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2020 Vol.1 Issue.6,Published 2020-06-01

2020 Vol. 1 (6): 1-5 [Abstract] ( 231 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1633KB] ( 821 )
2020 Vol. 1 (6): 6-10 [Abstract] ( 203 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1429KB] ( 529 )
2020 Vol. 1 (6): 11-15 [Abstract] ( 235 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1972KB] ( 988 )
16 Research Progress on Cucumber Salt Tolerance and Salt Tolerance Related Genes
LAI Wei,HE Peng,XU Ming-yuan,CHEN Liang-hai,LIU Shi-qiang,YANG Yin-gui Hot!
Cucumber is one of the important greenhouse vegetables.Because of its fragile root
system,good atmosphere and shallow distribution,its adaptability to saline environment is lower.
Soil salinization has become a main limiting factor affecting its yield and quality.This paper described
the response of cucumber to salt stress and its basic salt tolerance mechanism from perspectives of
photosynthesis,ion toxicity,cell membrane and antioxidant enzymes,etc. angles;introduced the
research progress on cucumber salt tolerance related genes including genes related to Na+/K+ regulation,
plant hormone regulation and ROS regulation;and also pointed out problems existing in studying salt
tolerance of cucumber,aiming at providing theoretical references for revealing cucumber salt tolerance
mechanism and breeding of salt tolerant cucumber varieties
2020 Vol. 1 (6): 16-22 [Abstract] ( 243 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1552KB] ( 455 )
23 Research Progress on Cucumber Cold and Wet Tolerance and Its Identification
LI Shu-ju,DING Yuan-yuan,CHENG Zhi-hui Hot!
Cucumber is a kind of vegetable prefer warm environment.Low temperature and high air
humidity are the main adverse factors and often coexisted for cucumber facility production during winter
and spring in China.Under the combined action of wet and cold factors, a typical wet-cold microclimate
in agricultural meteorology is formed,which is the main obstruction factors for cucumber production
in facility during winter and spring.This paper firstly puts forward the concept of cucumber wet-cold
environment by reviewing document literature and production practice;then sketches the research progress
and methods for cucumber cold tolerance;reviews the research progress of plant wet tolerance and wet-cold
tolerance,and analyzes the effect of high air humidity and wet-cold environment on cucumber growth and
development.Before ending the paper puts forward problems facing cucumber wet-cold tolerance research
and future prospects,aiming at promoting the studies on cucumber wet-cold tolerance and its identification
technique,and providing reference for wet-cold tolerance breeding and cultivation.
2020 Vol. 1 (6): 23-30 [Abstract] ( 209 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1481KB] ( 552 )
31 Research Progress on Host Recognition Behavior of Meteorus pulchricornis (Hymenoptera:Braconidae)
ZHAO Lin-chao,ZHANG You-jun,CHEN Gong
As a single parasitic,capacitive parasitic wasp,Meteorus pulchricornis has a wide range
of hosts and can parasitize a variety of larvae of large lepidopteran pests exposed to food.The parasitic wasp
has excellent biocontrol value.Under the premise of effectively controlling the vegetable pest bases,it also
has the advantages of environmental friendliness,target specificity,human and animal safety,etc.It is an
important biological control resource.Host identification behavior is the key link of parasitic wasps in making
parasitic decisions to the host.Understanding the host recognition behavior of parasitic wasps is of important
significance for the synergistic application of parasitic wasps and the other pathogens,prevention and control of
pest dominant populations,and protective utilization of parasitic wasps,etc.This paper reviews the factors
affecting M. pulchricornis in host recognition,so as to provide references for productive application of M.
and enhancing biocontrol value of vegetable pests,etc.The paper also prospects the direction of
future research activities.
2020 Vol. 1 (6): 31-38 [Abstract] ( 246 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1389KB] ( 452 )
39 Screening of Resistant Germplasm of Tomato spotted wilt virus and Optimization of Artificial Identification Method
SHI Yan,MO Ning,QI Shi-ming,LIANG Yan Hot!
In this study,154 tomato materials,including 76 common tomatoes and 78 cherry tomatoes
were investigated twice for the disease indexes of Tomato spotted wilt virus(TSWV)in fields for 2 years,
and 14 of them were screened with stable resistance to TSWV.Molecular marker identification was carried out
by Sw-5 co-dominant SCAR marker on materials with disease resistance in fields.Three materials carrying
Sw-5 gene against TSWV were discovered.In order to shorten the artificial inoculation identification period
for TSWV,this study took disease resistant material H8 containing Sw-5 and susceptible material M82 as
study object;set up 4 inoculation periods for 4,6,8 and 10 true leaf blades;and conducted disease index
investigation and resistance grading 14,21,28 days after inoculation.The results showed that inoculation
during 6 true leaf stage,and conducting disease investigation 28 days after inoculation could effectively
identify plant resistance for TSWV.Matching with the effect of inoculation in 8,10 true leaf blades stage,the
efficiency of artificial inoculation for disease resistance identification was significantly promoted.
2020 Vol. 1 (6): 39-43 [Abstract] ( 244 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1684KB] ( 928 )
44 Measuring and Analysis of Complete Genome Sequencing of Shallot yellow stripe virus Isolate from Tillering Onion in Jilin,China
MA Jun-feng,ZHANG Chen,ZHANG Chun-yu,LI Xiao-yu,WANG Yong-zhi
The complete genome of Shallot yellow stripe virus(SYSV) Jilin isolate SYSV-JL(MN607702)
was cloned from SYSV infected tillering onion by RT-PCR.The complete sequence of SYSV-JL consisted of
10 427 nucleotides,and shared high sequence identity with 3 SYSV isolates that had submitted to GenBank
in many gene segments,but the sequence identity of nucleotide and amino acid in P1 gene was lower,
only sharing 69.5%-84.2% and 60.9%-76.9%,respectively.Further variation analysis showed that P1 gene
contained 369 variation sites,showing obvious high variation characteristics.Phylogenetic analysis indicated
that different SYSV isolates had distinct regional differences and the phylogenetic relationship between SYSV-JL
isolate and multiple Chinese isolates was closer.
2020 Vol. 1 (6): 44-48 [Abstract] ( 169 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1629KB] ( 473 )
49 Effects of Concomitant Tillering Onion on Microbial Community Structure in Tomato Rhizosphere Soil
FU Yan-xiang,LI Nai-hui,LIU Jia-yao,WU Feng-zhi
Taking tillering onion and tomato as material,this paper studied the effects of concomitant
tillering onion on tomato rhizosphere soil bacterial and fungal community constitution and structure using highthroughput
sequencing.Results showed that comparing with tomato monoculture,concomitant treatment
with tillering onion could change the bacterial and fungal community constitution in tomato rhizosphere soil.
were advantage bacteriophyta.Ascomycota,Zygomycota,and Basidiomycota were dominant fungal
phylum.At class level,the treatment of concomitant tillerng onion could significantly enhance the relative
abundance of Alphaproteobacteria with beneficial potential,while reduced that of Sordariomycete and
Eurotiomycetes.At the order level,concomitant tillering onion treatment could significantly enhance the
relative abundance of Sphingomonadales and Propionibacteriales,while reduce that of Microascales,
Onygenales and Xylariales.At the family level,concomitant tillering onion treatment could significantly
enhance the relative abundance of Nocardioidaceae,Microbacteriaceae,Sphingomonadaceae,Blrii41 and
Lasiosphaeriaceae,while reduce that of Microascaceae and Onygenaceae.At the genus level,concomitant
tillering onion treatment could significantly reduce the relative abundance of fake allescheria with pathopolesis
potential—PseudallescheriaKernia and Wardomyces.However,there was no significant effect on
rhizosphere soil bacterial,fungal community structure and biodiversity.
2020 Vol. 1 (6): 49-57 [Abstract] ( 223 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2518KB] ( 468 )
58 Effects of Partial Substitution of Chemical Fertilizer by Bio-organic Fertilizer on Cucumber Yield,Quality and Fertilizer Utilization Rate in Solar Greenhouse
ZHANG Jun-feng,XIE Jian-ming,ZHANG Yu-xin,WANG Xiao-wei,LIU Sheng-ming
In the randomized block experiment,there were 5 treatments,including no fertilization(CK),
conventional fertilization(100CF),100% conventional fertilization + bio-organic fertilizer(100CF+SF),
90% conventional fertilizer + bio-organic fertilizer(90CF+SF),and 80% conventional fertilizer + bio-organic
fertilizer(80CF+SF).This experiment studied the eff ects of partial substitution of chemical fertilizer by bioorganic
fertilizer on cucumber yield,output input ratio,quality,nutrient distribution and fertilizer utilization
rate.The results showed that the distribution rates of N,P and K in diff erent parts of plant were diff erent,
that in stem and leaf were the highest,followed by fruit and those in root was the least.Compared with the
treatment of conventional application of chemical fertilizer alone,reducing 20% of the common chemical
fertilizer + applying 400 kg · (667 m2 -1 bio-organic fertilizer had the better effect.Thus,the single fruit
weight and cucumber yield were increased,nitrate content of cucumber fruit was reduced,contents of soluble
sugar and soluble protein were increased,and product quality was improved,utilization rates of nitrogen,
phosphorus and potassium were all enhanced.
2020 Vol. 1 (6): 58-63 [Abstract] ( 181 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1752KB] ( 512 )
64 Isolation and Identification of Tomato Fusarium Wilt and Evaluation of Disease Resistance of Grafted Rootstocks
CHU Xin-pei,LYU Gui-yun,LU Xiu-yun,JIA Qiu-ying,LIANG Yao,GAO Hong-bo
This paper seperated and purified bacterial strains from wilt tomato plants grown in Dingxing
and Feixiang counties with large tomato cultivation areas of Hebei Province.Mophology and molecular
biology methods were adopted to identify the pathogenic bacteria.The wilt resistance of 10 tomato rootstocks
were identified by root dip method.The results showed that both strains isolated from Dingxing and Feixiang
belonged to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici.PCR amplification was conducted using specificity primers
of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici race,It was proved that these 2 bacterial strains were specialized
forms of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici race 3.Three high resistant and 7 resistant rootstock varieties
were screened out.
2020 Vol. 1 (6): 64-68 [Abstract] ( 205 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2423KB] ( 485 )
69 Effects of Alkaline Soil Ameliorant on Growth and Fusarium Wilt Control of Potted Cucumber
LI Hui,LI Nai-hui,CUI Wen-jing,YIN Jun-hui,CHEN Qing,WU Feng-zhi
The occurrence of fungal diseases induced by continuous cropping in protected field was closely
related to the changes in soil physichemical properties.Applying alkaline soil ameliorant could reduce the
damage of soil-borne diseases in protected fields of acidified soil.Taking protected field soil with 25 years’
continuous cropping on cucumber as test soil,and through pot experiment,this study compared the effects
of 2 kinds alkaline soil ameliorant,including 2.5 g · kg-1 of potassium humate(pH 8.5,HA)and fertilizer
of calcium silicon magnesium potassium(pH 9.96,SiCa)on cucumber growth and controlling Fusarium
wilt.The results showed that these 2 kinds of ameliorant,HA and SiCa had remarkbly increased the soil
pH by 0.10 and 0.24 unit,respectively,comparing with no application of ameliorant treatment;promoted
cucumber seedling growth;the effects of controlling cucumber Fusarium wilt had reached 45.8% and 51.3%,
respectively.Application of these 2 ameliorants had also significantly improved the soil exchangeable
potassium contents.Compared with HA,SiCa performed more outstanding effects in promoting cucumber
growth and inhibiting cucumber Fusarium wilt.
2020 Vol. 1 (6): 69-73 [Abstract] ( 206 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1520KB] ( 454 )
74 Evaluation on Suitability of Fresh-cut Processing for Six Muskmelon Samples
GAO Jia,TIAN Yu-xiao,TANG Yue-ming,ZHU Yong-qing,LUO Fang-yao,CAI Peng,FANG Chao
This paper analyzed and studied the changes in product quality within cold storage shelf life
of 6 muskmelon varieties or optimum combination materials after fresh-cut processing and stored at 4 ℃ for 7
days.The overall visual quality,tissue conductivity,total soluble solids,pulp firmness and color(b* and
L* value),respiratory rate were determined as main evaluation factors for fresh-cut muskmelon processing,
through statistical analysis,correlation analysis and factor evaluation.The weight of above mentioned main
evaluation factors was 37.96%,23.73%,15.40%,10.02%,6.42%,4.01% and 2.46%,respectively,and
determined by analytic hierarchy process.The suitability of fresh-cut muskmelon samples cold storage within
7 days was ranked and evaluated by grey relational degree analysis.The more suitable fresh-cut muskmelon
samples were screened out as F204(variety named ‘Chuanmijinyu’)and F89,of which F204 had the best
2020 Vol. 1 (6): 74-80 [Abstract] ( 195 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1441KB] ( 617 )
81 Heavy Metals Accumulation Characteristics in Greenhouse Vegetables Production Region of Huang-huai-hai and Bohai Rim Region and Evaluation of Its Environmental Quality
Huang-huai-hai and Bohai Rim protected vegetable region is one of the 6 advantage regions for
vegetable development in China.By collecting document database from 2011-2019 on studying heavy metals
in protected vegetable fields at Huang-huai-hai and Bohai Rim region,this paper carried out statistic analysis on
heavy metals pollution and environment quality of this region.The results showed that the soil heavy mental
contents of Cu,Zn,Cr,Ni,Pb,Cd,As and Hg in protected vegetable fields at Huang-huai-hai and Bohai
Rim region were all lower than the standard limit value issued by environmental quality evaluation made in
greenhouse vegetables production region(HJ/T333—2006).Compared with soil background value of each
province,there existed remarkable heavy metal Cu,Zn,Cd and Hg accumulation.Cr and As did not appear
any accumulation in this region.The scope of single pollution index of 8 heavy metals was between 0.30 and
0.80.The order was Cd > Pb > Hg=Ni > Zn > Cu > As > Cr.Only Cd was on the warning grade.The
rest heavy metals were all at the clean grade.The average comprehensive pollution index was 0.75,indicating
that heavy metal pollution for this region was at the alert level.Measures for preventing and controlling heavy
mental pollution should be adopted.
2020 Vol. 1 (6): 81-86 [Abstract] ( 228 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1409KB] ( 480 )
87 A New Hot Pepper F1 Hybrid —‘Guiniu No.5’
ZHAO Kun,ZHANG Chao-ming,TANG Sheng
‘Guiniu No.5’is a new cow-horn pepper F1 hybrid developed by crossing inbred lines‘Ca1-
5-1’as female parent and‘Ca1-3-8’as male parent.It is of medium early maturity.The plant has strong
growth vigor and good continuous fruit setting ability.Its fruit is of long cow-horn shape.The fruit is 25-
30 cm in length and 3.5-4.0 cm in width.Its immature fruit is yellow-green in color,and the mature one
is bright red in color.The single fruit weight is about 125 g.It tastes mild spicy and is suitable for fresheating.
Its fruit commodity is good.It is tolerant to storage and transportation.Its fruit dry matter content is
7.88%,VC content is 1 530 mg · kg-1 and capsaicin content is 0.023%.In the fields,its resistance to virus
disease,anthrax and epidemic disease is stronger than those of the contrast‘Huangmeilong’.In open fields,
it can yield about 52.5 t · hm-2.It is suitable for open field cultivation in spring and autumn in Guangxi and
2020 Vol. 1 (6): 87-89 [Abstract] ( 213 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2968KB] ( 451 )
90 A New Fresh Big Fruit Upward Pepper F1 Hybrid —‘Feiyan’
MIAO Wu,LIU Rong-yun,DENG Xin,SUN Jia-jie,ZHAO Qun-ying
‘Feiyan’is a new fresh-eating and big fruit upward hot pepper F1 hybrid bred by crossing
cytoplasm nucleus interacted sterile line‘R06153-8-5A’as female parent and inbred line‘RC12-58’as
male parent.It is of late maturity.The first female flower sets on about the 15th node.The plant has strong
growth vigor and is of tall and big type.Its fruit setting ability is good.The fruit is of finger shape,9-10 cm
in length,about 1.1 cm in width,about 0.18 cm in flesh thickness.The single fruit weight is about 5.5 g.The
fruit surface is smooth and glossy.The unripe fruit is green in color,turns to orange red and then to bright red
when matured.It tastes hot.The VC content is 1 487.0 mg · kg-1 and capsaicin content of 0.19%.It can yield
around 29.25 t · hm-2.In fields,its resistance to virus disease and epidemic disease is stronger than that of the
contrast‘Yanmei’ .It is suitable for cultivation in Hainan,Guangdong and Guangxi in open fields in autumn
or in the Yunnan-Guanzhou Plateau for film covering cultivation in open fields.
2020 Vol. 1 (6): 90-92 [Abstract] ( 176 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2982KB] ( 391 )
93 A New Balsam Pear F1 Hybrid —‘Ruyu 146’
LIN Yong-sheng,CHEN Yang,ZHANG Wu-jun,ZHANG Yu-can
‘Ruyu 146’is a new balsam pear F1 hybrid of developed by crossing inbred lines‘0824-8-
13’as female parent and‘0713-6-3’as male parent.Its plant has stronger growth vigor.It grows faster
in early spring under low temperature condition.Both main and lateral vines can bear melons,and its
continuous fruit bearing ability is strong.In spring,the first female flower sets on about the 15th node.Its
commercial melon takes 15-18 days from flowering to maturity.The commercial melon is of rod-shaped with
nearly flat top.The melon is 32-38 cm in length,about 6.5 cm in transverse diameter,about 1.1 cm in pulp
thickness.The single melon weight is 500-600 g.The melon peel is white green in color,glossy with
longitudinal strips+round.The fruit VC content is 735.0 mg · kg-1.It is resistant to Fusarium wilt,medium
resistant to powdery mildew.It can yield 48.0-52.5 t · hm-2.It is suitable for planting in early spring
greenhouse or open fields in Fujian,Jiangxi,Hunan.
2020 Vol. 1 (6): 93-96 [Abstract] ( 167 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3039KB] ( 326 )
96 A New Leaf-edible Mustard F1 Hybrid —‘Yongxue No.5’
REN Xi-liang,GAO Tian-yi,WANG Jie,MENG Qiu-feng,HUANG Yun-ping,WANG Yu-hong
‘Yongxue No.5’is a leaf-edible mustard F1 hybrid developed by crossing cytoplasmic male
sterile line‘07-50A’as female parent and inbred line‘09-3-1’as male parent.It is of late maturity and
takes about 112 days from sowing to harvest.Its plant is of open type with strong growth potential.Its leaves
are light green in color and of obovate shape with light serrated leaf edge and deep cracked leaf lobes.The
blade surface is slightly wrinkled and glossy.The average effective tiller number is 26.The single plant weight
is about 1.1 kg.Its yield is about 75 t · hm-2.This variety is resistant to TuMV.The processing quality is
good.It is suitable to be planted in the Yangtze River valley.
2020 Vol. 1 (6): 96-98 [Abstract] ( 176 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3022KB] ( 480 )
2020 Vol. 1 (6): 99-100 [Abstract] ( 190 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2035KB] ( 455 )
2020 Vol. 1 (6): 101-103 [Abstract] ( 216 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3540KB] ( 328 )
2020 Vol. 1 (6): 104-106 [Abstract] ( 170 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1483KB] ( 311 )
2020 Vol. 1 (6): 106-108 [Abstract] ( 194 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1424KB] ( 463 )
2020 Vol. 1 (6): 109-110 [Abstract] ( 175 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1408KB] ( 390 )
2020 Vol. 1 (6): 111-112 [Abstract] ( 151 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1401KB] ( 395 )
China Vegetables
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