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2009 Vol.1 Issue.24,Published 2009-12-15

1 Research Progress on Genetics and Cytophysiology of Cucurbitaceae Dwarf Mutants
WU Tao;QIN Zhi-wei*;ZHOU Xiu-yan;DU Ya-lin

This paper summarizes the research progress on genetics and anatomy of cucurbitaceae dwarf

mutants,especially the genetic and cytophysiology characteristics of some major cucurbitaceae crops with

dwarf traits,such as cucumber,pumpkin,melon and watermelon,etc.The trends in the application and development

of dwarf traits in molecule polymeric breeding of cucurbitaceae crops were also discussed.

2009 Vol. 1 (24): 1-6 [Abstract] ( 1247 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 241KB] ( 1142 )
7 Research Progress on Inheritance and Molecular Markers of Resistance to Powdery Mildew in Cucumber
LIU Miao-miao;LIU Hong-yu*;GU Xing-fang*;ZHANG Sheng-ping;MIAO Han

The latest research progress on the inheritance of resistance and molecular markers in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)powdery mildew were summarized,the existing problems in present studies and the research direction for future were discussed.

2009 Vol. 1 (24): 7-12 [Abstract] ( 1298 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 265KB] ( 1130 )
13 ITS Analysis of Brassica rapa
GAO Yu-mei;ZHANG Shu-jiang;ZHANG Shi-fan;LI Fei;WANG Xiao-wu;WU Jian;SUN Ri-fei*
The ITS sequences of 18 different types of Brassica rapa were amplified by PCR and sequenced,and then the NJ tree was constructed by ITS sequences to analyze the variations of ITS sequence.The results show that the sequences of the ITS of Brassica rapa are very conservative,and no variations exist between different types.Brassica rapa has variations with other species of Brassica respectively.The ITS sequences have variations among the species of Brassica,and the different type materials of the basic species of Brassica have no variations.However,those of the complicate species have variations and the ITS sequences tend to the putative parents of the U-triangle respectively.
2009 Vol. 1 (24): 13-15 [Abstract] ( 1134 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 341KB] ( 991 )
19 Changes of Physiological and Biochemical Indexes from Budding to Bolting in Spring Cabbage
YANG Xiao-ming;LI Cheng-qiong*;SONG Hong-yuan;REN Xue-song;SI Jun
Taking 2 different spring cabbage(Brassica oleracea L.)varieties‘2006042’and‘Chunfeng’as materials,the paper observes their development process of flower bud differentiation by petrolin sectioncutting method and analyzes the changes in physiological and biochemical indexes during different development stages.The results show that the budding process of bolting susceptible cabbage‘2006042’is about 8 days earlier than that of the bolting tolerant cabbage‘Chunfeng’.The analysis of soluble protein in‘2006042’with SDS-PAGE finds three special protein bands(48.4 kD,18.8 kD,14.5 kD)are expressively re-enforced,and at the same time the band(84.0 kD)is disappeared and the band(17.4 kD)is weakened.This indicates that the above mentioned proteins have very close relation with bolting.The contents of soluble protein content and sucrose in‘2006042’are higher than that in‘Chunfeng’.
2009 Vol. 1 (24): 19-23 [Abstract] ( 1204 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 587KB] ( 964 )
24 Effects of Different Potassium Dosage on Aroma Components and Contents in Muskmelon(Cucumis melo L.)Fruit
WANG Rui-zhu;WANG Huai-song;HE Chao-xing*;ZHANG Zhi-bin
Aroma components of muskmelon(Cucumis melo L.)fruits‘Zhongmi No.5’were analyzed by Gas Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometry(GC-MS)treated by 4 different potassium fertilizer dosage applications.The results showed that 4 treatments low-K,middle-K(CK),middle and high-K,high-K contained 32,35,34,39 aroma components,respectively,which represented about 96.78 %,98.39 %,95.27 %,90.95 % peak area of the total.Along with the increasing dosage of potassium fertilizer,the ester and alcohols contents in muskmelon fruit were inverse ratio.The aroma components,such as 3,6-Nonadien-1-ol(E,Z),(6Z)-Nonen-1-ol,(Z)-3-Nonen-1-ol,2,3-Butanedioldiacetate,Butanoic acid,2-methylethyl ester,6-Nonen-1-ol-acetate and 3-Nonen-1-ol,(Z)- had significant differences in relative contents.The aroma components will follow the trend of increasing first then decreasing afterwards along with the increase of potassium fertilizer dosage.The best quality of muskmelon fruit will be achieved by suitable potassium fertilizer treatment(9.6 g per plant).
2009 Vol. 1 (24): 24-29 [Abstract] ( 1264 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 288KB] ( 1081 )
30 Studies on Seedling Heat Tolerance of Different Eggplant(Solanum melongena L.)Varieties
ZHANG Ya;HE Yong;ZHU Zhu-jun*
This paper studied the effects of high temperature stress(45 ℃/36 ℃,day/night)on 4 eggplant(Solanum melongena L.)varieties and the heat injury index,electrolytic leakage,SOD activity,MDA content and the influence exerted by chlorophyll fluorescence of high temperature stress on these varieties.The results showed that heat injury index,electrolytic leakage rate and MDA content in eggplant seedlings increased significantly after high temperature treatment.The rising rate of heat tolerant varieties was lower than those sensitive cultivars.The SOD activity decreased significantly.After 2 days recovery,the SOD activity of heat tolerant eggplants‘06-E417’and‘Zifei No.1’increased by 20.3 % and 20.7 %,respectively than pretreatment,while those of heat sensitive eggplants nearly remained the same.High temperature stress also decreased Fv/Fm,Fv/Fo,ΦPSⅡ,qP,ETR and Fv’/Fm’in eggplant significantly.But the decreasing rate of heat tolerant cultivars is lower than those of heat sensitive cultivars.This indicates that under high temperature stress,the heat tolerant varieties possess higher activity of PSⅡ.
2009 Vol. 1 (24): 30-35 [Abstract] ( 1307 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 589KB] ( 1141 )
36 Experiment on the Effect of Inducing Heat Resistance in Tomato Seedlings by Salicylic Acid
WAN Zheng-lin;LUO Qing-xi*;LI Li-zhi
Using salicylic acid of different concentrations to treat tomato(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)seedling,and through testing Pro,REC and MDA,this study found the best concentration in inducing heat resistance of tomato seedling was 60 mg·L-1 by spraying salicylic acid on its leaves.The mechanism of using salicylic acid to induce heat resistance of tomato seedling was initially studied.After the salicylic acid was sprayed on the leave surface,where high activity of SOD,POD,APX were maintain under high temperature stress,which helped to reduce the producing and accumulating of active oxygen and reduce the oxidative stress,therefore enhance the stabilization of cell membrane and improve the heat resistant ability of tomato seedlings.In the role of improving heat resistance of tomato seedlings,the activity of CAT is one of the causes for high temperature stress,but inducing heat resistance by salicylic acid might have nothing to do with activity of CAT.
2009 Vol. 1 (24): 36-42 [Abstract] ( 1238 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 291KB] ( 1390 )
43 Cucumber Leaf Area Genetics and QTL Analysis
WU Peng;QIN Zhi-wei*;XIA Yuan;ZHOU Xiu-yan;WU Tao
Two large leaf area cucumber(Cusumis sativus L.)varieties(D9320,D2005)and two small leaf area cucumber varieties(D0455,D0401)were selected to build a hybrid combination.A parental combination with bigger leaf area difference D0401×D9320 was screened to build up self-isolated groups of F2 generation.Genetic analysis was conducted by using additivedominance(AD)model.The results showed that cucumber leaf area was a quantitative trait controlled by multi-genes.It took dominant effect as main character,and there were certain additive effects with higher narrow-sense and broad-sense heritability.SSR molecular markers were adopted to build genetic linkage map,using composite interval mapping methods for QTL location of cucumber leaf areas.The results showed that CSWACC03,CSWCT05BZ and CSCTTT15a were located on the same linkage group.The total length of linkage group was 68.3 cM.One QTL was detected in connection with cucumber leaf area.Its distance to the nearest marker was 3.6 cM and the contribution rate to mutation was 8.65 %.
2009 Vol. 1 (24): 43-46 [Abstract] ( 1150 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 287KB] ( 1115 )
47 Analysis of SSR Information in EST Resource of Watermelon(Citrullus lanatus)
ZHAO Sheng-jie;LIU Wen-ge*;YAN Zhi-hong;HE Nan
5 034 non-redundant ESTs of watermelon〔Citrullus lanatus(Thunb.) Nakai〕were screened and 347 SSRs were mined out.The frequency of these EST-SSRs was 689 % and the mean distance was 7.49 kb in non-redundant ESTs.All these SSRs included 91 kinds of repeat motifs.Among them the dinucleotide and trinucleotide repeats were dominant types,accounting for 39.48 % and 46.68 %,respectively.AT is most frequent motif in dinucleotide accounting for 23.35 %.The distribution of trinucleotide repeats was dispersive and the dominant motif was GAA,only accounting for 8.64 % in all the trinucleotide repeats.The EST-SSRs are highly feasible in theory.
2009 Vol. 1 (24): 47-51 [Abstract] ( 1259 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 258KB] ( 1000 )
52 Studies on Comparison between Major Nutritional Ingredients in Different Esculent Chrysanthemum (Dendranthema×grandiflorum) Varieties
WANG Ru-hua;ZHANG Qi-fa*;XU Miao;PANG Xing-jie;JIA Zhi-min
Studies were carried out on the contents of microelements,amino acids,total flavonoids,proteins,soluble sugars,Na and K in ten esculent chrysanthemum(Dendranthema×grandiflorum)varieties.The results showed that Fe and Zn contents of esculent chrysanthemum were higher and Cu was next;while,Se was the lowest.In general,the microelement contents of Long5 and Xiab were higher than the others.The amino acids showed that,the contents of glutamic acid,aspartic acid,proline and leucine in esculent chrysanthemum were higher.Among different varieties,Amino acid contents of Long4 were the highest.Those of Long5,Long2 and Long1 were the next.Total flavonoid contents of Long1 and Long2 were significantly higher than the others.Protein content of Xiab was the highest.Those of Zaoch,Long2 and Long5 were the next.The differences of soluble sugar,K and Na contents between various varieties were not significant.
2009 Vol. 1 (24): 52-54 [Abstract] ( 3596 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 164KB] ( 1121 )
55 Improvement of Restoring Treatment during Determination of Nitrate in Vegetable
MA Yong-hua;CHEN Guo-you;DU Ying-qiu;SU Ping;LI Zhe-bin
Accurate and stable determination results of nitrate in vegetable can be obtained by optimizing restoring treatment during determination,and choosing cadmium column restoring method to replace cadmium grain in pre-treatment process of samples.The results indicated that the rate of nitrate restoring could reach 95.20 %-99.80 % and the accuracy of testing method was less than 1 %.At the same time,the cadmium column could be used repeatedly.This method could not only reduce the cost of testing,but also diminish environment pollution.
2009 Vol. 1 (24): 55-56 [Abstract] ( 1110 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 131KB] ( 897 )
57 Studies on Biological Characteristics of Donacia provosti
QIN Chun-hua;CHEN Chong;WAN Hu;LI Jian-hong*
Morphological characteristics at different stages and feeding,reproductive behaviors of Donacia provosti adult were described by laboratory combined with field investigation.The results of biological studies indicated that Donacia provosti had one generation per year and it overwintered as larvae in Hubei Province.The development duration of eggs,pupas,adults were 8-10,15-18,7-12 days respectively.Fecundity was 175.67 eggs laid per female.Its hatching rate increased and egg development duration decreased between 22-32 ℃ and the hatching rate could reach 90 % when temperature was over 25 ℃.The experiment showed that the development threshold temperature was(11.74±2.36)℃ and the effective and accumulated temperature was 158.08±22.98 degreeday.
2009 Vol. 1 (24): 57-61 [Abstract] ( 1503 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 359KB] ( 1138 )
62 Inhibition Effects of 3 Antagonistic Bacteria Strains to Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.benincasae
XIAO Ai-ping;YOU Chun-ping*;ZHOU Dan-hua;ZHANG Guo-min
Three antagonistic bacteria strains(F1,HN10 and ZCb)against Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.benincasae(FOC)were isolated from orchard soil.The result showed that the width of inhibitive zones on plates ranged from 9.6 mm to 14.7 mm for antagonistic bacteria strains F1,HN10 and ZCb under the concentration of original fermentation culture,50-fold and 100-fold dilution.The inhibitive rate of the strain HN10 and ZCb to the germination of spores of FOC was between 13.7 % and 58.4 %. 
2009 Vol. 1 (24): 62-64 [Abstract] ( 1262 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 191KB] ( 1038 )
65 Analysis and Studies on Testing Result of Vegetable Quality & Security in Shenzhen
YU Shao-zhou;LIAO Chao-zi;HUANG Min-tong;LIN Hui-chun;LIU Jian-hua*
The article analyzed the vegetable testing data from 2005 to 2008 in Shenzhen.The level of the vegetable quality and security showed the rising trend year by year,and the percent of pass for vegetable testing between months showed changes with regularity.Usually,the vegetable pass percent is the lowest in the fourth quarter to Spring Festival,while it is the highest in the third quarter.Results of studies on various kinds of pesticides harmful to vegetables indicated that the ratio of prohibitive pesticides showed downtrend year by year,but still occupied certain ratio.Sufficient attention should be paid this issue by various levels of administrative departments.
2009 Vol. 1 (24): 65-68 [Abstract] ( 1314 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 213KB] ( 1069 )
69 Effects of Foliar Application of Water-soluble Fertilizer Containing Amino-acids on Growth of Chinese Cabbage
WANG Li-ping;LI Xu-jun;JI Wei;JIN Li-hua;SHI Wen-xue
Taking Chinese cabbage‘Beijing New No.3’as experimental material,we carried out foliar application of water-soluble fertilizer containing amino-acids when the bulb was developing to test its effect on Chinese cabbage yield and VC content.The results indicated that foliar application of water-soluble fertilizer containing amino-acids could increased Chinese cabbage yield by 5.8 %-12.4 % and VC contents by 15.8 %-51.7 %.
2009 Vol. 1 (24): 69-71 [Abstract] ( 1455 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 161KB] ( 976 )
72 A New Minitype Chinese Cabbage F1 Hybrid —‘Jingqiuwawacai’for Autumn Cultivation
ZHANG Feng-lan;YU Yang-jun;ZHANG De-shuang;XU Jia-bing;ZHAO Xiu-yun;YU Shuan-cang;LU Gui-xiang
‘Jingqiuwawacai’is a high quality mini-type Chinese cabbage F1 hybrid with resistance to TuMV,downy mildew and black rot.It can be harvested in 55 days after sowing.The average head weight is about 0.6 kg.Its yield is about 75 t·hm-2.It was suitable to be cultivated in autumn in Beijing,Hebei,Shandong,Liaoning,Heilongjiang,Jilin and Inner Mongolia.At present,the total extended areas are 400 hm2.
2009 Vol. 1 (24): 72-73 [Abstract] ( 1167 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 132KB] ( 926 )
74 A New Tolerance to Storage and Transportation Tomato F1 Hybrid —‘Beiyan No.2’
TANF Shu-fa;ZHANG Feng-li;XIA Guang-yu;HAO Yong;HUANG Min;ZHANG Yu
‘Beiyan No.2’tomato is a F1 hybrid developed by taking 05B-88 as female parent and 05B-87 as male parent.It belongs to the type of boundless growth.It is of middle and early maturity.Its matured fruit is pink in color and of round shape.Its VC is 131.4 mg·kg-1,soluble solid content is 4.7 %,and total soluble sugar is 2.7 %.It is resistant to leaf mildew and ToMV.It is tolerant to storage and transportation.Its fruit hardness is 0.78 kg·cm-2.It is able to bear low temperature and few sunlight.Its fruit deformity rate is 1.76 % and the rate of dehiscent fruit is 2.00 %.The fruit size is even.The average fruit weight is 185.9 g.Its yield is about 112.5 t·hm-2.It is suitable to be cultivated in open or protected fields all over the country.
2009 Vol. 1 (24): 74-76 [Abstract] ( 1267 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 157KB] ( 876 )
77 A New Cucumber Hybrid —‘Chunlv No.7’
WU Hui-jie;ZHANG Jian;JIANG Qi-feng;JI Shu-juan;CHEN Ying
‘Chunlv No.7’is a new cucumber F1 hybrid developed by crossing inbred line FT0002-2-5-3-1-1-1 with S9925-3-1-7-2-1-m.It has middleearly maturity and strong growth vigor.It is resistant to Fusarium wilt and downy mildew.Its fruit is straight and dark green in color with crispy and sweet flesh.The single fruit is about 33 cm in length and 230 g in weight.Its yield is about 93 t·hm-2.It is suitable for cultivation under plastic shed in early spring.
2009 Vol. 1 (24): 77-78 [Abstract] ( 1242 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 128KB] ( 976 )
79 A New Super Early Mature Cowpea Variety —‘Chengjiang No.7’
CHEN Ling;SUN Yue-hong*;YANG Jian
‘Chengjiang No.7’is a new early variety of cowpea developed by crossing early maturing line 31 as female parent with‘Chengjiang No.3’as male parent after system selection.The first anthotaxy occurs at 2nd-4th node on the main vine.In spring,the duration from sowing to harvest is 45-50 days.In autumn,its growing period is 35-40 days.Its pod is light green,60-65 cm by length.Its yield can reach 30.0-37.5 t·hm-2.The first harvest accounts for over 50 % of the total.It comes to the market with concentrate and high efficiency.It is suitable to be cultivated in the Yangtze River Valley in spring,summer and autumn.
2009 Vol. 1 (24): 79-81 [Abstract] ( 1219 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 372KB] ( 901 )
82 A New Processing Tomato F1 hybrid —‘Xinfan No.30’
ZHOU Wei-xin;CHEN Ying-xian;HONG Wei;HUANG Min;CHENG Wei-dong;Patiguli
‘Xinfan No.30’is a new processing tomato variety.It is F1 hybrid developed by crossing 20125 as female parent and 99-2 as male parent.Its plant growth is a limited type.It has strong growth potential,with early and mid-maturing.The average fruit weight is 83 g,and its lycopene content is 202.3 mg·kg-1(FW).The soluble solids content is 6.72 %.The fruit hardness is 2.42 N·cm-2.It is about 105 days from sowing to fruit ripening.The average yield is about 105 t·hm-2.It is suitable for cultivation in Xinjiang,Gansu,Inner Mongolia and other processing tomato planting bases.
2009 Vol. 1 (24): 82-83 [Abstract] ( 1210 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 136KB] ( 912 )
2009 Vol. 1 (24): 84-86 [Abstract] ( 993 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 112KB] ( 735 )
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