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1997 Vol.1 Issue.5,Published 1997-09-20

1 Effect of Long-term,Fixed Position Nitrogen Application on Variation of Soil Fertility in Vegetable Field
Ge Xiaoguang;Wang Xiaoxue;Liu Xiuru et al.
Under the condition of long-term and fixed position nitrogen application in vegetable field,the effect of nitrogen application treatments on variation of soil fertility was investigated. Results showed that long-term organic manure application could increase the content of organic matter in the soil,its variation process was observed. Inorganic fertilizer had no effect on organic matter increase,the slow process of soil organic matter degeneration was also proved. Although organic fetilizer could improve th...
1997 Vol. 1 (5): 1-0 [Abstract] ( 940 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 133KB] ( 935 )
2 Effects of Different Fertilizer Levels on Photosynthesis Characteristics and NPK Absorption of Ginger
Ai Xizhen;Qu Jingran;Cui Zhifeng et al.
The effects of different levels of supplying nitrogen,phosphorus,potassium on photosynthesis characteristics and NPK absorption were studied in gingers. The results indicated that for the middle level treatment (N 40kg,P 2O 5 7.5kg,K 2O 40kg per 667m 2) the leaves had higher chlorophyll content,strong photosynthesis,transpiration and more amount of the absorption of NPK. These objectives all decreased in some degrees for the low treatments (N 3P 7.5 K 40 ,N 40 P 0K 40 ,N 40 P 7....
1997 Vol. 1 (5): 2-0 [Abstract] ( 1000 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 147KB] ( 615 )
3 Effects of Nutrition during Tomato Seedling Stage on the Occurrence of Malformed Fruit
Xu Hui;Li Tianlai;Guo Yong et al.
During tomato seedling stage,the applications of nitrogen,Phosphorus and potassium nutrients could increase the incidence of malformed fruit,average grade and integrated index. Among the three major elements of N,P and K,nitrogen had the most important effect on occurrence of malformed fruit. Phosphorus was the next. Potassium could give strong effect in the concentration below 120mg /L. Little effect was found if potassium was over this concentration.
1997 Vol. 1 (5): 3-0 [Abstract] ( 929 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 216KB] ( 781 )
4 The Studies on Germination Property of Malabar Spinach Seeds
Wang Guangyin
The test results indicated that the optimum soaking time for malabar spinach seeds was 26h (at 30℃). The suitable germinating temperature was 30℃,but germination was promoted obviously as the temperature changing daily (20℃ for 16h,and 30℃ for 8h). The influence of different sprouted-bed on germination was unremarkable. The methods using 300mg/L GA 3 solution and 2%~3% H 2O 2 solution to treat malabar spinach seeds increased obviously germination percentage,germination vigor and germination index.
1997 Vol. 1 (5): 4-0 [Abstract] ( 1132 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 169KB] ( 782 )
5 Preliminary Studies on Storability of Carrot Germplasm
Hu Hong;Yao Wei;Wu Zhaozhi et al.
In this experiment 113 accessions of carrot germplasm were evaluated for their storability including weight loss,germination,decay,fibrous root growth and pithiness. Within these accessions 5 varieties showed better characteristics in the above characters tested. The results also indicated that carrot germplasm from northern China showed better storability than those from southern China. Storability had relationship with peel color. Storability is arranged from high to low order as orange red>purplish re...
1997 Vol. 1 (5): 5-0 [Abstract] ( 947 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 108KB] ( 544 )
6 Breeding of Tomato F 1 Hybrid‘Hongza No. 18’
Xu Hejin;Zhou Yongjian;Li Junming et al.
Hongza No. 18 is a processing tomato hybrid developed by crossing Hongmanao No. 213 as a female parent with Huangmiao as a male parent. It is resistant to TMV and tolerant to CMV. The variety has high fruit hardness and fruit cracking resistance. It is suitable for storing and long distance shipment. It has good processing characteristics. The variety has now been grown in Xingjiang,Ganshu,Ningxia,Guangxi,Yunnan,Fujian etc.
1997 Vol. 1 (5): 6-0 [Abstract] ( 847 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 144KB] ( 726 )
7 Breeding of Supper Early and High Yield Hot Pepper Cultivar‘Lianjiao No. 1’
Miao Meihua;Yang Shuyun;Xue Ping et al.
Lianjiao No. 1 is a hybrid crossing inbred line 90-8-5 with S 1. It is could be harves ted 27.3 days after transplanting,middle resistant to TMV,CMV and Phytophthora Blight. It yielded 45~75t/ha. Average weight per fruit was 70~100g,The fruit was horn-shaped,dark green. The variety had good quality and high marketable percentage. It has been grown in region of Yangtze River over 2152ha.
1997 Vol. 1 (5): 7-0 [Abstract] ( 829 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 114KB] ( 797 )
1997 Vol. 1 (5): 8-0 [Abstract] ( 712 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 64KB] ( 753 )
1997 Vol. 1 (5): 9-0 [Abstract] ( 798 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 35KB] ( 805 )
1997 Vol. 1 (5): 10-0 [Abstract] ( 810 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 16KB] ( 769 )
1997 Vol. 1 (5): 11-0 [Abstract] ( 657 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 15KB] ( 701 )
1997 Vol. 1 (5): 12-0 [Abstract] ( 691 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 140KB] ( 597 )
1997 Vol. 1 (5): 13-0 [Abstract] ( 702 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 125KB] ( 624 )
1997 Vol. 1 (5): 14-0 [Abstract] ( 703 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 27KB] ( 725 )
1997 Vol. 1 (5): 15-0 [Abstract] ( 653 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 64KB] ( 736 )
1997 Vol. 1 (5): 16-0 [Abstract] ( 720 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 93KB] ( 868 )
1997 Vol. 1 (5): 17-0 [Abstract] ( 742 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 63KB] ( 582 )
1997 Vol. 1 (5): 18-0 [Abstract] ( 672 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 34KB] ( 728 )
1997 Vol. 1 (5): 19-0 [Abstract] ( 711 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 35KB] ( 579 )
1997 Vol. 1 (5): 20-0 [Abstract] ( 823 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 34KB] ( 766 )
1997 Vol. 1 (5): 21-0 [Abstract] ( 686 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 117KB] ( 604 )
1997 Vol. 1 (5): 22-0 [Abstract] ( 665 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 34KB] ( 740 )
1997 Vol. 1 (5): 23-0 [Abstract] ( 713 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 68KB] ( 584 )
1997 Vol. 1 (5): 24-0 [Abstract] ( 646 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 79KB] ( 622 )
1997 Vol. 1 (5): 25-0 [Abstract] ( 711 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 114KB] ( 689 )
1997 Vol. 1 (5): 26-0 [Abstract] ( 659 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 68KB] ( 658 )
1997 Vol. 1 (5): 27-0 [Abstract] ( 1092 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 168KB] ( 817 )
1997 Vol. 1 (5): 28-0 [Abstract] ( 712 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 108KB] ( 782 )
1997 Vol. 1 (5): 29-0 [Abstract] ( 726 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 34KB] ( 522 )
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