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2018 Vol.1 Issue.6,Published 2018-06-01

2018 Vol. 1 (6): 1-4 [Abstract] ( 329 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1143KB] ( 1266 )
2018 Vol. 1 (6): 5-8 [Abstract] ( 251 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1144KB] ( 831 )
2018 Vol. 1 (6): 9-12 [Abstract] ( 242 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1228KB] ( 699 )
2018 Vol. 1 (6): 12-16 [Abstract] ( 230 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1822KB] ( 722 )
2018 Vol. 1 (6): 17-21 [Abstract] ( 232 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2781KB] ( 909 )
22 Identification and Screening of Cabbage Accessions with Resistance both to Black Rot and Fusarium Wilt

By spraying and root-dipping methods,this study carried out identification of resistance to black rot and Fusarium wilt on 99 cabbage accessions from domestic and overseas,including 83 inbred lines and 16 hybrid combinations.In total,26 accessions showed resistance to black rot,of which‘99-192’and‘20-2-5’with high resistance(DI < 10);54 accessions with high resistance to Fusarium wilt,including‘ Yin162’,‘Aoqina’and‘96-100-919’(DI < 10).Among them,5 accessions with high resistance or resistance to black rot+high resistance to Fusarium wilt.They were‘Qiude’,‘99-192’,‘HB34’,‘JS119’and‘ZL66’.‘JS119’and‘ZL66’were of early-maturity and round ball type.This study also conducted further analysis on the geographical origin and major agronomic traits of these resistant materials.The results showed that accessions highly resistant to Fusarium wilt out of 83 inbred lines were mostly originated from Japan and Korea and of earlymaturity and round ball type.While,accessions highly resistant to black rot were mostly of late maturity and spheroidicity.Among early maturing material,there were few accessions with stronger resistance to black rot.Genetic analysis on 16 hybrid combinations made up by different resistance showed that black rot and Fusarium wilt resistance was accorded with recessive and dominant inheritance,respectively.

2018 Vol. 1 (6): 22-31 [Abstract] ( 264 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2536KB] ( 916 )
31 Genetic Analysis of Fruit Spine Base Size in Cucumis sativus

In order to explore the genetic law of cucumbers fruit spine base size,this paper took 2 cucumber inbred lines CNS5 with large fruit spine base and RNS4 with small fruit spine base as parents to construct 6 generations:P1,F1,P2,B1,B2 and F2;and utilized the major gene + polygene mixed inheritance model to
analyze the phenotypic values of cucumber fruit spine base size.The results indicated that inheritance of cucumber fruit spine base size conforms to C-0 model,namely additivity-dominance-epistasis polygene model.Multi-gene additive,dominant and epistatic effects were all positive.Additionally,the polygene inheritabilities in F2 from 2016 and 2017 were 79.21% and 71.25%,respectively,which was relatively higher.The environmental effects in F2 was 20.79% and 28.75%,respectively,which had relatively smaller influence.Therefore,this study has provided a foundation for exploring genes related to fruit spine base size.As strategy for gene mapping,selecting high generation backcross populations will have better effect.

2018 Vol. 1 (6): 31-38 [Abstract] ( 235 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2073KB] ( 706 )
39 Molecular Identification of Tomato mottle mosaic virus

Using DAS-ELISA and RT-PCR methods,this study identified pepper pathogenetic virus in experimental fields of Vegetable Insititute,Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The results showed that in 72 disease infected samples,the total TMV detection rate was 66.7%,whereas CMV had not been detected
as positive. Three pairs of primers were designed to amplify positive samples. A strip with similar segments was amplified only from primer TMV1,which had 97% sequence similarity with ToMMV by BLASTN comparison.Aiming at ToMMV,3 pairs of primers ToMMV1,ToMMVcp and ToMMVspe were designed to amplify ToMMV.A single target band with same size as expected was amplified. Its sequence was 98% accorded with ToMMV by sequencing,proving the virus found in the experimental fields of Vegetable Insititute was truly ToMMV.

2018 Vol. 1 (6): 39-43 [Abstract] ( 241 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1985KB] ( 503 )
43 Identification of Pathogen Species of Virus Diseases Infecting Squash in Beijing Area

In order to clear and definite species of squash virus diseases in Beijing area and their main infection pathogens,this paper collected 84 squash samples with suspected virus-like symptoms during 2016-2017 from Beijing area,and carried out detection by RT-PCR used 6 pairs of specific virus primers.The results
showed that 79 samples were positive,among which Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) had the highest detection rate -52.38%,followed by Zucchini yellow mosaic virus( ZYMV) and Watermelon mosaic virus( WMV).Their detection rate were 44.01% and 14.29%,respectively.Other viruses were not yet detected.In addition,16.67% samples were mix-infected by 2 kinds of viruses.Mix infection of CMV and ZYMV took 7.14%.Mix infection of ZYMV and WMV took 9.52%.CMV was the prevalent pathogenic virus in Beijing area,where the mix infection of viruses on squash was existed.

2018 Vol. 1 (6): 43-47 [Abstract] ( 224 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1710KB] ( 688 )
48 Effect of Different Application Methods of Nano Zeolite on Lactuca sativa L. Cd Content and Soil Cd Content

Field experiments were conducted to study the effects of nano zeolite(7 500 kg·hm-2)and ordinary zeolite(15 000 kg·hm-2)by different application methods( broadcasting,furrowing,holing)on yield,quality and Cd content of Lactuca sativa L. and pH,CEC,total Cd and available Cd contents in soil.The results showed that the treatments of nano zeolite and ordinary zeolite all could significantly increase the yield of Lactuca sativa L. 131.5%-227.3% and 61.4%-196.0% higher than that of the CK,respectively.The highest yields was reached by broadcasting treatment.The plant contents of VC,amino acid and reducing sugar were increased and nitrate content was reduced.Furrowing treatment achieved the best effect in improving the quality of Lactuca sativa L.The Cd contents of plant above ground part were decreased by 11.3%-28.8% and 2.5%-16.7%,and the Cd contents in root system were reduced by 0.7%-26.8% and 9.9%-21.3%,respectively.Compared with the control,treatments of nano zeolite and ordinary zeolite reduced the soil available Cd content by 4.8%-19.0% and 9.5%-19.0%,respectively.Holing treatment of nano zeolite had the best effect in reducing Cd content in soil.While,furrowing treatment of ordinary zeolite had the best effect.Compared with the ordinary zeolite,nano zeolite treatment had a better effect in increasing yield of Lactuca sativa L.,decreasing nitrate content and Cd contents of plant above ground part.

2018 Vol. 1 (6): 48-53 [Abstract] ( 221 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1222KB] ( 474 )
54 Screening of Plant Growth-promoting Bacteria from Purple Soil and Growth Promoting Effects of Its Complex Microbial Inoculant on Ginger Germchit
SHEN Hong1,4,WU Bo2,LI Hong-hai3,4,LIU Yi-qing3*,WU Xing-wen5,YANG Xing-yong 6*

Three PGPB(Bacillus amyloliquefaciens GN03,Bacillus pumilus RP01 and Bacillus circulans JK02)isolated from purple soil were mixed as a complex bacterial inoculant. A pot experiment was conducted to examine the effects of the complex inoculant on ginger germchit. The results indicated that the treatment of
complex inoculant mixed with cow-dung(T2)had the best performance. Comparing the treatment of commercial bio-fertilizer(CK2),the treatment mixed with cow-dung remarkably increased the numbers of azotobacter,P-solubilizing and K-solubilizing bacteria by 1 674.1%,8 709.1% and 225.2%,respectively. Soil available P and K of the T2 were significantly enhanced by 87.5% and 23.0%,respectively. The tillering numbers,leaf areas,dry weight of shoot and root were increased by 40.0%,45.9%,28.6% and 25.0% under T2,respectively.Applying appropriate PGPB complex microbial inoculant can efficiently improve the micro-ecological environment and promote the growth of ginger germchit in purple soil.

2018 Vol. 1 (6): 54-59 [Abstract] ( 237 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1666KB] ( 604 )
60 Effect of Different Nitrogen Fertilizers and Dosages on Chlorophyll Content in Fleshy Roots of Green Radish Produced in Wei County

Taking green radish produced in Wei County as experimental material,this paper studied the effects of 4 nitrogen fertilizers(diammonium phosphate,ammonium nitrate,ammonium sulfate and urea)with 4 different dosages(125,250,375,500 kg·hm-2)on the chlorophyll content in fleshy roots of green
radish produced in Wei County. The results showed that the chlorophyll content in fleshy roots showed a downtrend from early,middle and late stages of the growth period,and was not affected by different nitrogen fertilizers and dosages. However,the chlorophyll contents in fleshy radish roots were variant with different nitrogen fertilizers and dosages. Among them,the effect of ammonium nitrate was the least. 375 kg·hm-2 diammonium phosphate and 125,250 kg·hm-2 ammonium sulfate were favorable for chlorophyll accumulation at pholem. 375 kg·hm-2 of diammonium phosphate and urea were favorable for chlorophyll accumulation at its xylem. The chlorophyll content in fleshy roots of green radish produced in Wei County reached the maximum value,when applying diammonium phosphate with 375 kg·hm-2 dosage.

2018 Vol. 1 (6): 60-64 [Abstract] ( 206 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1824KB] ( 510 )
64 Analysis of Temperature Environment and Production Performance of Solar Greenhouses Assembled with Different Specifications

The assembled solar greenhouse has been widely applied in Gansu Province in recent years. This paper carried out observation on temperature environment performance of 4 kinds solar greenhouses assembled with different specifications,built in Jingyuan County,Gansu Province. The results indicated that these 4 kinds of assembled greenhouses had very different temperature conditions,due to the different parameters of greenhouse construction. In January,there were 4.1 ℃ differences in minimum temperature. Temperature in the assembled solar greenhouse rose and cooled rapidly. In January,the average temperature rising in assembled solar greenhouse was 2.4-5.6 ℃ higher than that of the ordinary solar greenhouse. The average maximum temperature could even reach 35.7 ℃,and average minimum temperature was 5.7-9.8 ℃,1.2-5.3 ℃ lower than that of the ordinary solar greenhouse. Along with the rise of outside temperature,the temperature condition in March at assembled solar greenhouse was generally better than that of the ordinary solar greenhouse. The assembled solar greenhouses in Jingyuan County of Gansu Province were suitable for producing leafy vegetables in January. After February,along with the rise of outside temperature and improvement of greenhouse conditions,the production of early spring solanaceous fruit vegetables and cucurbits should be the first choice.

2018 Vol. 1 (6): 64-69 [Abstract] ( 190 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1572KB] ( 510 )
70 A New Early Maturity Processing Tomato F1 Hybrid —‘IVF 1305’

‘IVF 1305’ is a new processing tomato F1 hybrid developed by crossing inbred line‘ 12-814’as female parent and inbred line‘12-720’ as male parent.It is of early maturity and limited growth type.It takes about 90 days from transplanting to harvest.The ripened fruit is bright red in color and of square,round,slightly longer shape.The single fruit weight is 60-70 g with high soluble solid content about 5.2% and lycopene content over 122.0 mg·kg-1(FW),good pressure about 8.0 kg per fruit.It has very good effective field storage (EFS).This hybrid has wild adaptability and high yielding ability.It is suitable for mechanical harvesting.The yield can reach over 112.5 t·hm-2.It is suitable for planting in Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and Gansu Province.

2018 Vol. 1 (6): 70-73 [Abstract] ( 253 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1213KB] ( 563 )
73 An Early Maturing and High Yielding Tetraploid Asparagus Bean—‘Yitongtianxia’

‘Yitongtianxia’ is a new tetraploid asparagus bean( Vigna unguiculata ssp. sesquipedalis)selectively bred by genealogy method from the lines of‘ Mimeixiaoye(2X)’ with chemical mutagenesis of colchicine.The plants are trailing with strong growth vigor.Its average plant height is 306.5 cm.The internode length is 20.2 cm.It is of early maturity.The first flower sets on the 3rd node.Its growth period is about 93 days.It takes 58 days from seedling emergence to first harvest.It has strong and successive podding ability. The production ratio of double-pod and four-pod is high.The commercial pod is green white in color with shining smooth surface and beak red color.It has no rat tail and plump seed.The pod is 89.3 cm in length,about 0.9 cm in width.Its average single fruit weight is 27.4 g.There are about 20 pods per plant.It can yield about 33 t•hm-2.Its resistances to virus disease,powdery mildew and rust disease in field are stronger than that of the contrast ‘Zaojiang No.4’.And its comprehensive characteristics are super.It is suitable for cultivation in Jiangsu,Zhejiang,Anhui and Henan,etc. provinces.

2018 Vol. 1 (6): 73-76 [Abstract] ( 236 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1197KB] ( 648 )
77 A New Oriental Melon Cultivar —‘ Gantian No.2’

‘’Gantian No.2’ is a new oriental melon F1 hybrid developed by crossing‘ 09G25’ as female parent and‘ 09G05’as male parent.It is of medium maturity.The total growing period is about 95 days.The plant has strong growth vigor.The fruit development period is about 30 days.Its fruit is of pyriform shape with smooth
surface.Its peel is white in color,and with light yellow when the fruit is ripened.The single fruit weight is about 350 g.The flesh is white in color with 2.0 cm in thickness.The soluble solid content in central flesh is 12.0%-14.0%.It tastes crisp and refreshing.It is easy in setting fruit and has good tolerance for transportation.It can yield 30.00-36.75 t·hm-2.In field its resistance to powdery mildew and downy mildew is stronger than that of the contrast‘ Qianyu 200’ .It is suitable for cultivation in solar greenhouse and under plastic shed.

2018 Vol. 1 (6): 77-79 [Abstract] ( 218 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1139KB] ( 447 )
80 A New Chinese Water Chestnut Cultivar —‘ Taiqi No.1’

‘Taiqi No.1’ is a new cultivar of Chinese water chestnut,selected and bred from the mutant strains of tissue culture plantlets of‘ Diantoubiqi’.This new cultivar has medium plant type with vigorous growth and strong ramet producing ability.It can yield 142.6 corms per square meter.The average single corm weight is 27.31 g.Its average yield can be 37.97 t ·hm-2.The yields between years are stable.It takes 150-160 days as the whole growing period.It is of late maturity.Its optimal harvest period is from December 20 to end of January of next year.It has superior quality with sweet,refreshing taste,crisp-tender pulp and less dregs.Its comprehensive performance is good.It is medium resistant to stem blight and Fusarium wilt.It is suitable to be planted in Zhejiang Province and surrounding provinces.

2018 Vol. 1 (6): 80-82 [Abstract] ( 255 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1144KB] ( 391 )
2018 Vol. 1 (6): 83-86 [Abstract] ( 205 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1423KB] ( 558 )
2018 Vol. 1 (6): 87-90 [Abstract] ( 217 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1527KB] ( 569 )
2018 Vol. 1 (6): 91-94 [Abstract] ( 274 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1274KB] ( 681 )
2018 Vol. 1 (6): 94-96 [Abstract] ( 202 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1464KB] ( 519 )
2018 Vol. 1 (6): 97-100 [Abstract] ( 169 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1286KB] ( 530 )
2018 Vol. 1 (6): 100-102 [Abstract] ( 170 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1228KB] ( 674 )
2018 Vol. 1 (6): 103-105 [Abstract] ( 204 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1193KB] ( 575 )
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