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2020 Vol.1 Issue.2,Published 2020-02-01

2020 Vol. 1 (2): 1-5 [Abstract] ( 302 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1728KB] ( 899 )
2020 Vol. 1 (2): 6-9 [Abstract] ( 259 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1340KB] ( 678 )
2020 Vol. 1 (2): 10-12 [Abstract] ( 304 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1336KB] ( 683 )
13 Research Progress on Potato Steroidal Qlycoalkaloids
CHEN Ming1,PENG Ya-li1,XIONG Xing-yao2,WANG Wan-xing2,QIN Yu-zhi1,HU Xin-xi1*
Potato steroidal glycoalkaloids is a toxic secondary metabolite.High content of steroidal
glycoalkaloids may cause bitter taste in potato,and excessive consumption by human being can lead
to toxication.This paper reviewed the kind,distribution,content and influence factors of steroidal
glycoalkaloids in potato,and regulation mechanism of its biosynthesis.The future research emphasis was also
2020 Vol. 1 (2): 13-19 [Abstract] ( 326 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1521KB] ( 498 )
20 Screening and Analysis of Wild Solanum pimpinellifolium Species Resistant to Late Blight
ZHI Xiao-na1,SHU Jin-shuai1,SUN Xiao-rong1,BAI Jin-rui1,CUI Ya-nan1,HUANG Ze-jun1,WANG Xiao-xuan1,LIU Lei1,DU Yong-chen1,YAN Zi-fu2,LI Jun-ming1* Hot!
Taking 182 accessions of Solanum pimpinellifolium collected from all over the world,this study
inoculated the dominant races T0,1 and T1,2 of Phytophthora infestans in China by spraying inoculation,aiming
at screening tomato germplasm resources with resistance to late blight.The results proved that there were 25
accessions out of 182 germplasm resources having stable resistance to race T0,1 ,accounting for 13.74% of the
total materials.Among them,one accession was immune(I),5 accessions were high resistant(HR),
and 19 accessions were moderate resistant(MR).There were 22 accessions showing resistance to race
T1,2 ,accounting for 12.09% of the total materials,of which 3 accessions were high resistant and 19 accessions
were moderate resistant.Geographic analysis of these resistant germplasms showed that they were located with
relative concentration mainly in Lima,the capital of Peru.Clustering analysis on 18 SNP molecular markers
showed that accessions with resistance to late blight could be divided into 2 big groups.Group I contained 13
accessions,with relative concentrated geographical distribution and little difference in resistance level.Group
II contained 9 accessions,with relative scattered geographical distribution and great difference in resistance
level.The obtained germplasm resources with resistance to late blight,especially these with high resistance
(PI390730,LA1604,L03707),can be used for breeding tomato resistant to late blight.
2020 Vol. 1 (2): 20-29 [Abstract] ( 268 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2123KB] ( 563 )
30 Effects of NaCl Stress on Physiology Index and Related Gene Expression in Melon
ZHOU Meng-di,Hu Zhi-cheng,FU Qiu-shi*,WANG Huai-song*
This paper studied the effects of NaCl(150 mmol · L-1)treatment on germination,seedling
growth and related gene expression of 4 melon cultivars(thin-skinned melon IVF05,IVF89 and thick-skinned
melon IVF117,IVF303).The results showed that under NaCl stress,the growth indexes of thin-skinned
melon IVF89 were severly inhibited. Its germination rate,germination index,radicle length and hypocotyl
length were decreased by 35.00%,76.24%,46.71% and 39.27%,respectively. While,the growth indexes of
thick-skinned melon IVF303 were least inhibited. Its germination rate did not decrease obviously,germination
index,radicle length and hypocotyl length were decreased by 46.52%,34.86% and 23.08%,respectively.
NaCl stress could increase the activities of antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase(SOD),peroxidase
(POD)and catalase(CAT)in the leaves of melon seedlings,and increased the contents of free proline(Pro),
malondialdehyde(MDA)and soluble protein. The net photosynthetic rate(Pn),transpiration rate(Tr),
stomatal conductance(Gs)and SPAD values of these 4 melon cultivar seedlings were significantly decreased.
The Pn of IVF05,IVF89,IVF117 and IVF303 were decreased by 64.44%,69.62%,61.23% and 60.00%,
respectively. And the expression of key enzyme genes in Calvin cycle(CmRubisco,CmPGK and CmFBPase)
of the 4 cultivars was significantly down-regulated,while the expression of CmPRK was up-regulated. The
expression of salt-tolerant genes(CmSOS1,CmNHX1,CmHKT1 and CmGnT)was up-regulated. Among
them,the gene expression of cultivar IVF303 had the largest range of up-regulation. These 4 melon cultivars
were divided into 3 categories by principal component analysis,correlation analysis and cluster analysis. IVF05
and IVF89 were of salt-sensitive type,IVF117 was of moderate salt-tolerant type,and IVF303 was of strong
salt-tolerant type.
2020 Vol. 1 (2): 30-39 [Abstract] ( 222 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1671KB] ( 523 )
40 Molecular Marker Assisted Selective Breeding of Radish Male Sterile Line
ZHANG Li,WANG Qing-biao,WANG Yan-ping Hot!
The fertility genotypes in 6 fruit radish varieties during seedling stage were identified by specific
marker of Ogura CMS fruitless gene orf138 and KASP marker related to nuclear fertility restore gene Rfo.
The result showed that the cytoplasm of these 6 varieties were normal and there were differences existing in
genotypes of nuclear fertility restore gene Rfo among different single plant.Among 60 identified single plant,
the genotype rfrf,Rfrf,RfRf accounted for 40.0%,33.3% and 26.7%,respectively.Taking while radish
cultivar from Japan‘Kenka 37’as male sterile,this study selected single plant of rfrf genotype to conduct
hybridization and backcross.Four male sterile lines and maintainers of green peel,green pulp fruit radish
with genetic stability,high uniformity and 100% sterile rate were obtained by 5 generations backcross and selfcrossing.
Seven high quality hybridized combination were obtained using these 4 male sterile lines.Applying
molecule marker assisted selection in developing radish male sterile lines could avoid compounding vast cross
combination and fertility identification in the fields,and also improve the selecting efficiency and accuracy.
2020 Vol. 1 (2): 40-44 [Abstract] ( 231 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1617KB] ( 484 )
45 Effects of Different Planting Ways on Population Microenvironment,Plant Growth,Yield and Quality of Tomato Grown in Large-span Outer Covered Greenhouse
YU Lu-ming,HAN Jin-lei,LI Sheng-li
Taking tomato variety‘Luola’as material,5 treatments were set up:CK,33 300 plants ·
hm-2 with 6 ears;T1,49 500 plants · hm-2 with 4 ears;T2,66 000 plants · hm-2 with 3 ears;T3,49 500 plants ·
hm-2 with 2 ears every other plant and another plant with 6 ears;T4,66 000 plants · hm-2 with 2 ears every
other plant and another 4 ears.The paper studied the effects of different planting densities and fruit retention
methods on tomato plant growth,yield,quality and population microenvironment.The results showed
that T2 and T1 treatments had the higher average temperature.The SPAD value of T1 and T3 treatments was
significantly higher than that of the contrast.The early stage yield and total yield of T1 and T2 treatments were
all significantly higher than that of the contrast.T1 treatment was the best for VC,titratable acid,soluble
sugar and lycopene.Synthesizing yield,quality,temperature,humidity and light suitability inside of the
large-span outer covered greenhouse,T1 treatment has smaller planting risk and is a more suitable planting
2020 Vol. 1 (2): 45-51 [Abstract] ( 202 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1707KB] ( 580 )
52 Effects of Irrigation Modes and Nitrogen,Phosphorus and Potassium Ratios on#br# Yield and Water and Fertilizer Productivity of Welsh Onion
LIU Ying,CAO Bi-li,XU Kun
To explore the effects of irrigation modes and nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium ratios
on yield and water and fertilizer productivity of welsh onion,the effect of different irrigation methods drip
irrigation(Di),sprinkler irrigation(Si),furrow irrigation(Fi)and different fertilization ratios(NPK0,
N0PK,NP0K,NP0K0,N0PK0,N0P0K,N0P0K0 and NPK)on the yield and the efficiency of water and
fertilizer productivity of ‘Yuanzang’ welsh onion was studied. The results showed that compared with Fi,Di
significantly increased the yield of welsh onion,increased N,P2O5 and K2O absorption,fertilizer utilization
rate,and also significantly improved water production efficiency and irrigation WUE. The Fertilizer ratio
of welsh onion treated with NPK(N 500 kg · hm-2,P2O5 400 kg · hm-2,K2O 600 kg · hm-2)was higher,
followed by the reduction of one of the fertilizers,the single application of N,P,K fertilizers was lower. At
the same time,NPK also increased the N,P2O5,K2O accumulation and fertilizer utilization rate of all organs
of welsh onion. The results showed that under Di,the irrigation and fertilization system of full NPK fertilization
was the most reasonable.
2020 Vol. 1 (2): 52-56 [Abstract] ( 229 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1399KB] ( 604 )
57 Quality Inspection of Tomato Plug Seedlings Produced in Beijing,Hebei and Ningxia
ZHAO Li-qun,CAO Ling-ling,TIAN Ya-nan
Taking 85 tomato plug seedling samples collected from intensive nursery farms in Beijing,
Hebei Province and Ningxia Autonomous Region as materials,this paper tested their physiological indexes
including plant height,stem diameter,dry/fresh quality and seedling index;and carried out PCR detection
on pathogens of tomato early blight and TYLCV.The results showed that the average seedling index of these
65 samples collected in Beijing area was 0.156,the detection rate of early blight was 67.69%,and detection
rate of TYLCV was 7.69%.The average seedling index of 15 samples collected in Hebei Province was 0.165,
and detection rate of early blight was 86.67%,TYLCV detection rate was 0.The average seedling index of 5
samples collected in Ningxia Autonomous Region was 0.069,and the detection rate of early blight and TYLCV
was 0.
2020 Vol. 1 (2): 57-61 [Abstract] ( 199 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1617KB] ( 401 )
62 Identification of Pathogen Causing Brown Spot on Wax Gourd in Hainan
ZENG Xiang-ping,WANG Hui-fang,HE Shu,FU Mei-ying,TIAN Wei,LUO Ji-guang,XIAO Min*
In order to identify the pathogenic bacteria species of new wax gourd disease discovered in
Hainan wax gourd planting base,this study observed and analyzed the samples collected from Chengmai County
after separation and pure culture. The results indicated that this disease is wax gourd brown spot. According to
observation on morphological characteristics of pathogenic bacteria and pathogenicity identification,it was
Corynespora cassiicola(Berk & Curt)Wei. Results showed that the similarity of sequence alignment and
homology of Corynespora cassiicola was 100%. They and Corynespora cassiicola from different areas belonged
to the same branch. It was confirmed that the disease pathogen was Corynespora cassiicola(Berk & Curt)
2020 Vol. 1 (2): 62-65 [Abstract] ( 212 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1572KB] ( 546 )
66 Effects of Modern Marketing Channels on Technical Efficiency—Based on Investigation of Strawberry Growers in Jiangsu Province
CHANG Xiang-yang1,2,CHEN Jin1,HAN Zhen-xing1,3
With the daily increasing demand for high-quality agricultural products,modern marketing
channels represented by agricultural super-docking,agricultural products e-commerce and leading enterprises
have developed gradually.Modern marketing channels have the characteristics of stable price,stable supply
relationship and requirement for high quality.Modern marketing channels can improve the technical efficiency
of farmers entire production link.According to the survey data of 358 strawberry growers in Jiangsu Province,
this paper studied the effects of modern marketing channels on farmers’technical efficiency by SFA-PSM
method.The results indicated that there were obvious differences in farmer inputs for traditional and modern
channels.Participating in modern channels,the technical efficiency would be upgraded about 9%,thus
significantly increasing farmers earnings.Therefor,we suggest that the relevant departments should vigorously
support the development of modern marketing channels,and connect farmers with market,forming a stable
relationship between supply and marketing,thus improving technical efficiency of strawberry growers.
2020 Vol. 1 (2): 66-72 [Abstract] ( 192 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1463KB] ( 578 )
73 A New Cherry Tomato F1 Hybrid—‘Xidayinghuang No.1’
OU Qing-qing1,WANG Xian-yu1*,TANG Zhen-quan1,LIU Meng-jiao2,CHEN Peng1,LUO Yan1,LI Zong-jun1,ZHAO Xiong1,TIAN Mao-yan1,CHEN Qing-ming1
Xidayinghuang No.1’is a superior F1 hybrid obtained by crossing ‘YA-4-5-3-2-8’as
female parent,and‘YA-4-3-1-8’as male parent.It belongs to infinite growth typed with strong growth
vigor and high uniformity.It has strong natural fruit setting ability.There are 15-40 fruit per panicle.The
single fruit weight is about 21 g.Its fruit is of oval shape and yellow in color.The soluble sugar content is 7.22%
and that of titratable acid is 0.41%.It tastes sweet and sour,with special tomato flavor.The average hardness
is 0.44 kg · cm-2.It is tolerant to storage,and has long shelf life.The plant is resistant to fusarium wilt and
root-knot,etc.diseases.Under different cultivation conditions,it can yield about 66 t · hm2.It is suitable
to be planted in Guangxi Autonomous Region.
2020 Vol. 1 (2): 73-75 [Abstract] ( 224 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3249KB] ( 467 )
76 A New Watermelon F1 Hybrid—‘Suchuang No.3’
XU Bing-hua1,2,ZHANG Xing-ping1,ZHANG Chao-yang1,2,GU Yan1,2,HUANG Da-yue1,2,CHENG Rui 1,2,SUN Yu-dong1,2*
‘Suchuang No.3’is a F1 hybrid watermelon cultivar of early maturity and high quality. It has
strong growth potential.Its whole growth period is about 109 days and fruit development period is 33 days.
It is easy to set fruit.The fruit is of round shape with green pericarp and dark green strips in surface.The flesh
is red in color and tastes crisp with less fiber.The central soluble solids content is 11.9%,and edge content is
8.8%.The pericarp thickness is 0.95 cm.The average single fruit weight is around 4.3 kg.It can yield about
42.75 t · hm-2.
2020 Vol. 1 (2): 76-78 [Abstract] ( 209 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3091KB] ( 519 )
79 A New Welsh Onion F1 hybrid —‘Liaocong No.12’
JIA Jun-xiang,LI Na,YANG Guo-dong,JIANG Xin-tao,Tian Yun,JIANG Bin-bin,CUI Lian-wei
‘Liaocong No.12’is a new Chinese welsh onion F1 hybrid developed by crossing‘nK13A’as
female parent and high generation inbred line‘TK20’as male parent. Its plant is neat with good orthostatic,
fast growing speed,and strong growth vigor. Its plant height is about 120 cm. The stem is compact,55 cm
in length and 3-4 cm in diameter. The number of functional leaves is 7-8. The leaf is bright green in color.
The average single plant weight is about 300 g. This variety has less crude fibre content,is juicy,crisp and
tender. It has strong spicy taste. It can yield about 82.5 t · hm-2. Its resistance to downy mildew,purpura and
virus disease is stronger than that of the contrast‘ Liaocong No.12’. It is suitable for cultivation in Shandong,
Hebei,Jilin and Liaoning Provinces,etc.
2020 Vol. 1 (2): 79-81 [Abstract] ( 231 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3113KB] ( 383 )
82 A New Black Sweet and Waxy Corn F1 Hybrid—‘Heitiannuo 639’
PANG Xu1,SHAO Lin-sheng2*,WANG Jun-hua1,YAN Jian-bin1,WANG Rui-gang1,ZHANG Peimin1,ZHANG Xue-biao1,LIANG Hai-ying1
‘Heitiannuo 639’is a black sweet waxy corn F1 hybrid bred by crossing waxy corn inbred
line‘HNF’as female parent and sweet corn inbred line‘D91’as male parent. Its growth period is 91 days.
The plant is 263 cm in height and ear height is 151 cm. The main axis and branch angle of male ear is medium.
There are 18-23 branches of first stair. Its ear is of post-box type. The grain is black purple in color. The
proportion of sweet and waxy grains is 1∶3. The content of soluble sugar is 12.5%,and amylopectin accounts
for 98.1% of the total starch content. It has good flavor. It is highly resistant to smut,stem rot,leaf spot,ear
rot and dwarf mosaic. The average fresh ear yield is about 13.5 t · hm-2. It is suitable to be planted in fresh eating
waxy corn production area of Shanxi Province.
2020 Vol. 1 (2): 82-85 [Abstract] ( 190 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3164KB] ( 586 )
2020 Vol. 1 (2): 86-88 [Abstract] ( 185 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1312KB] ( 345 )
2020 Vol. 1 (2): 89-91 [Abstract] ( 218 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1435KB] ( 438 )
2020 Vol. 1 (2): 92-95 [Abstract] ( 233 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2245KB] ( 392 )
2020 Vol. 1 (2): 96-98 [Abstract] ( 207 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1498KB] ( 379 )
2020 Vol. 1 (2): 99-102 [Abstract] ( 241 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1448KB] ( 641 )
2020 Vol. 1 (2): 103-105 [Abstract] ( 200 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1620KB] ( 833 )
2020 Vol. 1 (2): 106-108 [Abstract] ( 195 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1888KB] ( 380 )
2020 Vol. 1 (2): 109-111 [Abstract] ( 187 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1422KB] ( 364 )
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