu,ZHANG Lugang,NIE Shanshan
In order to breed new varieties of purple-orange Chinese cabbage and enrich the variety types of Chinese cabbage,the genetic diversity and group division of 72 purple-orange Chinese cabbage inbred lines were analyzed based on phenotypic characters and SSR molecular markers.The results showed that 72 purpleorange Chinese cabbage inbred lines were divided into 4 groups by phenotypic clustering,and each group separately contained 13-24 germplasm,indicating that the morphological types of purple-orange Chinese cabbage inbred lines were rich and evenly distributed in each group.The average Nei’s gene diversity index and Shannon’s diversity information index by SSR molecular marker were 0.274 5 and 0.419 5,respectively,which indicated that the genetic background of purple-orange Chinese cabbage inbred lines was relatively simple.SSR marker clustering divided 72 purple-orange Chinese cabbage inbred lines into 5 groups and 2 independent germplasm,with each group containing 2-40 germplasm,and the germplasm distribution among groups was uneven.The results of SSR marker could cluster most germplasm with the same pedigree sources into the same group.Kappa consistency test showed that the clustering results of phenotypic traits were not consistent with those of SSR markers,which was a result of phenotypic traits were inconsistent with SSR markers in representativeness,coverage and correspondence.
2024 Vol. 1 (9): 51-60 [Abstract] ( 6 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2595KB] ( 6 )
61 Screening and Analysis of Genes Related to Growth and Expansion of Yam(Dioscorea alata L.)Tubers
LIANG Renfan,HUANG Hao,ZHOU Shengmao,WANG Aiqin,ZHAN Jie,WEN Junli,HE Longfei
To screen the genes related to the growth and expansion of yam tubers,bioinformatics methods were used to analyzed the suppression subtractive hybridization(SSH)libraries at different developmental stages of yam tubers in the early and middle stages.The results showed that the diff erentially expressed genes(DEGs)sequences in the early and middle stages of the development of yam tubers mainly involved nine categories,of which developmental regulation accounts for the largest proportion(27.1%),followed by cellular tissue structure(14.0%),material metabolism(11.2%),and biosynthesis(4.7%).Preliminary screening has identified some genes,including F-box associated,carbonic anhydrase(CAs),nucleoside diphosphate kinase(NDPK),amino acid permease,glycosyl transferase,and alpha amylase.These genes may be related to cell proliferation,elongation,hormone metabolism,acid-base environment regulation,and functional metabolite regulation,and are involved in regulating tuber growth and expansion in yam.
2024 Vol. 1 (9): 61-67 [Abstract] ( 5 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1746KB] ( 7 )
68 Analysis of Nutrients and Volatile Compounds in Diff erent Types and Cultivars of Taro Corms
SHAO Feng,ZHANG Yu,LI Yang,DU Hongmei
In order to determine the nutritional components and the source of the special volatile composition of corms of different local varieties of taro,we analyzed the main nutritional components and volatile components of diff erent varieties and regions of taro corms based on the evaluation of taste quality,using the Guangxi Lipuyu of dasheen type(Colocasia esculenta var. esculenta),as well as eddoe type(C.esculenta var. antiquorum),including Chongming Xiangsuyu,Qidong Xiangsuyu in Chongming and Qidong local cultivation of Xiangsuyu as materials in this research.The results showed that the taste of the four kinds of taro corms was diff erent,among which Chongming Xiangsuyu had the best taste.The protein contents of three kinds of Xiangsuyu were signifi cantly higher than that of Lipuyu,Chongming Xiangsuyu had lower fat content and dietary fiber.There were obvious differences in the content of volatile substances in the corms of the three kinds of Xiangsuyu and Lipuyu.Lipuyu was rich in furans,esters and alkenes.Comparing the volatile substances in the corms of three Xiangsuyu types,we also found that the variety and the place of origin both aff ected the volatile substances in the corms,and the infl uence of the variety was greater than that of the place of origin.
2024 Vol. 1 (9): 68-76 [Abstract] ( 6 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2154KB] ( 6 )
77 The Colonization Morphologies of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Pepper Roots and Their Impact on Activity of Enzymes Related to Plant Disease Resistance
ZHAO Xingli1,3,RUAN Shiqin2,TAO Gang2*,LOU Xuan2,YAN Xueyan4
To reveal the potential eff ects of Phytophthora capsici on the colonization ability of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi(AMF)in pepper roots and the role of Mollicutes/Mycoplasma-related endobacteria(MRE)in promoting pepper resistance to disease stress in host AMF,three AMF species symbiotic with MRE,namely Funneliformis mosseae(Fm),Rhizophagus clarus(Rc),and Claroideoglomus etunicatum(Ce),as well as one AMF species without MRE,Rhizophagus intraradices(Ri),had been selected as test materials.A symbiotic colonization system between AMF and pepper plants had been established through pot cultivation.Subsequently,P. capsici had been inoculated into the rhizosphere of pepper plants using the challenge inoculation method,and changes in the activities of chitinase and phenylalanine ammonia lyase(PAL)in pepper roots had been detected.The results had indicated that P. capsici could affect the colonization of AMF in pepper roots,and diff erent AMF species had varying colonization abilities in pepper roots.After challenging inoculation with P. capsici for 6 days,the colonization rates of Fm,Rc,and Ce symbiotic with MRE in pepper plants had been signifi cantly higher than that of Ri without MRE symbiosis.The activities of chitinase and PAL in pepper roots colonized by AMF had been signifi cantly enhanced compared to the control.After challenging inoculation with P. capsici for 6 days,the chitinase activities in pepper plants inoculated with Fm,Rc,and Ce symbiotic with MRE had increased by 10.54%,17.00%,and 13.20%,respectively,compared to those inoculated with Ri.The PAL activities had increased by 12.49%,3.84%,and 10.03%,respectively.The symbiosis and interaction between MRE and AMF may be potential factors contributing to diff erences in the colonization rates of diff erent AMF species in host plant roots and their ability to induce host resistance to disease stress.
2024 Vol. 1 (9): 77-83 [Abstract] ( 3 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1834KB] ( 4 )
84 Population Dynamics Monitoring and Field Biological Control of Megalurothrips usitatus during Flowering Stage of Cowpea
LIU Motao,CHEN Qi,XIAO Zhengkun,WU Mingyue,WANG Xing,KONG Xiangyi,XIE Wen,HUANG Guohua
Megalurothrips usitatus,a tiny and discreet pest,is a major threat to cowpea(Vigna unguiculata).It is the primary target of excessive chemical pesticide use among local cowpea growers.To accurately select safe,eff ective,and promising biocontrol agents,we investigated the population dynamics of M. usitatus in cowpea fields in Yazhou District,Sanya City.15 billion spores·g-1 of Beauveria bassiana WP,32 000 IU·mg-1 of Bacillus thuringiensis WP,8 000 IU·μL-1 of Bacillus thuringiensis SC,15 billion spores·mg-1 of Metarhizium anisopliae CQma421 OD,5 billion spores·mg-1 of Cordyceps javanica JS001 OD and 0.3% of martrine AS were used in fi eld trials of cowpea.Results showed that the population density of M. usitatus during the flowering stage of cowpea was time-dependent,with the highest count at 18:00,reaching 22.40 thrips per flower.Comparing the efficacy of different application times,the most eff ective treatment at 8:00 was 0.3% martrine AS,achieving a corrected effi cacy of 59.63% after 7 days.At 13:00,all treatments showed no significant efficacy.At 18:00,C. javanica JS001 OD exhibited the highest efficacy,reaching 62.37% after 7 days,whereas martrine AS peaked on day 3 and subsequently declined.Application of the aforementioned biopesticides signifi cantly reduced the occurrence of‘ black head and tail’ in cowpea.In conclusion,strategic application of martrine AS ,C. javanica JS001 OD,and M.anisopliae CQma421 OD enhances control efficacy against M. usitatus.These findings provide a basis for reducing pesticide use in cowpea cultivation.
2024 Vol. 1 (9): 84-91 [Abstract] ( 3 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1205KB] ( 6 )
92 Eff ects of Dynamic Regulation of Nutrient Solution Concentration and Depth on Growth and Quality of Lettuce
ZHU Lanxin,YANG Kun,LI Jingrui,LI Shao,HUO Xiao,TIAN Jing,PEI Qingyu,GONG Binbin,YANG Chenyu,GAO Hongbo
The eff ects of dynamic regulation of nutrient solution concentration and depth on the growth and quality of lettuce were studied under deep flow technique(DFT)mode with semi-heading lettuce variety‘Flanders’as the test material.The results showed that with the increase of nutrient solution concentration,both growth indicators and quality indicators such as soluble protein,soluble sugar,and VC initially improved before declining.The best results were achieved with a nutrient concentration increment of 0.36 mS·cm?1 every eight days,which significantly enhanced leaf length,leaf width,chlorophyll-a content,total chlorophyll content,root vitality,both the fresh and dry weight of aboveground and underground parts,soluble protein content,soluble sugar content,and VC content compared to other treatments.The fresh weight of aboveground parts increasing by 22.3% to 57.9%.Additionally,the study identified significant variations in plant growth and quality based on the depth of the nutrient solution.The plants grown at liquid levels of 12-16 cm exhibited superior growth and quality outcomes,while those grown at a 4 cm liquid level showed poorer performance.
2024 Vol. 1 (9): 92-98 [Abstract] ( 2 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1202KB] ( 1 )
99 Effects of Dipping Roots with Different Microbial Agents Concentrations on Quality of Tomato Seedlings
SONG Jianli,LIU Xigang,LI Jing,YE Lin,JI Tuo,WEI Min,ZHOU Bo,YANG Fengjuan
By using ‘Ailvshi T147’ seedlings as the experimental materials,this study investigated the eff ect of diff erent concentrations of microbial agents(Brevibacillus laterosporus,Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus mucilaginosus in a volume ratio of 7∶2∶1)dipping roots treatment on the quality of tomato seedlings,to provide a theoretical basis for the application of microbial agents to the roots treatment during the transplanting stage.A total of 8 treatments were set up in this study:dipping roots in water(CK)and dipping roots with diff erent concentrations of microbial agents(diluted 300,400,500,600,700,1 000,and 1 500 times,respectively).The results showed that the microbial agent treatments had a concentration eff ect,and as the dilution ratio increased,the growth of tomato seedlings in both aboveground and underground parts showed a trend of first increasing and then decreasing.The best dilution was 500 times.Under this treatment,the height,stem diameter,shoot fresh and dry weight,root fresh and dry weight,seedling index,root length,root surface area,root volume,and root vigor of tomato seedlings increased by 3.3%,18.9%,34.0%,31.3%,22.0%,114.3%,92.9%,22.2%,33.2%,45.5%,and 24.4% compared to CK,respectively,and the differences were significant.In summary,dipping the microbial agent diluted 500 times into the roots has a significant promoting effect on the growth of tomato seedlings.Before transplanting tomato seedlings,this concentration of microbial agent can be used to dip into the roots to promote tomato seedling growth.
2024 Vol. 1 (9): 99-103 [Abstract] ( 3 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1114KB] ( 4 )
104 Research on Suitable Distance Parameters for East-west Ridge Mechanized Tomato Cultivation in Autumn and Winter Crops in Solar Greenhouses
CHEN Qifeng,LI Xing,FU Hongdan,YU Chaoge,LIU Yiling,DONG Wen’ge,ZHANG Huaren,SUN Zhouping
A greenhouse study was conducted to promote mechanized vegetable production in solar greenhouses and explore suitable ridge distance for tomato cultivation on the east-west ridges.The study included tomato variety‘Ruiyilang’as a test material with traditional north-south ridge cultivation method as control(CK)and RD1(with middle ridge distance of 1.6 m),RD2(with middle ridge distance of 1.8 m),and RD3(with middle ridge distance of 2.0 m)3 treatments designed to east-west direction ridges to study the eff ects of diff erent ridge distances on canopy environment,plant growth and yield,and fruit quality of tomato in solar greenhouse conditions.The results showed that there was no signifi cant diff erence in plant height,stem thickness,stem and leaf fresh weight,and fruit quality among the three ridge spacing treatments of tomato in the east-west ridges when compared with CK;RD2 signifi cantly increased the light interception and average yield per plant by 11.22% and 11.17% compared to CK.Under RD2 conditions,the light interception per plant of the southern row was generally higher than that of the northern row and higher than CK.At the same time,the average yield per plant of the southern row increased by 6.30% to 21.46%,and the average yield per plant of the northern row increased by 4.06% to 10.93%.Furthermore,a work lane width of 1 meter between the RD2 ridges(work lane)is capable of meeting the specifi cations of a multifunctional work platform truck that has a width of 50-75 cm.Therefore,1.8 meters is an appropriate ridge distance parameter for mechanized tomato cultivation in the east-west ridges of a solar greenhouse.
2024 Vol. 1 (9): 104-111 [Abstract] ( 3 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1791KB] ( 4 )
112 Effect of Replacement of Nitrate by Glycine on Growth and Quality of Lettuce under Conditions of Aeroponic
ZHOU Binxiong,CHEN Yinhua,CAO Pengfei,XU Weizhong,MIAO Yeminzi,QU Yunming
To reduce the nitrate content in lettuce under the conditions of aeroponic during summer,this study investigated the eff ects of diff erent concentrations of glycine〔0(CK),1,3,5,7 mmol·L-1〕as a substitute for nitrate on the agronomic traits,biomass,and quality of lettuce,based on the South China Agricultural University formula B for leafy vegetables.Principal component analysis(PCA),multiple linear regression models(MLR),and analysis of variance(ANOVA)were employed to analyze the agronomic traits of lettuce treated with diff erent concentrations of glycine.The results showed that the leaf length could serve as an evaluation index for the growth status of lettuce.As the concentration of glycine substituting nitrate in the nutrient solution increased,the nitrate content in lettuce signifi cantly decreased,accompanied by a gradual deterioration of its growth conditions.When the concentration of glycine was 5 mmol·L-1,the nitrate content in lettuce was 401.33 mg·kg-1,which meets the raw food standard(< 432 mg·kg-1).Furthermore,the contents of VC,soluble sugars,and amino acids were signifi cantly higher than the control,while the aboveground fresh mass remained comparable to the control.Consequently,this formulation can be recommended as a nutrient solution for aeroponic cultivation of lettuce during summer.
2024 Vol. 1 (9): 112-116 [Abstract] ( 2 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1139KB] ( 1 )
117 A New Fruit Cucumber F1 Hybrid —‘Jingyanyutian 156’
WANG Hang,WEN Changlong,MAO Aijun
‘Jingyanyutian 156’is a new fruit cucumber F1 hybrid developed by crossing inbred line‘LB1817’as maternal parent and‘MSR-1’as paternal parent.The plant has strong growth vigor and belongs to gynoecious type.The fruits primarily set on the main stem.It is of early maturity.Its fruit is about 13 cm in length with short cylindrical shape,greenish-white peel,no wart and inconspicuous small black spines.Its fruit fl esh is light green,sweet and crispy with faint scent.The soluble solid content of fruit flesh is 4.2%,and VC content is 96.2 mg·kg-1.It is resistant to downy mildew,powdery mildew,and mid-resistant to cucumber mosaic virus(CMV).It is tolerant to low temperature and weak light.The high yield in overwinter greenhouse cultivation can reach 165 t·hm-2.It is suitable to be cultivated in overwinter greenhouses and under spring protected fi elds in areas of Northern China.
2024 Vol. 1 (9): 117-120 [Abstract] ( 3 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2237KB] ( 7 )
121 A New Tomato F1 Hybrid —‘Fenlandi’
XU Qing,LI Hongji,LI Yonghui,GU Xiaomin
‘Fenlandi’is a new mid-maturing tomato F1 hybrid developed by crossing inbred line‘K87-9’as female parent and‘NF243’as male parent.It is indeterminate growth type with vigorous plant growth.The fruit is of high-round in shape,with pink in color.The single fruit average weight is about 280 g.The VC content is 132.0 mg·kg-1,soluble solid content is 4.0%,total soluble sugar content is 2.88%,total acid content is 0.30%,and sugar-acid ratio is 9.6.The fruit exhibits high firmness and has good storage and transportation qualities.It is stronger resistance to TYLCV,CMV,TMV,and leaf mold than the contrast‘Jinpeng No.8’in field.The yield is about 105 t·hm-2.It is suitable for planting in Henan,Jiangsu,Shandong,Hebei,Shaanxi for spring and autumn cultivation and spring open-fi eld.
2024 Vol. 1 (9): 121-123 [Abstract] ( 3 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2079KB] ( 4 )
124 A New Jerusalem Artichoke Variety —‘Qingyu No.7’
ZHAO Mengliang,WANG Jingui,ZHENG Kaifu,REN Yanjing
‘Qingyu No.7’is a new breed of processed middle and late maturity Jerusalem artichoke,which was selected and bred by single plant system.The whole growth period was about 175 days,the plant height was 160-200 cm,and the number of branches was 17-22.The tubers were nodular,with red skin and white fl esh,average tuber weight 36.2 g,smooth surface and few fi brous roots.The dry matter content is 192.0 g·kg-1,soluble sugar content is 57.0 g·kg-1,crude protein content is 20.6 g·kg-1,and crude fi ber content is 6.7 g·kg-1.The yield can reach 87 t·hm-2,which is suitable for planting in riparian land and shallow mountains in Qinghai Province.
2024 Vol. 1 (9): 124-126 [Abstract] ( 3 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1993KB] ( 3 )
127 A New Purple Sweet Potato Cultivar —‘Longzi 221’
CHEN Hongyu
‘Longzi 221’is a new variety of purple sweet potato with fresh eating and processing,which was bred by opening pollination and natural hybridization with‘Taiwanzishu’as the female parent.It has a semi-erect architecture with medium length vine,and the average single plant tubers number is 5.2.Its tuber is of spindle shape with purple peel and purple fl esh,the average proportion of large potato is 65%,and the average dry matter rate and starch content is respectively 35.04% and 24.12%.It is resistant to Fusarium wilt disease,and highly susceptible to sweet potato blast.The yield of fresh tuber is about 30 t·hm-2,and dried tuber is about 10.5 t·hm-2.It is suitable for spring,summer and autumn potato planting in Fujian Provinces not aff ected by sweet potato blast.
2024 Vol. 1 (9): 127-129 [Abstract] ( 3 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1935KB] ( 3 )
2024 Vol. 1 (9): 130-133 [Abstract] ( 3 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 946KB] ( 8 )
2024 Vol. 1 (9): 134-136 [Abstract] ( 2 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1062KB] ( 7 )
2024 Vol. 1 (9): 137-141 [Abstract] ( 3 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1757KB] ( 3 )
2024 Vol. 1 (9): 142-146 [Abstract] ( 3 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 4607KB] ( 3 )
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