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1 [Measuring Plant Leaf Area by Scanner and ImageJ Software] 2011 Vol.1(2):73-77
GAO Jian-chang;GUO Guang-jun;GUO Yan-mei;WANG Xiao-xuan;DU Yong-chen* [Abstract] ( 4421 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 715 KB] (1278)
2 [Studies on Comparison between Major Nutritional Ingredients in Different Esculent Chrysanthemum (Dendranthema×grandiflorum) Varieties] 2009 Vol.1(24):52-54
WANG Ru-hua;ZHANG Qi-fa*;XU Miao;PANG Xing-jie;JIA Zhi-min [Abstract] ( 3593 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 164 KB] (1090)
3 [Effect of Compound Sodium Nitrophenolate and DA-6 on Growth,Yield and Quality of Ginger] 2011 Vol.1(20):69-73
YAN Cong,XU Kun*,LI Yun,SONG Xiao-yi [Abstract] ( 3537 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 933 KB] (1148)
4 [Control Effect of 30 % Chlorantraniliprole·thiamethoxam SC Drenched in Seedbed on Insect Pests of Cabbage(Brassica oleracea L.var.capitata L.)Plants] 2009 Vol.1(22):63-66
TANG Tao;LIU Du-cai;MA Guo-lan;LIU Xue-yuan*;WEI Chang-gui [Abstract] ( 3236 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 197 KB] (1560)
5 [Effect of Foliar Fertilizer on the Growth of Tomato Plant] 2008 Vol.1(6):17-20
Li Ruihai;Xu Dabing;Huang Qiwei;et al. [Abstract] ( 2990 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 384 KB] (1465)
6 [Alleviative Effect of Salicylic Acid on Growth Inhibition of Lettuce Seedling under Salt Stress] 2010 Vol.1(08):30-35
HE Jun-yu;REN Yan-fang [Abstract] ( 2985 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 428 KB] (1294)
7 [Effects of NaCl Stress on Growth and Rhizoplane Soil Enzyme Activities of Different Cucumber Cultivars with Differing Salt Tolerance] 2012 Vol.1(10):48-55
ZHAO Suo,WU Feng-zhi* [Abstract] ( 2898 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 566 KB] (828)
8 [Research Progress on Polyploid Induction in Garlic] 2012 Vol.1(22):8-16
WEN Yan-Bin, CHENG Zhi-Hui [Abstract] ( 2824 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 454 KB] (1309)
9 [Research Progress on Tomato(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)Tissue Culture] 2012 Vol.1(16):10-14
CAO Hui-ying,ZHANG Li-jun,XIA Run-xi,GAO Song,WANG Si,ZHANG Shao-bin* [Abstract] ( 2730 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 261 KB] (3392)
10 [Research Progress on Cucumber Target Leaf Spot(Corynespora cassiicola)] 2012 Vol.1(4):1-9
YANG Shuang-juan,GU Xing-fang*,ZHANG Sheng-ping,MIAO Han,LI Bao-ju [Abstract] ( 2647 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 470 KB] (2121)
11 [Defense Response of Hemolymph in Bemisia tabaci to Beauveria bessiana] 2013 Vol.1(12):61-65
REN Jie, HAN Xue-Mei, LIU Zhao, LEI Zhong-Ren [Abstract] ( 2601 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1067 KB] (757)
12 [Production Efficiency Analysis of Solar Greenhouse and Plastic Big-arch Shelter in Beijing] 2011 Vol.1(22/24):13-19
LI Zhong-ming1,SHEN Jun1,WANG Zhong2,GAO Li-hong1,CHEN Qing-yun1 ,GUO Yu-xiao3 [Abstract] ( 2563 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 257 KB] (1193)
13 [Comparation of Three Inoculation Methods for Phytophthora Blight Resistance] 2003 Vol.1(2):16-18
Yi Tuyong;Zhang Baoxi;Xie Bingyan;et al. [Abstract] ( 2522 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 169 KB] (1115)
14 [ISSR Analysis of Celery Germplasm Genetic Relationships] 2011 Vol.1(8):22-27
WANG Wu-tai, GU Yu, HAN Qi-hou, WU Feng, SUN De-ling [Abstract] ( 2520 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 494 KB] (704)
15 [The Processing Technology of Chilli Sauce] 2001 Vol.1(6):17-19
He Hongnian;Zhang Youlin [Abstract] ( 2513 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 178 KB] (1104)
16 [Diagnosis and Control of Bean Sprouts Rhizoctonia solani] 2011 Vol.1(4):61-65
ZHANG Li;ZHANG Li-qun;DUAN Hui-mei;KANG Yu-fan*;LV Yu-lan [Abstract] ( 2505 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 862 KB] (837)
17 [The Test of Grafting Bitter Gourd on Luffa] 1998 Vol.1(3):7-0
Chen Xiangbo;Zhong Wuhui;Li Hailong et al. [Abstract] ( 2499 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 182 KB] (1035)
18 [Effect of Boron and Potassium on Yield and Quality of Watermelon in Gravel Mulched Fields] 2011 Vol.1(8):81-85
DU Shao-ping1, MA Zhong-ming2*, XUE Liang3 [Abstract] ( 2490 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 222 KB] (634)
19 [Research Progress on Genetic Breeding of Bitter Gourd(Momordica charantia L.)] 2012 Vol.1(8):11-19
HUANG Ya-jie1, YUN Guang-rong 1,LI Mei1,LI Chang-zeng2,XIAO Yu1,ZHANG Bin [Abstract] ( 2430 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 682 KB] (1772)
20 [Effects of Transplanting Time on Growth and Yield of Chinese Chive Cultivated in Plate with Organic Substrate in Greenhouse] 2009 Vol.1(4):56-59
XU Zhen-hang;LI Kun;HAN Dao-jie;WANG Ying-hua;YU Xian-chang* [Abstract] ( 2370 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 512 KB] (1614)
21 [Determination of 21 Bactericides Toxicities on Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria] 2011 Vol.1(4):56-60
REN Jian-guo;;WANG Jun-li;;YUE Mei-yun [Abstract] ( 2325 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 776 KB] (794)
22 [Effects of Different Allelochemicals on Mineral Elements Absorption of Tomato Root] 2009 Vol.1(4):48-51
GENG Guang-dong;ZHANG Su-qin;CHENG Zhi-hui* [Abstract] ( 2306 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 345 KB] (1849)
23 [Effects of Slow Release Compound Fertilizer on Yield,Quality and Nutrient Content of Tumorous Stem Mustard] 2012 Vol.1(20):68-72
WANG Fei,WANG Zheng-yin*,ZHAO Huan,ZHANG Guo-ping,L Hui-feng [Abstract] ( 2301 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 331 KB] (718)
24 [Synergistic Effect of Mixing Kresoxim-methyl with Difenoconazole to Control Sphaerotheca aphanis] 2012 Vol.1(6):85-88
ZHU Wei-gang,HU Wei-qun,ZHANG Rui-rui,CHEN Jie* [Abstract] ( 2274 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 231 KB] (865)
25 [Functional Genomics and Its Application in Vegetable Crops] 2009 Vol.1(2):1-6
REN Yi;HUANG San-wen [Abstract] ( 2249 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 203 KB] (1814)
26 [Molecular Mechanism of Flowering Time Control by Flowering Integration
2013 Vol.1(6):1-8
XIAN Deng-Yu, JIANG Wei, ZHAO Xia-Yun, TANG Qing-Lin, SONG Ming, WANG Zhi-Min [Abstract] ( 2236 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 885 KB] (1903)
27 [Field Insecticides Trial against Cowpea Aphid(Aphis craccivora)and Liriomyza sativae] 2010 Vol.1(6):63-66
LIU Kui;XU Jiang;LIN Shang-tong;GUAN Yi-pu;LU Hui;ZHONG Yi-hai [Abstract] ( 2205 ) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 245 KB] (1045)
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