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2023 Vol.1 Issue.5,Published 2023-05-01

1 Fluctuation of Potato Industry and Market Development Situation in 2022
LI Guojing1,GAO Mingjie1,YANG Yadong1,LUO Qiyou1*,ZHU Wenbo2 Hot!
In 2022,natural disasters occurred frequently in potato production of China.Potatoes in regions of Hebei Bashang and Inner Mongolia suffered severe frost disaster.Production in the affected areas was reduced by 10%-20%.In early stage of potato growth,potatoes at Ulanchap,Dingxi,Yulin,Xining,Haidong,and Enshi regions were encountered with high temperature and drought.In the later growth stage,rainfall increased in the northeast and northwest producing areas.Potato late blight occurrence was aggravated.Potato prices across the country were generally higher than usual for this time of year,except Guangdong Province.It is expected that national planting areas will increase slightly in 2023,and annual price will show a trend of first high and then low.
2023 Vol. 1 (5): 1-5 [Abstract] ( 242 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1609KB] ( 592 )
6 Practice and Thinking on Target Price Insurance of Specialty Vegetables —Based on Investigation and Analysis of Shandong Province
GAO Xiancao,REN Yanyun,TAN He,KONG He*,ZHAO Minmin,GAO Farui,ZHU Zhe,LI Yinfeng
As an effective new means to spread agricultural risk and make up for lost production,agricultural target price insurance is an important part of agricultural security system.Although specialty vegetables target price insurance of Shandong Province has accumulated rich experience in pilot selection,premium sharing,data release,compensation trial and policy quarantee,etc.,there simultaneously existed some problems,such as imprecise target price setting,serious homogeneity of product design,promotion at grass-roots waiting to be strengthened and standardize,and imperfect insurance risk dispersal mechanism,etc.It is suggested to start with the following fields:developing target price determination procedures;optimizing the top-level design of insurance products;strengthening publicity to improve underwriting willingness,and exploring the the insurance risk diversification mechanism,etc.Thus,we can provide experience for copying and extending target price insurance of the other agricultural products.
2023 Vol. 1 (5): 6-12 [Abstract] ( 148 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1623KB] ( 342 )
13 Development Current Status of Domestic Large-scale Terraced Vegetable Greenhouse Factorization
WANG Mingmei1,ZHANG Yuefeng1,2*,LI Shengnan1,HUANG Songbo1,ZHAO Yacong1 Hot!
Recently,large-scale terraced vegetable greenhouses are developing rapidly in China,and the degree of factorization is getting higher and higher.This paper expounded the development current status of large-scale terraced vegetable greenhouse in China from the aspects of industrial regional distribution,operation main body,greenhouse type,planting vegetable categories,etc.On the basis of analyzing the main problems facing factorization development of Chinese large-scale terraced vegetable greenhouses,this paper explored the future development trend,namely:the scale of development will continue to grow steadily;suitable innovation will become a new highlight;concentration of site selection will be further improved;connection with farmers will be more closely and gradually expand to the other vegetable segmentations.
2023 Vol. 1 (5): 13-19 [Abstract] ( 186 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1926KB] ( 1083 )
20 Research Progress on Molecular Biological Genomics of Cytoplasmic Male Sterility Chile Pepper(Capsicum annuum L.)
WANG Benqi,HUANG Shuping,CHEN Xia,ZHANG Hongyuan,TAN Jie,CHEN Hao,WANG Junliang,ZHOU Guolin*,ZHANG Min* Hot!
Cytoplasmic male sterility(CMS)is a natural phenomenon widely presented in higher plants,and characterized by maternal inheritance,pollen sterility,and normal pistil development.This paper summarized the sterile genes and restorer genes marker development and gene mapping in studing cytoplasmic male sterity of pepper,and progress made in multi-omics research of sterile and restorer systems,aiming at providing a solid theoretical basis for widespread application of 3-line matching breeding in pepper and production of commercial hybrids.
2023 Vol. 1 (5): 20-29 [Abstract] ( 142 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1827KB] ( 473 )
30 Research Progress of Cytochrome P450 Gene Family Taking Part in Biosynthesis of Plant Glucosinolates
FEI Dandan,WANG Junwei,WU Xiaomei,HUANG Huiping,MAO Shuxiang,WU Qiuyun,HUANG Ke* Hot!
Glucosinolate is an important secondary metabolite mainly presented in cruciferous plants.It plays an important role in plant disease and insect defense,food flavor formation,and cancer medical treatment,etc.The biosynthetic process of glucosinolates is very complex.There are many factors involved in its synthesis regulation,such as genetic background,regulatory genes and plant hormones,etc.Cytochrome P450 is a family of enzyme lines encoded by supergenes that are ubiquitous in animals,plants,microorganisms and viruses.It plays a key role in the biosynthesis of glucosinolates.This paper reviewed the structure,classification and function of cytochrome P450,expounded the role of cytochrome P450 in glucosinolate biosynthesis,and introduced the mechanism of cytochrome P450 in regulating glucosinolate synthesis responsing to changes of exogenous stimulation and environmental conditions,hoping to provide reference for studying the mechanism of glucosinolate synthesis.
2023 Vol. 1 (5): 30-41 [Abstract] ( 165 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2184KB] ( 393 )
42 Identification and Bioinformatics Analysis of SAUR Gene Family in Melon(Cucumis melo L.)
JIAO Liping1,SI Xiuyang2,GUO Ziwen1,LI Pengfei1,LIU Dawei1* Hot!
Small auxin-up RNA(SAUR)gene family is the most important family of early auxin response genes in higher plants.We identified the SAUR family genes in melon,analyzed the gene structure,evolutionary relationship,gene duplication relationship,and gene tissue expression level using bioinformatics methods.The results showed that a total of 66 SAUR genes were identified in the melon genome,and the number of SAUR genes distributed on chromosomes 1 and 11 was much higher.Phylogenetic trees were constructed based on the full-length amino acid sequences of SAUR family genes in melon,Arabidopsis,watermelon,and cucumber by the maximum likelihood method,and SAUR genes can be classified into 5 groups.The SAUR genes of melon and Arabidopsis tended to be distributed in different branches on the evolutionary tree,while the SAUR genes of melon,watermelon and cucumber tended to cluster together.A total of 6 tandem duplication events and 11 segmental duplication gene pairs were identified.In addition,13 genes could form gene pairs in all six species.Eight cis-acting elements were related to abiotic and biotic stress responses,10 cis-acting elements were related to plant hormone responses,and 8 cis-acting elements were related to plant growth and development.The expression levels of melon SAUR family genes were different in different tissues and developmental stages of melon.
2023 Vol. 1 (5): 42-55 [Abstract] ( 141 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 9845KB] ( 374 )
56 Studies on Establishing Technology for Screening Transgenic Positive Tomato Seedlings Using Foliar Spraying Method PPT or Kan
DENG Rui☆,PAN Yupeng☆,YANG Yuqing,CUI Haibing,ZHENG Yujie,CHENG Zhihui*
Taking 3-leaf stage Micro-Tom tomato seedlings as test material,this experiment assessed the damage extent of leaf blade by using RLA method after foliar spraying diff erent concentrations PPT or Kan solutions;classifi ed grading standard;determined the appropriate concentration for PPT or Kan screening;established a screening system for transgenic resistant seedlings;and conducted resistant screening verifi cation using T1 transgenic tomato seedlings with bar or nptⅡ.The results showed that the damages on Micro-Tom tomato seedlings by PPT and Kan all could be divided into 7 grades.When PPT concentration was 1.50-1.75 mg · L-1,Kan concentration was 120-150 mg · L-1,the response of tomato plants was obvious.Moreover,it would not cause irreversible damage and could be the suitable concentration for screening resistant seedlings of transgenic plants.The screening results of foliar PPT or Kan on T1 transgenic tomato seedlings were highly consistent with PCR clone verifi cation results using marker gene bar or nptⅡ
2023 Vol. 1 (5): 56-64 [Abstract] ( 205 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 6515KB] ( 499 )
65 Optimization of High-efficiency Regeneration System in Cucurbita maxima Duch.
SHU Qin1,LIU Ying2,QIU Xiyan1,LU Qiuchen1,HE Yadi1,SUN Yapei1,LIAO Qinggui1,BO Kailiang1,DUAN Ying1*,WANG Changlin1*
The cotyledon nodes of 10 cultivars with different genotypes were used as explants to study the effects of exogenous phytohormone concentration ratios,method of obtaining explants,types and concentrations of antibiotics on the regeneration efficiency in Cucurbita maxima Duch.The results showed that the regeneration efficiency was greatly affected by the genotype and exogenous phytohormones concentration ratio in the shoot induction medium.The optimal formula of the shoot induction medium is 1.0-2.0 mg·L-1 6-BA + 0.5 mg·L-1 ABA.The cutting time,cutting method,and inoculation method of explants are also important factors affecting the regeneration efficiency.After seeding for 24-48 h,cutting 1/2 or 1/4 cotyledon nodes for explants and inserting them at 45o angle on the shoot induction medium can improve the regeneration efficiency.Supplemented with 100 mg·L-1 Cefotaxime sodium(Cef)in shoot induction medium can effectively inhibit bacterial infection.
2023 Vol. 1 (5): 65-71 [Abstract] ( 104 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3593KB] ( 327 )
72 Studies on Classification,Identification and Biological Characterization of Chinese Chive Gray Mold Cinerea in Liaoning Province
CHEN Le,MIAO Zeyan,SUN Baixin,ZHAO Yang*
Taking the wet-rot type Chinese chives gray mold collected from Beizhen City of Liaoning Province as research object,this paper identified the pathogen by morphological feature and molecular biological method,and studied its biological characteristics.The results showed that the pathogen of Chinese chives gray mold was Botrytis squamosa.The optimum carbon source for mycelia growth was glucose,and suitable nitrogen source was beef extract,yeast extract and peptone.The optimum growth temperature was 25 ℃,and the optium pH was 6.0.The mycelium could grow under the condition of 5.0-11.0 pH and 10-30 ℃.Mycelium would grow slowly when the temperature was over 30 ℃ and stop growing at 35 ℃.The sclerotium generation was sensitive to pH and light.The 5.0-6.0 pH,12 h/12 h alternating light and dark culture were both conductive to the generation of sclerotia.When pH was greater than 6.0 plus 24 h continuous illumination could inhibit the production of sclerotia.
2023 Vol. 1 (5): 72-78 [Abstract] ( 159 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2674KB] ( 252 )
79 Genetic Diversity Analysis of Fruit Vitamin C Content in Cucumber Core Germplasm
WANG Zhuangzhuang1,2☆,DONG Shaoyun2☆,ZHANG Congying3,GU Xingfang2,MIAO Han2,LIU Xiaoping2,GUAN Jiantao2,XU Kuipeng1*,ZHANG Shengping2*
Cucumber is an important vegetable crop in China,and the vitamin C(VC)content is an important indicator of the intrinsic quality of cucumber fruit.The VC content in fruits of 106 cucumber core accessions planted in different seasons were determined by UV spectrophotometry,the genetic diversity was analyzed and high VC content germplasm was screened.The results showed that the VC content of cucumber fruit was significantly affected by seasons,with a strong correlation between the two springs and weak correlation between spring and autumn.Overall,the VC content of Indian type germplasm fruits was higher than that of East Asian type,European type and Xishuangbanna type.The results of cluster analysis showed that when the Pearson correlation coefficient was 2,64 cucumber core germplasm were divided into four clusters according to fruit VC content,and four accessions with high VC content including‘TGR 580’‘Tangqiuxuan’‘Lyubaoshixuan’and‘Dacihuanggua’were selected.
2023 Vol. 1 (5): 79-87 [Abstract] ( 116 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 4134KB] ( 231 )
88 Effect of Silicon Fertilizer on Potato Growth and Development and Yield Quality
LIU Peng1,BU Wenxuan1,WANG Bin1,GU Shengyi2,FAN Mingshou1,SHI Biao3,JIA Liguo1*
This paper took potato variety‘Kexin No.1’as test material,set up treatments of different silicon fertilizer application amount for 2 years experiment,and measured the dry matter accumulation,yield and quality indexes of various potato organs.The results showed that compared to no application of silicon
fertilizer contrast,the accumulation amount of dry matter in potato leaves and tubers was all significantly higher than that in applying silicon fertilizer treatment;and root shoot ratio showed a significant increasing trend along with the increase of silicon fertilizer application amount.In terms of potato yield and quality,all treatment of each silicon fertilizer application amount could increase the yield and commodity potato percentage.When silicon fertilizer application amount was 45 kg·hm-2,the 2 years average yield could increase 29.95% than that of the contrast,and commodity potato percentage increased by 5.5 percentage point;and a 2 years average yield could increase 57.01%,when silicon fertilizer application amount was 75 kg·hm-2 and commodity potato percentage increased by 8.8 percentage point.The tuber starch content showed a changing trend of increasing first then decreasing along with the increase of silicon fertilizer application amount.While,the reducing sugar content decreased significantly.In conclusion,when the silica fertilizer application amount was 75 kg·hm-2,the increasing effect on potato yield and commodity potato percentage was the most obvious.While,the related quality indexes of potato tubers were better,when the silicon fertilizer application amount was 45 kg·hm-2
2023 Vol. 1 (5): 88-92 [Abstract] ( 186 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1585KB] ( 553 )
93 Effects of Soil Conditioners on Storage Quality of New Zinc-rich Potato Variety‘Yunshu 304’
WANG Ying1,2,YANG Wanlin1,2,MA Ruiqi1,3,LIANG Shumin1,2*,SUI Qijun1,2*
Taking‘Yunshu 304’as test material,this paper studied the effects of 2 soil amendments(compound trichoderma and Alger)on potato shelf life,potato chips exterior quality and nutritional quality.The result showed that compound trichoderma treatment could effectively prolong the shelf life of‘Yunshu 304’,improve and maintain the exterior quality of potato chips during storage.The 2 soil amendment treatments had little influence on the nutritional contents of‘Yunshu 304’before and after storage.However the zinc content after storage for 103 days was slightly increased compared with that of the contrast.
2023 Vol. 1 (5): 93-97 [Abstract] ( 126 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1589KB] ( 238 )
98 Effects of Different Napropamide and Quizalofop-p-ethyl Dosages on Perilla Growth and Weed Control
SHANG Yuqing1,2,WU Mengran1,2,JIA Meimei1,2,REN Yuxing1,2,SUN Yinghao1,2,LI Xiaocheng1,2,JIANG Xinmei1,2*,CHENG Yao1,2*
This paper took perilla variety‘Danmianzi’as test material,carried out indoor pot experiment to study the effect of different dosages of 50% napropamide wettable powder and 8.8% quizalofopp-ethyl emulsifiable concentrate on perilla growth and weed control.The results showed that applying 750-2 250 g · hm-2 napropamide WP or 450-1 050 mL · hm-2 quizalofop-p-ethyl EC could effectively control grass and broadleaf weeds,and at same time increase perilla yield and total flavonoid content of perilla,while making the level of phyto-toxicity on perilla lower than 1.65.On the whole,spraying 1 500 g · hm-2 napropamide WP(water dosage:1 500 kg · hm-2)on soil surface after sowing and before covering,or spraying 900 mL · hm-2 quizalofop-p-ethyl EC(water dosage:600 kg · hm-2)directly on grass when 80% weeds were in the 3-4 leaf stage had better results.
2023 Vol. 1 (5): 98-104 [Abstract] ( 198 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2434KB] ( 270 )
105 A New Mid-early Maturing Chinese Cabbage F1 Hybrid with Resistance to Clubroot Disease—‘Liaobai 27’
WANG Lili1,WANG Xin1*,WU Haidong1,WEN Qiang2
‘Liaobai 27’is a new mid-early maturing Chinese cabbage F1 hybrid developed by crossing self-incompatible line‘S5-1-2’as female parent and‘S6-1-2’as male parent.It takes about 65 days from sowing to harvest.Its plant type is erect,the plant is about 30 cm in height and 50 cm in width with green outer-leaves and green petiole,and its head center leaves are light yellow in color.Its leaf ball is of stump and overlapping type with about 22 cm in height and 15 cm in diameter.The single head weight is about 2 kg,and the yield is about 112.5 t·hm-2.The variety contains CRa and CRb resistant genes to clubroot.It’s resistant to clubroot disease and downy mildew,highly resistant to TuMV and soft rot.It is suitable to be cultivated in Liaoning,Jilin and Shandong region.
2023 Vol. 1 (5): 105-107 [Abstract] ( 167 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1414KB] ( 270 )
108 A New Purple Carrot F1 Hybrid—‘Ziyu 199’
HUANG Jianxin1,OU Chenggang2,LIU Xing2,ZHAO Zhiwei2,ZHUANG Feiyun1,2*
‘Ziyu 199’is a new purple carrot F1 hybrid developed by crossing cytoplasmic male sterility line‘P27A’as female parent and inbred line‘738F’as male parent.It’s a medium maturing variety.The epidermis,phloem and xylem of storage root are purple with high content of anthocyanin〔1 002.7 mg·kg-1(DW)〕.The soluble solids content of root is about 7.8% that results in sweet and crisp taste.The root is long conical shape with smooth epidermis.The length and diameter of root is 20.0-22.0 cm and 3.0-3.5 cm, respectively.The single root weight is about 200 g,and the yield is about 52.5 t·hm-2.‘Ziyu 199’is resistant to immature bolting and suitable for most regions in China.
2023 Vol. 1 (5): 108-111 [Abstract] ( 177 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1577KB] ( 317 )
111 A New Disease-resistant Potato Variety—‘Beifang 006’
LI Yue,FENG Yan*,WANG Lei,LUO Yating,WANG Kuan,QI Lipan,YIN Jiang
‘Beifang 006’is a new middle-ripe table potato variety through sexual hybridization,selection and identification with‘844’line as female parent and‘BFZY005’line as male parent.The growth period is about 93 days.The plant height is about 75 cm.Its leaves and stem appear as green,corolla appears as white.The tubers are of oval type,with smooth and yellowish potato peel,shallow bud eyes,and milky white flesh.The content of dry matter,starch,crude protein,reducing sugar and VC are 22.05%,16.26%,2.8%,0.6% and 179.6 mg·kg-1,respectively.The average number of tubers per plant is 5.5,the weight of single tuber is 848.9 g,and the commodity potato rate is 86.1%.It is resistant to PVX and PVY,medium resistant to late blight.The yield is about 43.5 t·hm-2,which is suitable for cultivation in Zhangjiakou and Chengde City,Hebei Province.
2023 Vol. 1 (5): 111-113 [Abstract] ( 185 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1474KB] ( 238 )
114 A New Bitter Gourd F1 Hybrid—‘Biyue’
ZHOU Qin1,GUO Ziqing1,XU Henghui2,XU Cheng2,BAO Jinping3,ZHU Pu1*
‘Biyue’is a new early-medium ripening bitter gourd F1 hybrid developed by crossing inbred line‘KGQB45’as female parent and‘KGQB53’as male parent.The plant has strong continuous fruit bearing ability.Its commercial melon takes 15-18 days from flowering to maturity.The fruit shape is of long conical type.The surface of fruit is green and shiny,covering many round tubercles with strip.The fruit is about 33-38 cm in length,6-7 cm in diameter,and 1.2 cm in flesh thickness.The average single fruit weight is 380-500 g.It is resistant to Fusarium wilt.This cultivar shows stronger tolerance to high temperature than the contrast‘Zaobilyu’in field,besides is not susceptible to premature aging.The general cultivation yield of‘Biyue’is about 49.5-54.0 t · hm-2 in spring crop.It is suitable for spring and autumn cultivation in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.
2023 Vol. 1 (5): 114-116 [Abstract] ( 156 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1472KB] ( 314 )
2023 Vol. 1 (5): 117-119 [Abstract] ( 208 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2226KB] ( 374 )
2023 Vol. 1 (5): 120-121 [Abstract] ( 256 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1562KB] ( 287 )
2023 Vol. 1 (5): 122-125 [Abstract] ( 157 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1973KB] ( 283 )
2023 Vol. 1 (5): 125-127 [Abstract] ( 117 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1552KB] ( 380 )
2023 Vol. 1 (5): 128-130 [Abstract] ( 129 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1504KB] ( 256 )
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